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Lemery Colleges, Inc.

A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Chapter 2

This chapter presents the research design, research locale, participants of the
study, data collection procedure, research instruments, ethical consideration, and data

Research Design

In this Study,the researchers employed the descriptive and qualitative design of research because it is

nearly related to its purpose and concern.

Descriptive research is the research design in which data is collected in a qualitative

manner and analyzed using quantitative procedures (Nassaji, 2015). Descriptive
research refers to the scientific methodology in which observation of the sampled
population is carried out in its natural surrounding.

Qualitative research is exploratory or interrogative research and tries to get “under

the surface”. “ The aim is to gather insights into how people live; what they do; how they
use things; or what they need in their everyday or professional lives.“ ( Government
Design Service Manual, 2016)

Qualitative research is a holistic approach that involves discovery. Qualitative research

is also described as an unfolding model that occurs in a natural setting that enables the
researcher to develop a level of detail from high involvement in the actual experiences
(Creswell, 1994).

Research Locale

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

The researchers decided to conduct their study where they took the selected ten respondents
from Grade 11 HUMSS students.Founded in 1994 as a tutorial center, the Lemery Colleges (LC)
is a private academic and training institution based in the municipality of Lemery, Batangas. The
then known Lemery Computer Center eventually evolved into a computer school as backed up
by the positive feedback and support that came from its clients. Lemery Colleges is located at
A. Bonifacio St., Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery Batangas. The researchers choose Lemery Colleges
because LCIANs (students of Lemery Colleges) are capable of answering questions based on
their intellectual capacity and vast knowledge and skills.Lemery Colleges is also one of the Right
Choices because it has a Good Quality teaching. However, the researchers wanted to give a
deeper look on things and verify them using a semi-structured interview that is done orally and
in written form.

Participants of the Study

Having a Good and Positive attitudes reflect on the Students of Lemery Colleges. They
have a full of love and cooperation for their surroundings, especially when it comes to
humanity. Here are some characteristics to look for in a good person.

• OPEN-MINDED - Open-mindedness involves being receptive to a wide variety of

ideas, arguments, and information. If you are not open to other ideas and perspectives,
it is difficult to see all of the factors that contribute to problems or come up with effective

• SINCERITY - Sincerity is a mix of seriousness and honesty. If you do things with

sincerity, people will trust you.

• COOPERATIVE - Cooperative is someone who is willing to work with others nicely, or

is working together towards achieving a common goal. If a person is cooperative, the
work will be done easily.

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

• INTEGRITY - Integrity is a high value trait and having an integrity means that you live
in accordance to your deepest values, you're honest with everyone, and you always
keep your word.

• RELIABLE - Reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or

behaves well.

• CONSIDERATE - Considerate is showing kindly awareness or regard for another's

feeling, circumstances, etc. It is being polite, caring, kind and thoughtful ---- a good
person to know.

• PUNCTUAL - Punctual is being on time. If you are punctual, you do something or

arrive somewhere at the right time and are not late.

•DETERMINED-having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.

•Humility - You have a confident yet modest opinion of your own self-importance. With

this honorable trait, you have a learning and growth mindset and the desire to express

and experience gratitude for what you have rather than expecting you deserve more.

•Thoroughness - When you are thorough, you're willing to put in the extra effort to

ensure things are done completely and correctly.

•Generosity - This good quality is willing to offer time, energy, efforts, emotions, words

or assets without the expectation of something in return.

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

The researchers choose Grade 12 as the respondents of the study because: first,
Grade 12 students are the individuals who has a lot of experiences in doing visual
learing,especially in this Pandemic Period. Second; the reason why the researchers
chose the Grade 12 students is because they are confident to answer all the questions
that researchers have and they have an idea about visual learning . Third, they wish to
pass on essential knowledge to the next generation, who will require the data for
assignments, projects, and as a source of additional research.

Data Collection Procedures

A letter seeking information coming from the principal Mr.Danny L. Bilale to

administer interview was handed to him personally. Interview questions were distributed

personally to the ten Selected students of HUMSS strands in Lemery Colleges.

The researchers went to different libraries and different websites to gather references or

resources that will fit to the current research. The information or data gathered were

utilize and organize in formal form. The interview questions were presented to the thesis

adviser for approval, comments, suggestions, clarifications, and revisions were

considered. Finally, the final draft was prepared and multiplied enough for the specific


While conducting the interview proper, the interviewers asked questions and

follow ups to let the topic be on its proper place. Aside from that, conclusions in the end

are done.

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Research Instruments

The researchers used the interview questions to obtain the data and information
about the Visual learning on the Academic Achievement of Selected HUMSS students
of Lemery Colleges

Ethical Considerations

It is imperative that ethical issues are considered during the formulation of the

evaluation plan. Ethical consideration during evaluation include:

• Data Privacy Act

Data Privacy Act is a law that seeks to protect all forms of information, be it private,
personal, or sensitive. It is meant to cover both natural and juridical persons involved in
the processing of personal information.

• Prim and Proper

Someone who is prim and proper always behaves in the correct way and never
breaks the rules of etiquette. It is very correctly behaved and easily shocked by anything
that is rude.

• Respect

Also called esteem, is a positive feeling or action shown towards someone or

something considered important or held in high esteem or regard. It conveys a sense of
admiration for good or valuable qualities. It is also the process of honoring someone by
exhibiting care, concern, or consideration for their needs or feelings.


refers to a condition in which the researcher knows the identity of a research subject,
but takes steps to protect that identity from being discovered by others. ... Because

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

most human subjects research requires signed documentation of consent, subject

anonymity is not as common in human subjects research.

•Informed Consent

one of the founding principles of research ethics. Its intent is that human participants
can enter research freely (voluntarily) with full information about what it means for them
to take part, and that they give consent before they enter the research.

• Data Analysis

Frequency counting was used for clearer interpretation and presentation of data
gathered regarding the perceptions of students on online education as a way to help

This study was interpreted using the percentage formula only on the demographic
profile of the respondents as it is included in the research.

The formula was:

P= f × 100




N= number of students

100= constant term

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Other data gathered in this research were presented in a narrative form because
this study adapted IMRAD format (Qualitative Research Design). Moreover, it is
expected to use verbal expressions or language in presenting the data gathered
throughout the research

Collado,Sherlyn C.

Casalme,Angel Rose


Villanueva,Ivan Justine

Lemery Colleges, Inc.
A. Bonifacio St.,Brgy. Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

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