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BEHAVIOUR TALLY SHEET- Week of: __________ - ___________

Student Name ____________________ Behaviour

Hitting Kicking Spitting Biting Hair Pulling Bullying others verbally or physically Grabbing Self Injurious Behaviour Pinching Fighting with others without provocation Non responsive Demonstrates physical cruelty and shows little or no remorse Destroys belongings / property of self or others Threatening others with bodily harm

School ______________________ Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.

Operational Definition

Problems with self-control/out of control Non compliant Stealing Lies Disrupts learning of others and/or self Leaves school or classroom without permission Inappropriate gestures Verbally challenging authority Uses profanity excessively Sexual Aggression

OperationalDefinition:Anoperationaldefinitionreferstodefiningbehaviourintoconcreteandobservableactions.Keepinmindthatapersonthat doesnotknowthestudentshouldbeabletoreadthedefinitionandunderstandexactlywhatthetargetbehaviourisandwhatitlookslike(e.g.instead ofdefiningabehaviourasaggressivedefineitashittingwithaclosedfist)

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