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Welcome to R6TM

Please follow the following steps to get started in R6TM.

1) Join our discord:

- See the latest announcements,
- Interact with other players and staff,
- Report Players and Appeal Bans.

2) Read our Rulebook! (you can find our rulebook by scrolling down.)
- We request that you do this before playing any matches.
- Reminder that there are skill and level requirements that need to be met in order to play in our
FPL-R hubs.

Useful links:
- R6TM Hub: (All important information is here)
- Twitter:

Hub Schedules
- All of our NA and EU FPL-R as well as Proving grounds Queues are * Open 24/7* !

* This Rulebook outlines guidelines that must be followed at all times when participating in any
R6TM match or event. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in penalties outlined in the
* Staff members of R6TMs act using their discretion and will maintain the right to always have
the final say. Any instance not clearly described in this rulebook may be discussed and accepted
to preserve fair play and sportsmanship.

All mentions of “R6TMs PG” or similar are referring to “Proving Grounds”. This is an R6TM
owned and managed product.

Key Rules
- Custom game settings mirror those used in Pro League.
- Side selection: the team that banned the last map chose the Overtime side, the opposing team
chose the starting side.
- It is highly encouraged but not mandatory to use our OFFICIAL DISCORD for communication.
- Your UPLAY account needs to meet the following requirements:
- LVL 100 +
- No Barcode name or any other form of obfuscation
- No standing Ubisoft or Tabwire ban
- You MUST LINK your account at to queue in our PG Hubs.
- You MUST USE the account you link with to the queue.
1.1. Match Settings
- All players are required to have these settings saved to a playlist while participating in R6TM
- Time of the Day: Day
- HUD Settings: Pro League
- Server Settings: Dedicated Server
- Match Settings:
- Banning
- Number of Bans: 4
- Ban Timer: 20
- Rounds
- Number of Rounds: 12
- Attack/Defender role swap: 6
- Overtime rounds: 3
- Overtime score difference: 2
- Overtime role change: 1
- Objective Rotation Parameter: 2
- Objective Rotation Type: Rounds Played
- Pick Phase Timer: 15
- 6TH Pick Phase: On
- 6TH Pick Phase Timer: 15
- Reveal Phase Timer: 5
- Health and Damage
- Damage handicap: 100
- Friendly fire damage: 100
- Reverse friendly fire: off
- Injured: 20
- Character Control
- Sprint: On
- Lean: On
- Death
- Death Replay: OFF
- Game Mode: Bomb
- Game Mode Settings:
- Plant duration: 7
- Defuse duration: 7
- Fuse time: 45
- Defuser Carrier Selection: On
- Preparation Phase Duration: 45
- Action Phase Duration: 180
1.1.2 Match Replays
Match Replays are to be left ON. This is to assist reports of cheating/in-game toxicity. However,
it is worth noting that staff members are not obligated to go through a match replay to find

1.2. Match Start

1.2.1. No Shows
- If a player does not show up within Ten (10) minutes, please press the call admin button
and an admin will properly assess what shall be done.

1.3. Match Procedures

1.3.1. Match Result
- The result must be immediately entered and confirmed by both parties within the client
post-game. A protest may still be made even after a match result has been confirmed.

1.4. Punishments
- Punishments are set out according to FACEIT and our own R6TM Conduct Guide.

1.5. Account-Based Infractions

1.5.1. Username and Avatar
- The use of inappropriate avatars or usernames (Uplay or FACEIT) is strictly prohibited by
R6TM. All players must follow the guidelines described in FACEITs personal rules. Failure to
comply will result in sanctions. This includes barcode usernames.

1.5.2. Account Sharing

- Sharing of accounts (i.e. Letting someone other than yourself play on your FACEIT account in
R6TM) is prohibited at all times. Disregarding this rule will result in sanctions.

1.5.3. Smurfing/Multiple Accounts/Account sharing

- The use of more than one Account is forbidden in R6TM. A player is allowed only one account
at all times in R6TM.

1.6. Player Behavior Infractions

1.6.1. Misleading Staff or Players
- Intentionally trying to misinform staff or players will automatically increase the punishment of
the infraction. This includes failure to be present after a call has been made requesting an
R6TM Staff. R6TM reserves the right to close the call after 5 minutes of no response from the
player that requested help. Continuous false calls will result in sanctions.

1.6.2. Toxicity
- Toxicity includes racism in any form, discrimination, sexism and harassment. If a player is
found acting improperly they will receive sanctions based on the instances / severity of their
1.6.3. Spamming
- A cooldown will be issued to any player who is spamming in any R6TM related chat.
Continuance of this will result in progressively more severe sanctions.

1.7. Game Related Infractions

1.7.1. Griefing or Trolling
- Griefing or Trolling will not be tolerated in any Hub. This includes (but is not limited to)
teamkilling, suicide, destruction of friendly gadgets. Players found griefing or trolling will receive
sanctions based on the instances / severity of their actions.

1.7.2. Queue Dodging, No Show and AFK

- Players are required to play this game once they accept the match. Those who intentionally try
to avoid playing a game will be treated as dodging will lead to sanctions.

1.7.3. Improper Match Settings

- Players are required to use the latest playlist settings (stated in 3.5). Failure to do so will result
in sanctions based on the number of instances / severity.

1.7.4. Leaving an Ongoing Match

- Players are required to play through all accepted matches. Leaving a match will result in
sanctions. In cases where a player was found to intentionally leave the match, sanctions will be
more severe.

1.7.5. High Ping

- Players are required to stay within their own regions and play on the designated game servers.
Those who consistently surpass 100ms will be removed from the Hub.
- To report someone for High Ping, please send a DM to MODMAIL on our discord after the
match is over with: Three (3) screenshots in Three (3) different rounds during the action

1.8. FACEIT Related Infractions

1.8.1. Submission of False Scores
- Any player intentionally submitting false scores to benefit themselves will immediately receive
a 7 day queue ban. Failure to adhere to the rules a second time will result in a Permanent Ban.

1.9. Match Protests

- Protests must be done within thirty (30) minutes of the match being completed. Depending on
the severity of the infraction, this limitation may be waived at the discretion of the R6TM Staff.
Please contact our Modmail for all enquiries about player reports.

1.10. Player Reports and Appeals

- Player Reports and Appeals are to be done in discord using the MODMAIL bot. Persons
reporting/banning must follow the given guidelines and provide supportive evidence for their
1.11 Cancellations and Forfeits
- Player(s) wishing for a cancellation must contact an admin by opening a ticket and provide
valid reasons for such a cancellation. The responding admin has the final decision on whether a
cancellation will follow-through and their decision has to be respected.
- Player(s) intending to forfeit must contact an admin by opening a ticket and provide proper
reasoning for the forfeit. Do note that all present members of a team must state clearly their
agreement for a forfeit. The responding admin has final decision on whether the forfeit is valid.
- The Responding Admin’s verdict has to be respected at all times. A further review of the match
can be requested after the match through our modmail support.

Game Specific Rules

2.1. Anti-Cheat
- Ubisoft’s in-game anti-cheat system (BattleEye) applies to R6TM matches.

2.2. Game Hosting

- The left Team Captain is solely responsible for hosting the match. If another player in the lobby
wishes to host instead they are welcome to, but it is not their responsibility.
- The team on the left side is the host for the game, and the Captain is responsible for setting up
the custom lobby and inviting the other Captain. The game must be hosted on a dedicated
server, the server location must be set to default (based on ping).
- North America (NA): CUS
- Europe (EU): WEU
- In the event a game is unable to move forward due to refusal to hosts by players of the match,
the left team captain will take sole responsibility.

2.3. Losses via Technical Issues

- If a player has disconnected from the game and there is no explanation as to why they have
disconnected it will be dealt as an unknown leave. Players are allowed to appeal their sanction

2.4. Regional Limitations for Participants

- Players are limited to the closest Ubisoft R6 server region supported by our game rules (4.4).
Max consistent ping is limited to 100ms. Anything past 100ms will incur a removal from the Hub.

2.5. Communication
- Communication via our official VOIP Discord is optional for Proving Grounds queues
- R6TM has a requirement for all players to speak and type in English as it is the designated
universal verbal communication language. Players that are found to not be speaking English are
subject to a Temporary/Permanent suspension.
2.5.1. Official R6TM Discord.
- Our OFFICIAL DISCORD for voice communications.
- R6TM Main Hub:

2.5.2. Responsibilities of Players (Communication)

- Players are responsible for ensuring that all members on their team are able to communicate
before starting. Games that have already started may be subject to a force of play at the
discretion of R6TM Staff.

2.6. Operators
- The Demon Veil Operator “Azami” will undergo a TWO-WEEK Quarantine Period in our
Proving Grounds hubs. They can be played starting 14th December.
- The High Caliber Operator “Thorn” is now allowed in all our hubs including FPL-R.
- All other Operators can be played in all our hubs.
Failure to adhere to these policies can and will result in sanctions.

2.7. Cosmetics
- All Cosmetics are allowed in “Proving Grounds”.

2.8. Spawn Peeking/Spawn Killing

- Follow the guidelines below to determine the difference and definition of spawn killing and
spawn peeking.
- Unless a “Spawn Kill” was made in the first 2 seconds of the ACTION PHASE, it counts as a
valid “Spawn Peek”
A failed attempt does still count as sanctionable

2.9. Rehost
- One rehost per team per match may be called for any technical issues.
- Rehosts can be called in the Operator Pick Phase or Prep Phase.
if a rehost is called in the Action Phase the round has to be played out!*
-Pauses are encouraged to be used in order to minimize downtime if issues occur; however,
abuse of the feature can lead to sanctions.
- If an Admin is called due to disagreement about a rehost, the Admin has the right to call for a
rehost or force-play the match, and can choose to bend Section 2.9 in the interest of
Competitive Integrity

3.1. Misconduct
- The attempt to mislead admins or other players, using false information or in any other way to
deceive participants will lead to sanctions.
- Intentionally queuing with known ban evaders can lead to sanctions.
3.2. Cheating
- Examples of cheating include: Multi-hacks, Wallhack, Aimbot, Colored Models, No-Recoil,
Macros, No-Flash and Sound changes. Any cheating will be dealt with via an immediate
permanent ban. This includes ringing.
- The intentional use of any unintended game mechanics, regardless of whether or not to give
an advantage to a player in a certain situation, is against the rules.

3.3. Spectating
-Admins hold the right to observe any match organized by R6TMs. Refusal to cooperate could
lead to sanctions.
-No observing is allowed apart from individuals given explicit permission by R6TM officials.

3.4. Confidentiality
- The content of protests, support tickets, discussions or any other correspondence with officials
and administrators are deemed strictly confidential. The publication of such material on private
or social media channels, which includes and is not limited to, Twitter, Twitch, Facebook and
Reddit, is prohibited without written consent from R6TM Management

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