Grade10 Physical Education 1ST Quarter

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1. Physical activity includes exercise as well as other activities,

which involve bodily movement and are done as part of
playing, working, active transportation, house chores, and
A. Occasional C. Recreational
B. Social D. Psychological

2. Walking, gardening, sweeping, mopping the floor, climbing

the stairs, doing household chores and social dancing are
all good examples.
A. Light Activities C. Hard Activities
B. Moderate Activities D. Vigorous Activities

3. Below are the different benefits one can get from getting
enough physical activity except for one.
A. Increased self-confidence
B. Improved concentration and memory
C. Increased risk of overweight and obesity
D. Improved self-esteem, mood, and concentration

4. Engaging in moderate to vigorous physical activities helps to

develop the following except one .
A. Self-confidence
B. Strong muscles and bones
C. Good posture and a maintained healthy weight
D. Increase risks of depression, anxiety, psychological
distress, and emotional disturbance

5. It is a subcategory of physical activity that is planned, structured,

repetitive, and purposeful in the sense that the improvement or
maintenance of one or more components of physical fitness is the
A. Physical Activity C. Physical Fitness
B. Exercise D. Activity

6. As you engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity, you

need to observe some personal to avoid certain conditions
related to physical activity participation.
A. Safety Precautions C. Body Protection
B. Self-Precautions D. Health Protection
7. Movement of the body that uses up energy.
A. Physical Activity C. Physical Fitness
B. Exercise D. Activity

8. Which of the following physical activities is an example of

moderate physical activity?
A. Uphill Hiking C. Playing Football
B. Cycling D. Social Dancing

9. Physical activity done at a moderate or vigorous intensity level

is good for your .
A. Body C. Health
B. Mind D. Heart

10. Due to the rising technological advancement in our country,

the physical activities of teenagers have become limited and are
often ______.
A. Forgotten C. Abandoned
B. Neglected D. Rejected

11. Activities that get you moving fast enough or strenuously

enough to burn off three to six times much energy per minute
as you do when you are sitting quietly, or exercise that clock
in at 3 to 6 METs.
A. Moderate Physical Activities C. Light Physical Activities
B. Vigorous Physical Activities D. Heavy Physical

12. The intensity of physical activity is at a level

when your breathing quickens, but you are not out of breath.
A. Low-Intensity C. Moderate Intensity
B. Light Intensity D. High intensity

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. C

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