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for the
Presentation with Graphics

Exercises based on the Business Benchmark Series.

In this part of the test you will be asked to describe a graph which can be a pie chart,
a bar graph or a graph. You must demonstrate an read the information and expand
on the topic – this means you can elaborate in the probabilites, causes or
consequences of the information presented.

The following exercises aim to be a guide to answer these questions. At the end there
are examples of graphics similar to those in the exam. Practice.

Speaking task 1
1 Look at chart 1 below. Read the description and label the chart.
The pie chart shows the breakdown of visitors to the International Food Exhibition
by area of business. The largest number of visitors was from catering sector,
which formed 24% of the total. This was followed by the manufacturing sector,
which made up 20% of the total. The wholesale and distribution sector came to
18% of total visitors, while the retail sector constituted 14%. Other visitors,
including journalists and public relations and marketing, accounted for the
remaining 24%.
2 Reflection. Answer the following questions and use your answer to
consider how you would organize a presentation of chart, graph or table.
a) What is the purpose of the first sentence in the description?
b) In what order does the description deal with the categories in the pie chart:
from larger to smaller or clockwise round the pie chart?
c) How many other verbs can you find which mean “formed”?
d) Why are so many different verbs with the same meaning used?

3 Look at chart 2 and complete the description below with up to six words
in each space.
The chart shows the breakdown of _____________________________________ the
International Food Exhibition. The largest group of visitors were from delicatessens,
which _______________________ of the total. This was followed by supermarkets
___________ of all visitors. Grocers _________________ , while other shops _______________
of visitors.

Answers (use them to guide you in your writing and speaking for this test practice)
1 1 catering sector 2 retail sector 3 wholesale and distribution sector 4 manufacturing
1 the first line describes what the cart in general shows
2 descriptions go from larger to smaller (in that order)
3 made up, came to, constituted, accounted for
4 to avoid repetition, which is tedious and bad style.
4 Study THESE charts and write your own description.
Practice: Use the following exercises to prepare for the fourth part of the
speaking test. Consider ONE minute to present each set of graphs.

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