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School of Social Sciences and Education

GED104 Cluster – Science, Technology and Society

Instructions and Guide Questions for Film Analysis 1 (FA 1)

Name: Evarle, Maria Jeaness B. Date: 01/29/22

Section: AR - A59 Course: GED104

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Instructions: In a film analysis, you systematically evaluate a film’s effectiveness including

what it does well and what it does poorly. It can be used to discuss a science and technology
documentary film. You must review the film carefully and may need to look up terms or
concepts you are unfamiliar with or research related reading prior to writing your analysis.
Watch the film, A. I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) directed by Steven Spielberg available in

Write a short film analysis using the format below and answer the following guide questions as
concisely as possible.

1) Introduction - The film 'A.I. Artificial Intelligence' was directed and written by Steven
Spielberg in 2001. David, the child mecha, was played by Haley Joel Osment, and Jude Law
played as Joe, a lover mecha. Other main characters were played by Frances O'Connor, William
Hurt, and Sam Robards. The movie was superb, highlighting how artificial intelligence could
exceed human's love and mortality. Yet it also shows how humans take advantage of the mechas
by using them for their benefit and discard them when not needed anymore. But overall, it
mainly focuses on how far a child's love, even an artificial one, could go.

2) Plot Summary – The film starts with a professor proposing a child mecha who could love and
later on was able to create one. They named the child David, who Monica and Henry adopted for
testing, whose son was in a coma at that time. Monica grew fond of David and activated the
child's love for her and their family. Then their son, Martin, came back and felt competitive
around David. This resulted in unfortunate events that led the couple to bring David back to
Cybertronics and be destroyed. But Monica decided to leave David in the woods instead. David
was devastated and determined to see the Blue Fairy, who could make his wish to be a real boy
so his mother could love him. Throughout his journey, he met Joe, a lover mecha who helped
him answer his questions and go to Manhattan, a place where mechas don't come back and where
he saw the professor who created him. He realized that there was plenty of him in the process of
making. He jumped in the sea, and there he saw the figurine of Blue Fairy, which made his hope
stronger. He stayed there, praying that he could be human, and froze until 2,000 years passed.
The highly advanced species found him there and woke him up. They made him realize that
many years have passed and humans are extinct, but his love for Monica and hope to be real was
still there. They gave him a chance to be with her again, even just for a day. He was so happy
when she said she loved him. When she started to close her eyes, he did too, and for the first
time, he dreamed.

3) Description – In the first part, I thought that the movie would focus on merely robotics, but it
carries my heart with it as the film goes. I felt like I was with David the whole time, and even
though he's a mecha, I can feel his broken heart. His sincerity and pure love were too intense that
it ached me. Indeed, he was built to love but can't seem to receive love in return. The lighting
shown on every scene was on point; each emphasizes David's innocence at home, when he's in
danger on the Flesh Fair, and even how sad yet happy his last moments were. I also felt an
emotional attachment with Teddy and Joe, who were with David all along and never left his side.
Though I understand Monica's reasons, I still don't think what she did to him was fair. I also like
how they visualized the last species on earth after 2,000 years and helped David be happy.
Overall, I did not expect to be emotional in a robotic movie, but Artificial Intelligence was
exceptional. Everything starting from the plot, characters, and effects was superb. I hope more
movies would be produced like it.

4) Analysis – The narrative way of the film is convincing, because I felt like I was with David
the whole time. It also sounds like that narration was the only way to understand David's
perspective, which was really on-point. I also appreciate the cinematography on each place he
has been to, and it reflects what the characters feel at the time. Their house was usually on
yellow lighting, which shows his innocence and happiness, but it all turned blue and dark when
he was lost. Also, the mecha characters' body motions, facial expressions, and make-up are
outstanding. Especially Joe, he looked like a real barbie. These techniques indeed add to the
film's thematic content, a dystopian world. It also focuses on other aspects such as
discrimination, inequality, and societal issues.

I agree with Professor Hobby's statement that "to create an artificial being has been the dream of
man since the birth of science." Humans who know the capability of science can discover new
possibilities. One has artificial intelligence that could be something they can control and benefit
them, with the same or higher intellect. Life could be much more accessible through that, for
these mechas could fill in the missing variables on humans' lives and, in some instances, exceed
them. Artificial intelligence could be seen as a revolution of our kind, and some believe that
they'll be the ones dominating the future, so they are our hope.

I believe that it would be better if licensing parents is implemented. We have felt and seen the
effects of depletion of natural resources, therefore thinking of the long-term effects should be
done. Overconsumption is one reason for this issue which is why the population should be
controlled. Especially in our country, people kept having children despite not having enough
money and secured mental and physical health. It leads to overpopulation, with people just
wanting more. So I agree that it is necessary to require licensing parents with special
qualifications and conditions. This could also be a way to protect the planet and our lives as well.
5) Conclusion/Evaluation – I think humans can't live in peace with robots because of the thought
that it could be their replacement over time. Humans are organic, while robots are mechanical.
This means that people are bound to die, for they have limits in life, but robots don't. Robots
could never be human, for they should be in mortality and made from flesh. Also, robots don't
have feelings because humans control their minds. However, they can have in the future, just like
what happened in the film.

The key issue raised in the movie was robot abuse. Humans are the only ones responsible for
artificial intelligence, in terms of ethics and morals, because they're the ones who made it. A
robot should be qualified to know what is right or wrong to prevent doing harmful things, even if
humans force them to. I think they should acquire the ability to have morals itself to recognize

Overall, the film is a wake-up call to the people. It tackles a lot of significant issues that could
affect our future, and I believe everything in the movie is possible in reality. I had an emotional
attachment to the characters, especially to David. I also wished that he could be real, despite it
being impossible. His purity and love made me hope for it too. Also, it is natural for us to feel
the need for love, just like David. We want to be appreciated, so we strive hard to be better
people. The film showed how one seeks validation from the people they love to accept
themselves, which is sad because it is true. This film is a masterpiece, and I felt like I missed life
when I spent years not watching it.

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