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Careers Handbook 112

Get ready!
О Before you read the passage, LOGISTICS
talk about these questions.
Logisticians analyze and coordinate а
1 What do logisticians do? company's supply chain. They help move
2 How does someone products from suppliers to consumers.
become а logistician? Their work involves acquiring, distributing,
and delivering items.
Logisticians work in many industries,
particularly manufacturing. The work is fast-
paced. They need to know every step in the
supply chain. Sometimes, there is а problem
with distribution. Logisticians are responsible
for correcting these issues. They use the latest
technology to make distribution effective.
Education is the first step in entering а career
in logistics. Some logisticians have an

/j associate's degree. However, the global

economy makes logistics more complicated
than before. Мапу logisticians have
bachelor's degrees. However, others
substitute work experience for а degree. For
example, some logisticians gain experience
through military service.

-- Transportation

f} Read the occupational manual. Then, mark
the following statements as true {Т) or false {F).

1 _ Logisticians move products from customers to suppliers.

2 _ Logisticians are responsible for fixing distribution problems.
З _ Military service and work experience are substitutes for

0 Write а word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the
underlined part.
1 А professional who organizes supply chains needs excellent
communication skills.
_ о __ _ _ ----

2 Helen quit her job because she could no longer handle the
guick work environment.
_ а __ - ___ е_
З Sometimes, used products re-enter the system that moves
items from sellers to clients.
_ u __ _ ___ а __
4 Employment has grown 26 percent in several profit-making
d t
О Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word or phrase Speaking
best fits each blank.
ф With а partner, act out the
1 associate's degree І bachelor's degree roles below based оп Task 7.
А Kristy earned a(n) from а ІосаІ community Then, switch roles.
В A(n) is usually earned after four years of
attending college. І heardyou ...
І help manage ".
2 analyze І coordinate
І make sure ...
А Larry needs to product deliveries to suppliers.
В Each quarter, Brynn and ВоЬ performance data.
Student А: You are а logistician.
З suppliers І consumers Talk to Student В about:
А often complain about the high cost of products. • what you do
в _ _ _ __ distribute finished products, parts, and raw • your job duties
materials. • whether or not you like your job

0 '' Listen and read the occupational manual again. Why Student В: You are а friend. Talk
do some future logisticians pursue bachelor's degrees? to Student А about his or her job.

0 " Listen to а conversation between а logistician and а
0 Use the conversation from
friend. Mark the following statements as true (Т) or
false (F). Task 8 to fill out the email.

1 _ The speakers have seen each other recently.

2 _ The woman has а college degree.
З _ The woman's company does business internationally. _ _ _ _
Good Seeing You
О " Listen again and complete the conversation.
Ні _ __ _
Friend: Ні , Rachel. How are you?
Logistician: Steven! І haven't seen you 1 _ _ _ ___ lt was great seeing you yesterday. After
doing well. talking to you, І think working in
Friend: І heard you went to college and became а 2 _ __ _ _ _ __ is something l'd like to do.
What do you do, exactly? What kind of degree do you have? І
have a(n) . What kinds of
Logistician: І help manage а company's З ______
_ _ __ _ use logistics? l look
Friend: So getting products from the 4 to forward to hearing from you soon!
Logistician: Yes, that's the short 5 ___ of it. І make sure
finished products get to our customers оп tirile.
Friend: Оо you enjoy it?
Logistician: Іdo. lt's 6 , and my company does
business globally, so it's also challenging at times.

Logistics Jobs 1

Get ready! Reading

О Before you read the passage, talk about f) Read the job advertisement. Then, choose
these questions. the correct answers.

1 What are some responsibilities of а logistics 1 What is the purpose of the advertisement?
manager? А to analyze logistics functions
2 What types of things does а logistics engineer В to coordinate with international employees
С to compare different types of logistics
D to describe an available job

FaJco Manufacturing of Stinson, Ід 2 Who works with the logistics manager to

develop processes and costs?
А the logistics engineer
В the logistics team
• Managing logistics personnel, including independent С the inventory control manager
D the analyst
• Overseeing teams with the support of the customer
service manager З Which is NOT а function listed among the
• Working with inventory control manager logistics manager's responsibilities?
Developing strategic processes and costs А efficient import/export supply chains

• Negotiating with suppliers, partners, and customers В monitor inventory control

• Working closely with each district logistics services С oversee customer service teams
salesperson D continuous process improvement
• Working with logistics engineer to ensure continuous
process improvement Vocabulary
• Coordinating with international logistics manager
f) Match the words or phrases (1-5) with the
• Overseeing efficient import/export supply chains definitions (А-Е).
Qualified candidates need to have experience working as
1 _ logistics engineer
an analyst.
2 _ analyst
З _ international logistics manager
4 _ customer service manager
5 _ logistics services salesperson

А plans and directs the activities of the customer

service team
В uses analytical and quantitative methods to
understand and interpret data
С works with client companies to identify, sell,
and integrate services
D determines processes, technology, or
infrastructure to support management
Е works to create efficient import/export supply
О Read the sentences and choose the correct Speaking
words or phrases.
ф With а partner, act out the roles below
1 The manager hired an outside consultant/ based оп Task 7. Then, switch roles.
customer service manager to improve
strategic planning. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
2 Mr. Jackson is the analyst/logistics manager, Your resume shows that ...
he oversees аІІ logistics personnel. І began as а ...
З Sam called the distribution center to speak with We are seeking а ...
the customer service manager/inventory
control manager.
Student А: You are а hiring manager. Talk to
Student В about:
0 g Listen and read the job advertisement • his or her logistics job experience
again. Who are some of the реорІе that the
• the job that is currently available
logistics manager works with?
• the international work that he or she has done

Student В: You are а job candidate. Talk to
ф g Listen to а conversation between an • Student А about your work experience.
employer and а logistics job candidate.
Mark the following statements as true (Т) or
false (F). Writing
1 _ The woman has applied for а job. 0 Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out
2 _ The company needs to hire а logistics manager. the interview notes.
З _ The man works with international marketing

8 \І Listen again and complete the

Employer: Your resume shows that you have
several years of experience in
1 _ __
Candidate: Yes. І have worked in this field for ten
Employer: lmpressive. You began as а 2 ? lnterview Notes
Candidate: That's right. Then І was hired as а
З ______ Position applied for: - - - - - - - - - - -
Employer: We are seeking a(n) 4 ______
___ . Оо you have international Does the candidate have logistics work
experience? experience? У/N

Candidate: Yes. І currently work with international lf yes, how many years of professional experience
5 professionals. does he or she have? _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Employer: What has been your greatest
Previous jobs in the field: _ _ __ _ _ _ __
accomplishment in that department?
Candidate: We improved import/export 6 _ __
lnternational experience: _ _ _ __ __ _ _

Logistics Jobs 2

• Supervises and trains employees
• Coordinates product shipments
• Analyzes cost-saving distribution methods
• Manages third party contracts
• Meets customer needs

• Seminars at our corporate headquarters

• Hands-on training with an experienced
production manager
• Formal supervisory training with а supply chain
Opportunities for advancement vary.
• lnformation Technology: logistics software
manager, systems support manager
• Materials: materials manager, purchasing manager
• lnventory: transportation manager, vendor
managed inventory coordinator, warehouse
operations manager
Bachelor's degree in а related field
ф Fill in the blanks with the correct words or
Proven leadership skills
phrases from the word bank.

Get ready!
supply chain manager
О Before you read the passage, talk about logistics software manager
these questions. production manager purchasing manager
1 What are some ways that logistics managers are ou о r і n m n
work with реорІе outside their companies? transportation manager

2 What types of information do logistics

1 When the vice president wanted а review of аІІ
managers analyze to improve efficiency?
production and procedure activities, he
contacted the _ __ _ _ __

Reading 2 Contact the if you have

questions about shipping products Ьу train.
f} Read the employee profile. Then, mark the З Paul is the , responsible for
following statements as true (Т) or false (F}. overseeing аІІ warehouse activities.
1 _ Logistics managers work with outside 4 Nanette called the when she
contractors. needed assistance with technology tools.
2 _ Job training includes formal supervisory 5 The oversees аІІ buying
training at corporate headquarters. activities for the company.
З _ Advancement opportunities are available in 6 The entire manufacturing process is managed
information technology. Ьу the _ _ _ __ _

О Write а word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the Speaking
underlined part.
ф With а partner, act out the
1 The grofessional who analyzes sales activity data to generate roles below based оп Task 7.
forecasts for product demands and production schedules met Then, switch roles.
with production managers.
v __ do ____ ag_d in ___ to_y c __ rdi __ to_ USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:

2 The purchasing manager and the manager responsible for ". І'т the new ".
coordinating purchase and supply of raw materials needed for l've Ьееп hoping to set ир ".
manufacturing met weekly.
". І will Ье with the ".
ma іа ____ na_er

З When Sue needed help with information management, she

Student А: You are а new
called the manager who provides analytical and technical
logistics manager. Talk to
support and coordination for management of logistics
Student В about:
information and data processing.
_ys __ m_ su ___ rt _an __ er • setting up а time to meet
• other meetings that you have
scheduled for this week
0 " Listen and read the employee profile again. Within
• his or her available times to
this company, what are the categories where
advancement is possible in this field?

Listening Student В: You are а logistics

manager. Talk to Student А about
0 \f Listen to а conversation between two logistics setting up а meeting.
managers. Mark the following statements as true (Т) or
false (F).
1 _ The woman has just started working for the company.
2 _ The man is available on Tuesday afternoon. 0 Use the conversation from
З _ The speakers have agreed to meet on Friday. Task 8 to fill out а meeting
schedule for the week.

8 g Listen again and complete the conversation.

Manager 1: Ні, l'm John, the new 1 _ _ _ _ __ Meeting Schedule
Manager 2: Nice to meet you, John. l'm Josie, the 2 _ __

Week of:
Manager 1: Yes. l've been hoping to set up а З _ _ _ with you.
Manager 2: That would Ье great. How about Tuesday afternoon? Day & Time: _ _ _ __ _ __
Manager 1: І can't meet on Tuesday. І will Ье with the 4 _ __
Meeting with: _ _ _ _ __ __
_ _ _ аІІ afternoon.
Manager 2: Okay. І also have 5 available.
Day & Time: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Manager 1: That would Ье perfect. How about 9:00?
Manager 2: Great. І 6 seeing you then. Meeting with: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Day & Time: _ _ _ __ _ _ _

Meeting with: _ _ _ _ _ __ _

Employment Opportunities


Careers in Logistics
There are many employment opportunities
available in logistics. Logistics is the
connection between manufacturers and
consumers. lt allows industrial and consumer
products to reach retailers. The following
types of businesses need logistics workers.
Consulting firms
Transpor1ation firms (both freight and
Manufacturing companies
Merchandising firms
Education institutions
Service institutions
Government agencies
А good basic knowledge of business skills
helps when looking for а logistics job.
lnternship experience is also helpful. Often,
реорІе start as а management trainee,
analyst, or entry-level supervisor. Where you
start often depeпds оп your education level.
Prior experience is also а consideration.

Get ready! ф Write а word or phrase that is similar in
meaning to the underlined part.
О Before you read the passage, talk about
these questions. 1 Caroline was interested in the art of dis playiп g
products in stores in а way that attracts
1 What kind of companies hire logistics workers? shoppers.
2 At which type of company would you like to work? er а d s n

2 The manufactured products were delivered to the

Reading busiпess selling goods directly to the customer.
е а І r
f) Read the webpage article. Then, mark the
З The logistics consultant wanted to improve the
following statements as true (Т) or false (F).
company's system of moving ob jects from one
1 _ There are plenty of job openings іп the р Іасе to anotЬer.
logistics field. _r _n_p_r _a __ o_
2 _ Educational organizations and 4 The woman was interviewed for а logistics job
merchandising firms hire logistics workers. with the organizatioo within the government
З _ Logistics workers have а set career path that handles particular tasks or issues.
ahead of them. g __ e _ n_e_t _ g_nc _

О Match the words or phrases (1-7) with the О g Listen again and complete the
definitions (A-G). conversation.
1 _ consulting 5 _ manufacturing Worker 1: Congratulations on your 1 _ __
2 education 6 _ passenger
з _ freight 7 service institution Worker 2: Thanks. Actually, l'm currently 2 _ __
_ __ two jobs.
4 industrial
Worker 1: Wow. ТеІІ те more about them.
А the process or business of making goods in Worker 2: The first job is with а transportation firm.
large amounts in а factory The second is with а З ______
В the business of providing professional help and Worker 1: Which company do you 4 ?
advice on а certain subject
Worker 2: Іlike both companies 5 _ _ _ . And the
С relating to the production of goods, especially рау and benefits are similar.
in а factory setting
Worker 1: So how are you going 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
D а person who travels in а vehicle without driving
Worker 2: Well, l'd rather Ье in transportation. So І
it or working on it
think 1'11 take that job.
Е goods moved Ьу vehicle and the system of
transporting them
F аfacility that provides а service, such as а Speaking
ф With а partner, act out the roles below
G the act of learning and teaching, typically in а based оп Task 7. Then, switch roles.
school or college environment

0 g Listen and read the webpage article Congratulations оп .. .

again. Why is logistics useful? Те/І те more about .. .
І think / '// take ...
0 g Listen to а conversation between two Student А: You are а worker. Talk to Student В

workers. Choose the correct answers. about:

• his or her job offers
1 What is the conversation mostly about?
• the companies that want to hire him or her
А the growth of the manufacturing industry
• how he or she plans to choose which job to
В the man's views on the firm's transportation
С the job opportunities available to the woman
D celebrating а promotion within the company
Student В: You are а worker. Talk to Student А
2 What will the woman most likely do next? about your options.
А accept the job with the transportation firm
В quit her job at the manufacturing company Writing
С compare the рау and benefits packages
0 Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out
D аррІу for both employment opportunities а list of pros and cons for the two positions.

Pros and Cons List

Pros: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Cons: --'-- - - - - -- - -- - - --

Basic Math

Get ready! Vocabulary

О Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. ф Match the words or phrases
(1-5) with the definitions (А-Е).
1 What are some basic math operations?
2 What are some ways to express the results of mathematical 1 _ equals 4 _ plus
operations? 2 hundred 5 _ divided Ьу

З minus
Reading А used to indicate addition
f) Read the chart. Then, mark the following statements as В used to combine two numbers to
true (Т) or false (F). abbreviate numbers in the
1 _ lf а number is "times" another, it indicates а division operation. thousands
С used to indicate division
2 _ One thousand nine hundred is equal to nineteen hundred.
D used to give the result of а
З _ "Minus" has the same meaning as "subtract" .
mathematical operation
Е used to indicate subtraction

ІФ'·''"і О Read the sentence pairs.

Choose which word or phrase
best fits each blank.

1 over І multiplied Ьу

А Two ten equals

В Six _ _ _ _ _ three
equals two.

2 is /times
А Eight plus eight
sixteen .
в Twenty five
equals one hundred.

- equals, is,
3/4 = 0.75
Three-fourths equals point
seven five.
З less І comes to
А Twelve _ _ _ _ _ than
twenty-four equals twelve.

+ plus, add
plus В equals С.
В Thirty plus five _ _ _ __
to thirty-five.

- minus, less, subtract

minus В is С.

4 added І subtracted
А Forty to twelve

х multiplied Ьу А times В comes to С.

equals fifty-two.
В Sixty from
ninety comes to thirty.
over, А divided Ьу В equals С.
І divided Ьу а/Ь =с
А over В is С.
Four thousand four hundred lt is about forty four hundred
miles from Los Angeles to
New York City.

0 g Listen and read the chart again. What Speaking
terms are used to indicate multiplication? ф With а partner, act out the roles below
based оп Task 7. Then, switch roles.
ф '6 Listen to а conversation between two
logisticians. Choose the correct answers. We need to ...
What's the ". of ... ?
1 What is the purpose of the conversation?
The volume of the shipment is ...
А to determine the measurements of а
shipping container
Student А : You are а logistician. Talk to
В to find out the volume of а shipment for а
Student В about:
• calculating the volume of the shipment
С to discover how much product fits in а
shipping container • the measurements of the shipment

D to convert measurements from cubic inches • conversion of the measurement

into cubic meters
Student В : You are а logistician. Talk to
2 What will the man probably do next?
Student А about the shipment.
А tell the customer the information he or she
В calculate the dimensions of the shipping Writing
С instruct the shipment to Ье sent to the client
0 Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out
the calculations for the shipment volume.
D ask the woman to measure the shipping
container Reed & Emerson Manufacturing

8 '6 Listen again and complete the


Logistician 1: І need to let the client know the

1 of the shipment.
Logistician 2: That's easy enough. What is the Batch# _ _ __
2 ofthe
container? Volume of Batch:
Logistician 1: Оо you want the measurements in
з ? calculate in cubic inches:
Logistician 2: Yes, please.
_ __ _ (length) х (width) х _ _ __
Logistician 1: lt's 315 inches in length and 74 (depth) х (quantity) = ___ _
inches in width.
Logistician 2: Let's see ". 315 times 74 4 _ __
convert to cubic feet:
_ _ _ _ 23,310. What's the
depth of the container? _ _ _ _ (total from line above) І 1728 = _ __ _
Logistician 1: 120 inches. 120 5 Ьу 23,31 О cubic feet
equals 2,787,200 inches.
Logistician 2: So if we convert that ". the volume of
the shipment is 161О6 ____ .


Get ready'
О Before you read the passage,
talk about these questions.

1 What are the different ways in lmLlr111l1111/1111l1111/1111l1111l1111l1mJ1111f1111l1111l1111l1111l1111l1111L111/Іr "1111111111111111111111111

І І r І І І r111l111rІ r111Іщ1/1111/11
which freight is shipped?
2 What are some examples of
imperial and metric units?

Logisticians use the fo\lowing measurements to

deliver cargo:
• Conventional cargo: Determines weight in
units of 1,000 ki\ograms. Determines
measurements in cubic meters.
Less than Container Loads: Measures volume

weight similarly to conventional cargo.
Full Container Loads: Containers are usually

20 or 40 feet long.

• Ro\1-on, Roll-off: Measures cargo based on

cubic feet - not tons.
Please note: Remember to convert units in the
imperial system. Most countries use the metric
system. Іf you are using pounds, convert to
kilograms. Іf you are using inches, convert to
meters. Іt is also important to consider the
distance traveled. These measurements are
provided in miles and kilometers.

8 Match the words or phrases (1-7) with the definitions (A-G).

1 inch 4 _ kilogram 7 _ volume weight

f) Read the manual excerpt. 2 _ pound 5 ton

Then, mark the following З convert 6 _ cubic meter
statements as true (Т) or
А а calculation that shows the density of а package
false (F).
В а unit of weight that is equal to 2,000 pounds
1 _ Conventional cargo is
С а unit of weight that is equal to 1,000 grams
measured in tons.
D а unit of length that is equal to one-twelfth of а foot
2 _ Pounds and inches are units
in the imperial system . Е to exchange one system of weights and measures for another

З _ Roll-on, Roll-off measures F а metric unit of volume that is equal to 1,000 liters
cargo according to kilometers. G а unit of weight that is equal to 16 ounces or .4536 of а kilogram
О Read the sentence pairs. f) g Listen again and complete the conversation.
Choose which word or phrase
Logistician 1: НіBarry! Ready to get started? We need to
best fits each blank.
get fifty vehicles to Savannah, Georgia.
1 imperial system І kilometers
Logistician 2: Good morning, Samantha. І assume the cargo is
А ln Canada, distance is drivable.
measured in _ _ _ __
Logistician 1: lt is. We'll make $1.50per1 ______
В One cubic yard is а unit of Logistician 2: You're using the 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ . Did the cargo
measure in the _ _ _ __
originate in the U.S.?
2 miles І metric system Logistician 1: Yes. Otherwise, І would've measured it in cubic
А Randy drove 80 _ _ __ _ З _ __
per hour down the freeway. Logistician 2: ls there any other information we need to provide?
В ln 1995, Great Britain partially Logistician 1: Yes. The number of 4 the shipment will travel.
switched over to the Logistician 2: Okay. But don't forget to 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
to kilograms.
Logistician 1: You mean 6 _ _ _ . 1'11 remember.
З foot І meter
А One hundred centimeters is
equal to one _ _ _ __
В The ruler measured twelve
inches, or one _ _ _ __ ф With а partner, act out the roles below based on Task 7.
Then, switch roles.

0 g Listen and read the manual USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:

excerpt again. How do
We need to get ". to ".
logisticians measure roll-on,
Otherwise, І wou/d've measured it іп ".
roll-off cargo?
But don't forget to ".

Student k You are а logistician. Talk to Student В about:
0 g Listen to а conversation • transporting cargo
between two logisticians.
Choose the correct answers. • how much you will make on the shipment
• how to convert measurements
1 How does the woman measure
the cargo?
А in cubic meters Student В: You are а logistician. Talk to Student А about
В in cubic feet measuring and transporting cargo.

С in kilograms
D in mileage Writing
2 What can Ье inferred from the 0 Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out the release
woman's last statement? form.
А They need to convert the
distance to metric units.
В They need to convert the Туре of Shipment: - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- -
distance to imperial units.
ls the shipment drivable? УІ N
С They need to make sure the
cargo is drivable. Where did the cargo originate? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
D They need to provide
Where will the cargo Ье shipped? _ __ __ _ __ __ __
additional information.
Safety lssues

мanufacturinu EmpІovee мanual

Safety is а big concern in а
warehouse setting. АІІ employees
need to follow safety procedures
to avoid accidents. lnjuries and
fatalities occur when employees
are not careful.
Employees need to wear the
personal proper personal protective
( first aid kit ) protective equipment (РРЕ). Required
equipment РРЕ varies according to job
assignment. РРЕ requirements
for each area are posted
throughout the warehouse.
Lockout І tagout procedures
reduce the risk of electrocution.
Any malfunctioning electrical
machinery needs to Ье locked
and tagged.
Falls and slips are the biggest
cause of injury in warehouses.
Clean up spills immediately.
Ensure aisles are clear so
employees do not trip over items.
АІІ areas of the warehouse have
first aid kits in case of injuries.

Get ready!
8 Read the sentences and choose the correct
words or phrases.
О Before you read the passage, talk about 1 The employee's slip/safety was the result of
these questions. some water on the floor.
1 Why is safety important in warehouses? 2 Angela used the bandages in the risk/first aid
2 What are some measures to ensure safety in а kit to cover the cut on Frank's hand.
warehouse setting? З The conveyor belt malfunctioned/tripped so it
needs to Ье repaired.
Reading 4 Safety procedures reduce personal protective
equipment/fatalities caused Ьу accidents on
f} Read the manual excerpt. Then, mark the the job.
following statements as true (n or false (F).
5 Electrocution/Accident is the result of unsafe
1 _ Required РРЕ is the same throughout the handling of electrical equipment.
warehouse. 6 The manager wanted to discuss the falls/risks
2 _ Lockout І tagout is used on аІІ equipment when operating machinery.
that is not working correctly. 7 А hard hat is part of an employee's personal
З _ Slips are а result of items being left in aisles. protective equipment/injury.
О Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word Speaking
bank. ф With а partner, act out the
roles below based оп Task 7.
Then, switch roles.
ІПJUry lockout/tagout fall
safety 1 l trip USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
/ 'т going over to the ."
1 Sarah sustained a(n) to her right leg after
slipping on the ісе. Ве sure to wear ".

2 The worker did a(n) procedure on the broken The warehouse manager needs to ...
electrical equipment.
З А briefing was held for аІІ workers in order to Student А: You are а logistician.
reduce accidents. Talk to Student В about:
4 George took а hard after he tripped over the • where you are going
cables on the floor. • an accident that occurred
5 Rita had to fill out a(n) report after she got hurt • injuries that were sustained
at work.
inventory needs to Ье off the floor so реорІе don't
_ _ _ _ _ over it. Student В: You are а logistician.
Talk to Student А about the
safety at the warehouse.
0 ~, Listen and read the manual excerpt. What are the
biggest causes of injuries in warehouses?
Listening 0 Use the conversation from Task
8 to fill out the accident report.
0 Q Listen to а conversation between two logisticians.
Mark the following statements as true (Т) or false (F).
1 _ The woman is planning on wearing РРЕ at the warehouse.
2 _ The man suffered а head injury at the warehouse.
З _ The speakers agree safety needs to Ье improved at the

f) " Listen again and complete the conversation.

Accident Report
Logistician 1: l'm going over to the 1 _ _ _
Logistician 2: Ве sure to wear а 2 while you 're
Logistician 1: І plan to. І don't want to have a(n) З _ _ like Harry's! Date: - - - - - - - - - - --

Logistician 2: Іstill can't believe that 4 ___ fell off а rack and Describe the accident: _ _ _ _ __
hit him on the head.
Logistician 1: Did he have any 5 ?
Logistician 2: Yes, а large bump and а cut on his head.
Logistician 1: The warehouse manager needs to take 6 _ __ Describe any injuries:
more seriously.
Logistician 2: І
agree. Last time І was there, І tripped over some

Customer Service

Get ready! Reading

О Before you read the passage, talk about f} Read the company webpage. Then, choose
these questions. the correct answers.
1 What kind of customer service do you expect 1 What is the main purpose of the website?
from а business? А to explain the best way to contact customer
2 Why is customer service so important? service
В to provide existing customers with order updates
С to let customers know what to expect from
the company
D to compare several different return and
refund policies
FZ Floral Suppliers 2 Which of the following does the company NOT
FZ Floral Suppliers has а reputation for excellent customer А assistance at аІІ hours of the day
service. Our goal is to exceed your expectations.
В quick and courteous service
What this means for you, the customer:
С timely delivery of shipments
You will receive prompt, polite and friendly service. D online customer complaint forms
Assistance is available 24 hours per day. We are
happy to answer any inquiry. З What can Ье inferred about the company?

We will provide regular order status updates. А lt is а newer company.

Our logistics team ensures that orders are delivered В lt values its customers.
on time. С lt is trying to expand services.
ln rare cases, issues arise. We take complaints very D lt has а poor reputation.
seriously. We do our best to make it right. This involves
accepting returns for damaged orders. We also issue full Vocabulary
refunds. We work until the problem is resolved to your
satisfaction. ф Fill in the blanks with the correct words or
phrases from the word bank.

~@] BANK
assistance customer update polite
customer service make it right order

1 The _ _ _ _ _ was satisfied after receiving

а refund .

2 The company sent the client a(n) _ _ _ __

saying that the shipment went out.
З The customer service representatives tried to Ье
_ _ _ _ _ to every caller.
4 The representative credited the customer's
account to _ _ _ __
5 The customer's _ _ _ _ _ was delivered оп

6 When the man needed _ _ _ _ _ , he
called the company's helpline.
7 Rude or poor _ _ _ _ _ can damage а
company's reputation.
О Read the sentences and choose the correct words or Speaking
ф With а partner, act out the
1 Katie is а friendly/polite person who always greets customers roles below based оп Task 7.
with а smile. Then, switch roles.
2 The woman brought the return/customer back to the store.
З Customer order/satisfaction is important to the company.
І'т calling about ...
4 The customer service department rarely receives a(n)
complaint/assistance. lt looks like ...

5 The company's service exceeded the man's updates/ So when ... ?

6 The woman had a(n) customer service/inquiry about the Student А : You are а customer
refund роІісу. service rep. Talk to Student В

0 '6 Listen and read the company webpage again. How

the order
the problem
does the company deal with complaints?
• the new delivery time
Student В: You are а customer.
ф '' Listen to а conversation between а customer and а
Talk to Student А about your order.
customer service representative. Mark the following
statements as true (Т} or false (F).
1 _ The man is calling with а complaint. Writing
2 _ The shipment is delayed due to а vehicle accident. 0 Use the conversation from
З _ The customer service rep gives the client а refund. Task 8 to fill out the customer
service complaint log.

О g Listen again and complete the conversation.

Representative: FZ Floral Suppliers. How сап І 1 _ __
_ _ _ today?
Customer: l'm calling about my shipment. lt's 2 _ __ Date: - - - - - - - - - - - -
_ _ 45984.
Customer Name: _ _ _ _ _ __
Representative: Okay. Let me З _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Customer: The shipment of flowers is six hours late. Now my lssue: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
deliveries are going to Ье 4 _ __
Representative: І understand. But it looks Ііkе our delivery van was
in а collision. l'm 5 about this. Resolution: - - - - - - - - - -

Customer: So when will my shipment arrive?

Representative: 6 . 1'11 put а credit on
your account for the inconvenience.
Customer: Okay. І appreciate that.
Supply Chain

О Before you read the passage, talk

about these questions.

1 What are the elements of а supply

2 How do companies successfully
manage а supply chain?

f) Read the textbook excerpt. Then,

choose the correct answers.

1 What is the article mainly about?

А types of raw materials
В why companies send invoices
С how supply chains work
D а comparison of quality and

2 Which of the following is NOT

mentioned on an invoice?
А products С prices
В terms of sale D qua/ity

З What is the most important element

in а supply chain?
А the transportation
В the customer
С the production plan
D the purchase of materials

Supply Chains Q Write а word or phrase that is

similar in meaning to the

ln every supply chain, the customer is the most important
underlined part.
element. After а customer orders products, the products are
manufactured. This leads to the next stage: the production 1 Len checked the number or

plan. amount for each shipment.
__ __
The company purchases the raw materials it needs. After the
company receives the materials, employees test them. They 2 Кіт created а detailed program to
check the quality and quantity of each delivery. Final/y, they speed up deliveries.
make the product. Workers store extra raw materials in а __ а_

supply warehouse. З Gail noticed а mistake on the

Employees transport the finished product to а warehouse. The jtemized list of shipped products.
shipping department then organizes delivery to the customer. ___ __ о е

The manufacturer mails the goods or sends them Ьу courier. 4 After our collection of raw materials
Each product comes with an invoice. The invoice /ists improved, our products improved.
products and their prices. lt also describes the terms of sa/e. _ u _ _ I_
О Read the sentence pairs. Choose which word best fits Speaking
each blank.
ф With а partner, act out the
1 purchased І ordered roles below based оп Task 7.
А Our company _ _ ____ four thousand dollars' worth Then, switch roles.
of timber.
В Manny _ _ __ _ _ his supplies Ьу phone.
So, what have уои learned
2 manufacture І production about ... ?
А slowed down last year. Everything that happens depends
В We _ _ _ ___ some products Ьу hand. оп ...
Could уои tell те ... ?
З transport І delivery
А Harold assigned twenty trucks to _ _ _ _ _ _ freight.
Student А: You are а professor.
В The morning _ _ _ _ _ _ was two hours late due to Talk to Student В about:
bad weather.
• supply chains
• customers' needs
0 g Listen and read the textbook excerpt again. What do
• how managers make decisions
companies use to manufacture products?

Student В: You are а student.

Talk to Student А about elements
ф " Listen to а conversation between а professor and а in а supply chain.
student. Mark the following statements as true (Т) or
false (F).
1 _ Customers describe their needs when making а purchase.
2 _ After products are made, they are delivered.
0 Use the conversation from
Task 8 to fill out а memo about
З _ Shipping departments organize delivery to company supply chain management.

f) g Listen again and complete the conversation. Oнtdoor Туреs, Inc.

Professor: So, what have you learned about the 1 _ __ 5235 San Antonio Drive
___ ? Las Cruces, NM 88001
Student: The 2 is the most important element. (575) 989-6753
Professor: Right. Everything that happens depends on his or her
needs, as indicated during З _ __
Student: Companies 4 ______ according to То: Employees of Outdoor Туреs, Inc.
customers' needs. Fro1n: JoshRease~.М:anager
Professor: And how do managers decide on which steps to take?
Student: Ву forming а 5 . Then, after the product НеІІо,
is made, they prepare to transport and deliver it.
Please remember to _ _ _ _ __ _
Professor: Could you tell me а bit more?
for the product. The customer had __
Student: The shipping department organizes 6 . They _ _ ____ and they must Ье met.
send products according to customers' schedules. Also, Ье sure to _ _ _ _ _ _ __
before organizing _ _ _ _ _ __

Thank you.

Supplier Planning
:+-~----- -~~~~~---t

t--- - - -
Key planning items

l've decided to make some changes. І want to store

less inventory. As а result, І will need smaller lot
sizes. То keep up with consumption, replenishment
has to Ье more frequent. Are you аЬІе to produce in
short runs? Long runs won't work anymore.
Оп the plus side, short runs would reduce your lead
time. You don't have to sort through the larger
inventory. Му shipments go straight into transport
containers. That means І obviously need fewer
containers. But that doesn't affect transport mode or
transit time.
Let me know your thoughts.

О Before you read the passage, talk about 8 Match the words or phrases (1-6) with the
these questions. definitions {A-F).
1 What is the difference between а short run and 1 _ consumption 4 lot size
а long run? 2 lead time 5 _ replenishment
2 What factors affect lead time? З _ long run 6 short run

А the number of items in а batch

В the process of replacing supplies that have been
8 Read the email. Then, mark the following u,sed, or putting new supplies into something
statements as true (Т) or false (F).
С the period of time from when а customer places
1 _ The lot size needs to Ье bigger. an order to when а customer gets the order
2 Deliveries need to occur more often in the D а kind of production run where а small quantity
future. of product is made often
З _ There is going to Ье an impact on transit time. Е а kind of production run where а large quantity of
goods are made over а long period of time
F the process of buying or using products

8 Write а word or phrase that is similar іп mеапіпg to the Speaking
uпderliпed part.
0 With а partпer, act out the
1 The company sent the quantity of goods Ьу air. roles below based оп Task 7.
_h_p_e_t Тhеп, switch roles.

2 The managers compared the different methods of sendin g а

product to а reci pient. _ r а __ р _ r _ _ о _ е s USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:

З The lot was packed into а large Ьох intended to make І wanted to clarify ...
transport easy. _ о _ t __ n _ r What frequency ... ?
4 The customer wasn't happy with the amount of time between We'll need to ...
а product leaving а factorv or warehouse and its delivery.
га s t_m
Student А: You are а logistics
manager. Talk to Student В about:
0 " Listeп апd read the email аgаіп. What impact will the • the email
chaпges have оп repleпishmeпt? • replenishment frequency
• the other changes
0 g Listeп to а coпversatioп betweeп а logistics Student В: You are а supplier. Talk
maпager апd а supplier. Choose the correct aпswers. to Student А about the changes.
1 What is the purpose of the conversation?
А to review upcoming changes Writing
В to clarify payment methods
ф Use the coпversatioп from
С to replenish products Task 8 to fill out the logistics
D to discuss transport frequency maпager's official order form.

2 What can Ье inferred about the man?

А His business is in trouble.
В Не is unable to alter the schedule.
С Не is angry about the email.
D Не is trying to Ье flexible.

8 g Listeп аgаіп апd complete the coпversatioп.

Logistics Manager: Неу, Fred. Thanks for calling.
Supplier: No problem.11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
and thought we needed to talk.
Logistics Manager: Sure thing.
Supplier: There was something І wanted to clarify. What
frequency are we talking about, 2 _ __
______ replenishment?
Logistics Manager: Right now, replenishment is once а week. We Lot size: _ _ _;:___ _ __ _ __
need to bump it up to З _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Supplier: Okay. І think that's 4 _ _ Replenishment Frequency: _ _ __
Logistics Manager: How do you 5 ______ the other
changes? Timeframe: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
Supplier: Well, І understand where you're coming from.
We'll 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Types of lnventory

Get ready!
О Before you read the passage, talk about
these questions.
1 What is the difference between finished goods
and finished parts?
2 How does consignment benefit sellers and

f) Read the manual excerpt. Then, choose the
correct answers.
1 What is the main purpose of the passage?
д to describe the manufacturing process
в to coordinate warehouse departments
с to explain how the company manages
D to describe distribution inventory

2 Which type of inventory is managed as а

separate category?
д distribution inventory С spare parts
в raw materials D MRO supplies
Our warehouse contains several types of inventory.
з Which is NOT listed as inventory? These include:
д consignment items С distributors • Raw materials - inventory awaiting production
В raw materials D service parts • Work in process - items that are at some stage
in the manufacturing process
• Finished goods - completed goods awaiting
distribution and sale
We also stock service parts, or spare parts. Some
parts are stocked with distributors. Others are
stored on-site unless they are needed.
Finished parts are also stored in the warehouse
until final assembly. Alternately, they are stored for
( MRO supplies ) use as spare parts.
We include distribution inventory in our general
inventory. Consignment items are included, too.
Nonproduction items are listed under а
different inventory category. This
includes MRO supplies.
Vocabulary f) g Listen again and complete the
8 Match the words or phrases (1-5) with the
definitions (А-Е). Logistician 1: Ні, Sam. Have you Ьееп workiпg
оп the warehouse 1 ?
1 _ coпsigпmeпt 4 _ work іп process
2 raw materials 5 _ distributioп iпveпtory
Logistician 2: l've Ьееп workiпg оп that аІІ week.
The iпformatioп is right here.
З _ iпveпtory
Logistician 1: Great. ТеІІ me, is2 ______
А materials that are purchased Ьу а соmрапу to iпcluded?
Ье processed or maпufactured Logistician 2: lt is. That iпcludes items З _ __
В materials that have Ьееп processed іп some _ _ _ that have поt Ьееп paid for
way, but are поt fiпished yet.
С materials that are іп traпsit, off-site, or held Ьу а Logistician 1: ls 4 merchaпdise listed іп
seller оп coпsigпmeпt that category?
D а complete list of materials or products іп stock Logistician 2: That is listed іп this sectioп, too.
Е products seпt to the seller with the agreemeпt Logistician 1: Okay. What about 5 ?
that paymeпt will Ье made to the maпufacturer Logistician 2: No. 6 materials are listed оп
опІу wheп the items are sold а separate iпveпtory.

О РІасе the words or phrases from the word Speaking

bank under the correct headings.
ф With а partner, act out the roles below
based оп Task 7. Then, switch roles.
\'!!OJ!J!!_, BANK
service parts finished parts USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
spare parts МАО supplies
Have уои Ьееп working оп ".?
nonproduction finished goods
Те/І те, is ". included?
Manufactured Extra Supportand That includes ".
Materials Materials Maintenance
Student А : You are logisticiaп. Talk to Studeпt В
• the warehouse iпveпtory

0 g Listen and read the manual excerpt • materials that are iпcluded іп the iпveпtory

again. What is а work in process? • пoпproductioп materials

Listening Student В: You are aпother logisticiaп. Talk to

0 g Listen to а conversation between two Studeпt А about his or her iпveпtory lists.
logisticians. Mark the following statements
as true (Т) or false (F). Writing
1 _ The womaп has Ьееп
warehouse iпveпtory.
workiпg оп the 0 Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out
аquestionnaire about warehouse inventory.
2 _ The iпveпtory list does поt iпclude
coпsigпmeпt merchaпdise.

З _ MRO supplies are пoпproductioп materials. Date warehouse iпventory was completed: _ __ _
Does the inventory iпclude work in progress? У/N
Other items iпcluded: _ _ __ _ __ __ __

lnventory Costs

Minute Electronics Corporation

То А/І Staff:
Managers have concerns about increased
material overhead cost. We have seen
increases in several areas this year.
Са rying со t:
There are increases in storage cost and
insurance. We carry materials longer,
causing increased inspection cost.
Acquisi іо cost:
Shipping fees increased this year. As а
result, our handling costs are up as wel/.
The management team has put together а
plan. А/І unsold merchandise is available to
staff at а reduced cost. Special prices are
available this month only.

Staff appreciation
• Concerns about depreciation and
• Shift funds to investments where they
can earn interest

Get ready! Vocabulary

О Before you read the passage, Q Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from
talk about these questions. the word bank.
1 What are some expenses
associated with carrying cost?
2 What are some causes of acquisition cost handling cost inspection cost
depreciation? insurance material overhead cost interest

1 The expenses involved in sourcing and purchasing materials

Reading are included in _ _ _ _ __
f) Read the memo. Then, mark 2 The ·company purchased to protect its assets.
the following statements as З АІІof the expenses included in purchasing, handling, storing,
true (Т) or false (F). and transporting materials are calculated as _ _ _ _ __
1 _ lnsurance is а carrying cost. 4 Fuel price increases add to the cost of moving materials to
2 Unsold merchandise will Ье calculate the _ _ _ _ __
sold in stores at reduced 5 The includes expenses incurred inspecting
prices. items upon arrival, during storage, and prior to shipping.
З _ Money will Ье invested in 6 Decreasing material overhead cost releases cash for
order to earn interest. investments where companies сап earn _ _ _ _ __



О Write а word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the Speaking

underlined part. ф With а partner, act out the
1 With new products coming out each year, the electronics company roles below based оп Task 7.
was concerned about the process of becoming out-of-date. Then, switch roles.
о оІ се е

2 The company increased the price of the end product to cover

the total cost of holding assets. including storage. We 've got to соте ир with " . V
maintenance. insurance. and other expenses. What do уои ".?
_arr __ ng c _ s_ We should reduce ".
З The managers determined that а certain amount of loss of
value. often due to damage or deterioration during storage
Student А: You are а logistician.
was unavoidable.
Talk to Student В about:
d re t n
• ways to reduce carrying cost
4 The company searched for а new storage warehouse, hoping
to decrease expenses related to storage. including warehouse • increased costs this year
space. security. and maintenance. • suggestions to reduce
_to __ ge __ st expenses

0 \І Listen and read the memo again. Why is the Student В: You are а logistician.
company concerned about obsolescence? Talk to Student А about his or her
ideas for reducing costs. І

0 \І Listen to а conversation between two logisticians. Writing
Mark the following statements as true (Т) or false (F).
0 Use the conversation from
1 _ Both speakers want to reduce carrying costs. Task 8 to fill out а memo about
І •

2 _ The company's insurance rates have gone up. reducing carrying cost.
З _ The company currently orders materials every three months.

f) g Listen again and complete the conversation. Memo

Logistician 1: We've got to come up with
1 _ _____
а way to reduce
' То аІІ staff: І
Logistician 2: І agree. 2 , in particular, are way up.
Our team of logisticians has been working
Logistician 1: That's right. Our З rates have increased this
on ways to reduce _____________ .
year, too.
Logistician 2: What do you suggest?
Costs have increased this year, including
Logistician 1: We need to reduce the amount of 4 being
Logistician 2: We could order materials 5 in
advance instead of six months.
We suggest ----- - - -------------·.
Logistician 1: Yes. Тhat way we рІасе smaller orders and store less.
Logistician 2: lt means fewer worries about 6 , too. This will reduce storage costs. The
cornpany will also have fewer worries

Third-Party Logistics

Get ready! Reading

О Before you read the passage, talk about f) Read the article. Then, choose the correct
these questions. answers.
1 What are third-party logistics, and who provides 1 What is the article mainly about?
its services? А the types of ЗРL providers
2 Why do companies need third-party logistics? В why providers outsource tasks
С how the customer adapters work

ЗРL Providers D а comparison of tracking and tracing

2 Which of the following is NOT а service offered

Ву Anne Cramer Ьу standard providers?

А security С distribution
В warehousing D pick and pack

З Why do providers sometimes outsource tasks

to subcontractors?
А to provide specialized services
В to take over logistics activities
С to perform more detailed tasks
D to make up for unavailable services

Third-party logistics providers (ЗРL) are essential. Vocabulary

Services include warehousing and distribution. Types of
providers include couriers and freight forwarders. There ф Match the words or phrases (1-7) with the
are four categories of ЗРL: definitions (A-G).
• Standard providers: They perform "pick and pack," 1 _ service developer
warehousing, and distribution services.
2 _ customer adapter
• Service developers: They offer specialized services,
З _ standard provider
including tracking and tracing or security.
4 _ customer developer
• Customer adapters: Customers request these
providers. They take over logistics activities. They also
5 non-asset based
improve operations without changing them. 6 _ on-demand transport
• Customer developers: These providers perform very 7 _ third-party logistics provider
detailed tasks. They also work with customers.
А а provider who engages in warehousing, pick
• ln some cases, providers outsource tasks to and pack, and distribution
subcontractors. One example of this involves on-
В а firm that provides outsourced third-party
demand transport. Not аІІ providers offer transportation
logistics services to customers
services. Therefore, they hire outside help. Non-asset
based tasks are also subcontracted. С having expertise and information technology
resources but по personnel
D FТL,hotshot, Next Flight Out, and lnternational
Expedited shipping
Е а provider who takes over logistics functions for
а few customers
F а provider who offers tracking and tracing,
cross-docking, and security
G а provider who takes over and improves
logistics activities
О Write а word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the Speaking
underlined part.
ф With а partner, act out the
1 Mr. Murphy uses outside supp liers for warehousing and roles below based оп Task 7.
distribution. Then, switch roles.
__ t ___ r __ _
2 We hired а firm that took over another firm's contract to
perform security operations. /пthat case, l'd recommend
___ c ___ r __ t __ using ...
З Sally needs а delivery service that сап send packages lt sounds like уои could use ...
internationally overnight. І'т sure уои'ІІ ...
_о __ --
4 ln Australia, Customs agents operate under carriers who move Student А: You are а company
goods to markets. owner. Talk to Student В about:
__ e __ h __ o __ a ___ r_
• using а third-party logistics
0 '6 Listen and read the article again. What kind of • what your needs are
assistance is sometimes subcontracted?
• your decision regarding а
0 g. Listen to а conversation between а company owner Student В: You are а ЗРL provider.
and а ЗРL provider. Mark the following statements as Talk to Student А about your
true (Т) or false (F). third-party logistics services.

1 _ The man needs help shipping items from а marketer to а

2 _ The ЗРL provider uses subcontractors for transportation.
З The woman will use the man's ЗРL services.
0 Use the conversation from Task
8 to fill out the request form.

8 g Listen again and complete the conversation.

Great Logistics, Inc.
Owner: l'm trying to decide on whether or not І ought to
usea 1 _ __ Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Provider: That depends on your needs. Company Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Owner: І need help 2 from а manufacturer to а
Position: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
Provider: ln that case, l'd recommend using а ЗРL service. lt What are your logistics needs?
sounds like you could use а З ______
Owner: Would this 4 have its own transportation?
Provider: We use а 5 for transportation.
Owner: ls it 6 ?
Provider: Certainly.
Owner: lt sounds like you offer everything І need. l'm sure you'll
Ье аЬІе to help me.
lnbound Logistics

Bright Manufacturing

lnbound Logistics they confirm accuracy. Next, they

Bright Manufacturing strives to store raw materials until they are
use the best inbound logistics needed.
processes. This part of Materials Distribution:
manufacturing is important to Plant managers send instructions
inventory control. The major when raw materials are required.
functions of the process are Warehouse staff are available to
receiving and distribution. track down materials. The next
Materials Receiving: step is to check out materials
The receiving area is а busy from inventory. Finally, staff loads
рІасе. Employees receive materials materials onto trucks. Drivers
in our designated facility. Then, distribute materia\s as assigned .

Get ready! Vocabulary

О Before you read the passage, talk about Q Match the words or phrases (1-6) with the
these questions. definitions (A-F).

1 What are the steps in the materials receiving 1 store 4 check out
process? 2 distribute 5 _ receiving area
2 What are the steps in the materials distribution З _ plant 6 _ inbound logistics
А а facility or factory that is used for manufacturing
Reading В the process of receiving, storing, and managing
materials used in production
f) Read the manual excerpt. Then, mark the С the physical area where materials are taken in
following statements as true (Т) or false (F).
and processed
1 _ Bright Manufacturing designs logistics D to set materials in а warehouse or other storage
systems. facility for future use
2 _ lnbound logistics includes receiving and Е to make а note that materials have been
distribution. removed from inventory
З _ Materials are distributed Ьу delivery trucks. F to deliver materials to the necessary recipients

О Fill in the blanks with the correct words or Speaking
phrases from the word bank.
Q With а partner, act out the roles below
-г.:~ based оп Task 7. Then, switch roles.

staff facility track down receive USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:

Оо уои have апу questions about ... ?
1 The manager called а meeting for аІІ members of
Would уои mind ... ?
the inbound logistics _ __ _ __
lt а/І begins when .. .
2 Warehouse staff is on hand to _ _ __ _ _
incoming raw materials.
Student А: You are а logistician. Talk to
З The plant manager asked а warehouse staffer
Student В about:
to the needed materials.
• the inbound logistics process
4 Raw materials are stored off site in а separate
• how the process begins
• what staff members do
0 g Listen and read the manual excerpt
again. Where are the company's raw Student В: You are а logistician. Talk to
materials stored? Student А about the process.

ф \І Listen to а conversation between two
logisticians. Mark the following statements 0 Use the conversation from Task 8 to fill out
as true (Т) or false (F). аdistribution checklist.

1 _ The woman has questions about inbound

2 _ Raw materials are stored at the plant.
З _ Warehouse staff confirms the accuracy of
delivered materials.

8 '6 Listen again and complete the

Logistician 1: Do you have any questions about
1 ? Distribution Checklist:
Logistician 2: Would you mind going over the
2 again?
Date request was received: _ __ _ _ _ _ __
Logistician 1: Of course. lt аІІ begins when raw
materials arrive in the З _ __
Name of facility requesting materials: _ _ _ __ _

Logistician 2: ls that in the 4 ___ , or in а

separate facility? Was staff аЬІе to track down materials? Y/N
Logistician 1: We have а 5 _______ because
we are such а large manufacturer. Notes:
Logistician 2: Okay. Warehouse staff receives Warehouse staff gathered materials. Forms were
materials. What's next? completed to materials.
Logistician 1: Next they confirm accuracy, _ _ _ _ ___ lists have been updated.
organize, and 6 materials
until they are needed.
Outbound Logistics

Get ready! Vocabulary

О Before you read the passage, talk about $ Read the sentences and choose the correct
these questions. words or phrases.
1 What are some functions of outbound logistics? 1 Authorization/Order processing was delayed
2 What are some issues that may arise in due to the customer's unclear instructions.
outbound logistics? 2 The order was packed and shipped in а
timely/objective way.
Reading З Anna's job is to deliver/document when
shipments go out and when they are received.
f) Read the manual excerpt. Then, mark the
following statements as true (Т) or false (F). 4 The customer's credit card/outbound logistics
purchase was not authorized Ьу the bank.
1 _ Credit card authorization takes рІасе during 5 The company prides itself on verifying/
order processing. delivering shipments on time, every time.
2 _ The way an order is shipped affects what
packing materials are used.
З _ А worker makes а record of а shipment
before it is sent out to the customer.

мason warren outbound Logistics

Obiective: Getting finished products to customers

The first step is order processing. During this
stage, credit card authorization takes рІасе.
This ensures the company gets paid for the order.
Sometimes order information may Ье unclear.
ln this case, orders are verified with the
І1, •- customer.
І І Next, orders are packed. Choose packing

01 materials based on the method of
shipment. Delivering damaged
І products due to careless packing is
not acceptable.
Shipping of packed products is
the next step. Before а
shipment goes out, an
employee documents
it. This allows
tracking of
АІІ outbound
activities are
done in а
timely manner.

О Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases from Speaking
the word bank.
ф With а partner, act out the
roles below based оп Task 7.
Then, switch roles.
outbound logistics objective
shipped authorization verified USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
І need to ask уои about ...
1 Sasha used to work in inbound logistics, but now she works in
Okay, pack it ир but don't ...
lt's because there 's а problem with ...
2 The customer service representative _ _ _ ___ the
customer's information.
З The credit card company gave _ _ ____ for the Student А: You are а logistician.
customer's purchase. Talk to Student В about:
• а customer's order
4 Mr. Hansen called to see when the order _ _ _ _ __
5 The company's _ _ __ __ is to provide good quality • whether the order shipped or
products for low prices. not
• why the order should not Ье
0 \f Listen and read the manual excerpt again. Why are
details about shipments documented?
Student В: You are а warehouse
Listening supervisor. Talk to Student А
about the customer's order.
ф Q Listen to а conversation between а logistician and а
warehouse supervisor. Mark the following statements
as true (Т) or false (F). Writing
1 _ The man says the order shipped already. 0 Use the conversation from
Task 8 to fill out the order
2 The customer's credit card is not authorized.
processing form.
З _ The woman is concerned about the shipment not being on

8 g Listen again and complete the conversation.

lnvoice # _ _ __ __
Customer's Name: _ _ __
Logistician: Неу, Mark. І need to ask you about 1 _ __

Supervisor: Sure. Which one?

Order accuracy verified: _ __ __
Logistician: The one for the MacGregor Garden Store. Did it
Credit card authorization: _ __ __
2 yet?
Order packed: _ __ _ _ _ __
Supervisor: No, we're still 3 it.
Order shipped: _ __ __ _ __
Logistician: Okay, pack it up but don't ship it yet.
Order delivered: _ _ _ __ __
Supervisor: Why not? lt makes us look bad if we don't get it out in
а4 ______ Notes: _ __ _ __ _ __
Logistician: lt's because there's а problem with the credit 5 _ __
Supervisor: Oh, І see. We want to make sure we'll get paid before
6 the order.


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