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NIM : 20063000027
DATE : MARCH 29, 2022

(100-150 words)
When you visit a campus you will not only see the library but you might see a very
impressive theater an impressive gymnasium or something like that students really like to be
involved in extracurricular activities and do different things so at my school alone there's you
know hundreds of clubs there's hundreds of organizations and everybody who comes here
eventually finds something that they're really interested in and gets to pursue that US has
excellent universities all over the country in urban suburban and rural settings meet
interesting and engaging students from across the US and around the world and create lasting
friendships experience the diverse cultures foods activities and events that coexist in the
United States like nowhere else go to a different kind of football game right for the school
newspaper engage in community service or learn a new language

REFERENCE(S) – in alphabetical order, if it is MORE than one.

For an example (taken from the internet):

Merrick, A.J. (2019, July 7). History of the America in 25 minutes [Video]. YouTube.

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