Qualitative Research

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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School Department of

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Grade

Twelve Senior High School Curriculum in
Science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics


Jhomar M. Beltran
Jerome B. Benitez
Daniel B. Cepillo
Jacob Justin B. Coquia

June, 2021
4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

This bachelor`s thesis entitled, THE LIVED EXPERIENCES OF

STUDENTS LIVING UNDER THE BRIDGE is hereby prepared and submitted
by Jhomar M. Beltran, Jerome B. Benitez, Daniel B. Cepillo and Jacob Justine B.
Coquia in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Grade Twelve
Senior High School Curriculum in Science, technology, Engineering and
Mathematicshas been examined and recommended for:




Approved by the Committee on Oral Defense with a grade of 1.25





Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the academic track

Science, technology, Engineering and Mathematics.


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

The completion of this study could not have been possible without the

help, participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not be

enumerated, but their contributions are sincerely appreciated. However, the group

would like to express their warm appreciation and gratitude to the following:

Foremost, to Almighty God for His blessings throughout the research, and

granting the researchers strength, knowledge and good health to complete the

work successfully;

Architect Maribel M. Collado, President of Metropolitan Institute of

Arts and Sciences, for allowing them to use the school facilities; Dr. Peter G.

Young, Jr., Principal of Metropolitan Institute of Arts and Sciences, for sharing

his wisdom and life motivations ensuring the quality of our work;

Mr. Jhomar M. Beltran, chairman of research committee, for the

untiring effort and unending support to encourage the researchers to pursue this

study and for his assistance and creative comments to improve their work;

Mr. Daniel Salumbides, Member of the panel, for his guidance, patience,

and for her insightful comments and suggestions;

Ms. Marivel Quilbio, their thesis adviser, for the unending support,

encouragement, patience and intelligence throughout the process of their research;

she guided them all the way from the beginning up to the end of their study;

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

College Library Staffs, for allowing them to use the facilities and books,
and for assisting them inside the library; and

Their Respective Families, who supported the researchers all throughout

their journey.

Jhomar M. Beltran

Jerome B. Benitez

Daniel B. Cepillo

Jacob Justin B. Coquia


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

I, the researcher lovingly dedicates this work to:

my Family, loved ones, friends, and professors

Who have been my inspirations and the reason

on my desire to pursue my dreams in life; and

Above all, Almighty God, the creator of all things for

All the blessings that He showers to me.





4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Education is one of the tools needed for a person to succeed in life. It will

give you an edge to compete with other people in to these highly competitive

grounds wherein you have to be the best in order to outpace those who are around

you. Unfortunately, in order to attain education, one must have the resources to be

able to pursue it. Most people are having a hard time achieving it due to poverty

especially those students who are living under the bridge. Despite being poor, the

said students are striving really hard, try to make everything work regardless on

the condition they are facing.

Most of these students go to school without enough money, without eating

anything and with the lack of sleep. Instead of just focusing on themselves, they

are also trying to help their parents to be able to attain the needs of their family.

But after all those hindrances, they still manage to be one of the best students who

dream big for their own and their family's future.

The purpose of this study is to deeply understand their condition and hopefully,

inspire other students who were blessed with the needed resources but chooses not

to take their education seriously and to be able to let our government know that

there are people like them who needs help.

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City


Title Page i Approval Sheet ii Acknowledgment iii Dedication v Abstract

vi Table of Contents vii


1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction 1 Background of

the Study 2 Statement of the Problem 4 Significance of the Study

4 Scope and Delimitation 5 Definition of Terms 6


Poverty? 8 Types of Poverty 9 Who Are the Poor? 11

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Factors That Cause Poverty 13 Impacts of Poverty 16 Poverty in

The Philippines 18 Inability to Afford Housing 21 Foreign

Studies 21 Home Sweet Home 21 Bridge 27 Life in The


Family Who Lived Under the Bridge

Travel to Manila Philippines and Meet This 30 Students Who

Live Under the Bridge To

Graduate as Valedictorian 31 Buddha’s Smile School (BSS) 34 3


Research Design 35 Selection of Co-Researchers 36 Research

Instrument 36 Treatment of Data 37


Presentation of Co-Researchers 39 Researchers Experience 108

Insights 11 viii


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City




Summary of Findings 137 Symbolic Representation 140 Implications

142 Recommendations 144 Bibliography 146

Appendices 148 Curriculum Vitae 153

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Chapter 1



Poverty is not a new phenomemon that the world encounters. According to

Merriam Webster Dictionary, poverty is the state of one who lacks a usual or

socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. World Bank

Organization 2018 describes that poverty is hunger. Poverty is being sick and not

able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school of not knowing how to


In the Philippines, poverty is one of the biggest reasons why many

students fail to finish elementary and high school education. These students

belongs to extremely poor families. Their privilege to acquire formal education is

being compromised. Despite of their condition, some of them still manage to

attend formal schooling.

The researchers are motivated to conduct a study of lived experiences of

students living under the bridge because they want to have thorough and deeper

understanding about their lives, how these students were able to handle their

situations and still be able to attend formal schooling, and be fully aware with

regards to their real situation and learn from their experiences and be able to share

to other people as future educators. The researchers observed that most people

focus on students living in squatter areas without knowing that students living

under the bridge experience the worst.


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

It is with this thought that this research was undertaken, to explore and

describe how the lived experiences of students living under the bridge be

understood from the perspective of the co-researchers.

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City


Poverty is not having a job, is fear for the future, living one day at a time.

There are two major types of poverty: Absolute and Relative Poverty. Absolute

poverty is a condition characterized by a severe deprivation of basic human needs,

including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter and

education. It depends not only in income but also on access to services

(Woodward, 2010) while relative poverty refers to the economic status of a family

whose income is insufficient to meet its society’s average standard of living.

(ASCD, 2018)

According to the Asian Development Bank (2009), poverty and inequality

have been recurrent challenges in the Philippines and have again come to the fore

in the wake of the current global financial crisis and rising food, fuel, and

commodity prices experienced in 2008.

“Poverty, regardless of level, is robustly linked to reduced academic

achievement.” Students who live in poverty come to school every day without the

proper tools for success. As a result, they are commonly behind their classmates

physically, socially, emotionally or cognitively. (Lee, 2017) In addition,“The

impact of poverty on a child’s academic achievement is significant and starts

early,” says Jonah Edelman, PhD, co-founder and chief executive officer of Stand

for Children, a nonprofit education advocacy organization. “Young children

growing up in poverty face challenges with cognitive and literary ability and

[often] begin school both academically and socioeconomically behind their peers

from higher-income backgrounds.”

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Safe and adequate housing is a basic human right. Like all human rights,

however, housing security for the majority of our people has been difficult to

achieve. While weeping history of urban development in the Philippines has yet

to be written, other observers have pointed to the aftermath of worldwar II as a

key period in the precipitous worsening of the housing problem in urban areas.

Informal settlers – known for many years simply as “squatters”–mushroomed in

Manila and many other major cities in search of jobs. (Shahani 2016) Due to

poverty, many Filipinos do not afford to provide shelter that pushes them to

become informal settlers and later on, in many areas around the city especially

under the bridge. A bridge is a structure where people are crossing over the main

road for the people’s ease of acess from one road to another.

In a busy bridge, lies a hidden world down under. It is no ordinary

overpass. It’s also a roof, closet, clothes line, shoe rack and many more for the

community that thrives underneath the massive structure. There are families who

are considered as extremely poor tend to live under the bridges most especially in

Quezon City for it is the biggest city in the Philippines.

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City


The purpose of this phenomenological study is to explore and describe the

lived experiences of students living under the bridge.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. How may the lived experiences of students living under the bridge can

be described?

2. What insights can be drawn from their experiences?

3. What are the implications of the findings?


This study is beneficial to the following:

Students, that they may find solace for themselves and to the other students

living under the bridge and that they may have a deeper understanding of this

phenomenon through the insights gathered from the study.

Teachers, that they may have a glimpse of the lives of their students while

living under the bridge and they may give due importance to the situation they are


School Administrators, that they may find ways and means to offer better

oppurtunities to the students living under the bridge.

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City
Department of Education, that they may find ways to help the

students living under the bridge by making more programs.

Community, that they may be aware of the situations of others especially

those students living under the bridge and understand them.

Lawmakers, that they may see the need for better laws with consideration to

protect the welfare of students living under the bridge.

Future Reasearchers, that they may find this study useful in their future

undertakings of the said phenomenon.


This study focused on the lived experiences of 5 students regardless of

their grade levels and living under the bridge for atleast 5 years.


The following terms were defined operationally and contextually for better

understanding of this study.

Bridge is a structure where people are crossing over the main road for

people’s ease of access from one road to another and sometimes serve as a shelter

for homeless families.

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City
DepEd (Department of Education) is a government agency

responsible to manage and govern the Philippine system of education.

Extreme Poverty is a condition characterized by severe deprivation of

basic human needs including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities,

health, shelter, education and information.

Informal Settlers are group of people or families who do not have a

permanent location as their shelter so they tend to migrate from time to time.

Lawmakers are government officials that creates laws to be implemented

by the executive.

Phenomenon is an interesting fact or event that can be observed or

studied and that typically is unusual or difficult to understand or explain fully.

Poverty the state of being poor or lacking of basic human needs or

resources such as food, money, clothing, especially shelter.

Relative Poverty is the condition in which people lack the minimum

amount of income needed in order to maintain the average standard of living in

the society in which they live.

Shelter is a comfortable place or structure where an individual or family

is living.

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City
Squatters Area is an area where people lives on a land without

the permission of the owner and without paying.

UDHR is referring to the acronym Universal Declarations of Human


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Chapter 2


This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies. The

literature includes excerpts from books, articles, videos, documentaries, writings

and previous studies. These are presented to strengthen the framework of the



Poverty hits

The lesson on poverty is a complex one because there is no easy way, or

standard definition of who is poor and who is not, although we look at the living

conditions of people to get an idea of their situation. Typically, it is when

someone experiences a fundamental deprivation of well-being.

World malnutrition and children. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children

die each day due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages

on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being

meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death.

Sometimes, a researcher can look at an individual, family or community in

comparison to the living standards of the broader


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City
community, and classify them as poor, if the researcher finds that their needs are

way below that of everyone else in the community. In this case, the researcher

does the classification, and it is very relative in nature. Experts call this ‘Relative


People and families are allowed to make their own judgments into their

living conditions, in relation to the general living standards of the communities in

which they live. You can see a family who owns a bicycle considering themselves

as being among the well-to-do in the community. In another scenario, they can

consider themselves as being among the poorest in the community, if they

compare themselves to other members of the community. This is subjective


‘Individuals, families and groups in the population can be said to be in

poverty when they lack resources to obtain the type of diet, participate in the

activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary, or at

least widely encouraged and approved, in the societies in which they belong.’

(Townsend, 2017)

Types of Poverty

Absolute Poverty is the extreme kind of poverty involving the chronic lack of

basic food, clean water, health and housing. People in absolute poverty tend to

struggle to live and experience a lot of child deaths from preventable 10


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

diseases like malaria, cholera and water-contamination related diseases. This type

is usually long-term in nature, and often handed to them by generations before

them. This kind of poverty is usually not common in the developed world.
Relative Poverty is usually in relation to other members and families in

the society. For example, a family can be considered poor if it cannot afford

vacations, or cannot buy presents for children at Christmas, or cannot send its

young to the university. Even though they have access to government support for

food, water, medicine and free housing, they are considered poor because the rest

of the community have access to superior services and amenities.

Situational Poverty is referring to people or families that are poor

because of some adversities like earthquakes, floods or a serious illness.

Sometimes, people can help themselves out of this situation quickly if they are

given a bit of assistance, as the cause of their situations was just one unfortunate


Generational or Chronic Poverty is a more complicated type and we

will see a detailed example here. This is when poverty is handed over to

individuals and families from generations before them. In this type, there is

usually no escape from it, as people are trapped in its causes and have no access

to tools that will help them get out of it.

The above definition will help us look a bit more into details at the various

ways in which poverty can be understood. (eSchoolToday, 2017)

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Who are the poor?

Who are the worlds poorest, in terms of their gender, where they live,

what they do for a living, how old they are and so on?
The worlds absolute poor often live in rural areas, and often earn an

income in agriculture. Rural households are more likely to be poorer than urban


Poor children in school:

Based on enrollment data, about 72 million children of primary school age

in the developing world were not in school in 2005; 57 per cent of them were

girls. And these are regarded as optimistic numbers —Source: Millennium

Development Goals Report 2007

Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or

sign their names. —Source: The State of the World’s Children, 1999, UNICEF

A. Poor or destitute

People in this group tend to be the elderly, especially widows with no assets. They

also include the disabled, who are usually not empowered to come into public.

They fall into the category of the absolute and

chronically Poor. They are also dependents because of some adverse

health conditions that does not allow them to help themselves.

B. Dependents
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Poor households have more members, living together in single rooms or

small houses, a greater share of dependents (non-working age), less education,

less land, and less access to running water and electricity. Poor households have

significantly fewer years of education whether one looks at the household-level

average or at the years of schooling of household heads.

C. Economically poor

People in this group move in and out of poverty, usually vulnerable to

spells of personal shocks such as illness, family deaths, or job losses. General

shocks such as floods, fires, droughts, conflicts or earthquakes can also cause this

kind of poverty. People in this group tend to be in their working life, but largely

live in rural areas, working on small subsistence farms. About 60% of Africans

who are poor tend to be in this group. They usually lack assets and access to

services that can enhance their economic development. Households with many

children or dependents also tend to be poor. (eSchoolToday, 2017)

Factors that Cause Poverty

1. Income inequality

Research shows that when a country grows economically, overall poverty

reduces. If the national income is not equally distributed among all communities

in the country, there is a risk that poorer communities will end up poorer, and

individuals will feel it most.

2. Conflicts and Unrests

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

About 33% of communities in absolute poverty live in places of conflict.

In the past, countries like Rwanda and Sri-Lanka have suffered poverty as a result

of years of tribal and civil wars. In recent years, Afghanistan, Iraq and the like are

all going through difficult times and poverty is rife in these areas. Unrests result

in massive loss of human lives, diseases, hunger and violence, destruction of

property and infrastructure, economic investments and quality labour. It is also a

put-off for foreign investments. Wealth can never be created in such an


3. Location, adverse ecology and location

Location of countries, as well as communities within the country can make

people poor. Geographic and ecological factors such as mountains, swamps,

deserts and the like have also made living conditions unbearable in many places.

This is why some rural areas are poorer than others, even in the same country. For

example, poverty in the Andes, Peru is six times higher than communities in the

Amazonian region.

In other instances, some communities are cut off from the main economic

centers of the country. They find themselves located so far from roads, markets,

health services, schools and economic facilities. This makes it just impossible for

the locals to access support and assistance, and also makes it discouraging for

economic investors to consider investing there. In Bangladesh for example,

poverty is severe in areas of physical remoteness, as indicated by the fact that

seven rural districts are home to half of the country’s severely stunted children.


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

4. Natural disasters

Droughts, floods, hurricanes and other unexpected natural events cause

deaths, illness and loss of income. In Ethiopia alone, there were 15 droughts (and

famines) between 1978 and 1998 that led to the displacement, injury, or death of

more than 1 million people. In better connected communities, families are able to

come out of poverty and get on with their lives, but other remote and less

accessible communities suffer for longer periods.

5. Ill Health and Disability

Poverty can also get worse if communities are affected by diseases such as

Malaria and HIV Aids. Diseases cause many deaths and children are left with no

parents or caregivers. Household wealth can also drain quickly from family

members with disabilities. In many communities, disabled members are looked

down upon and not allowed to inherit assets. They are considered a stigma and

excluded from public events and exposure. This mentality can adversely affect the

well-being of families. For example, the incidence of poverty is 15-44% higher in

households with a disabled head or adult.

6. Inheritance of Poverty

Families that have had a lifetime of poverty tend to pass on the situation to

their children. They cannot afford education for their children and children grow

with no skills. Children work on the same family farms, and marry into families


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

with similar conditions as they turn adults. They, in turn, pass on the tradition to

their children.

7. Education, Training and skills

People who are educated or had some training or skills are in a better

position to apply ideas and knowledge into fixing basic problems and enhancing

their livelihoods. They are able to plan, follow instructions and get reach out to

access information, tools and support that can improve their livelihoods. In the

absence of training, skills or education, people cannot help themselves. They

cannot prevent diseases, and cannot apply new ways of doing things. The result is
that their poverty situation is worse of and are even more vulnerable than before.

8. Gender discrimination

In many African communities, girls were not allowed to be in school.

Families preferred to invest in boys’ education than in girls. Women were also not

allowed to do major economic activity and had less ownership of lands and assets.

This idea negatively impacts on the well-being of women, and the development of

their children is also impacted negatively. (eSchoolToday, 2017)

Impacts of poverty

Poverty brings about a myriad of complications. The effects usually

depend on the kind of poverty in question. Let us see more below:

Effects of poverty on healthHunger, Health and Deaths.

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Absolute poverty results in extreme hunger, starvation and malnutrition.

People (and children) become vulnerable to preventable diseases such as cholera,

dysentery and tuberculosis, with no access to health services and medications.

Death rates rise. Relative poverty on the other hand, forces people to engage in

behaviors that expose them to diseases such as HIV Aids. Whiles they may not

starve to death, they may be living on unhealthy foods, which ultimately weaken

their immunity and expose them to diseases.

Infectious diseases continue to blight the lives of the poor across the

world. An estimated 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, with 3 million

deaths in 2004. Every year there are 350–500 million cases of malaria, with 1

million fatalities: Africa accounts for 90 percent of malarial deaths and African
children account for over 80 percent of malaria victims worldwide. —Source:

2007 Human Development Report (HDR), United Nations Development Program,

November 27, 2007, p.25. Effects of poverty on social and political sectorSocial

and Political

Relative poverty may cause people to indulge in social vices such as

drugs, prostitution and petty crimes as a means to meet their immediate needs. In

many developing countries, political leaders and rebel leaders take advantage and

recruit young people, (especially those in relative poverty) to fight for their

interests, in return for food and basic needs. These young folks feel vulnerable if

they do not comply, as they have no other way out of their situation.

Effects of poverty on economyEconomic

4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

People in absolute poverty simply cannot afford food, water and shelter.

They are not healthy enough to undertake any economic activity. They cannot

send their young to school and the youth cannot get any skills. This results in

economic breakdown of the community, which directly affects the larger region

where they are. Further to that, those in relative poverty, who have a bit of

training or education, are forced to move out (migrate) in search of better lives in

the cities. This deprives the rural areas of the man-power and makes their

situation worse. As they migrate into the cities, the end up in slums, increase

populations and put pressure on amenities in the cities.

Shelter, safe water & health

For the 1.9 billion children from the developing world, there

are: A. 640 million without adequate shelter (1 in 3)

B. 400 million with no access to safe water (1 in 5)

C. 270 million with no access to health services (1 in 7) (eSchoolToday,


Poverty in the Philippines

More than a quarter of the Philippines’ 105.7 million people live in dire

poverty. The reasons are many: rapid population growth, inadequate social

infrastructure, slow growth of rural productivity and lack of access to credit.

While the country has made great strides in development, much of the population


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

is still employed in the informal economy, running small businesses not

recognized by the government and eking out a living day to day. These are the

people in need of microfinance.

Opportunity International launched its operations in Manila in 1981.

Today, Opportunity Philippines serves loan and savings clients from a number of

service locations throughout the country. The bank focuses on providing a secure

way to save through targeted deposit products and protecting families with


Rural Expansion: The bank is striving to expand further into rural

communities by leveraging technological innovations, including a pilot program

that will provide 10,000 families with access to electricity in remote areas of

Luzon, Visayas and in Mindanao.

Innovative Products: In a country prone to typhoons, Opportunity

Philippines protects families through innovative insurance products. In 2012,

Opportunity supported 3,000 families to rebuild following Typhoon Helen and the

monsoons in her aftermath.

Green Charcoal: There is a high demand for charcoal in the market. After

the Philippines banned the use of wood-based charcoals, Opportunity Philippines

introduced green charcoal to clients. The bank distributes briquetting machines to

provide sugarcane farmers with a way to earn an income during the off season.


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Dried leaves fuel the environmentally sustainable machines. Clients earn money

by selling the green charcoal they produce.

Transformation: Training ranges from financial literacy to social and

personal development modules. Our LIFE Series program provides staff and

clients with insights into happy family life based on biblical principles. LIFE

Series is just one component of a robust transformation program. (Oppurtunity

International, 2018)

The Philippines is a country located in Southeast Asia comprised of more

than 7,000 islands. Poverty has proven to be one of the most significant

challenges facing this country and its citizens. Filipinos are having a hard time

surviving in such difficult conditions, and more and more are falling into extreme


According to the Asian Development Bank, the major causes of poverty

include: low economic growth, a weak agricultural sector, increased population

rates and a high volume of inequality. Because of these factors, there are a lot of

effects of poverty in the Philippines that make it difficult for people to live in such

Inability to Afford Housing

With poverty plaguing the country and employment opportunities being

scarce, many Filipinos are unable to afford housing, which puts them in danger of


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

turning to the streets for accommodation. In 2012, extreme poverty within the

Philippines affected 19.2 percent of the population or around 18.4 million people.

This poverty line survived on $1.25 a day, making it extremely difficult to

rise out of poverty and find affordable housing for Filipinos and their families.

Home Sweet Home.

But what if one’s home lacks a family's basic needs? Among the poorest

provinces in the Philippines, the poor live in barong-barong (shanty) types –

poorly constructed and temporary one-room shelters.

In a August 16 to September 5, 2015 survey sponsored by the World Food

Programme (WFP), it was revealed that most poor households, if not shanties, are

made of light and cheap materials.

The WFP found that 44% of households among the poorest provinces in

the country were barong-barong types, while 47% were poorly constructed semi

permanent or temporary houses. The rest were made of mixed light and heavy


Of the 16 poorest provinces, only the surveyed poor families in Masbate,

Camiguin, and Sultan Kudarat reported permanent houses made of good quality

materials. Meanwhile, Sarangani had the highest percentage of barong-barong

types of housing (Fritzie Rodriguez, 2015)


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Estimated at over 3.1 million, the Philippines has the highest number of

homeless people in the world where roughly 1.2 million are children and more

than 70,000 rambles in the nation’s capital, Metro Manila.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has barely

scratched the surface in combating the issue. To date, there are 4,071 beneficiaries

of the Modified Conditional Cash Transfer Program for the Homeless Street

Families (MCCT-HSF) compared to the number at large.

Homelessness can be a result of various reasons, predominantly due to

poverty caused by unemployment. It could also be a result of domestic violence,

disability, or both. There are many other reasons for people to lose their homes

and it wouldn’t hurt for us to help.

If you’re reading this, it’s very likely that you have a roof over your head

and your compassion lead you to still be chewing on this article. The good news

is, most of us would like to help. Most of us would like to know how. Some of us

may have already extended help before. However, even with pure intentions, we

may have given items to the homeless that aren’t exactly what they need. (Stacey

Tee, 2015)

The government center area in Quezon City has been badly encroached.

The main aggravation came after the late 1980s although there were pockets of

informal settlements even before that time.


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City
The freedom and license gained following the euphoria of EDSA People

Power led to a high rate of squatting in the government area. In the short period of

time when the government was either completely taken up by other problems, the

squatting in the Quezon City center was quickly unleashed.

A large swath of prime public land along the EDSA route occupied by the

government center and park areas (both the national and the city governments)

became the primary victim of this intrusion. Along with it, private properties and

private lots were also settled in by squatters.

The area near the Batasang Pambansa is heavily squatted upon. Much of it

was originally slated to be a part and a site for government offices. The park has

disappeared from view. It is mainly full of squatter colonies.

“A most depressing sight.” Both the national and city governments have

been trying to slowly reclaim these lands. The Quezon City government has been

able to lease part of its reclaimed lands to private developers. This has led to the

forcible removal of communities of squatters, making it possible to plan the land


Most of the squatters were compensated upon being moved out to other

locations. But some easily moved back into other dense squatter communities,

thus, simply adding to the generalization of the squatter problem in the city.

The most depressing squatter settlement site lies on the stretch of road

beginning from across the offices of the National Power Corp. on the corner of


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Quezon Avenue and the BIR Road. This goes in two directions – along Quezon
Avenue, checked only by the boundary of the Lung Center Hospital.

Along the BIR Road, the the tightly-squeezed squatter shacks continue

uninterrupted to the longer NIA Road that runs partly parallel to EDSA within the

interior of this area. NIA Road continues to the General Postal Office and the rear

of the NIA offices and leads almost to East Avenue. The settlement is checked

only where the entrance gate to the regional office area of the Land Registration

Commission breaks it.

East Avenue which radiates from the Quezon Memorial Circle (together

with EDSA and Quezon Avenue) encircles this piece of residential squalor that is

hidden from view of daily commuters. (East Avenue is well-known because that

is where the buildings of the Social Security System, the Heart Center and the

Kidney Center are located.)

The large community of squatters across the Philippine Science High

School has now been mostly cleared in favor of urban redevelopment. The

Quezon City government had entered into a long-term lease with a private

developer to develop a new commercial center for the city. This is a high rise

mixed-use office/ residential complex that surrounds the Trinoma Mall


It took a prolonged struggle between government and the squatter groups

before the clearing of the squatters was achieved.


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Other squatter areas abound in different forms. For instance, the

Department of Agriculture corner along the North Drive is full of squatters in the

most intrusive way. This is along the turn of the road where the Veterans
Memorial Hospital is located. The side and frontage of the Sugar Regulatory

Commission Building is blocked by what should have been an open view of these

offices on the corner along the Quezon Circle.

The squatters squeeze everywhere it is possible. Crowded along the creek

between the Children’s Hospital and the Parks and Wild Life Office is a vibrant

community begins a creek along Quezon Avenue into the interiors.

“UP squatting.” The University of the Philippines has a large campus in

Diliman, Quezon City. UP has struggled with a continuous intrusion of informal

settlers along its boundaries since the campus moved there in the late 1940s. Such

communities have proven a challenge to the university in the course of many


The squatter settlements have increased in intensity, especially in the

vicinity since the bypass road to Katipunan St. along the C.P. Garcia road was

constructed decades ago.

Today, it is most serious. Within the last few years, the area near the

official residence of the UP president has been encroached upon by steady

construction of illegal dwellings.


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Most alarming is the sudden growth of a squatter settlement where the site

of the College of Veterinary Medicine used to be. This settlement is now a large

community of new squatters. This seems to be the start of something definitely

more problematic in the future. (Sicat, 2017)


Bridge is a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or

obstacle (such as a river) a bridge connecting the island to the mainland

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

MANILA, Philippines – Manila has long been the glimmer of hope for

many coming from the rural areas. They abandon their life in their hometown to

seek a brighter future here.

Because of the absence of housing security, many resort to living in

informal settlements – idle lands and government infastructure. Most of these

places are already occupied by the same hopeful people.

For several years, they have been facing the same financial, health, and

housing problems. (READ: Informal settlers: Integration, not just relocation) And

because of congestion and limited space in the big city, not a few squeeze into the

unlikeliest of places.


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

The Quirino bridge is one such place. It is home to approximately 100

families from different parts of the country. No one would think that a functioning

community exists under the short and narrow concrete stretch.

Shelters made of scrap wood hang from the ceiling of the bridge and just a

few inches above the surface of the water. More than one family reside in each

house, providing hot and tight living space.

They make do with what they have. Living rooms where they spend

daytime double as their dining area during meals. At night, when the noise of the
trucks above drown the sound of the rushing water underneath, they think about

how to survive tomorrow. (Jodesz Gavilan, 2014)

Life in the Philippines: Family Who Lived Under the Bridge.

Gina is a 47 year old mother and grandmother. She has 10 children and

some grandchildren. They are illegal settlers, living under the bridge. They have

electricity through illegal connection, but they have to pay more or less $50.00 a

month for it.

Note: $50.00 per month for a single light bulb is simply ridiculous! $50.00

a month for a poor Filipino to earn is very hard, sweat and blood!

Gina has no regular job. Her husband works as a construction worker, but

the job is not permanent. Sometimes he has a job, most of the time, none.


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Gina and her family’s common foods are rice and a can of sardines every

day. They only eat ones a day.

The risk for them to have a dengue virus is really high because of the

monster sized mosquitoes that bite them every night.

They have to share a can of sardines everyday.

In the Philippines, the reality that the majority of the population are living

at the line and below the line of poverty is considered normal and accepted in the

eyes of the society.

That is wrong and we should not simply justy accept that fact.
If we want to get out of poverty, we should open our eyes to the reality

and fix the problems within our rotten society.

Just like what I always say; poverty was designed by the rich and

powerful. The rich and powerful won’t be able to stay on the top without the

people from below that they oppress.

Economic poverty is a modern day system of slavery. (Mark

Nowhereman, 2017)

Travel to Manila Philippines and Meet This Family Who Sleep Under The


Jocelyn is three months pregnant. The upcoming baby will be her 10th

child. Her eighteen year old daughter who already has a child is also expecting


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

another baby. We have visited Jocelyn and her kids twice, today is the third visit.

Jocelyn has a son who dreams of becoming a professional singer.

“Ako po si Jocelyn, may siyam na anak po, 40 years old.” Jocelyn said

“ I am Jocelyn and I have nine children, I am 40 years old.” Jocelyn


We visited ate Jocelyn 10 months ago and we found out that they are

living under this bridge for 20 years now. It’s hard to live here. You can inhale a

polluted air coming from this river. Her husband weaves an old school folding

bed and got 2 dollars in a week.

“Ito po yung mg nakolekta namin para po makabili ng bigas eh.” Jocelyn


“Here are the junks that we collected to buy rice.” Jocelyn said

“Para maka kain narin po yung mga anak ko eh, kahit papano.” Jocelyn


“To feed our children.”

They do not have water supply, they need to fetch water to another street

and pay $.10 per pail. They gave illegal electricity connections and pay $ 0.40 in a

week. Sometimes they sleep here while others slep on the floor.

“Sometimes I slept upstairs near the road, because of lack of bedspace.

Life is hard. We are like sardines here. We have no choice but to live here. You


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can here all the vehicles passing by the bridge. Most of the time, out ceiling

shakes whenever a big truck passes by.” Jocelyn’s husbad said

This is how ate Jocelyn and her family live under the bridge. They do not

have restroom so their poop goes straight to the river. (Nowhereman, 2016)

Students Who Lives Under The Bridge to Graduate as Valedictorian.

Have you ever wondered what’s life like for people living under the


In the Philippines, this situation is very common particularly in the Metro.

Because of poverty, many people resort to building their shelters under the bridge.
Undaunted by its harsh conditions, they manage to build their lives and dreams

under the bridge.

Take for instance Cienna Igano, a girl who is living with her family under

a bridge in Paco, Manila.

This year, Cienna will be graduating as her elementary school’s class

valedictorian proving that poverty is not a hindrance to one’s success.

Despite not having an allowance and not being able to submit projects due

to lack of resources, the pupil managed to consistently place as top 1 from Grade

2 to Grade 6.


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“‘Pag pumapasok po ako, wala po akong baon. Tapos po kapag may mga

project po, ‘di ko po lahat nasa-submit. Kaya po minsan sa project ako

bumababa,” she told a 24 Oras reporter.

I don’t have an allowance when I go to school. I can’t submit all projects.

This is why sometimes my grades get low.

For Cienna, education can improve her family’s economic status.

“Gusto ko po kasi maiangat po sa buhay ang magulang ko. Kasi simula

nung bata pa po sila, mahirap na po sila.”

I want to improve the lives of my parents. They have been poor since I
was a child.

In the same report by 24 Oras, it was revealed that poverty is one of the

main obstructions to finishing elementary and high school education in the

Philippines. About 4.6% of marginalised children fail to finish their studies, while

0.7% of kids coming from rich families stop their studies.

Currently, there are about 1.5 million out-of-school youths in the country.

The Philippines ranked fifth among the countries with the most number of

out-of-school youths, according to a 2013 study conducted by The United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (GMA, 2013)


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Buddha’s Smile School (BSS)

Since October 2015 around 35 students who had been living in huts along

the railroad (called Chaukaghat Community), live under a freeway bridge in open

air and without any shelter to protect them. Our students and their parents and

siblings were thrown out of their little homemade tents by the railway police.

Now these families have no protection or privacy. They are living out in the open.

The Buddha’s Smile School (BSS) Founder Rajan Kaur Saini said: “Our

Chaukaghat children are now living in very harsh conditions; their lives are in

danger almost every day. This makes their attendance at BSS even more crucial

for their very lives and safety. At BSS they receive more than a good education, a

nutritious meal and love. They are also safe when the come to school. This is a
big concern. We truly hope that the living conditions of these children and

families will improve.”

We hope these extremely impoverished families will be able to build small

huts again in another neighborhood which will allow them safety and dignity.

(BSS, 2018)


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design of the study, the instruments used,

selection of the co- researchers and how the data were treated.


This study used qualitative method specifically phenomenology. (Giorgi,

2012) states ”a phenomenological research describes how human beings

experience a certain phenomenon and direct investigation and description of

phenomena as consciously experienced by people living those experiences.”

Phenomenological research is typically conducted through the use of in-depth

interviews of small samples of participants. By studying the perspectives of

multiple participants, a researcher can begin to make generalizations regarding

what it is like to experience a certain phenomenon from the perspective of those

that have lived the experience.

Phenomenology has its roots in a 20th century philosophical movement based

on the work of the philosopher Edmund Husserl. As research tool,

phenomenology is based on the academic disciplines of philosophy and

psychology and has become a widely accepted method for describing human


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The selection of co-researchers was done through Purposive Sampling which

is a sampling technique in which researcher relies on his or her own judgment

when choosing members of population to participate in the study. Black (2012)

states “purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling method and it occurs

when “elements selected for the sample are chosen by the judgment of the

researcher. Researchers often believe that they can obtain a representative sample

by using a sound judgment, which will result in saving time and money”.

The co- researchers were selected based on our judgement and the purpose of

the research. First, they should have experienced the phenomenon of living under

the bridge and second, the co- researchers should have atleast lived under the

bridge in two to five years. In order to trace the other co-researchers, we used the

snowball sampling. Zulueta and Perez (2010) define snow ball sampling that

starts with the known sources of information, who or which will in turn give other

sources information.


An interview protocol defined by Creswell (2008) as a formed designed by the

researcher that contains instruction for the process of the interview, the questions

to be asked, and space to take notes of the responses from the interview was used

as the primary instrument in this study.The questions in the in-depth interview

was directed to the co-researchers’s experiences, feelings, beliefs and conviction

about the theme (Groenewald, 2004).

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The researchers used smartphones, digital camera and recorders to record the

actual interview of co-researchers with a consent from their parents in order to

analyze and interpret the gathered information in the interview. TREATMENT


The data gathered through the interview was transcribed. Aside from listening

to the interview for as many times as needed for the common themes to emerge,

the transcription of the interview was also read to ensure the faithfulness to the

data gathered. The co-researchers remained confidential to protect their identity

and privacy.

They were coded as Wonderwoman, Hulk, Starfire, Supergirl, and Thor.

Creswell (2008) stated that phenomenological data analysis proceeds through the

methodology of reduction, the analysis of specific statements and themes, and a

search for all possible meanings. The researcher needs to set aside all

prejudgements, bracketing his or her experiences.

The researchers attempted to understand the phenomenon from the co

researchers’ points of view. Groenewald (2004) in his paper, A Phenomenological

Research Design Illustrated, made mention of steps to explicate the data, which

were adapted in this study.

They are: (a) bracketing and phenomenological reduction which means

bracketing of the researcher’s personal views and preconceptions; (b) delineating

units of meaning wherein statements that are seen to illuminate the researched

phenomenon are extracted and isolated; (c) clustering of units to form themes

which is rigorously examining the list of units of meaning the researcher will try


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to elicit the essence of meaning of units within the holistic context; (d)

summarize each interview, validate and modify wherein the researcher validate

the data by returning to the co-researchers to determine if the essence of the

interview has been captured and; (e) general and unique themes for all the

interviews and composite summary in which the researcher conclude the

explicitation by writing a composite summary, which must reflect the context

from which the these emerged.


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Chapter 4


This chapter presents our co-researchers and their experiences. Then, these lived

experiences were reflected upon for insights and meanings that bring us to the

world of students living under the bridge. This chapter also presents our

experiences, interwoven with our reflections while gathering the data for the

completion of this study.


Wonderwoman is a sixteen (16) year old grade 9 section two student who is

living under the bridge for two years. She and her family originally came from

Marawi City so they moved here because of the Marawi Siege and try their luck

since her parents thought that maybe they can have a better life here in Quezon

City. She is the top one in her class and dream of becoming an accountant to help

her parents and support her siblings.

Hello po… ako po si ….sixteen years old ahmm… then from second section

po. Ahmm … Since po nung nag-evacuate po kami dito sa Metro Manila… galing

po kaming Marawi. Ahmm .. opo.. pero yung mga pinsan ko po naiwan doon po

sa Marawi. Tapos yun po… since po nung nangyari po yung Marawi Siege..

lumipat na po kami dito… napagdesisyunan na po namin na dito na lang po

makipagsapalaran since po naisip po ng parents


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

ko na baka po mas may magandang opportunity na makuha po kami dito… tapos

yun po. Two years na rin po kami dito.Ang pinakaworst po para sa akin ay yung

nag…nakakuha po kami ng mga sakit. Ako po personally, nagkaroon po ako ng

asthma po, since po nakatira po kami sa ilalim ng tulay.. lahat po ng mga usok

galing po sa mga sasakyan, ganyan…hindi na po safe para sa amin… tapos dahil

na rin po sa asthma doon na rin po ako nagstart na sa tuwing umiiyak po ako

namamanhid po buong katawan ko .. ganoon po.. tapos hindi ko po mapigilan na

parang hindi po ako makahinga talaga lagi… konting iyak ko lang po nangyayari

na po yun… naghahyper ventilate po ako ganoon. Madalas po basang basa po

yung ano namin… yung mga gamit po namin. Opo.. Minsan po binabaha..

syempre nandun lang po kami sa baba.. tapos butas butas pa po tapos hindi pa po

ganoon kasafe. Wala na po kaming magawa pag-umuulan na po kasi wala naman

po kaming ibang mapupuntahan.Ahmmm .. syempre po.. (laugh) sa Marawi po

kasi nag-aaral po kami sa private school at may sarili po kaming bahay tapos po

dito sobrang hirap po..napakalayo.. ng.. bu…buhay po namin doon kumpara po

dito.Yung… papa ko po, construction worker tapos yung nanay ko po wala pa

pong work sya dito. Papa ko lang po ang… nagsusuporta po sa amin. Opo, mga

…. Five hundred lang po a day ang kinikita nya. Tatlo po kaming magkakapatid.
Opo, nag-aaral po kami lahat. Hindi po ako panganay… May senior high po

tapos ako po yung….pangalawa tapos may elementary po nasa grade

six.Ahmmm.. nung una po syempre po noong lumipat po kami doon nanibago po

talaga ako …noong…pagkalipat po namin doon.. nahiya po ako, ayaw ko po na

ipagsabi ganoon tapos parang… syempre na sad po ako kasi akala po naming


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lahat sa paglipat po namin dito sa Metro Manila magkakaroon po ng magandang

opportunity, magkakaroon po kami ng magandang buhay ganyan

po..matutulungan po kami pero hindi po iyon nangyari lahat bale mas humirap po

yung pamumuhay po namin dito.Sa… Raya Madaya po kami nakatira … po…

Ground Zero po talaga sya nakalocate po.Opo may sariling pong bahay po

kami… before po kasi government employee po yung parents ko … opo .. sa

Marawi po tapos iyon po.. Maganda po yung pamumuhay po namin doon, hindi

po kami masyadong naghihirap… though meron po nga times na nagkukulang po

kami ng pera pero nasususportahan naman po yung needs namin minsan po yung

wants namin.. ganoon po. Sobrang nadodown po talaga ako, minsan naiisipan ko

po na what if kaya na magwork na lang po ako agad kahit na high school pa lang

po ako … try ko na lang po na tulungan ko po yung parents ko po syempre po

kailangan po din nila na mapag-aral po yung kapatid ko , ate ko, parang ako na

lang and magsakripisyo.. parang naiisipan ko po na ako na lang po ang tutulong

sa kanila ganoon po.Opo, importante pa rin naman po sa akin. Sobrang

importante po, syempre po education po… yun po yung nagbibigay sayo ng

knowledge.. at yung knowledge mo na yun.. kahit sino man po yan, walang

makakakuha nun sayo at forever na po yan na sayo pero syempre po… dahil nga

po sa kahirapan … parang yun po yung nagiging… parang naiisipan ko po na

sige mag-ano na lang po ako.. tulungan ko na lang parents ko na magtrabaho

para masuportahan ko rin po sila and yung pangangailangan po namin tapos

kung magkaroon na po kami ng enough money .. doon na lang po ako mag… mag

papatuloy ng pag-aaral kasi po… kailangan ko po talaga mag-aaral.Ever since


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po… talaga.. ano talaga po ako consistent po ako na nasa honor roll and then..

ahmmm… kasali rin po ako sa iba’t ibang clubs, katulad po ahmmm.. ng English

club. Yun po. Opo, Top 1 po ako sa section namin. Ever since po talaga… gusto

ko po maging accountant. Gusto ko pong … syempre kapag po accountant ka

parang …. unang thought po nila .. maiisip nila is mayaman ka kasi ikaw po yung

naghahandle ng pera… yun din po yung nasa mindset ko once na naging

accountant po ako maiiakyat ko po.. matutulungan ko po yung parents ko na

mawala po kami sa paghihirap. Matutulungan ko po sila na kunin po yung mga

gusto po nila makuha ganyan, magiging maayos po yung buhay namin.Opo, alam

po ng mga classmates at teacher ko po. Syempre po hindi naman natin maiiwasn

na parang masasabi nila na “ay! Taga- ano lang pala yan.. sa ilalim ng tulay”

ganyan po… tapos parang nabubully po ako katulad po nang pag may bago po

akong friend..sasabihan po nila yung bago ko pong friend na huwag daw po

akong kaibiganin kasi nakatira daw po ako sa ilalim ng tulay , naaasar po ako

pero ang ina… ina-ano ko na lang po is parang nakikisabay na lang po ako

parang hindi na po ako masyadong nagpapa… nagpapaaffect eventhough parang

sobrang sakit na po ganoon.Ahhmm … sa akin po… it’s a yes … and a no.

Syempre po dahil po sa ganoong shelter naaapektuhan po ako mismo, yung… self

ko at yung… health ko rin po mismo tapos naaapektuhan din po yung tingin sa

akin nung ibang tao, so bumababa po talaga yung self-esteem ko. Opo… tapos no
din po kasi dahil din po sa pang-aasar nila sa akin, mas namotivate po ako at mas

nagkaroon po ako ng eagerness na ipagpatuloy ko po yung pag-aaral ko atsaka

mas galingan ko pa po sa pag-aaral ko para matulungan ko po at maging


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successful po kami na pamilya ko po atsaka ako mismo.Yung family ko po

talaga… sila po talaga… kasi from the first place po gusto ko po talagang

bumalik po yung dati po naming pamumuhay, gusto ko po talaga na maging

mayaman kami… maging.. ay makuha lahat ng gusto namin.. mapagtapos po

yung kapatid ko po na elementary, ganoon po.Ahhh… siguro po yun po yung

hindi po parang hindi na po ako dapat masayadong magpapaapekto ,

makikisabay na lang po ako sa mga sinasabi nila sa pangungutya nila kasi po at

the end of the day po naman, you… yourself yun lang po ang makakatulong po

sayo… sarili mo lang din po , hindi naman po magmamatter yung mga sinasabi

ng iba.Yung ano ko po…yung tatag po ng sarili ko, naging mas matatag po ako.

Di ba po, sinabi ko nga po na parang lagi… lagi po akong naaasar, na nakatira

lang daw… ganyan, inaasar din po nila minsan na mabaho ganyan,… kasi

ganoon nga na pangit po yung place na tinitirahan ko… ganoon tapos since then

po.. hindi na po ako masyadong nagpapaapekto kasi nga po nasanay na ako

tapos yun parang naiisip ko na lang na kahit na po ang dami dami na po nilang

sinasabi sa akin na pangungutya parang nakakayanan ko na rin po, hindi rin po

ako nag-gigive up.Ahmmm kung sa Marawi po talaga kami ngayon, doon po kasi

daw binibigay yung mga relief goods, ganyan po, mga tulong… kung dito po wala

po kaming nareceive tapos gusto ko po sa kanila tanungin kung saan po napunta

lahat lahat ng dinonate ng ibang bansa, bakit po hindi lahat ng evacuees ng

Marawi at yung mga apektado sa Marawi siege, ayun parang hindi po enough
yung nakukuha nila , konti lang po yung nakukuha nila. Bakit yung iba po

kailanagn magsuffer pa rin , ehh sobrang laki nga po nung nakuha sa donation


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ng Marawi Siege?Opo, alam po nila. Nakipag-uganayan na po kami sa local

government.. Wala po. Kasi po… noong una po akala po namin… hindi kami

pwede mag-aral agad kasi po galing nga po kaming Marawi at wala po kaming

dala na mga credentials then noong nagtanong tanong po yung papa ko ..sinabi

po nila na okay lang daw po as long as totoo po na galing ka pong Marawi at

naapektuhan ka po ng Marawi Siege.Opo, okay naman na daw po sila at ang

Marawi pero po dun sa ground zero di pa rin po mapasukan hanggang ngayon pa

rin po. Para sa akin po…. Iyon po yung programa na bibigyan po nila kami ng

tulong kasi po unang una po dahil po sa Marawi siege … so yun po dapat po

makakuha po kaming tulong galing po sa kanila , yung sapat po at ‘di ba nga po

sinabi ko na sirang sira na po yung tirahan namin at di na po namin mababalikan

dapat po lahat ng damages po doon maibigay man lang po sana sa amin yung

kalahati noon, syempre po kailangan po namin ng fund para makapgsimula po

muli.Ahmmm… siguro po… plastic (laugh).. yung cellophane po… kasi po..

syempre po nung una mo pong narining parang negative (laugh)… pero hindi po

ganoon yun, kasi para po sa akin yung plastic, ahmmm… pwede ko po siya

icompare sa sarili ko kahit na po anong mangyari , mananatili pa rin po akong

transparent, ganito po, katulad po ng sinasabihan po ako ng masama like Muslim

daw po ako at galing po akong Marawi baka daw po masama ako. Yun po yung

mindset ng ibang tao pag Muslim ka terosrista ka, tapos nakatira pa po ako sa

ilalim ng tulay kaya po naiisip nila na madumi, ganyan, tapos parang dinodown

po nila ako dahil lang po sa status ng… pamu.. pamumuhay ko and then yun po
parang kahit na ganoon po iyong mga sinasabi nila I will still remain as myself


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

po hindi po ako magpapaapekto , ganoon po.Ahmmm… para po sa akin gusto ko

po na isipin lang po nila na kahit anong mangyari huwag na huwag po nila

pakikinggan ang masasamang opinion sa kanila ng mga tao… dapat po mas

magkaroon lang po sila ng trust, yun nga po, mas paniwalaan po nila yung

capabilities nila , yung sarili nila dahil iyon nga po at the end of the day, yung

sarili mo lang ang makakatulong sayo.Nakikita ko po ahmm… yung sarili ko po

nakikita ko pong magiging successful po ako as accountant… naiisipan ko rin po

na makakatulong po ako sa mga… sa mga nangangailangan…gusto ko po talaga

iyon eversince na sa lahat po ng mga ahmm.. poor, matutulungan ko po sila at

kung may mangyayari pong ulit na ganito.. na war in the future… ako po mismo

gusto ko pong tumulong sa kanila, gusto ko po makapagstart sila ng new life para

hindi po maapektuhan ang pag-aaral nila at buhay nila.Opo , maganda po talaga

ang Marawi tapos malamig po doon , tapos masaya syempre doon ang kasama

mo Muslim din, hindi ka po nila ijujudge na “ahh kasi muslim yan ganyan,

ganoon, ganoon po” kaya gusto ko talaga doon. Doon na rin po kasi ako lumaki.

Thank you rin po. You’re welcome po.

[Hello… I am … sixteen years old ahmmm then from second section (class).

Ahmm…we live here since when we evacuated here in Metro Manila… we were

from Marawi. Ahmm… yes… but my cousins were left there in Marawi. And

then… since the Marawi siege happened… we moved here… we decided to test

our luck here since my parents thought that maybe we can have good opportunity

here.. We’ve been living here for two years. The worst for me was when … I got


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

sick. I personally, had an asthma since we lived here under the

bridge… all of the smoke from the vehicles… those are not safe for us…and then

because of my asthma, it started every time I cry I always can’t feel my whole

body… and then I always can’t breathe properly… even if I cried a little it still

happens on me… I experience hyper ventilation. Our things… often got wet.

Yes… Sometimes we experience floods… of course we were just staying down

there… and then our house has lots of holes and not that safe to live in. When it’s

raining, we can’t do anything because there is no place to move and serve as our

evacuation. Ahmmm…of course … (laugh) in Marawi we experienced studying

in a private school and we have our own house and then here it’s very hard …very

far.. from what life we had there compared here. My… father is a construction

worker and then my mother don’t have work here . Only my father.. supports us .

His salary is only five hundred a day. We are three sisters. Yes, we are all

studying. I’m not the oldest…We have in senior high and then I am the… second

in order and then we have also in elementary in grade six. Ahmmm…at first, of

course when we moved there everything for me is strange…when…we moved

there… I was shy, I don’t want to share to others and then… of course I was sad

because we thought if we move here in Metro Manila, we will have a good

opportunity, we will have a good life… we will be helped but all of it didn’t

happen, our lives got even worst here. We lived in Raya Madaya , which is

located in ground zero area. Yes, we have our own house … even before my

parents are government employees… yes…in Marawi. We have a good life there,

we were not experiencing poverty… though we have times that we don’t have

enough money but our needs were still


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

supported and even our wants. I feel so down, sometimes I think of

what if instead of going to high school I will just go to work… I’ll just try to help

my parents and of course they all need to support my siblings to go to school, my

older sister, and I’ll just sacrifice myself… I thought of I’ll be the one to help

them just to ease poverty that we are experiencing. Yes, it is still important for

me. It is super important, of course it is education.. it gives you knowledge… and

that knowledge … will never be stole from you and it will stay forever… but..

because of poverty… I just think of going to work... to help my parents to support

them also and their needs and then if I get enough money.. that’s the time I will

continue my studies because… I really need to go to school. Ever since.. I am

consistent honor student and then…ahmm… I joined also different clubs,

like ...ahmm. English club. Yes, I am the top one in our section. Ever since…I

want to be an accountant…of course some people think that if you are an

accountant you are rich because you handle lots of money… and it is also in my

mind once I became an accountant, I will be able to climb… help my parents to

not stay in poverty. I will be able to help them get what they want and also give

them a good life. Yes, my classmates and teacher know. Of course, it will not be

avoided that they will say something like… “ayy, she is just living under the

bridge”… and then they bully me like if I have a new friend, they will tell her to

befriend me because I am living under the bridge...and say something bad about

me.. but.. I just go with the flow and I don’t let myself be affected even though it

hurts me so much. Ahmmm.. for me.. It is a yes …and also a no. Of course

because of that kind of shelter I was affected, my…self and my… health also got

affected even


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

how the people see and think about me…so I got low self-esteem.

Yes.. and then no also because of those bad words thrown on me , made me more

motivated and I got more eagerness to continue my studies and to do my best on it

to help my family and be successful. My family.. them.. because in the first place

I want to go back on what life we had before going here, I want to be rich.. to get

what we want…and to support my younger sibling to finish studies. Ahhh… I

think I realize not to be affected and just go with the flow on those words thrown

to me because I know at the end of the day, you… yourself only can help you.

And what they say doesn’t matter for me. I noticed…my emotional strength, I

became stronger. I told you that .. they always .. say bad words towards me , they

say that I just live there.. they bullied me saying that I smell bad.. And yeah

because of how ugly place we have to live in… since then… I thought myself not

to be affected, be stronger, just face those words and don’t give up. Ahhmm if we

are in Marawi, there we can have our relief goods, but here we didn’t get any help

from them and then I want to ask them where are the donations from the other

countries. Why some of the evacuees didn’t get help from them? It seems that it’s

not enough for them what they received. Why do we need to suffer like this

knowing that there are lots of donations to provide and support us? Yes, they

know. We have coordinated with the local government. No, we don’t have. At

first… we thought that we were not allowed to go to school because we are from

Marawi and we don’t have credentials but.. when our father asked the authority…

and they said that it is okay to go to school as long as it is true that we are from

Marawi and we were affected by the Marawi siege. Yes, they are all okay and


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City
also the Marawi but the ground zero area is still closed for the residents up until

now. For me… that program is to give help to those who were affected by the

Marawi Siege…. So they should receive enough help and yeah I told you that our

houses were destroyed so all damages should be funded for us start a new life

again. Ahmmm… I think…plastic (laugh)… a cellophane one.. because… of

course at first when you heard it , it’s like negative (laugh)… but it is not, because

for me plastic, ahmm… I can compare it to myself that no matter what happen I

will still be transparent, for example, some people say that I am a bad person

because I am Muslim and I am from Marawi. It is in their mind that if you are a

Muslim, you are terrorist, and then they think that I am a dirty person also

because I am living under the bridge… they always drag me down and that is just

because of my status in life…and then even though lots of them hate me I will

still remain as myself and I will never be affected. Ahmmm… for me , I want

them to think that no matter what happen just don’t listen to the bad opinions…

and they should have trust on their selves , and believe only on their capabilities,

their selves because at the end of the day, only yourself can help you.I can see …

myself that I will be successful as an accountant… I think that I will be able to

help those people who are in need… eversince I want to help poor families and

even those who will be affected by the war … in the near future… I, myself, want

to help them to start a new life.Yes, actually Marawi is a beautiful place and it’s

cold there and then I’m happy there because I’m with my fellow Muslim people,

no one will judge me like “ Ahh she’s a Muslim, like this and that.” So that’s why

I want to go back there. I grew up also there. Thank you also. You’re welcome.]


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Hulk is a fifteen (15) year old grade nine section three student who is living
under the bridge for fifteen years. His parents are gone already but still able to

attend formal schooling by the help of his aunt who is living under the bridge.

Due to his condition he cannot deny the fact that he is experiencing bullying

inside and outside the school. In exchange for his aunt’s kindness, he is willing to

help to uplift her aunt’s condition in life someday as much as how he is eager to

uplift himself.

Ako po si…. Fifteen years old po… at ako po ay grade nine student section

three po. Ahm… bale po fifteen years na po kaming nakatira sa ilalim ng tulay.

simula po nung pinanganak ako. Ahm... yung real mother ko po at saka yung

tatay ko po wala na po sila… tapos pinaalaga po ako sa tiyahin ko po kapatid ng

papa ko po. Ahm… madalas po kaming magkasakit lalo na po ako pati po yung

lola ko po. Nung grade seven po ako… yung… yung lola ko po nag ka dengue po

siya… so ba... bale po pabalik-balik po kami sa ano... sa ospital po. Yun nga po

ah… sobrang hirap nagkautang-utang po kami. Wala pong trabaho yung tiyahin

ko po, bale po yung... yung tito ko po… ano po siya... construction worker lang po

siya sa ano… sa isang company. Nagtatrabaho po para sa’min. Five hundred po

sa isang buwan po. Ay!... Ah, bale po isang araw pala po. Ay, Ah… Bale po wala

po ‘kong kapatid yung mga anak lang po ng tiyahin ko ‘tsaka ng tiyuhin ko po.

Opo yun po, sa ganun pong paraan parang bi… nabubully na… nabubully po ‘ko

sa classroom at kahit po yung mga kaibigan ko minsan binibiro po nila ako. Kahit

parang pabiro, parang nafefeel ko po na parang totoo po yung sinasabi nila.


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

Medyo na hurt po ako ta’s every time po na nalalaman po ng mga bagong friends

ko or ng mga bagong kakilala ko na nakatira lang po ‘ko sa ano… sa ilalim ng

tulay and yun nga po, parang na… naaano po sila, nagugulat po sila na “huh?
Nakatira ka sa ilalim ng tulay?” Kaya pag ganun po, napapahiya po ako tapos

iniiwasan ko nalang po sila. Then… Dahil po sa mga ganun… parang feeling ko

nga po hindi ako belong sa society. Pakiramdam ko din po na ibang-iba kami sa

kanila kasi sila nakatira sa maayos na lugar. Yun po… ta’s… Hindi ko… hindi ko

din po mapigilan na maawa sa sarili ko. Opo masaya po ako. Kahit po dun kami

nakatira sa ilalim ng tulay, masaya naman po kami kasi po marami pong

magagandang memories na nagagawa po namin kahit mahirap po yung

sitwasyon namin. Tapos yun po, medyo nakakalungkot parin po ayun nga po kasi

nabubully nga po ako sa school. Sobrang importante po para sa’kin ang

edukasyon kasi nga po… yun nga po… sa sitwasyon po ng buhay namin gusto ko

nga pong mapa-angat yung buhay namin. Gusto ko po tumira po yung tiyahin ko

po ‘tsaka yung tiyuhin ko po sa ibang lugar, yun nga po sa mas maayos na lugar

yung hindi po kami magiging sakitin para naman po maranasan po namin kung

ga’no po mag… kasaya mabuhay po ng normal na ano… na… lugar. Opo…

Every time po na pag kumakain po kami may naaamoy po kaming kakaiba. Yun

nga po parang hindi po… hindi po kami… nawalan po rin kami ng gana kumain

kasi nga po parang, amoy basura po ganun po. Yun po… parang pinapalayo po

nila yung anak nila. Kunwari po gusto ko lang po makipag laro… lumalayo,

pinapalayo nila yung mga anak nila kasi nga po ‘sabihin; “wag ka d’yan lumapit

kasi ang baho baho nila nakatira yan sa ilalim ng tulay. Ganun nga po. Ah bale


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

po ahm… isa po ‘kong SSG po. Volunteer po… SSG volunteer po ako sa isang…

sa school po namin. Tapos po, ahm… yun nga po… top eight po ako sa section

namin. Ta’s po… yun nga… meron din po akong ibang achievement po. Naging

isa rin po akong ano… sa… Science Club po. Ta’s sa Science Month din po yung
Quiz Bee po, third place po ako nun. Ayun po, parang kung tingin po ng iba na

kapag sa ilalim ng tulay ka nag-aaral, ay! Na’nakatira… yun po ah… tingin po

nila palagi is yun nga… wala… hindi ka na nag-aaral. Parang gusto ko pong

patunayan sa kanila na hindi po hadlang yung pag tira mo kahit saan kung… as

long as gusto mo pong maging isang… maging isang achiever, gugustuhin mo po

at gagawin mo pong lahat para po makamit yung pangarap mo. Yun po, gusto ko

nga pong maging isang lawyer kasi nga po ayoko lang pong ipagtanggol yung

mga taong nabubully katulad ko gus… katulad ko po gusto ko po ipagtanggol

lahat ng mga na… mga naaapi po sa panahon natin katulad po ng mga nasa

ilalim ng tulay hindi po sila nabibigyan ng sapat na ano… hindi po kami

nabibigyan ng sapat na… na… na tinutustos po ng gobyerno pa… yun po ang

tingin namin kasi po kung gusto po nila kaming ano… gusto po nilang mapa angat

yung ano namin yung kabuhayan namin o yung ekonomiya ng Pilipinas hindi

pa… hanggang ngayon po kasi for fifteen years hindi pa po kami binibigyan ng

relocation kaya po ganun po. Na… is… Gusto ko pong ano… bigyan po ng pansin

yung mga mahihirap na tao dito sa Pilipinas. Opo sobrang willing po kami pero

po… hindi ko po alam sa lola ko kasi po eversince po’y… ang sabi niya po

sa’min, eversince po… tumira na daw po sila doon sa may bahay namin ngayon

so hindi ko po alam sakanya pero kami po ng tiyahin ko willing po


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

kaming… willing po kaming lumipat kasi nga po ah… yun nga po sakitin po yun

lalo na po yung ibang… yung anak niya po nagiging sakitin nga po dahil po

doon. Ano po yung mga sakit nga po na ano, ubo po tapos yung ano… Diarrhea

po yun… Yun nga po so’sobrang ano po… nagkakasakit po ako hindi na po ako

madalas pumasok nun so nakakalimutan ko po yung mga ano, hindi ko po na…

na… na ano, naabutan yung ibang lessons po na… na le-left out po ako sa’min…

so yun po gusto ko pa pong mapa-angat yung achievement ko pero po hindi po

nga ako nakaka ano… nakaka… angat nga po sa achievement ko kasi nga po

dahil po may sakit ako at nakaka absent po ako ng madalas. Opo. Lahat po sila

alam po nila. Yung iba po ahm… okay lang po sakanila. Nagiging friends pa po

kami pero po yung iba na hindi po nila parang… sila nga po yung inaasar nga po

nila ako pero okay lang po sa’kin. Iniintindi ko nalang po sila kasi nga po yun

nga po from birth nararanasan ko na po yung ganun… yung pang aano…

panglalait po kaya parang po nagiging natural po sa’kin… pero yung natural po

na yun may nararamdaman parin po akong konting sakit lang po. Ayun po… yung

mga gamit ko daw po yung notebook ko lang daw po ano daw po… pinagtagpi

tagpi lang. Nung elementary po ako nun. Pero hindi po totoo yun kasi po yung tito

ko naman po… willing naman po siyang tumulong sa school ko po kasi nakikita

niya nga po yung ano… yung mga gusto ko nga pong marating sa buhay at gusto

ko rin po naman talaga silang tulungan. Sabi… sabi po ng mga ka classmate ko…

yun po… hindi na nga daw po ako naglalaba ng damit tapos yung tubig nga daw

po’ng ginagamit namin is galing nga po sa… sapa, tapos po yung iba pong ano,

yung damit ko po, yung… yung bag ko po, lahat po ng gamit ko


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

daw po is galing lang daw po ng pulot namin. Hindi po siya hindrance… Meron

pong hindi, at meron po’ng oo. Hindi po… kasi po kung gusto mo po talagang

maging isang achiever o gusto mong maging isang successful na tao… gagawin

mo po ang lahat para lamang po maging isa kang successful at sa… at ano…

educated na tao. Opo, kasi po yun nga po nagiging sakitin po tayo at nagiging

ano… nagiging sakitin po hindi nga po nakakapasok ng maayos. Yun po. Yung
ano po… yung mga tao pong nagsasabi po na, ano nga po, pag… na sa ilalim ng

tulay nakatira is… hindi nga po… nakapag-aral ng maayos hindi nakapagtapos.

Gusto ko lang pong ipakita sakanila na ang pag tira sa ilalim ng tulay ay hindi

hadlang para maging isang successful na tao. Sa programa po nila? Ahm… okay

naman po, pero bakit po hindi… binibigyang pansin yung mga taong nandudon

sa ilalim ng tulay? At ang pinap… ang… pinapansin lang po nila nasa gilid ng

kalsada meron pa po tayong ibang lugar na mga nakatirang tao na mas

kailangan po yung ano… yung… yung… ano po nila… yung… serbisyo po nila at

dun po sa mismong gobyerno po… is bakit nila mas pinapansin yung sarili nilang

isa’t-isa, bakit po nila pinapansin yung mga isa’t-isang mga ka alyado nila or

mga ka… kasama nila sa gobyerno bakit hindi nila pansinin yung mamamayang

Pilipino na nagluluksa sa kahirapan? Sinubukan po naming lumapit dun sa Four

P’s po… yun nga po yung programa nga pong Four P’s… pero po hindi po kami

sinali sa Four P’s. Hindi po namin naranasan na masali po sa Four P’s. Yun

po… pagkatapos po nun… hindi na po kami sumali kasi alam po namin na hindi

na kami isasali doon. Yun nga po parang doon po sa lugar po namin, meron pong

ano… meron pong isang leader sa ano… sa isang… phase po… sa kada Four


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

P’s… yun nga po pero ang sinasali lang po nila yung mga kilala po nila at yung

mga gusto lang po nila. Eh kami po hindi po kami sinasali kasi nga po hindi po

kami masyadong lumalabas kasi nga po… marami pong sinasabi tungkol sa amin.

Ayaw naman po naming makipag away kasi nga po hindi naman po kasi kami

ganung tao. Alam po ng adviser ko na nakatira ako sa ilalim ng tulay at… gusto

niya po akong… ano… ipasa po kasi nga po ngayong fourth grading parang hindi

na po ako masyadong nakakapasok kasi nga po marami… parang nagiging over

na po yung pang bubully sa’kin kahit po sa kabilang section yun po parang ayoko

na pong pumasok kasi nga po nahihiya na ‘ko. Tapos po, yun parang gusto

paring… pinu-pursue po ako ng teacher ko na pumasok po nang pumasok para

lang po makapasa ako at hinahabol niya po lahat ng mga ano, mga requirements

ko sa kada subject para lang po pumasa ‘ko. Sobrang thankful ko po sakanya.

Hindi ko na po sinasabi sa tita ko na minsan nabubully po ako minsan kasi po

baka saan pa po mapunta pero po tinitiis ko nalang po yung… yung mga… mga

pinagsasabi po nila tungkol sa’min kaya po… okay lang. Ngayon pong ano…

ngayon po… kinukumpleto ko po, sinusubukan ko pong klo… kumpletuhin…

yung… at ipasa yung mga kulang ko sa mga subjects ko po. Hanggang makatapos

po ako kakayanin ko po ‘to para lang po makapagtapos po ako ng pag-aaral ko.

Sa Government po natin, yung paglilinis po ng ano… ng mga creeks po sa…

bansa po natin kasi po yun nga po kahit na… meron pong ibang mga tao na…

kahit binibigyan po sila ng relocation is hindi po sila… hindi po sila… lumilipat

pero po… yun nga po… pag nalinis po yun parang mas okay po yun kasi nga po

ano… hindi lang po kami yung na… nagkakaro’n ng ano… ng benefits kundi


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

lahat po ng tao sa Pilipinas at next naman po is yung mga taong nakatira sa

ilalim ng tulay, sa mga gilid ng kalsada, yun nga po bin… bigyan po sila ng

relocation sites para naman po mas maayos po yung lugar natin. Ahm… ano po…

ahm… kung may isang bagay po na sisimbolo sa akin… Bato po. kasi po kahit na

itapon po ako kahit saan kahit ano pong gawin sakin, mananatili po akong

matatag at magiging matapang po ako sa lahat ng mangyayari sa’kin. Naging

mas matatag na po ako sa pagharap sa kahit po anong sabihin nila tungkol

sa’min at sa pag tira po namin sa ilalim ng tulay… hindi po ako malulungkot pero
po mararamdaman ko po yung sakit pero mawawala nalang bigla yun kahit po

ibato nila… kahit anong ibato nila sa’kin mananatili akong matatag sa lahat ng

mga problemang ibibigay po nila sa’kin. Kaya masasabi ko po sa iba… sasabihin

ko lang po sakanila na ako… naranasan ko ang tumira sa ilalim ng tulay, ako

naranasan ko na ma bully pero hanggang ngayon nananatili po akong nabubuhay

at puno ng pag-asa na makaahon sa hirap gamit ang edukasyon. Hindi po

kailangan na panghinaan sila ng loob… kailangan po nila ng… mga taong mga…

magbibigay po sakanila ng inspirasyon. Isipin po nila yung magulang nila na

kasama nila sa ilalim ng tulay. Isipin po nila yung ibang tao na mas marami pang

problema na tinuto… na… hinaharap ngayon. Kaya po maging thankful po sila

kasi po may… hanggang ngayon may tinitirhan po sila. Kung yung iba nga po

walang tinitir’han, walang makain, wala pong mga iba’t-ibang mga… na ano…

hindi po sila nakakapag-aral. Sila po nakakapag-aral, may tinitirhan, may

pamilyang kasama kaya po maging thankful po sila. Hindi hadlang nga ang

pagi… ang pagtira sa ilalim ng tulay para lang po maging


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

successful. Ipakita po natin na… matatag… masipag… at matapang po yung…

yung mga… Pilipino na harapin parin po ang buhay sa kabila ng mga problema.

Kahit na… mahirap po tayo… kaya parin natin makipagsabayan sa iba at may

marating sa buhay.

[My name is… I’m fifteen years old. I am a grade nine student section three.

It has been fifteen years since we lived under the bridge and since I was born. My

real parents were already gone… then… I was raised by my aunt, sister of my

father. We often got sick most specially me and my grandmother. When I was

grade seven, my… my grandmother had a Dengue… so… that time we kept on
going back and forth to the hospital. That was so hard and we have had so many

debts to pay. My aunt has no job. So… my uncle… he is… he is just a

construction worker… in a company. He is working for us, five hundred a month.

Oops!... Ah, daily I mean. Ay, ah… I do not have siblings, only the children of

my aunt and uncle. That… Because of that, I was like being bullied… I am being

bullied in the classroom and even my friends are joking me. Even if it was just

like a joke, I can feel that what they were telling is true. I was hurt a little… then

every time my new friends or my newly known people finding out that I was just

living… under the bridge, it’s seems like… like they were… they were being

surprised that “Huh? You… you are living under the bridge?” Because of that, I

am getting embarrassed so I am just avoiding them… then… Because of those… I

felt like I am not belong in the society. I also felt like we are too much different

from them because they are living in a normal place. That… then… I cannot… I


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

cannot help to pity myself. Yes, I’m happy. Even if we are just living there under

the bridge, we are still happy because there are lots of good memories that we can

do despite of our situation. Then that… It was still sad a little because I am being

bullied in the school. Education is very important for me because of our situation

in life, I want to uplift our living. I want my aunt and my uncle to live to another

place, to a better place where we could not acquire illness so that we can also

experience how… happy to live in a normal… place. Yes, because every time

when we are eating, we can smell something strange. That… it is not… it is not,

we lost our interest to eat because of the damn smell of garbage. That, it seems

like they ask their children to go away from me. For example, I just want to play

with them… they… they are telling their children to go away from me then they
will tell; “Don’t go with him because he smells bad because they are living under

the bridge. Ah so ahm… I am an SSG officer. Volunteer… I am an SSG volunteer

in a… in our school. Then… ahm… that… I am top eight in our section. Then…

that… I also have other achievement. I also became… in… Science Club. Then in

Science Month Quiz Bee, I was third place. That… Other people think that if you

are studying under the bridge… Ay! L…living under the bridge… They always

think that… you are not studying. I want to prove to them that it does not matter

no matter where do you live as long as you want to become… to become an

achiever and you would want to do all your best to reach your goals in life. I want

to be a lawyer someday because I want to defend those people who are being

bullied and I… I want to defend those who are being maltreated just like those

people who reside under the bridge… they were not given enough… We are not


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

given enough… enough… government expenses… because we thought that… if

they really wanted to… uplift our living, or the Philippine economy… still not…

until now… in fifteen years they did not give relocations for us. I want to… They

should prioritize poor people here in the Philippines. Yes… we are very much

willing to relocate if ever but… I don’t know if my grandmother will live our

place because ever since… They told us that ever since… they lived for a long

time in our place so I don’t know… but me and my aunty are willing to… to

move to a new relocation if ever because… They are sickly most especially her

children. Diseases like cough, then… Diarrhea… And that’s too… I am also

becoming sickly that’s why oftentimes; I cannot attend the class so I almost forgot

and I cannot… cannot… cope up with the lessons… I was left behind by my

classmates. I still wanted to improve my achievements but it seems impossible

due to sickness and consecutive absences. Yes… they all knew… while the others

ahm… its fine for them… We are being friends while the others they did not…

they humiliate me but then it’s okay for me. I am trying to understand them for I

can experience those since then… Those… insult… so it is becoming natural

thing for me. But that natural… I can still feel a little bit of pain. They said my

things… my notebook is just… recycled. That is when I was elementary. But that

is not true because my uncle… he is very willing to help because he… he saw my

eagerness to achieve my goals in life and I also wanted to help them. My… my

classmates said… that… I am not washing my clothes and the water that we are

using is from polluted river… and some of my… my clothes… my bag, and all of

the things that I have just came from scrap. It is not a hindrance… partly no, and


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

partly yes. “no”, because if you really want to become an achiever or a successful

person… you will do everything to become one and… to… to become an

educated person. Then “yes”, because we are being sickly and we are… becoming

sickly and not able to attend the class properly. Those… those people who are

keep on telling me that… that… if… you are living under the bridge is… you

cannot… study well and not able to finish their study. I just want to show them

that living under the bridge is not a hindrance to become a successful person.

With their programs? Ahm… Those are okay… but why is that… they did not

give importance to those people who reside under the bridge. They can only no…

notice those who are living on the street sides and there are also other people who

reside who needed their… their… their… their services. To the Government, why

is that they only give their focus to their own welfare and alliance. Or those…

people who is with them in the government and why do not give their focus to
Filipino citizens who suffer in poverty. We tried to seek for help from Four P’s.

yes, the four P’s program, but they did not allow us to be included in that Four P’s

Program. We haven’t experienced to get included in Four P’s… After that… We

did not try to ask for help from the said program because we knew we will be

rejected. In our place… There is someone in one phase… in each Four P’s there

are group leaders, they only include in the program those people that they knew

and those people that they want. While us, we are not included because we are not

going out as often as the others do because they always talked and humiliate our

condition and we don’t want to argue with them and we are not that kind of

person. My adviser knew that I am living under the bridge and… She wants me


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

to… to… pass this fourth-grading period because she is very much aware in my

condition. I have a lot of… absences then… It seems like, their bullying upon me

is getting harder even from the other sections that caused me sometimes to think

not to go to school because I felt ashamed. Then… She still wants to… My

teacher still pursuing me to attend the class regularly as much possible so that I

am able to pass and she is catching up all of my subject requirements for me to

pass. That made me so thankful to her. I am not telling my aunty that sometimes I

am being bullied in the school because I don’t want to put things into worst and

yet, I can still manage those… those words, judgements, and mockery that they

utter but… that’s merely fine. Now… now… I am trying to co… complete and…

comply those subject requirements. I can do it and I will do my very best just to

finish my studies. In our Government, the cleaning operation of… creeks… in our

country because even if… there are people who… who was given their

relocations but they did not… they are not… moving… if that was cleaned, that
will be much better because… not only us that will receive benefits but also all

Filipino citizens. Next to that are those people who live under the bridge, on the

sidewalks… give them a relocation sites to make our places better. If there’s one

thing that will symbolize me, I would choose… stone… because… even if I was

thrown away and no matter what they do towards me, I will still be firm and

strong. I became stronger in facing no matter what they said about us and our

residence under the bridge. I will not be sad but still I can feel the pain but will

easily gone even if they throw me away. No matter what they will throw upon me,

I will still be strong. I can proudly tell other people, I will tell them that… I have


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

experienced to live under the bridge, and I was also a victim of bullying but then,

I still continue life full of hope to make my life better by the use of education.

They don’t need to lose hope… they need… someone who can give them

inspiration. They should also think about their parents who are with them living

under the bridge. They should also think about other people who have much

problems as compared to them. They should be thankful because they have…

they have the proper shelter as compared to those people who do not have the

proper shelter, enough food, other things like… they are not studying unlike other

people they study, they have shelter, and family to live with so be thankful.

Living under the bridge is not a hindrance to become successful. Let us show

that… Filipinos are strong… industrious…and have courage to face life in spite of

problems. Even if… we are poor… we can still be competitive and able to reach

our goals in life.]

Starfire is a cheerful seventeen (17) year old grade 10 student who’s

living under the bridge for two (2) years. She was from Marawi City who moved
in Quezon City with her mother because of Marawi Siege. She wants to be a

doctor someday but it seems that poverty is stopping her. She’s very optimistic in

terms of giving importance on education. She’s very dependent to her mother

since her father passed away. Her mother raised her alone.

Hello po ako po si… Grade10 17 Years old Po. Mag 2years napo simula

po nung ano marawi siege kasi po galing po kasi kami sa Marawi. Dun po sa

Siege Mismo? Nagpakahirap po kasi talagang … One day po bigla nagbarilan


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nalang po. Tas ang hirap po talagang magtago, parang sa napapanood po talaga

po nating dramas parang ganun po talaga nangyari. Ah, opo nagaaral po ako

normal typical girl na nag aaral masiyahin/ tas yun yung nanay ko po

nagtatrabaho. Si papa wala na po sya. Rumaraket lang po yung nanay ko mga

naglalabandera po ganun po nagiging yaya. Asa bahay po, opo tas bigla po may

narinig na lang po kaming barilan tapos nagsi... nagsisiuwian na po lahat ng

mga tao tas wala na pong makita sa kalye na kahit isang tao… yung mga bridge

po dun kasi hinarangan po nung mga black group yung bridge hinarangan po ng

malaking fire trucks para po wala po makaalis dun sa marawi. Kaso po

pagkabukas po tinanggal po nila yung harang di po namin alam di ko po alam

kung bakit siguro po para makaalis po. Wala napo kaya po mahirap po

maghanap ng trabaho. Yun din po ganun din po naghahanap po ng raket. tas

rumaraket lang po si nanay tapos naglalabandera tas kung ano lang ginagawa

nya don. Umuupa po .. opo, ahm nasasaktan po talaga ako kasi parang dati po

medyo maayos ayos po yung tinitirhan naming dati sa marawi tapos dito po

parang maingay po marami na po insekto di ko po alam kung nakakasakit. Gusto

parin po talaga namin bumalik sa Marawi kaya lang po hindi pw powede kasi
may Martial Law pa din at tingin namin, hindi magandang bumalik dun. Opo

nanay ko lang po. Nagkasakit po ako ng dengue unang… first year pa lang po

namin dito nagkasakit na po ko ng dengue tas wala po kaming pangtustos kaya

nangutang po yung nanay ko sa kapitbahay na rin po tapos nanghingi din po ako

at mga kaklase ko ng donation sa school po. Para po sa akin ang edukasyon… eto

po yung key para sa successful ng isang tao. Kapag wala ka pong pinag


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aralan, mababa lang po din magiging trabaho mo. Kapag may pinag aralan ka

po parang ipepraise ka po ng maraming tao dahil matalino ka parang ganun po.

Ahm ano po sa section po naming nasa top 2 po ako tsaka po ano po CIC or

ombudsman school po namin. Gusto ko po talagang maging doctor kasi gusto ko

po talaga yung tatay ko po kasi namatay nung 5 years old pa po ako dahil po sa

heart attack may heart disease po sya gusto ko po mag treat gusto ko po

makagamot ng mga tao ng may sakit. Para kahit po hindi ko po natulungan yung

tatay ko para mawala sakit nya or ma less yung sakit nya. Sa iba nalang po at

least natutulungan kopo yung ibang tao. Opo kaya… minsan po nabubully po

talaga ako hindi naman po maiiswasan ang mabully po talaga ko about diyan.

Marawi po ahm minsan kung una po naawa sila naawa naman po talaga sila

tapos hindi po maiiwasan minsan sinasabihan po nila ako na Isis po ako kasali

po ako dun sobrang nasasaktan po ako kasi wala naman po din po ako

kalamalam sa mga nangyayari ganune e. alya nga po .. parang nasasabi po sakin

na hala huwag kayo tumabi diyan kasi Isis yan galling yan sa Marawi ganyan po.

opo sobrang nasaktan po ako minsan nga po umiiyak na lang po ako sa bahay

namin na mag isa e para lang mailabas ko po yung sakit ng loob ko. Opo kaso po

naisip ko din po yung nanay ko na nagtataguyod po sakin na parang ginagawa

niya po lahat lahat para lang may pagaral po ako kaya hindi nalang po ako

parang kaya po kahit gaano kasakit yung pangbubully, yung mga sinasabi po nila

okay lang po sakin para lang maano ko po yung … pangarap ko. Para sakin po

opo kase dyan pos a under the bridge po kapag dyan ka po talaga nakatira ang

hirap hirap po talaga. Minsan ang ingay ingay po tapos pag may bagyo binabaha


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ganun po tas yung bubong anlakas lakas natatanggal po. Paminsan minsan tapos

marami po ano mga dengue nga po insekto mabaho din po minsan. Para sakin po

opo kase kapag dun po sa ano minsan nga po hindi na po ako nakakapag aral ng

maayos don, kunyare po may assignment hindi ko na po nagagawa kaya minsan

nagawa ginagawa ko na lang po sa school para don ko na lang po tinatapos sa

school kase mahirap po talaga. Ang motivation ko na lang po is yung nanay ko

nagtataguyod po kaya iniisip ko na lang po lahat lahat. Simula nung namatay

yung tatay ko mag isa na lang po sya nagtataguyod sakin atsaka yung mga tao

dinidiscriminate po ako at binubully sila na lang po yung ginagamit ko tas may

ano motivation. Hindi ko na po sinasabi sa kanya kasi po andami na po naming

problema financially. Ayoko na po dumagdag sa kanya. Baka po may mangyari

din a po naming makakaya. Hindi ko na din po sinasabi nahihiya po talaga ko.

Ahm para sakin po masyadong unfair po para samin. Wala po. Kaya kasi po hindi

masyado natutukan. Opo wala po talaga kami nadala. Wala po e ako po nung

pumunta po kami ditto wala po kami nakuha tulong po. Opo wala po talaga wala

po opo kasi po yung time nayon po sabi ng deped papasukin po kami kahit wala

po files card. Unfair po talaga hindi po talaga ako satisfied. Ahm mas tutukan

nalang po yung mga gaing marawi nalang po, hindi po yung puro sa marawi

kundi yung mganagmigrate kasi wala po kasi tulong galling sa kanila. Opo kung
my pagkakataon gusto kopo bumalik don. Kasi masaya po talagang pamumuhay

dun kahit minsan kahit wala pera Masaya parin po. Ako po ahm puno po dahil

kahit ano bagyo kahit ilang bagyo ang dumating po sakin hindi hindi po ako

papatibag. Ahm… pwede po ahm… kahit napo ilang kunyari po ako yung puno as


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i-compare ko po sarili ko sa puno kasi po kahit ilang beses nila ako batuhin ng

mga kung anu-ano tayo at tayo padin po ako hinding hindi po ako magpapa…

magpapahulog o magpapatumba para lang po diyan sa masasakit po na sinasabi

nila o binabato po nila sakin. Sige po. Ayaw kopo talaga ayaw kopo talaga

tumutigil sa pagaaral kasi po yung mga parents kopo hindi po talaga sila

nakapagtapos ng pagaaral dahil nga po sa walang masyadong pera kaya po

gusto kopo yung pangarap nila. Ako nalang po ang tutupad nun kahit na hindi po

nila naibigay sakin ang panganagilangan kopo at lahat ng gusto ko ako nalang

po gusto ko po ako nalang po magbibigay sa kanila nun dahil nadin po

nagtataguyod sakin. Ahm para sakin po kahit na ano po mangyari kahit na

mabully man sila or kahit na kahit na kahit ano sakit ma ano sa kanila huwag nila

gagwing reason para magstop sa pagaaral or mapaghinyang sa sarili nila. Thank

you po, opo thank you, Opo. Sana po sa pagkakalam kopo okay-okay napo medyo

maayos na po sa ground zero po renovate ay tinatangal mapo opo meron napo

iba kaso hindi kopo alam kung nasan sila…

[Hello my name is… grade 10 17 years old. It’ s been 2 years since the

Marawi siege, because we came from Marawi. In the actual siege? It’s too hard

for me… one day, we suddenly heard gun shots and it’s really hard to hide. It is

like dramas we have watched, just like that. Ah yes, I study like a typical girl who

is studying, cheerful. Then my mother is working. My Father passed away. My

Mother has some sidelines, she does laundries and she is also a nanny. While we

are inside the house, yes then suddenly we heard gun shots… people were running

back home and there is not even a single person that can be seen on the


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

street… the bridge was blocked by the group of black men… the bridge was

blocked with fire trucks… so that no one can escape Marawi. And the following

day, they removed the barriers… I don’t know, we don’t know, maybe to escape.

My passed away… it’s very hard for us to find a source of income. That also…

she has some sidelines, like being a maid and accepting some laundries or

anything she can do there. We rent… Yes, ahm… it’s really hurts because our

house in Marawi was much better as compared here… then here… You can hear a

lot of noise, so many insects. I don’t even know if it contains some virus. And it’s

really hard. We still want to go back to Marawi but still it is not possible because

Martial Law is still present and it is not a good idea to live there again. Yes, only

my mother. I got dengue fever… during the first year of our stay here. I got a

dengue, and we don’t have money that is why my mother borrowed some from

our neighbors and I together with my classmates asked for donation from the

school too. For me the education… It is the key for a person to be successful. If

you are uneducated, the job that you will get is not that decent. but if you are

formally educated, the people will praise you because you are smart. Ahm… in

our section I’m the top 2 and also a CIC or Ombudsman in school. I really want to

be a Doctor because I want to because my father died due to heart attack when I

was 5 years old. I want to treat… I want to cure people who has a disease. So that

even though I was not able to help my father or help him to cure his illness, I. at

least I can help other people. Yes, that’s why sometimes I am being bullied,
although I know it is unavoidable. Marawi? Yes, ahm… sometimes if they pity

me… well, they will really pity me. And sometimes they are telling me that I am


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an ISIS, that I’m one of them. It really hurts me because I don’t know anything

about those happenings and that’s why I am being told that, “Hala Do not go near

her, she is an ISIS because she came from Marawi.” Yes, it really hurts.

Sometimes I just cry alone at home so that I can release my grudge. Yes, but I

think of my mother who provides for me that’s why no matter how painful being

bullied and being told bad things, it is fine with me just so I can achieve my…

dreams. I do not care about what they are saying towards me, what’s important is

for me to reach my goals. For me, yes, because if you live under the bridge, it is

really difficult. Sometimes it is really noisy, and when there’s a typhoon, it will

flood and sometimes the roofs are being taken off. There are lots of insects and

the place stinks sometimes. For me, yes, because sometimes I ca no longer study

properly. For example, I have an assignment I was not able to do that’s why

sometimes I do it in school because it is really hard. My motivation is my Mother.

That’s why I always think about everything like, the time when my father passed

away, she raised me on her own, and the people are discriminating and bullying

me. I’m using them as my motivation too. I’m not telling her those because we

have a lot of financial problem. I don’t want to add more to her problems. I can’t

stand it if something bad happened to her. I’m not telling her because I’m really

being shy. Ahm… for me it’s really unfair for us. Nothing because we are given

that much focus. Yes, we were not able to bring anything. Nothing, because when

we came here, we did not receive any help. Yes, there was really nothing, yes,

because that time the DepEd said that we will be accepted without any files or
card. It’s really unfair, I’m not really satisfied. Ahm… focus to the people who


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

came from Marawi, not the people who is in Marawi, but the people who

migrated from Marawi because they do not have any help from them. Yes, if

there’s a chance, I would go back there, because it’s really happy to live there.

Although, sometimes we don’t have money, it is still happy. Me ahm… a tree,

maybe because no matter how many problems go through me, I will not give up.

Ahm, for example, I am going to compare myself to a tree, no matter how many

times they throw anything at me, I will still stand, I will not let myself fall

because of what the hurtful things that they are telling me and throwing at me. I

really don’t want to stop studying because my parents were not able to finish their

studies because they do not have enough money. I want to be the one to achieve

their dreams. I will be the one to achieve those even though they were not able to

provide all of my needs and everything that I want. I will be the one to give them

those since they provided for me. For me, whatever happens, be bullied or

whatever hurtful words others tell you, do not make it a reason for you to stop

studying. Thank you, yes, thank you, yes… I hope… As far as I know, it is

getting better there at ground zero, it is being renovated. But I do not know where

the others are.]

Supergirl is a fourteen year old student who is currently studying in a

public school in Quezon City and she has been living under the bridge for almost

40 years. Supergirl is being raised only by her mother since her father, a company

driver had passed away. Supergirl is a consistent honor student but she is

experiencing discrimination from her classmates because of the place where she

lives. She values education because according to her being an achiever and
4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

someone with proper education is an advantage to this competitive world. Her

inspiration to achieve her ambitions is her mother who raised her as she is now.

According to her, living under the bridge has never been an obstacle for it is what

made her a person with a strong personality. She wants to tell others that poverty,

and discrimination are not in their way to succed.

Ako po si… 13 years old po… ay 14 years old po. 14 years old tapos nag

aaral po ako sa… Grade 8 na po ako ngayon tapos nag-aaral po ako sa Ismael

Mathay Senior High School po. Iyong tagal po ng pagtira namin, kasi po noong…

iyong magulang po ng parents ko nandoon na po sila since noong mga bata pa po

sila. Matagal na po mga… 40 years na. 40 years na po (laugh) tapos… pero

lumipat naman po kami sa ibang lugar, tapos eh umalis na po iyong mga lolo ko

tsaka lola ko po diyan tsaka hindi na po kami nangungupahan, kaya bumalik

nalang po kami ulit diyan. sarili po naming bahay iyon. Hindi naman po kami

nasasagabal. Okay lang naman po. Ah… iyong papa ko po ano siya, dati po

siyang ano… company driver tapos ano po kasi… noong 2017 po… ay nung last

year lang po, namatay po siya. So parang ang ano po… iyon lang po iyong ano

kasi namin, pinaka ano to… pinaka pinagkukuhanan po namin ng ano… iyong

trabaho niya po eh kaso po nawala po siya kaya mahirap po na ano… na

ginagawa po namin ngayon. Tapos sa mama ko naman po, since ano po kasi

housewife lang po talaga siya kaya wala po… mahirap po sa amin. Tatlo po

kaming magkakapatid tapos iyong isa ko pong kuya, fourth year Electrical

Engineering po tapos iyong pangalawa naman po grade 12 na po siya sa Ismael

Mathay din po tapos ako po grade 8. Opo ako po iyong bunso (laugh) at dalawa


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pong lalaki. Iyong mama ko po may small sari-sari store pero kasi po ano eh…

sa… iyong kuya ko nga po college na tapos iyong isa ko po grade 12 na. Kaya

hindi po sapat iyong sari-sari store po ng nanay ko. Iyon po ang nagpapaaral sa

amin… though tinutulungan po kami ng mga side po ng papa ko tsaka mama ko

tsaka side ng papa ko kaso di po maiiiwasan iyong parang may sumbat na… kaya

mahirap. Ano po halimbawa humihingi po kami ng tulong, tapos pagdating po

ng… maya maya po or ilang araw lang sasabihin na nila, “Hindi ba tinulungan

na kita noon tapos hihingi ka pa ngayon? Ganyan naman kayo lagi eh.”, parang

ganoon po, mahirap po… iyong ganoon pong scenario napaka hirap. Iyong

experience naman po naming sa ilalim ng tulay, ahm ano po… masaya na hindi

po (laugh). Masaya siya kasi kapag po nag… iyong mga tao po doon sa amin,

tulungan po talaga kami. Iyong bayanihan po kami sa oras na iyon. Tapos kapag

ano naman po hindi po masaya kasi halimbawa po kapag umuulan po ng malakas

tapos ayan na po babaha na siya kaya mahirap po sa amin lalo na po kapag tag

ulan. Bumabaha po kahit… hindi naman po inaabot iyong bahay namin pero

iyong labas po kasi kaya mahirap po. Pag alam na po naming mataas na siya,

umaalis na po kami. Nag eevacuate po kami sa tita ko po, may apartment po siya

doon sa labas namin, hindi po iyon inaabot. Ang worst experience ko naman po

doon iyong ano po… iyong mga tao po kasi samin may hindi maiiwasan iyong

mga chika-chika ganoon po, mga tsismosa then tapos parang kami po noon

natsismis po kami tapos parang iyong mga tao po doon sa amin pinaguusapan na

po kami hanggang sa umabot na parang awayin na po kami doon kaya mahirap

po. Hanggat’ sabi naman po ni mama hanggat’ wala pong ginagawang masama


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

sa amin physically, wag po naming papansinin. Pero kasi iyong mga salita po
nila masakit po eh…parang dindedegrade po kami. Habang palaki po ako ng

palaki, narerealize ko na po iyong pagkakaiba naming sa iang tao pagdating sa

tinitirhan noong… lalo na po noong mga lumalaki na ako. Ah… marami pong

pagkakaiba sabi ko “Bakit doon sila nakatira? Bakit kami dito lang?”, tapos

bakit sila…. noong mga bata pa po isip ko… bakit sila hindi binabaha kami lagi

pong binabaha doon parang natatanong ko na po sa sarili ko iyong ganoon tapos

iyong paglaki ko po parang iyong mga ano po… “Hala bakit sila doon nakatira,

kami dito lang?” eh pare parehas lang naman siguro kami, ganun po iyong nasa

isipan ko po. Sa pag-aaral ko naman po, noong una po syempre sa pag-aaral ko

hindi ko po sinasabi sa kanila na doon ako nakatira kasi iniiwasan ko po iyong

mabully po nila ako like sasabihin na “Ay doon ka nakatira?”, ganoon po kasi

iyong naiisipan kaya iniiwasan ko po… so siguro po simula po nung grade 1

ako… kinder pala, namulat na po ako doon sa dapat hindi ko sasabihin sa kanila

kung saan ako nakatira kasi alam ko ito na iyong mangyayari. Ganoon po kaya

simula grade 1 to grade 5 po siguro tapos nung grade 6 na po ako, unti-unti ko na

pong sinabi sa kanila kasi mahirap po iyong kinikimkim lang po. Iyong reaksyon

po nila ano po… nagulat po sila. Tapos parang… nabully po kasi ako sabi “Ay

doon ka nakatira?”, sabi nila… “Di ba ano doon mga squatter po…squatter

iyong mga tao doon, bakit kayo doon nakatira?”, mga ganoon po iyong sinasabi

nila kaya noong una po medyo… masakit po iyon. Tapos sabi ko kasi kung itatago

ko lang po siya eh wala po eh, mas lalo lang po syang bibigat. Kaya sinabi ko

nalang po. Wala na po akong pakielam kung anong sabihin nila basta kami po


4408, Capricorn St., Brgy. 177, Maria Luisa Subd. Camarin, Caloocan City

nag-aaral po kami ng mabuti tapos wala po kaming ginagawang masama sa

kanila. Kapag mga ganun po, ayun mga ganun po, iniignore ko po siya, okay lang
iyan wala silang ginagawang masama sakin basta ako walang ginagawang

masama sa kanila. Bahala na po iyong Diyos na gumawa po ng ano sa kanila.

Ganoon lang po iyong sinasabi ko tapos sabi din po kasi ng mga magulang ko na

ganun lang daw po iyong gagawin. May routine po kasi ako na pag-uwi ko ng

bahay syempre magtitinda muna po ako tapos pag nagtitinda po ako

nagcecellphone muna po ako para nanonood muna po ako, nakakapagparelax

muna po sa isip ko kasi kakagaling lang po ng school. Tapos kapag nasa mood na

po ako na “Nako ito na magrereview na ako.”, magrereview na po ako hanggang

gabi. Tapos minsan po kapag ano… napagod… ay may practice po sa school

tapos gabi na po ako makakauwi tapos eh pagod na pagod at nakatulog, gigising

po ako ng madaling araw para saka po ako magrereview. Achiever po ako.

Simula po noong kinder po ako mga certificate lang po na “Most Behave”

(laugh) mga ganun lang po tapos nung grade 2 na po ako nagkaroon po ako ng

top, top 10 po ako. Tapos may isang teacher po na nagsabi sa akin na “Itong

batang to ito iyong parang may potential sa pag-aaral.” Kaya iyong teacher po

na iyon nainspire niya po ako na mag-aral po ng mabuti. Isa po siya sa mga

dahilan. Tapos iyong mga ibang awards ko naman po like iyong mga cooking

contest po kasi ang sarap po kapag nagluluto tapos enjoy na enjoy po. Mahilig po

akong magluto, tapos meron pa iyong mga Readers’ Theatre, Story Telling po,

Declamation kasi maboka naman po ako. Iyon po iyong… ayaw ko po kasi nung

mga dancing ugh! (laugh) Mas gusto ko po iyong mga ganoon. Tapos po noong

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