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Alternative end for Family Business

[Eve King enters the restaurant angrily]

Eve: “Where is he? Here you are!”

Lydia: “How dare you! Get out of here!”
Clive: “Calm down ladies! What happened Eve? Say it calmly.”
Eve: “Darren! He burned my restaurant! He had a fight with Trudy’s ex and that bastard
burned my restaurant! You are going to pay fort his, Darren!”
Lydia: “What did you do Darren? What does it mean?!”
Clive: “Trudy has a boyfriend? Did it ever cross her mind to introduce him?
Lydia: “Clive! Shut your mouth!”
Clive: “What? What did I say?”
Eve: “Darren is raising her baby but you don’t know Trudy’s boyfriend? Are you
kidding me? Anyway, I don’t care. Soon, your restaurant going to be mine! You going to pay
for you did!”
All at once: “Trudy’s baby?!”
Lydia: “How do you know that?!”
Darren: “She’s my baby! That’s bullshit!”
Clive: “So Eve? Do you have to take the restaurant really?”
Lydia: “Clive! We have bigger problems!”
Clive: “I think you’re right. We’d better talk to Trudy. Darren! Call Trudy!”
Trudy: “Whats going on?”
Lydia: “Do you have a baby you want to introduce to us, Trudy?”
Trudy: “What? Who made that up?”
Nick: “I should never have come back. What a family. Also, what happened to my
Eve: “He’s died because of you. You would know if were here!”
Lydia: “How do you know all this! You moved here a month ago!”
Eve: “We had a good friendship with your husband. I trusted your husband, but he didn't
pay the debts he owed me. I offered to give the restaurant to me. You are actually my employees
Lydia: “Clive! You were going to tell me that, right?”
Clive: “I was going to tell you but..”
Lydia: "God! I can't bileve this!"
Eve: “I thought you were family.”
Lydia: “What does this mean?! How do you know what kind of family we are?!”
Eve: “I know everything about you. Hahaha!"
Lydia: “How?!”
Eve: “Trudy is my daughter. She told me evrything”
Trudy: “Shut up!”
Lydia: “What?! Don't talk nonsense!"
Clive: “Oh no, that wasn't good!”
Eve: “Yes, Trudy is my daughter and you didn't raise her well.”
Lydia: “How dare you question my motherhood?!”
Trudy: “I'm out!"
Nick: "I'd better come with you"
Kathy: “Nick? You are back! And you are leaving. Darren! where were you? Oh what's
going on here?"
Darren: “Kathy? Are you cheating on me?"
Kathy: “What?! Nonsense!"
Lydia: “God! I think lose my mind! Eve, what's going on, tell me quickly! What’s all
Eve: “Well! Let me tell you! Clive and I had a relationship, Trudy was born, and I was
broke. They were going to take Trudy from me. Clive convinced you and you adopted her. I
never left her, I followed. Trudy knows her real mother. She was going to start working for me,
but your stupid son burned my restaurant!
Lydia: “Clive! Go to hell!”
Clive: “I-I’m so sorry, I made a mistake, I couldn't fix it. Sorry!”
Lydia: “Back off! Asshole!”
Clive: “Lydia!”
Lydia: “Shut your mouth! Keep telling Eve! How can Kathy's baby be Trudy's?"
Eve: “Hmm.. Trudy was harassed wherever she got a job. Also, she was raped at a bar
where she worked and became pregnant. She hid it from you. At the time, Kathy was pregnant,
while Darren was drunk one night, she beat her and killed her baby. Trudy couldn't hide the
baby any longer. She gave her baby to Kathy to raise. Do you really not know any of this? I
can't believe that!"
Kathy: “You aren’t going to take my baby from me, right?!”
Darren: [He put his head in his hands and crouched on the ground.] “Ah! What's going
on! This is too much!”

[Police come to the restaurant]

Police: “Mr. Darren! You are coming with us! You have the right to remain silent and
refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.”
Kathy: “Darren!”

[The police arrest Darren. Nick left the house again. Trudy lives with Eve now. Eve,
took restaurant. Clive and Lydia divorced two months later. Clive continues to work at the
Angel restaurant. Lydia is trying to open another restaurant. Kathy is raising Elizabeth by

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