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Javier, John Raphael D.

Section: ICE 1101

SR-Code: 20-00987 Date:10-5-20


Evaluate the message or themes/ sub-themes of any of the following advertisements

by Ligo, a local brand of sardines in the Philippines. Discuss how the semiotic features
(text, photo, color, etc.) affect the message – both superficial and subliminal – in the
context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

Key Questions:
1. What is the message?
Answer: The message is to practice self quarantine and social distancing for the
people to be fully aware of the danger of this virus. Because some people is not
following the protocols of the government that’s why the numbers of covid
patients are keep rising. That’s why ligo company make a way to tell people to
don’t forget to keep distance to each other. The ads help people to be aware if
they forget the protocols.

2. What is the purpose of the message?

Answer: The purpose of the message is to show people that they need to take
care of their selves for their own sake and also for the people around them.
Because if they will have the virus all of the people close to them will be
indangered. That’s why people need to be careful of what they are doing if its
not important stay at home. Also the purpose of the message even if your not
affected think that you are affected to be careful on what you are doing.

3. How is the message conveyed (by the text and/or image)?

Answer: They conveyed the message through image the image they use is two
cans that are distancing with each other. The next one is they use text that is
saying “social distancing please!!”. Then they put it in the social media to be seen
by the people that is on the use of internet. They also use ads to be seen in video

4. Who is the target audience of the message?

Answer: The target audience of the message is the consumers because they are
the one who is the main audience that is buying the product . Also they target
the people that uses social media because they will see the advertisement that
they will post. They also target the experts so they can promote their products.

5. What other ways of presenting the message are there?

Answer: They can present information by the use of posters they can post bill
boards to be seen by people that don’t use internet. Also they can use fliers to

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post on public places like malls markets etc. Make a page in the news paper that
contains the message of their ads so old people that like reading can also see it.
Last is in magazines most teenagers like to buy magazine and read the so that
young people can be aware of your message.

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