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Organizational Skills

“Product #1”

Teacher: Pricila Cuevas Ocampo

Student: García Barrón Frida Nahomi


To begin let's define what the organizational structure is, it is known that way when
distributing activities that are developed within, as its name says within an
organization, distributing tasks to facilitate the final work or when meeting the
objectives. He is chosen for a correct organization in the personnel, he is considered
in the same way "the base" of any project.

Having clarified all this, let's see how we can develop this type of structure focused
on a company. We know that a company has special areas for certain activities and
the truth is that many companies use the organizational structure to achieve their
objectives and meet their goals, they create an organization chart. The fact that the
company has a clear organization allowed them to have a more precise knowledge
of the resources to use. Generates greater security in collaborators and correct

An incorrect organization can bring problems within the organization, collaborators

can be disconcerted by not being clear about their responsibilities

For there to be a correct organization, we must consider obtaining a good schedule,

a good distribution of duties and objectives, overloading employees with work and
that other employees do not have responsibilities are things that we must avoid, a
comfortable place to work is also a fundamental part of a good performance, that
employees can develop results in good performance, some companies have
developed areas for the employee to take a "break" and continue to function in their
activities. The organization gives way to a direction which establishes the
parameters that will allow the development of the company

For any company, whether large or small, the organizational structure is a

fundamental piece for the company to achieve success, so it is clear about the
objectives and goals that it must achieve, allowing to identify and detect the needs,
being clear about who will be in charge of certain areas make it easier for us to
identify missing talents
Companies are benefited thus achieving a more efficient and productive company

We can conclude that the importance of this type of structure within the company is
FUNDAMENTAL to obtain success, I personally believe that having our objectives,
goals and successes in mind makes it easier for us to know what techniques we can
use or what plan we can carry out to achieve them. Definitely being able to
coordinate within the company and being able to give collaborators tasks in which
they are good or they like is a plus because they do them with much more
enthusiasm and definitely when one does what they like it allows in the same way to
feel full within any field


 Estructura organizacional - ¿Qué es?, características, tipos y ejemplos. (2018, June 26).

Enciclopedia Económica.

 Importancia del diseño de la estructura organizacional. (2018, January 25).; La




 Estructura Organizacional | Cómo crearla y para qué sirve. (2020, April 29). El Blog de Recursos

Humanos de Bizneo: Práctico Y Actual.

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