How Do I Protect Myself From Coronavirus

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GABARITO – 9º ANO – INGLÊS – Gabriel

How do I protect myself from Coronavirus? - Matéria jornalística relacionada aos cuidados sob a

DATA: 18/03/2020

ORIENTAÇÃO: Acessar o link. Assistir ao vídeo proposto e responder às questões (em Inglês).

DÚVIDAS: Entrar em contato com o Professor.

INDICAÇÕES DE ESTUDOS: Vocabulário do idioma Inglês (Higiene e termos relacionados). Verbos

Irregulares e Regulares (Tempos Verbais). Prática de Leitura e Escrita (vídeo BBC)


DATA DE ENTREGA: 20/03/2020 (até 23h55)


1) Which people may be more vulnerable to Coronavirus? And why do these people have to be so

# It’s mostly vulnerable in older people and people with underlying health conditions. The main relative
cases are asthma, heart disease and diabetes and that is why they should be more careful.

2) What situations should I wash my hands afterwards?

# If you have been out in a public places with many people, tables, on a bus or a train, properly wash
your hands as soon as you can for about 20 seconds, to get them really clean.

3) Write down six important parts of the hand that you shouldn't forget to wash according to National
Health Service.

# The six important parts to wash hands with soap and water are palm, backs of hands, around the nails,
in between the fingers, wrists and your thumbs.

4) What should I do with tissue when I finish to cleaning my hands?

# Turn the tap off using a tissue and put in the bin.

5) Choose the best ways to keep your hands clean.

Hand Sanitizer, Soap and Water, Scrub.

6) How Coronavirus can be easily spread?

Some experts think coronavirus is spread by droplets that come out of your nose and mouth.
7) What should we do and never forget when we cough or sneeze?

# Catch with disposable tissues then bin it and never forget to wash hands. By the way, they are better
than handkerchiefs. If you don't have a tissue, think fast and remember to do it into the crook of your
elbow, the germs are away from hands and it's more difficult to pass them on, unless you greet people
using your elbow.

8) What are the good options to use when you are ill?

Tisse, Water and Hand soap.

9) Choose three locations where you can easily be targeted by harmful germs on your hands.

Handrails, Lift Buttons, Public Tables.

10) Choose the correct answers.

properly (rightly), lather (soapsuds), mild (moderate), wet (moist)

11) Is it true that if a person has the same symptoms as the coronavirus doesn't mean that he's sick?
Choose the correct answer.

# You may have symptoms of coronavirus but you don't necessarily have the coronavirus.

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