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July 14, 2011

Dont Call My Bluff Ive Got To Fundraise

Obama Threatens To Cancel Social Security Checks For Seniors While Collecting More Cash For His Campaign Coffers

Click The Birthday Invite Or Here To See Obama Threaten To Not Send Social Security Checks While Planning His Big Birthday Fundraiser Bash OBAMA PLANNING MASSIVE AUGUST 3RD FUNDRAISER
Obama Has Plenty Of Time To Celebrate His Birthday With A Glitzy Birthday Bash Fundraiser In Chicago. President Obama returns to Chicago on Aug. 3 to mark his 50th birthday with fund-raisers at the Aragon Ballroom, with tickets ranging from $50 a person to $35,800 per couple, which includes VIP seating at a Birthday Concert where celebs will be performing and a dinner with the president. (Lynn Sweet, Obama Hits
Chicago For 50th Birthday Fund-Raisers At The Aragon, Chicago Sun-Times, 7/13/11)


Obama Stormed Out Of Debt-Limit Meeting. President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of a stormy debt-limit meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday, a dramatic setback to the already shaky negotiations. (Jonathan Allen and Jake Sherman, President Obama Abruptly Walks Out Of Debt Ceiling Talks, Politico, 7/13/11) Before Obama Walked Out, He Declared To Negotiators, Dont Call My Bluff. Republicans said tense negotiations over raising the $14.3 trillion debt limit at the White House ended when President Obama stormed out of the meeting with a stern warning to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (RVa.): Dont call my bluff. (Russell Berman and Sam Youngman, Obama Warns Cantor: 'Don't Call My Bluff' In Debt-Ceiling Talks, The Hill,


Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

Obama Threatened To Not Send Social Security Checks On August 3rd. CBS NEWS SCOTT PELLEY: Can you guarantee, as president, those checks will go out on August the third? OBAMA: I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it. (Scott Pelley, Obama: No Guarantee For Social Security Checks, CBS News, 7/12/11) Social Securitys Chief Actuary Says The Responsibility For Sending Out Social Security Checks Falls Entirely Upon Obamas Treasury Department. REP. TIM HUELSKAMP (R-KS): I wonder if you can explain to me how the checks would not go out on August 3rd, under what circumstances would Social Security checks be withheld? STEPHEN C. GOSS: I wish I could give you a definitive answer to that. I think you would have to talk to people at Department of the Treasury, quite frankly. The responsibility of the Social Security Administration per se, my boss, Commissioner Astrue, is to in fact determine how much in the way of benefit payments people are supposed to receive. We send that information actually over to the Department of the Treasury. They are the ones who actually send out the payments, whether its electronic funds, transfers, or check. (Committee On The Budget, U.S. House Of
Representatives, Hearing, 7/13/11)


Obama Wants $1 Trillion In Taxes On Top Of What Hes Already Signed. Obama wants $1 trillion in taxes on top of what he's already signed. There are numerous other new taxes in the [health care] bill, all adding up to some $438 billion in new revenue over 10 years. But even that is understated because by 2019 the annual revenue increase is nearly $90 billion, or $900 billion in the 10 years after that. Yet Mr. Obama wants to add another $1 trillion in new taxes on top of this. (Editorial, Taxes Upon Taxes Upon The Wall Street Journal,

2 Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 - Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.

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