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WK1 Final Project: Part 1

o Apply critical thinking skills to the concepts of higher-order cognitive functioning to
understand behavior, relationships, and everyday life through the perspective of a
Biblical worldview.
o Appraise the biological basis and complexities of cognition and perception by
critically evaluating contemporary cognitive research.

Scan your textbook chapters for three topics that interest you. You will be researching a
topic of your choice, for the final project. The Table of Contents in the Goldstein textbook is
a great point of reference to begin your topic appraisal. You are encouraged to expand your
appraisal into the chapters that focus on three different areas of interest.

You will eventually narrow your research to one topic. Your instructor will provide feedback
to help you create a narrow topic that will result in a well-developed topic supported by
current scholarly research.

 Scan the chapters in the Goldstein textbook.

Final Project: Part 1-

Throughout the course, you will chip away at your final project that will be submitted in
 For this portion, you will create and submit a 1-page double-spaced paper that
outlines 3 topics of interest.
 Each topic should be approximately one-third of a page and have a topic sentence
that clearly states the subject of interest.
 The supporting paragraph should assess why this topic should be further explored
and how you might apply this information either, personally or professionally.

Chapter 8. Everyday Memory and Memory Errors.

The Constructive Nature Of Memory
Memories are constructed based on what actually happened, plus additional factors such as
knowledge, experiences, and expectations, and can lead to errors or "false memories". We often
remember certain things better, or more vivid than other things due to special significance of or
when they occurred in our lives, but what we remember often times may not match what really
happened. Some people report memories or past events, and might omit, distort, or change
certain things about what happened, in some cases even report things that never happened at all.
Aspects of constructive memory include source monitoring errors or source misattributions, The
illusory truth effect enhanced probability of evaluating a statement as being true based on
repetition influences people's judgments, and the affects real-world knowledge has on memory
(Goldstein. 2018). I want to understand and be as educated as possible on all aspects especially
as an addiction counselor to better understand not only myself and my battle with addiction but
my clients as well.

Creating Memories For Events In People’s Lives

Creating Childhood Memories and The Legal Implications of False Memory Research.
Creating childhood memories Providing a person, a brief description of events that happened in
their past and asking them to elaborate on each event. Then, providing an event that never really
happened and asking them to describe it they will not be able to remember it. However, when
asked again in the next session the person remembers the fake/made-up event, this is said to be
caused by familiarity where hearing about the event then waiting caused a false memory to
develop when asked about it a second time. Legal implications of false memory research The
hypothesis of some therapists in the 1990s was that repressed childhood memories can cause
psychological problems and that the way to treat the patient is to retrieve the repressed memory
using various techniques designed to bring the memory back, including hypnosis, guided
imagery, and strong suggestion. A number of experiments have demonstrated how suggestion
can influence memory for childhood events making it possible to construct convincing pseudo
memories for events that never occurred. As well as studies. Studies show that people can be led
to believe that they in fact experienced something in their childhood that never actually happened
making the need to be educated about research findings and of the relationship between what is
remembered and what actually happened (Goldstein. 2018). This topic interests me for many
reasons I simply want to learn and understand repressed memories and what influences them in
terms of cause and or creating false memories and everything in between that I can.

Music and Odor Elicited Autobiographical Memories. (MEAMS)

The way music and odor can transport us back to a time or event years past and brings back
memories about what was happening in your life at that moment as well as elicit emotions such
as a nostalgic feeling created by the memory involving a sentimental affection for the past has
always amazed me. Memories elicited by hearing music are often experienced involuntarily
since they occur as an automatic response to a stimulus (Goldstein. 2018). The power and ability
of music to evoke autobiographical memories in Alzheimer’s patients with memory impairments
caused by the disease being demonstrated Is something I would love to obtain all the knowledge
possible about for my own interest as well as professional since I am an Ordained Chaplain I
work primarily in the Hospital/Hospice setting and focus on end of life care, having this know
how could help in those dark times for such patients and their families if only to bring a moment
of clarity.

Goldstein, B. (2018). Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research, and Everyday

Experience 5th Edition, Cengage Learning.

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