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1. How was the literary piece, Baliwayway, narrated?

A. First Person Point of View

B. Second Person Point of View

C. Third Person Point of View

D. Fourth Person Point of View

2. What does a blooming flower symbolizes in the literary piece, Baliwayway?

A. The growth of a child and development

B. Development of society

C. The father's hard work to sustain the needs of his son

D. A happy ending after sorrowful circumstances in life.

3. What is the meaning of prefix "I" in Isanay?

a. Myself

b. Neighborhood

c. Citizen

d. Native

4. Baliwayway is showing the tribal pattern of the culture in which the father expressed his fears and
____ about the growing boy.

A. Uncertainties

B. Difficulties

C. Doubts

D. Hesitations

5. What is "Lilith abi" means in english?

a. Lily, go away.
b. Lilith, go away.

c. Lily, go sleep.

d. Lilith, go sleep.

6. What part of the plot states that "He endured all the struggles and obstacles because if he grow old
and his son will turned into a man, he shall take his place" ?

a. Rising action b.Climax

c.Falling action d. Exposition

7. Which sentence below refers to the resolution?

a.The father works hard and sacrifices so they can survive in everyday living. He urged him to sleep so he
can go to the field and work.

b.It was a normal conversation between the father and the son. The father compares his son to a
blooming flower because he is still young and his innocence and curiosity growing. Later, the father
added that maybe his son grow up as a naughty youth so he shall bear with it.

c. The father raised his son oh well and equip them with kindness and love because when he grows old,
there will be someone who will take good care of him

d.The sun takes the position of his father and now he climb trees cut the branches and trunk, so they
can plant rice to sustain their needs while they are alive. He did all this by following the core teachings of
his father because if you follow your parents you will never lose your way.

8. Where did the story transpire?

A. A field or farm to work

B. A barnhouse

C. In the lake

D. In my heart

9. What was the role of the father in the story?

A. To be guardian of the young boy

B. To farm in the field

C. To contribute in the society

D. To feed the animals

10.Why did the father compare his son to a blooming flower?

a. because his innocence and curiosity still growing.

b. because he is beautiful.

c. because his knowledge and wisdom is growing.

d. because he's young and still growing.

1. Who is the father of Bino Realuyo?

a. Augustos A. Realuyo

b. Augusto Rio Realuyo

c. Augusto Roa Realuyo

d. August To Kita


2. Poems about death and grief can be easier to compose with the help of these ideas and suggestions:

A. Prioritize well-being

B. Take your time to process

C. Know the purpose of your poem

D. b & c


3. The dead face of my beloved is a __ composed by Bino Realuyo

A. Novel


C.Short Story



4. Bino A. Realuyo has a Master's in Education, with a focus on Technology from ____________, Where
he also also served as a fellow in social entrepreneurship at the center for public leadership of the John
F. Kennedy school for government.

A. Haggard University

B. Hazard University

C. Western Mindanao State University

D. Harvard University


5. On what year The Dead Face of My beloved was written by Bino Realuyo?

A. 2000

B. 2004

C. 2022

D. 1999


6. In the six thinking hats, which of the following denotes positive outlook despite trials and difficulties?
It is also known as the optimistic hat.

A. White Hat

B. Red Hat

C. Yellow Hat

D. Blue Hat


7. Who is the author of the poem entitled 'The Dead Face of My Beloved'?

A. Bino A. Realuyo

B. Beno A. Raluyo

C. Pipino S.A luyo

D. Bin A. Realty

Answer: A


Awards of Bino A. Realuyo are the following except: (3 points)

2018-2019 - Finalist Status for manuscripts: 2040 James MacPherson book award finalist, 2019 Iron
Horse Literary Review Trifecta Finalist, Tupelo Press 2019 Berkshire Prize Poetry finalist, 2019 Red Hen
Press Benjamin Saltman Poetry Prize First Runner Up, Many Voices Project 2018 Poetry Prize finalist,
2019 Crab Orchard Open Poetry Competition Finalist

2019 - Selected by the group U-2 in its 30th Anniversary Joshua Tree Concert in Manila

2018 - 2nd New York Foundation for the Arts/NYSCA Fellowship for fiction


2016 - Queens Arts Grant for poetry

2009 - Philippine National Book Award for The Gods We Worship Live Next Door (National Book
Development Board and Manila Critics Circle)

2009 - Yaddo Artist Fellowship for Poetry, Saratoga Springs, New York

2006 - Urban Artist Initiative/New York City Grant to Artists of Color, New York

2006 - Finalist, PEN Beyond Margins Award for The Gods We Worship Live Next Door


2005 - “Agha Shahid Ali Prize in Poetry” for The Gods We Worship Live Next Door, selected by Grace
Schulman, Distinguished Professor of English, City University of New York, University of Utah Press

2004 - Valparaiso Artist in Residence Fellowship for fiction, Almeria, Spain

2000 - New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship for fiction


2054- New York Best Selling Author

2089- Philippine’s Best Poet

2999- American Association for Poets, Best Poet: Finalist

Answer: d
1. What is Paradox?

- two opposite things that seems impossible but is actually possible.

2. Who is the author's professor that made her transfer to literature?

- C.V Wickers

3. In what year did she win the Philippine's Commonwealth Literary Awards?

- 1940

4. What is metonymy?

- a kind of figurative language that refers to a situation in which one term is substituted for another.

5-6. Based on the Green Hat of Edward de Bono, what does the poem talk about?

- love

- sorrow

7. What is the title of the last poem made by Angela?

- Old Maid Walking on a City Street

8. What is her name when she got married?

- Angela Marie Manalang~Gloria

9. She is the author of the poetry collection, Poems, first published in 1940 and revised in 1950?

- Angela Manalang-Gloria

10. It is a poem protesting against marital rape?

- Revolt from Hymen



1. What is the root of the incident?

Ans: Selfishness

2. What was the result of the brawls?

Ans: Death

3. What degree did Manuel E. Arguilla finished at the University of the Philippines in 1933?

Ans: BS Education


4. Where does the house of Baldo in nagrebcan situated?

a. Katayaghan Hills

b. Barrio

c. Near the cornfields and tobacco fields

d. Beside the rice field

Ans: C

5. What does a mother dog symbolize in the story?

a. Love and care

b. Love and protection

c. Care and protection

d. Care and loyalty

Ans: A

6. In the story, what represents morning?

a. Good

b. New beginning

c. Sunrise

d. Freshness

Ans: B

7. Which colonizers did put the Ilocanos through their routinary lives, degraded, abused, and
prostituted that was mirrored in this story?
A. Spaniards

B. Americans

C. Chinese

D. Japanese

Ans: D


8. Does the story entitled Morning in Nagrebcan uses third peron POV?

Ans: True

9. Manuel E. Arguilla was best known for his short story “Morning in Nagrebcan” which received first
price in the Commonwealth Literary Contest in 1949.

Ans: False

10. Minor characters are there to support the major characters but have less influence on the story.

Ans: True


1. Who is the author of the poem, To The Philippine Youth?

a. Apolinario Mabini

b. Emilio Jacinto

c. Jose Rizal

d. Andres Bonifacio

2. At what age and year did Jose Rizal win first prize in a poetry contest for his poem, To the
Philippine Youth?

a. 21 years old, 1889

b. 15 years old, 1873

c. 17 years old, 1890

d. 18 years old, 1879

3. To The Philippine Youth is one of Jose Rizal’s most famous poems.

a. True

b. False

4. What is emphasized by Jose Rizal in the poem?

a. The youth must uphold and preserve the Filipino culture and identity.

b. The youth must use their knowledge and talents for the benefit of the country.

c. The youth must help their countrymen at all times.

d. The youth must persevere to become responsible citizens of the country.

5. What was Rizal’s wish for the Filipino youth?

a. He wanted the Filipino youth to build up the arts and sciences to the plain, their abilities, and
use them to help those who are in need.

b. He wanted the Filipino youth to pursue the things they love and believe in their capabilities.

c. He wanted the Filipino youth to be the bridge of nation building.

d. All of the above.

6. Thou, who now wouldst rise

On wings of rich emprise,

Seeking from Olympian skies

Songs of sweetest strain,

What is the next line?

a. Thou, whose voice divine

b. Softer than ambrosial rain;

c. Weakest thy mind to life;

d. Hold high brow serene

Essay: 4pts.

What do you think is the biggest problem youths are facing nowadays?


1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. B
Beautiful horse

1. Who was the Author of The Beautiful Horse?

Answer: D. Paulo Dizon

2. What is the name of the barrio where the family is settling?

Answer: Pulong Masle

3. What is the name of Marcos’ Father?

Answer: Estong

4. She was the cousin of Marcos’ Mother.

Answer: Aunt Barang

5. What kind of animal followed Marcos’ Father?

Answer: Horse

6. What was the real name of the circus horse?

Answer: Minda Mora

7. What did Estong said when he found out that the horse belonged to the circus?

Answer: “I did not know that barang will turn to a circus lady”

8. What was Estong assumption towards the beautiful horse?

Answer: That it was the reincarnation of Aunt Barang.

The Summer solstice


1. Who is the author of the story entitled, "The Summer Solstice"? (Complete name)

2. It is a ritual performed by women to invoke the gods to grant the blessing of fertility.

3. It is a festival showing women as leaders of fertility.

4. She is called a Tatarin.

5. It symbolises the woman as source.


• Name at least two characters of the story.

• Give at least three symbolisms mentioned in the story.

1. Nick Joaquin

2. Tatarin

3. St. John's and Tatarin Festival

4. Amanda

5. Bunch of seedling

6. Doña Lupeng and Don Paeng

7. Choose

• Young Girl

• Mature Woman

• Black Shawls

• Kissed the feet

• Amada

• Saint John

• Wand

• Bunch of Seedling
(The Wedding Dance)

Test I. Supply the answer

1. From what perspective did the author tell the story?

2.Who is the author of The Wedding Dance?

3. It symbolizes the promise that Awiyao made to Lumnay.

4. What does the floor in the story symbolizes?

Test II. Multiple Choices

5. Who are the characters in the story?

A. Awiyao, Madumlay, Lumnay

B. Madulimay, Lunmay, Awiyao

C. Lunmay, Madumlay, Awiyao

D. Madulimay, Awiyao, Lumnay

6. What type of conflict is present in the story?

A. Man vs society

B. Character vs. character

C. Man Vs. Self

D. Man vs. hotdog

7. The following are the settings of the story EXCEPT:

A. House of Lumnay's and her Ex husband Awiyao

B. The mountain clearing

C. Mountain spring

D. Mountain cliff

8. Which of the following are the indigenous people of the Cordilleras?

A. Ifugao

B. Tausug

B. Igorot

C. Lumad

9. Awiyao will remarry because Lumnay cannot give birth.

10. Lumnay bravely break the unwritten law of their tribe.


1. In third person view

2. Amador Daguio

3. The beads/ beads

4. unraveling of their marriage or marriage is unraveling

5. D

6. A

7. D

8. A



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