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Unit 1 part 1 vocabulary :

Durable ‫متين‬ Long lasting ‫طويلة االمد‬

Bureaucracy ‫بيروقراطية‬ Inflexible system of administration ‫نظام اداري غير مرن‬

Flattened hierarchy ‫التسلسل الهرمي‬ More middle than senior manager ‫اكثر من متوسط‬
‫كبار المدراء‬
Standardised products‫منتجات موحدة‬ Goods of the same quality and design ‫سلع من نفس‬
‫الجودة والتصميم‬
Customised‫حسب الطلب‬ Made for a particular user ‫صنع لمستخدم معين‬

Lifetime employment‫توظيف مدى الحياة‬ Permanent jobs‫وظائف دائمة‬

Merger ‫اندماج‬ When two companies become one ‫اذا شركتين اصبحت‬
‫شركة واحدة‬
Tangible assets ‫الممتلكات الملموسة‬ Buildings and machinery a company owns ‫االالت‬
‫والمباني التي تمتلكها الشركة‬
Lease ‫ايجار‬ Rent a building on a temporary basis ‫اجار مبنى على‬
‫اساس مؤقت‬
Entrepreneur‫صاحب مشروع‬ Someone who starts their own business ‫الشخص الذي‬
‫يبدأ في مشروعة الخاص‬
Network ‫شبكة اتصاالت‬ Linked chain of companies or individuals ‫سلسلة‬
‫مرتبطة بافراد او شركات‬
Hierarchical‫تنظيم هرمي‬ Arranged according to rank or status ‫مرتبة حسب‬
‫الرتبة او المركز‬
Shareholder‫شريك‬ Owner of shares in a company‫صاحب االسهم في الشركة‬

Supplier‫المورد‬ Company that provided resources for another

Company ‫الشركة تنقل موارد لشركة اخرى‬
Producer ‫منتج‬ Make goods ‫صنع البضائع‬

Freelance‫حسابهم الخاص‬ work independently or on short team ‫العمل بشكل‬

‫مستقل او مع مجموعه صغيرة‬
venture capitalist ‫المشروع الرأس مالي‬ are willing to invest in a new or risky business
project ‫على االستعداد لالستثمار في مشروع جديدة او محفوف‬
Bidder and consumer ‫العارض و المستهلك‬ Express a wish to buy something ‫التعبير عن الرغبة في‬
‫شراء شي ما‬
Part2 Grammar:1- present simple


he /she/it
verb to be
am not

are not

is not

he /she/it
verb to have
dont have
dosent have

only subject
he /she/it
subject +s
dont +subject
dosent +subject
With most verb
we put (s)

with verb ending

(y) we remove
(y) and put (ies)
With do and go
we put (es)

With verbs
ending (SS X SH
Ch) we put (es)

Am i

Q verb to be
you/we/they In the present simple when
do we use it?
Is she/he/it 1-regular events and process

2-facts that will not change

3-time table and schedule

Q verb to do

Keywords for a present simple:

2- present continuous

Subject +be = verb Ing

In the future (I’m/ you’re/ we’re/ they’re/ he’s/ she’s /it‘s + verb ING)
Part 3 : writing

1. ASAP : as soon as possible

2. Attn (for the attention of)) : Please give importance to the following point (s)

3. cc : copies are sent to the named people

4. e.g. (exempli gratia) : I’ll give an example

5. enc. : Enclosures in letters / Attachments in emails

6. i.e. (id est) : In other words

7. NB (nota bene) :the letter is about the following subject

8. pp : put before your name if someone else signs the letter on your behalf

9. PS (post scriptum) : to add forgotten information.

10. Re : to be read by

1. What do you need /want? 1. Please let us know your requirements

2. Thanks for the email of 5 Aug. 2.Thank you for your email received l dated 5 August

3. Sorry, I can’t make it. 3. I am afraid I will not be able to attend

4. I am sorry to tell you that … 4.We regret to advise you that …

5. I promise … 5. I can assure you that.

6. Could you …? 6. I would be grateful if you could

7. You haven’t … 7. We note from our records that ….…

8. Don’t forget … 8.We would like to remind you that

9. I need to … 9.It is necessary for me to

10. Shall I …? 10.Would you like me to?

11. But … / Also … / So … 11. However … / Moreover … / Therefore

12. Please could you …? 12.I was wondering if you could

13. I’m sorry for … 13.Please accept our apologies

14. See you next month. 14.I look forward to meeting you next month

How to convert in into formal email:

1-remove unnecessary details

2-choose the words that need to convert to formal

3- arrange the paragraph and convert the sentences to formal

4- write in the formal way

Unit 2: vocab

Motivate = inspire ‫تحفيز‬ Encourage‫تشجيع‬

Delegate ‫مندوب‬ Give some of your own responsibilities to someone

else‫اعطاء بعض المسؤوليات لشخص اخر‬

Subordinates‫مرؤسين‬ Employees, people who work under the authority of

someone else in an organization ‫الموظفين او االشخاص‬
‫الذين يعملون تحت سلطة شخص في المنظمة‬

Deadline ‫نهاية المدة‬ The very last date by which a task must be completed
‫التاريخ االخير النهاء المهمة‬

Resolve ‫حل‬ Find solutions and solve problems ‫ايجاد الحلول وحل‬

Dominate‫مسيطر‬ Have control over ‫لدية السيطرة‬

Indispensable‫اليمكن االستغناء عنه‬ Can’t do without it‫ال يستطاع بدونة‬

Emotional kick ‫ركلة عاطفية‬ Feeling of excitement ‫الشعور باالثارة‬

Neurotic ‫عصابي‬ In a state of anxiety

Fragile egos ‫الغرور الهش‬ Very sensitive people ‫اشخاص حساسون جدا‬

Chief Executive (CEO) ‫الرئيس التنفيذي‬ The highest-ranking person in a company or

organization ‫اعلى مرتبة في الشركة او المنظمة‬

Manager‫المدير‬ person responsible for controlling or administering an

organization or group of staff ‫شخص لدية السيطرة و االدارة‬
‫في المنظمة او على مجموعة من الموظفين‬
Part 2 grammar : articles

Use it when another person know what we are referring to

use it and unique thing and people
use it before separative's
talk about mention things
definite talk geographic features and places
(the) talk about certain group
Invention newspaper decades

Use it in singular and countable nouns /general sense

(A-An) We use a when the first sound a constant
we use an when the first sound a vowel

zero articles

Used countable plural and general

sense and uncountable nouns

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