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FA Test 1 Total points 84/100


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Aung Su Myat Noe (BT Roll Number is 5)

1- 2/2
Oscar runs a sole trader business selling computers. On 12 January 20X7, 
he employed his daughter as an administrator for the business and took a 
computer from the store room for her to use in the office. What is the doubl
e entry for this transaction? 

A Dr Drawings Cr Cost of sales

B Dr Non-current assets Cr Cost of sales

C Dr Cost of sales Cr Drawings

D Dr Cost of sales Cr Non-current assets

2- 2/2
Which of the following pairs of items would appear on the same side of the
 trial balance? 

A Drawings and accruals

B Carriage outwards and prepayments

C Carriage inwards and rental income

D Opening inventory and purchase returns

3-The  double‐entry  system  of  bookkeeping  normally  results  in  which  2/2
of  the  following balances on the ledger accounts? 

A Assets and revenues Liabilities ( Dr balance ) , capital and expenses ( Cr

balance )

B Revenues, capital and liabilities ( Dr balance ) - Assets and expenses ( Cr

balance )

C Assets and expenses ( Dr balance)- Liabilities, capital and revenues ( Cr

balance )

D Assets, expenses and capital ( Dr balance ) - Liabilities and revenues ( Cr

balance )
4- 2/2
Which of the following entries would be required to account for a reimburs
ement to the petty cash float of $125 from the bank account? 

A Dr Petty cash Cr Cash and bank

B Dr Cash and bank Cr Petty cash

C Dr Drawings Cr Petty cash

D Dr Drawings Cr Cash and bank

5- 2/2

A 108,350 ( Gross proXt )& 36,250 ( Net proXt )

B 108,350 ( Gross proXt )& 28,450 ( Net proXt )

C 110,300 ( Gross proXt )& 28,450 ( Net proXt )

D 110,300 ( Gross proXt )& 36,250 ( Net proXt )

6 Don’t put $ in answer. ···/2


Correct answer


7-Answer only figure . Don't put Dr or Cr . Don't put $ in answer. 2/2

8-Andrea  started  a  taxi  business  by  transferring  her  car,  at  a  value  2/2
of  $5,000,  into 
the business. What accounting entries are required to record this transacti

A Dr Capital $5,000, Cr Car $5,000

B Dr Car $5,000, Cr Drawings $5,000

C Dr Car $5,000, Cr Capital $5,000

D Dr Drawing $5,000 Cr Car $5,000

9- 2/2
Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of a purchas
e order? 

A It is issued to a supplier to request supply of goods from them on terms

speciXed within the order

B It is issued to a customer to conXrm the supply of goods to them on terms

speciXed in the order

C It is issued to a supplier as notiXcation of payment.

D It conXrms the price that will be charged by a supplier for goods supplied.
10-Which  of  the  following  statements  best  describes  the  purpose  of  2/2
a  goods  despatched note (delivery note)? 

A It is issued by a customer returning faulty goods to their supplier.

B It is issued by a customer to their supplier and speciXes the quantity and type
of goods they require to be despatched

C It is issued by a supplier to their customer and speciXes the quantity and

type of goods delivered to that customer

D It is issued by a supplier to their customer and speciXes what goods will be

provided to them at a speciXed future date.

11-An invoice is best defined by which of the following statements?  2/2

A An invoice is raised by a business and conXrms only the amount due to be paid
for goods and services provided

B An invoice is raised by business and issued to a supplier as recognition of

goods and services received from that supplier

C An invoice is raised by a business and issued to a customer to conXrm

amounts not yet paid

D An invoice is raised by a business and issued to a customer to request

payment for
Are each of the following statements about the accounting equation true or false? 

True False Score

Business assets will always equal business

Business assets will always exceed busine
ss liabilities

Business assets include proprietor’s capital 1/1

Business liabilities include proprietor’s capi

Correct answers

True False

Business assets will always exceed business 
13-Are each of the following statements about the journal true or false? 

True False Score

The journal records all bank and cash trans

The journal records all accounting transacti

The journal is a book of prime entry 1/1

The journal records all credit sales transact

Correct answers

True False

The journal records all credit sales transactio
14- 2/2

A Debit Motor vehicles $5,000, and Credit Accumulated depreciation $5,000

B Debit Depreciation Expense $10,000, and Credit Accumulated depreciation


C Debit Depreciation expense $5,000, and Credit Accumulated depreciation


D Debit Accumulated depreciation $10,000, and Credit Depreciation expense

15- 0/2

A Debit Trade receivables’ ledger control, and Credit Irrecoverable debts

B Debit Allowance for receivables, and Credit Irrecoverable debts

C Debit Receivables expense, and Credit Trade receivables’ ledger control

D Debit Receivables expense, and Credit Allowance for receivables

Correct answer

C Debit Receivables expense, and Credit Trade receivables’ ledger control

16- 2/2

A Debit Accumulated depreciation $2,500, and Credit Disposal of machinery


B Debit Sales revenue $2,500, and Credit Bank $2,500

C Debit Disposal of machinery $2,500, and Credit Machinery asset $2,500

D Debit Sales revenue $2,500, and Credit Disposal of machinery $2,500

17- 0/2

A Debit Trade payables’ ledger control $1,250, and Credit Trade receivables’
ledger control $1,250

B Debit Trade payables’ ledger $1,250, and Credit Trade receivables’ ledger $1,250

C Debit Trade receivables’ control $1,250, and Credit Trade payables’ control

D Debit Trade receivables’ ledger $1,250, and Credit Trade payables’ ledger

Correct answer

A Debit Trade payables’ ledger control $1,250, and Credit Trade receivables’ ledger
control $1,250
18-What  journal  entry  is  required  to  correctly  account  for  the  2/2
depreciation  charge  for  the year of $3,500 relating to buildings? 

A Debit Depreciation expense $3,500, and Credit Buildings $3,500

B Debit Buildings $3,500, and Credit Accumulated depreciation $3,500

C Debit Depreciation expense $3,500 and Credit Accumulated depreciation


D Debit Accumulated depreciation $3,500, and Credit Depreciation expense


19- 2/2
What are the accounting entries required to account for settlement discoun
t received of $250 from a credit supplier? 

A Debit Discount received $250, and Credit Trade payables’ control $250

B Debit Trade payables’ control $250, and Credit Discount received $250

C Debit Discount received $250, and Credit Trade payables’ control $250

D Debit Trade payables’ control $250, and Credit Revenue $250

20- 2/2

A Debit Purchases $3,200, and Credit Trade receivables’ control $3,200

B Debit Purchases $3,200, and Credit Trade payables’ control $3,200

C Debit Purchases $3,200, and Credit Suspense $3,200

D Debit Purchases $6,400, and Credit Trade payables’ control $6,400

21- Don't put $ in answer. 2/2

22-Indicate whether each of the following items is a book of prime entry. 

Not a book
A book of
of prime Score
prime entry

Sales day book 1/1

Trial balance 1/1

The journal 1/1

Accounts receivable ledger 1/1

23- 2/2

A $25

B $60

C $35

D $50
24- 2/2
Which of the following explains the imprest system of operating petty cash

A Weekly expenditure cannot exceed a set amount

B The exact amount of expenditure is reimbursed at intervals to maintain a

Xxed doat

C All expenditure out of the petty cash must be properly authorised

D Regular equal amounts of cash are transferred into petty cash at intervals

25- Don't put $ in answer. 2/2

26- ···/2
Ignatius operates the imprest system for petty cash. At 1 July there was a 
float of $150, but it was decided to increase this to $200 from 31 July onw
ards. During July, the petty cashier received $25 from staff for using the ph
otocopier and a cheque for $90 was cashed for an employee. In July, cheq
ues were drawn for $500 for petty cash.                                                    
 How much cash was paid out as cash expenses by the petty cashier in Jul
y? Don't put $ in answer.


Correct answer


27- 2/2
Which of the following might explain a debit balance on a payables ledger 

A The business took a settlement discount to which it was not entitled and paid
less the amount due

B The business mistakenly paid an invoice twice

C The book-keeper failed to enter a contra with the receivables ledger

D The book-keeper failed to post a cheque paid to the account

28- Don't put $ in answer. 2/2


29- Don't put $ in answer. ···/2


Correct answer

30-In which book of prime entry would a business record the part‐ 2/2
exchange value received for a vehicle traded in when purchasing a new veh

A The sales daybook

B The cash payments book

C The journal

D The non-current asset register

31-Mike  wrongly  paid  Norman  $250  twice  for  goods  purchased  on  0/2
credit.  Norman subsequently  reimbursed Mike  for 
the overpayment of $250. How should Mike account for the reimbursement
 received from Norman? 

A Debit Cash received, and Credit Sales

B Debit Cash received, and Credit Discount received

C Debit Cash received, and Credit Trade receivables’ control account

D Debit Cash received, and Credit Trade payables’ control account

Correct answer

D Debit Cash received, and Credit Trade payables’ control account

32- 2/2
What are the accounting entries required to record sales on credit of $10,0
00, on which sales tax is applied at the rate of 20%? 

A Debit Trade receivables’ control account $12,000, Credit Sales revenue

$10,000 and Credit Sales tax $2,000

B Debit Trade receivables’ control account $10,000, Credit Sales revenue $8,000
and Credit Sales tax $2,000

C Debit Sales revenue $10,000, Debit Sales tax $2,000 and Credit Suspense

D Debit Sales revenue $8,000, Debit Sales tax $2,000 and Credit Suspense

33-What are  the accounting entries  required  to  record  2/2

the purchase of goods  for  resale on credit with a gross 
invoice value of $1,541, which  includes  sales  tax at  the 
rate of 15%. The business is registered to account for sales tax.  

A Debit Purchases $1,309.85, Debit Sales tax $231.15, and Credit Trade payables’
control $1,541.00

B Debit Purchases $1,340, Debit Sales tax $201, and Credit Trade payables’
control $1,541

C Debit Purchases $1,541.00, Debit Sales tax $231.15, and Credit Trade payables’
control $1,772.15

D Debit Purchases $1,772.15, Credit Sales tax $231.15 and Credit Trade payables’
34- 2/2
Which of the following best describes the purpose of a purchase invoice? 

A It is issued by a supplier as a request for payment

B It is sent to supplier as a request for a supply

C It is issued by supplier listing details of recent transactions

D It is sent to the supplier as notiXcation of payment

35-In which book of prime entry would discounts received be recorded?  2/2

A Cash received book

B Cash payments book

C Sales day book

D Purchases day book

36- Don't put $ in answer. ···/2


Correct answer


37-Answer with one decimal place.Don't put $ in answer. 2/2

38-Don't put $ in answer. 2/2


39- 2/2
If sales (including sales tax) amounted to $27,612.50, and purchases (excl
uding sales tax) amounted to $18,000, what would be the balance on the s
ales tax account, assuming all transactions are subject to sales tax at 17.5
%? Answer with one decimal place. Don't put $ in answer.

40-In  the quarter ended 31 March 20X2, Chas had  2/2
taxable sales, net of sales 
tax, of $90,000 and taxable purchases, net of sales tax, of $72,000. If the ra
te of sales tax is 10%, how much sales tax is payable to the tax authority? 

A $1,800 receivable

B $2,000 receivable

C $1,800 payable

D $2,000 payable

41-Don't put $ in answer. 2/2

42-Which of the following statements best explains the sales account?  2/2

A It is credited with the total of sales made, including sales tax

B It is credited with the total of sales made, excluding sales tax

C It is credited with the total purchases made, including sales tax

D It is credited with the total expenses, excluding sales tax

43- 2/2
A business sold goods that had a net value of $600 to Lucid.  What entries 
are required by the seller to record this transaction if sales tax is applied at 

A Dr Lucid $600, Dr Sales tax $105, Cr Sales $705

B Dr Lucid $705, Cr Sales tax $105, Cr Sales $600

C Dr Lucid $600, Cr Sales tax $105, Cr Sales $600

D Dr Sales $600, Dr Sales tax $105, Cr Lucid $705

44- 2/2
Laker, a customer, returned goods to Streamer that had a net value of $200
.  What  entries  are  required  by  Streamer  to  record  this  transaction  if 
transactions  are subject to sales tax is payable at 17.5%? 

A Dr Returns inward $200, Dr Sales tax $35, Cr Laker $235

B Dr Returns inward $235, Cr Sales tax $35, Cr Laker $200

C Dr Purchases $200, Dr Sales tax $35, Cr Laker $235

D Dr Laker $235, Cr Returns inward $200, Cr Sales tax $35

45- 2/2
Stung, which is registered to account for sales tax, purchased furniture on 
credit at a cost of $8,000, plus sales tax of $1,200. What are the correct ac
counting entries to record this transaction? 

A Debit Furniture 9,200 Credit Supplier 9,200

B Debit Furniture 8,000 Credit Sales tax 1,200 Credit Supplier 6,800

C Debit Furniture 8,000 Credit Supplier 9, 200 Debit Sales tax 1,200

D Debit Furniture 8,000 Credit Supplier 8,000

46-Are the following statements about sales tax true or false? 

True False Score

Sales tax is a form of indirect taxation 1/1

If input tax exceeds output tax the differen
ce is payable to the tax authorities

Sales tax is included in the reported sales a
nd purchases of a sales tax registered 1/1

Sales tax cannot be recovered on some pur

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