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Personal Bio Data

1. Name: Abdirizak abdi ibrahim

2. AKA: Abdiyow
3. Clan: Rahanweyn/macalin weyne
4. PoB: Kisamayo -Somalia
5. DoB: 19/05/1988
6. Citizen: Somali
7. Education: Bachelor degree in Information technology
8. Marital Status: Married

9. Family : Abdiyow hails from farming family that belongs to fertile land in both juba,
bay, bakol and parts of Gedo region that have influenced Al shabab in those rural
areas to recruit them in their different Maktab mostly is spying across the roads
alongside their farms that mostly used by the government forces in those area.

10. Characteristics:
11. Language

language listen Spea Rea writ Remarks

k d e
Somali     Interested in poems pretends a
Arabic     Basic knowledge coming from
Quranic schools and reading Quran
Kiswahili no no no no
English     Interested in literature and novel

12. Personal Background:

II. Organizational issues
1. Membership: Abdiyow is currently member of Qadar charity staff in Somalia that is
paid in a period of 2 and half years
2. Position: Officer
3. Division: Information Technology office.
4. Areas of Operation:
 Mogadishu somalia

5. Organizational affiliation:

6. Organizational Background:
6.1. When/where and how he joined:
 Abdiyow joined this organization late 2019 in Mogadishu city of
 the year 2010 Abdiyow accomplished his primary and secondary
school in Mogadishu Somalia and got good rank in his final exam that
led him to have the chance to study in Qadar for full scholarship as
mujamac umul qura ( Educational umberella under makka al mukaram
foundation) headed by the Qadari coordinator in Islamic teaching
namely sheikh shibili an aspirant of Salafi leaders in Somalia.
 Abdiyow accomplished 2015 his degree in Information & Technology
from the university of Georgetown university and back to Somalia 0n
6.2. Trainings:
Abdiyow mentioned that the organization provides workshops and
trainings to the staff by accommodating them different countries.
 Abdiyow had participated trainings in Sudan on domain and website
building 05/04/2020
 Participated software and hardware , programming and networking on
 Participated cyper security in Somalia on 15/12/2021
6.3. How and when he gets his current positions:
 Abdiyow got this job after he had communicated by the former Mp
Adam izak former deputy information ministry of Somalia among the
well trusted politicians of sudan and qadar in Somalia that finished
their academic studies in sudan and qadar.
 Abdiyow joined this organization late 2019.
6.4. His reputation and relation with in and the leadership:

III. Technical Assessment

1. Motivation:
 Money,
Abdiyow has got 2 wives and children that he feels is not enough to support
with his current salary.
2. Communication:
 Abdiyow communicates actively when he is out of the organization campus
mostly prefers communicating at night and afternoon sometimes.

3. Organizational affiliation: (organizational goal, family, ideology, grievances):
 Abdiyow is working with Qadar teams in Somalia that mostly supports needy
community in education and other livelihood programs in rural and parts of
urban areas , this organization mostly supports orphans and widows of AS
fighters in Somalia with cash and food distribution but covertly spreads
Islamic salafism in Somalia.


5. Current status:
 Reliability:
Abdiyow mighty get reliable intel understanding from move and pre reporting
before recruiting him as a source.
6. His offer:

IV. Comments:
 he was providing important and accurate information. If handled properly
and discreetly train him on reporting, OPSEC and also advise him to
continue and recover his mood, he can be important asset.
 Abdiyow can explore the Qadar network in Somalia as well as covert
missions and others as well.

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