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Program execution of different languages

C program execution [ref the dia]
Java program execution [ref the dia and program]
Python program execution [ref the dia and program]

program for the comparision b/w JAVA and Python

1. printing single sentance in Java and python
2. Printing a sentance 10 times in java and python
3. Swapping the two numbers in Java and python

*History of python

C --> Function based

Java --> Object based

Python --> Function based and Object based

Language Fundamentals
Function based
Object Based
Django framework
(web application)

Python prog :
1. Interpreted mode or interactive mode
2. Scripted mode

Features of python
1. simple and easy
2. Open source
3. High level programming language
4. platform independent
5. portable
6. Dynamically typed language
7. Both function based and object based
8. interpreted
9. Extensive libraries
10. Embedded

disadvantage of python:
1. not using for mobile application development

where do we use it?

1. standalone application
2. web based application
3. database application
4. networking projects
5. gaming apps
6. data analysis apps
7. Machine learning and AI projetcs
8. Datascience projects
9. IOT's

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