Families Notes Week 4

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Particularly don't worry bout that but like cover letter I'm going to try to get that feedback

to you this
weekend so that way when your application is due next week you can actually amend your your resume
if you want I'm not evaluating your resume again and I don't send your resume to the agencies for clarity
so even if you just reloaded your your original resume or let's say you wanted to put your full CD that is
in tailored to SSW but just so I know all of your job experience you can do that that's your choice that's
just for my reference so I'm not matching word or volunteers or if you have a lot of experience in
employment even if you've never worked any at any organizations here in London I might not match you
for placement with an employment agency I have a lot of that skill set so we might look to round out
your skill set by exploring one of your other areas of interest so that's what it's for so it's not evaluated
again zone panic that you have to get the resume updated it's not evaluated again by me and it's not
sent out to anyone by me so you have lots of time to tell her that that'll make sense OK

You taking the time to read it today and reflect on it one of the other things that landed knowledge
minton is if you're in a group like like a board meeting for example or in your field placements you'll be
leading lambic knowledge meant that each of your level needing when you have a small group of people
it can be really helpful to actually engage in a little bit of discussion about their interactions with the
land and waterways so we're not looking for like cultural appropriation where someone slightly well I
saw an eagle and then I followed it we don't want to appropriate a culture or like make it seem like you
were trying to take on the components of that culture values would be interesting is you know like I
kayaked down the French river which is actually this traditional territory of these traditional people and
so I fished in the river and benefited from the fishing stream through this campaign. You think but you're
just making connections this year I tried to grow the three sisters like corn squash and beans I have alot
of rabbits rabbits got to it before I had a chance to enjoy and I tried plant sunflowers and I'm not joking
like every camera in my backyard I planted the sunflowers in within 11 minutes they were eaten by
squirrels so I was like OK like flowers for me so you know I might tell a little little like anecdotes about
the harder I try really hard to remove any non-native plants or not garden and I try to purposely and
intentionally plan things that are you know indigenous to this land I think that I might be doing to try
and like here the truths of First Nations median Inuit people and try to then reconcile some of the
damage is are the harms that have been done so today is a particularly special day because it's orange
shirt day so we're on a ring residential school survivors and also all of those who have died as a result of
residential schools and there was a specific individual who started this and I'm not gonna go into
because I but when we we're balancing our perspective we don't want everything we learned about
First Nations made here in digits people to be negative right because they are not the worst thing that's
happened to them we wanted note strength and resilience and positive voice stories and stuff like that
so I've open those in interaction items but today in particular we are needing to kind of open our ears
both are mouse you know if were non indigenous folks and listen to the truth of what is happening and
what has happened and then we need to take action to move towards reconciliation based on the truth
so first comes the truth then the reconciliation you can't have that would be other so we have to
understand before we can truly repair today is so I did hear some of you talking about activities you've
been involved with at the college this week which is great I think there has been a variety of activities
there is up oh I think today at some point or it might have been earlier in the week it's usually on the
30th but that doesn't mean it's on the third yet today this year does anybody want to share anything
personal stories or anecdotes or a-ha moments or anything related to the lender today or just in general
Very true there was a lot of harm done and continued to be done with the lack of apology and things
like that right so there is it's complicated and and will arrive at a different T-shirt I should have which is it
depends right 'cause it depends what lens we're looking at things through how this all plays it OK so
your groups I have now been formed for the family group project we covered that last week next week
we do not have classes because if you're into interim days be aware due dates though because some
professors didn't change like me I don't change my due dates out of Wednesday and make you do
everything in three days instead of five I leave them on the Friday if there's something do or something
to do be aware that it's your choice to do things early like submit early but if you want that extra time
and need that extra time then I'm not gonna take it away from you right so you have choice in that so
next week we won't have any class and there will be office hours on the Wednesday but there won't be
like appointment times necessarily on Thursday and Friday like like I'm not gonna just be in the
classroom and if you have questions but what I do wanna do is just go over here like the actual
expectations of this first part of your group project OK so I have posted here some instruction if I
reference any old dates forgive me but the instructions are exactly the thing OK so instead of me
spending a whole bunch time here repeating what's already there you have that reference you can
watch it 10 times if you want to we have the rules for the marketing take so this I'm gonna go over your
group will likely have about five people some groups will say 6 but in if it's 6 what I've been seeing that
though like I think there's two groups of sex and two people in one person in each of those groups
hasn't been necessarily present so I did that intentionally because I I don't want groups end up then
becoming groups of three or something like that right if it happens will figure it out but ideally maybe
aren't you know attending and maybe we thought they might withdraw that's why we that's why I did
that anyway so what's going to happen is prior to week 6 you and your group are going to get together
and you're gonna have a conversation about this group project and because I'm asking you to just stay
focus on what's happening that week because I'm gonna walk you through this and support you through
it every step of the way it's called chunking were gonna chunk it out and it's gonna be really digestible
OK you don't you can't work ahead on this project so don't the only thing you can do is setup times with
your group so that you have time scheduled each week to me that's it so for the mock intake
assessment your whole group will come at your designated time please be aware of the schedule starts
at 8:45 in the morning so I think it's Group One needs to be here in this classroom by 8:40 and we will
start your market taking 45 it's me who's role-playing with you you are not evaluated on how well you
do in the in the experience it's experiential learning you are going to ask those stupid questions from all
the different domains you're going to try and gather as much information as you can within that one
very short meeting it is assumed that informed consent and confidentiality has already happened so if
you look in your group locker there's already an initial contact case note there is already a confidentiality
form and there's already a basic cover she's half completed so that you have some idea who's coming in
so for some groups Miranda Brandon from this Jones family is going to come in she's going to be with
you for this initial intake assessment OK so you can't screw this up aside from not coming if you are sick
on that day the app or if you ended up in a situation where you cannot come to class 'cause you have to
take care of your children they can't go to school 'cause they're sick the expectation is that one of your
peers bring you on a laptop hey get a zoom going get bungo going Google whatever rooms like do
something and your person needs to still be here they need to still be able to participate in the
experience OK I don't want to see a lot of that it needs to be an extenuating circumstance only 'cause it's
much harder to engage that way but worst case scenario we've got a plan alright so but for the intake
you need to review those documents that are uploaded into the group folder you need to review the
whole instructions of the group project just so you have an understanding and then you need to make
sure that you have assigned within your group these mock rolls so understand that there will only be
one speaker so typically when if I mean SSW and I go and meet with a client I'm doing all of this at the
same time I am the speaker I am the observer I am the writer I am the support to myself to try to help
myself remember what questions ask right but in this particular case we're going to break those rules
down so if I have five people in my group I'm going to identify one as the speaker I'm going to identify
one of the observer one of the writer and one is the support so the support can actually sometimes I'll
say just text them like how your phone Alberta tender bone in there but text them if you notice your
speaker getting stuck text him a question or you can have your laptop open you can do best in German
something like that or you can literally just pass a note like as the client I'm going to pretend that part
isn't happening because again this is about your learning it's not about means assessing whether you're
doing this right or not it's but you try and get out and see how it goes and taking on a very specific
element of that whole roll OK so I will not speak to any other group group member while we're in the
market Anthony other than the speaker I'm pretending the rest of you are there but also don't talk
speaker you'll notice there's only four rule 25 people in your group you can not identify second speaker
but you can identify a second observer or writer or support if you have six people saying same idea
there can only be one speaker the rest of the rules can be duplicated as needed make sense you will also
need to name your agency so come up with a name for your agency and also a name for your
caseworker so yes there's five of you or six of you or four of you in a group invoice so that's why I say
pick a name for speaker don't let it be one of your names let it be like you know Susie Smith at Susie
Smith is the worker so all of your documentation will read as a soothing Susie Smith Rd in your
signatures from the caseworker will be Susie spent so that way it's just very clean very clear no matter
who's working on it we're not going to have changes of names and things like that you are working as a
group you are one voice you are making decisions together etc make sense after the market day you'll
notice within 24 hours I will upload the full case so it's it's so again I want the pressure to be off about
what if we don't get all the details and then we fail right from the start what I work from our these cases
that I've developed over the years and it's very much like present day little bit of history but it's mostly
the present day because when we work with families were not working in a study group therapy
biopsychosocial manner we're not going back in time and healing their developmental childhood
wounds in their trauma were working with them based on where there at today so you don't need a lot
of historic information but you should have it 'cause it can indicate patterns and things like that but
know that the case is set up in such a way that the starting point it's not going to be like in your textbook
where it gives you like like tons and tons of information you're gonna have enough information to get
started with this family then in week 7/8 911 and 12 every week there will be an update so the updates
roll out and then I'll cover this later just to keep your mind sort of going on this project when the
updates come out it's a generic update everybody gets the same update but it will say client A and then
it will usually stay in brackets must be an adult and client V can be any other family member have some
kind of interaction and this is how it plays out then you and your group members will role play so one of
you will be the worker and then one and then one of you will be like the child the parents etc role play
the details of what happened the word gambling one of the updates might be that the families at your
agency and you're facilitating an activity which involves the failing playing a game and some sort of like
altercation ensued you can decide if plays or you can decide if that's just a verbal plays you can decide
what it's about what's said and you document all of that OK but the details need to just stay in align with
the basics of the case like you can't just the 14 year old you know deals meth out of the back of the
school and you know is also inactive drug addict and that's why he be like if they case kinda didn't start
identifying that then please don't go and take it in that direction just the same as you know if long
appears to be doing some sex work on the side to get money for the kids you can't just decide she
stopped because you don't wanna deal with it OK updates as you can't just like add really wonky wild
things in there just for the sake of adding it in and you can't deviate from sort of like the introduction of
what the problem is but the actual details of like what we have an argument about or or what we know
what results in me leaving the house or whatever like those details are totally role played and made-up
by your group play my fish bowls under counseling but world plays like that is sort of a topic but the
details of the topic or sort of constructed by you in the moment that makes sense OK so there is
structure but there's also room for creativity each week I'll be like the updates there and there will be a
little bit of time in class for your group to work on it so you can see your questions you could even do
your role plays I'm happy to role play with you if you'd like and all of that that stuff OK so and then I will
support you because it is a big project so no that will talk a little bit more you know about
documentation will talk a little bit more I would invite you to draft things like case notes and bring them
in an show me when we have our time to work on it in Group so then that way you can get that
feedback and and that's all part of the learning is you give it a shot and then I'll give you feedback and
let's do that before the projects do so then that way there are no big surprises that is that all fairly
straightforward that'll make sense so it is a big project but it really is rolling out on a week by week basis
and the first step is just this intake interview and I like to have a bit of fun with it so so yes you're
practicing skills that you may not have practice before done before yes it can be a bit intimidating I get
all of that but also try to have a little fun with it 'cause you're not getting a mark for it and remember
intake assessment isn't counseling so you said students I'll try to remind you of this before your
interviews but it can be really easy for students to get hung up on like one thing and then really wanna
like dive deep into it you wanna acknowledge you wanna maybe ask for a few more details and then you
want to contain it so contain it basically means like OK so I you know I understand that your spouse has
passed away and I understand that today you're not you don't want to talk about that further so I'm just
going to know that this may be something we come back to is there anything else you want to share you
know about how you're feeling or that experience no OK where is a counseling session we might probe a
little bit more but this is intake they don't want to talk about it we're not really going to press that 'cause
this is their first interaction with organization and we haven't developed that report yet but we do still
documentaiton we document why we didn't have to answer questions from the client said they don't
want to talk about it right and then we don't keep trying to pull it out later so like my child is in it you
know is acting out you don't then start to be like Oh well you don't wanna talk about it like no OK will
tell tell me about what their behavior is tell me about what it is that you're doing right we're not there
to determine what the problem is we're there to excess what the problem is those are different our
determination will come later once we have a full picture hey another part of the project is which I hope
there is only one person I'm only one person I'm the first person from the family walked into the agency
and said it's **** storming here and we need some help OK and then what do you need to do what do
you think is going to be part of your instructions after that initial activity you got it you will have to other
group before the first update role player interview you know create some documentation that suggests
you have gathered data from another family member again there is this place where you get to make it
up right you know Billy's mom says that you know Billy is a bad kid in here is all the reasons you
interview billion buildings like my mom's never home right my mom comes home and I burned food on
the stove because she wasn't there for six hours and then I got in trouble for burning food on the stove
but I don't know how to cook because I'm seven years old so you get to make up those details right but
that's that sort of like how things go you want the full picture not just one person's version of events so
thanks any questions about the family project or any questions about the expectations of what you need
to arrive prepared to do during academic week 6

330 it's not so so essentially public seven weeks after visit and we clear team we don't have class either
that is a day where I specifically slotted those three hours to be dedicated to you finalizing your project
and it is do you do have to hand in a hobby card copy by the end of the day there's only hard copy for
them but got three hours in the morning the classroom will be available you are welcome to come here
with your group that finalize things you can do whatever you like with that time but I'm specifically
blocked that off and will not be learning e-mail me next week stop correct

and all of this is all so I'll just show you the family project intake schedule so I've you know blocked out
other folks but the only time that group wanted need Spears from 8:45 to 9:50

OK you cannot stay in the classroom 'cause this is where the role plays are happening so you are
welcome to still stay on campus but you can't stay in the classroom then I have that role is there for your
group you have your initial case note so this is just that men support saying that this person came they
set up the initial appointment you have the initial client information so you'll notice that there's yellow
it's because Mary didn't bother to get that information so you have to get it and then you'll notice that
there is a confidentiality form signed only for the individual who you will be interviewing So what does
that also mean yes and you need to make sure that so the dates align with their first meeting with you
so if you decide that you know on October 13th you met with other kids then those confidentiality forms
better say the 13th because if they say some date way after or someday way before that's going to be a
problem so you have to make sure your case notes and your documentation like of confidentiality of
dates releases of information you need to make sure those all align hey and I left this one editable
because I want you to make up an agents name and put it at the top and then I want you to be able to
use it for other family members as well I love to hear the answers to these questions so easily already
that's good but on the right track alright so let's maybe just do a couple size and then we will take a
break OK in chapter they last one hey when you wear your presentation you gave out a definition of
family and the book has like it it's just like it says December is not exactly the same so which is the
definition of a family that you go with like black from one expands on the question is the question on
the text was to ask according to your text what is the definition of family that I'm referencing the family
definition from textbook if I said something like according to class or in your opinion what is the
definition of family then there is more flexibility with that she answered the question to make sure you
know what it's asking OK any other questions yeah

Very straightforward you're reflecting on your experience of the experential learning activity in
individual thing we cannot do it until you nothing but about it and then going what what happened what
would you do differently very basic we are starting to get to point where I'm not a good thing because
they don't learners need repetition but also because we are going to the point where we kind of talked
alot already about the basics of assessment how to the basic knowledge now we're going to reinforce
that event expand on invent and then we get to the point with case study where we're gonna really be
practicing what exactly this is an because assessment is ongoing that's why we haven't involving case
study and non static case study it doesn't just happen once so we don't so little little tidbits is rather
more tip it start to come in we won't we don't want to zoom at no show of a family or person means
that they're not invested in process there's lots of reasons that that can happen one of the biggest
reasons that I stated people is if you were having a family come to you transportation is usually one of
the number one reason why they will not show up which has nothing to do with their investment it
might be that their vehicle doesn't fit older kids it might be that the buses only run during certain times
or they don't have enough bus ticket for trying to get everybody ready and on the bus and then
transferring is too hard right so sometimes the barriers are actually created by the way in which we
engage the family and the purpose of role assessment is we want to assess and engage family in
problem solving we want to consider by season diversity we want to introduce ourselves our agency and
kind of like what our role is things that contribute to a family being at risk of dropping out even after an
initial intake would be like having to actually again the difficulty of having actually come to the agency so
one of the things that has been useful use of technology over the past two years that did not exist as an
option before holding onto this in summer not I would advocate that we should hold onto it not as a
replacement for but to work with so that family has the kids that day or getting like lack of finances to
get those bus tickets maybe we can switch to a virtual meeting for that one time and then that virtual
meeting maybe we problem solve how they can get there in the future or maybe we have to look at if it
makes more sense for us to go to that particular family that's within your agency mandate we must
ensure that we're one engaging all family members who are interested in the process and again
depending on circumstance you might have family members who aren't really interested but we have to
document that we at least have attempted to include them and if they refuse then you have to
document the favorite heatedly refused to be to not be part of it we want to also assess for risk and
protective factors so you'll notice a risk assessment template you're not going to do that on the very first
intake assessment with me but you might do it you know shortly after or you know by the time that first
update comes you might have already done in initial risk assessment testing for what's going on in the
family we also want to look for protective factors or resiliency factors kind of like what we talked about
last week and then three of the creation of collaboration right it's the it's the joining if the report
building is the collaborating starting point and working with that family be sure that the family has a
good understanding of this service that's being provided this scope of practice both of you and of the
agency so you wanna make sure that they understand the limitations of your level of intervention or
what you can offer Wyvern growth are being offered and also like what expected on their participation I
would say slower and faster I know that a lot of agencies you know might have only a six session
mandate like you can only work with his family for six sessions Leslie you can't make things move faster
if the whole stage of change thing again you know as well give me an example of this from my own
world do I have always struggled with just like let's say healthy eating OK I tend to be very picky eater so
I really only like to eat certain foods ATG thing I really do have nothing right become hyper focused on
the food and I eat it eat it and need it again then I never read it again it's a real thing for me so and then
texture is gonna be a thing for meeting so I've worked with dietitians over the years and I'll tell you that
the dietitians I've worked with do the exact same thing and then you go and you spent $5000 on
everything they suggested slowly watch it decomposed or you breed a factory fruit pleasant encounter
one of the other that's what happens so that doesn't work for me that is not a slower is faster approach
that's a here's a list that here's the recipe of how to change your whole life and in single instance here it
is go to it good luck that has never worked for me it will never work for me it doesn't matter if I only get
two appointments with dietitian from iep program I will never be successful in that scenario how many
of you think you would be successful in that scenario nobody so even if I only have two freaking sections
with dietitian Gino it works better smart goals very specific so I happen to be working with the dietitian
again I did also still breeding factory fruit flies from the bananas on my counter that still happened but
what I will tell you as I've been far more successful this time because the only goal was that I eat half a
plate of vegetables first for one meal a day that was it it wasn't don't eat chips anymore Syrian it wasn't
don't eat this don't eat that it was like well let's just focus on one meal a day do you think you could eat
half of theatre budg you know first 'cause that helps you feel more full right and space for you before
you I don't care if it's Kentucky fried chicken but you're going to eat people have played agree being first
right that I have been way more successful on its biltmore buying for me I know that I'm only going to
have two sections with this person let's say but here's the thing I understand how I work now So even
though that you know dietitian or accountability person whatever that is is now going to be gone into
into times I get what works for me now I have to make a stupidly small change hibbett for like a month
and then go back so actually it's been far more beneficial to have two sessions where I've only maybe
changed one thing then it is for me to have had two sessions with the recipe card for how to change
everything so that's what I mean by slower is faster that's why smart goals are so important when we
work with people it's not gonna feel like we're making a lot of progress but the fact is is that I can walk
away not only with this new thing I'm doing so I feel good about that but it also walk away with in
understanding of how you continue to create change from I felt so it's so so so important

because it's like visual to write and I really love like a nice salad at lunch is so easy my whole thing is
basically 75% dinner same thing like I just shifted the ratio so it's not one meal a day I'm able to do it
pretty consistently I will not eat a vegetable for breakfast that's a hard pass word but small small wins
but that's another thing we do small changes well pivots that there's more success and then what
happens inside you come the over achiever how did that feel right if your over achieving anything right
you're like I'm the best superhero I have winning at eating veggies and then I feel good about myself
myself esteem goes up myself worth goes up and then all of a sudden in the next challenges accepted
much easier alright so assessing the problem obviously this is where we talk about evidence based
practice but also we have to consider this from other lenses as well and we need to find approaches and
interventions that have been consistently proven to change or improve client circumstances smart goals
is one of those things was nice about smart goal is that the smart goal is a formula but what you input
into that formula can be very individual for the family so in that case this isn't evidence based practice
strategy that I liked because it can be adapted to be culturally appropriate it may include making like an
initial phone contact or introducing your family to the treatment strategy or making initial assessment
recommendations so just little things that maybe they can start trying early not a lot but maybe
something that they're interested in the degree of change sought by the family will depend on the
identified needs and of course the goal so preparing to interview a family requires reflection and
planning and intention aliti you have to be intentional with what you're asking you cannot just go in
there and just like like freestyling maybe in five years but not now OK but truly like if you freestyle it
you're going to be at higher risk of doing harm because there's pressure at the moment right to engage
to to keep them engaged to talk to do this that whatever so don't freestyle do prepare preparing for the
interview again reflection planning observation again we talked a little bit about do you read them
previous bio notes do not this case you won't be able to but if you had that opportunity you would have
to sort of reflect on your own professional persona and whether that was you know something you
wanted to do and sometimes there will be just like a a page on safety concerns right so maybe you just
want to read the safety concerns stop bold file there there is frozen constable size that which we
previously discussed when we go into that again the most important data for you is to observe watching
right when you asked a question where does the family look they might be talking but where do they
look do they look at dad do they look at mom do they look at Big Brother where are they looking rain
and who is looking where that's the kind of stuff that like gives you a lot of insight that they're not going
to tell you about 'cause they may not even be aware of so where are people looking right what's their
body language like who sits beside who so is everything for example I've notice that for the most part
certain people sit in certain spots but I would say this week there's been a shuffle go to start right it
doesn't mean that certain people but there's a shuffle that shuffle had noted and so notice those things
with the family you know the two moms do they always sit beside each other or do they sit with their
two kids on the opposite side over like that's showing you relational dynamics right away it depends on
there's no one meaning it depends on the contact that depends on the family like so do you have a
family room where there's two loves the chair and so therefore it makes sense that the worker would sit
in chair and it makes sense that people would sit on the love seat right are the children for and like 18
months old and that would make sense why if one parent is on one child remove. Or are we talking like
171612 year old and you know what's the gender of the children are they both identified females or
they both identified male you know are we dealing with a trans situation and religious family you're
watching for alignment though because we're dealing with the transit chew ation in highly religious
family probably the parent who is that beside the child identifying as trans is in alignment with that child
is the support for that child so it depends when you have to know what the family history is the story
the context for example when you all sat in different spots but I can't assume that 'cause there's
something going on in the class configure differently I wish I had a black white answer for you then
fortunately we do not get all the factors but this is these are all parts of assessment you're assessing for
this right like when I worked as a probation officer you know I had a man you would come in like every
week he I and he never ever ever came in without his backpack and never ever ever came in without
folding his backpack with certain way all of this band where he would watch it man right so one day he
did it he sold his backpack hobbies hand in hand that's weird so he filled out this open posture and still
gave me the man but I was like this is an like what's happening and I was like dude what's in your pocket
and he's like what your hands are never in your pockets watch in your pocket and he's like nothing and I
was like kind of looking to see and I didn't come out from behind my desk because I was a bit concerned
but like what's in your pocket and anyways he didn't fight his hands are in his pockets because he had
wounds understands the father is going to reach him right little thing little things matter they will be the
difference the colleague of buying how does similar situation and it was scissors in the person's pants
and he's playing the staffer so like it's safety that we're doing these obsessive observation how do you
turn off I don't know very specific I know this body language I know the shift in tone everything and it
does cause a lot of issues in my personal life is people get handled up actually I would suggest it's not
that people can't handle it really enjoy it but like but not to be like a marvel comic nerd but like
Spiderman with great power comes great responsibility this is true this is a superpower I see it that way
I'm with you but it can be harmful as well so sometimes we have to learn how to just hold the
observation without speaking on it'cause it's the behavior is the action of identifying it noticing and
calling to plunder **** sometimes but we like to help yeah so I wouldn't suggest that other people can't
handle it you're not giving them a choice because you're imposing it which is part that the regulation P
for you and so maybe like I have a question to ask is can I share an operation right and then they get the
choice and then manage some of that but can I share an observation for us use it and when to shut it

It's different and that's true with the families we work with too because sometimes we will observe
things and it's not worth mentioning or noting 'cause it will make them defensive but you might
document it right so that's why soap notes have a lane for his observations you note your observations
and you just sort of add in like you know the writer observed bits or the writer observed that right like
so if this person was someone I have I was working with I would have absolutely written down the the
individual was wearing jewelry and if I look back at all of my notes I would see that they never or
jewellery so something was different something shifted what was happening right and it may not mean
anything at all but I would still need to document what I've observed because again that can help us
with patterns and things like that and maybe once the pattern established then be aggressive so yeah go
ahead patterns people peoples body language tone how we show it means a lot but that's what I
calculate but you said that so you stand for this so it's hard for me to let things go little things you talked
in the stone or you did this so you're in a way to suspectful so you don't respect me

Kindly and also from a very empathetic place the compassion places like a fitness one is everything that
you're saying is both control which is about you so I would say unpacking here but I would just reflect
maybe and this is rooted in my own reflection is I would say what is it that you're afraid of like that you
feel like you need to control like the external so much right like what is it that you're afraid is gonna
happen if you miss something what is it that you are worried like is it that you'll be made a fool a visit
that you'll be dis respected is it that you'll you know you'll get hurt like what is that about for you
because it's about something it's still a superpower and I will never back down at that point and what is
it really about control it's about control and things that work themselves in control are often deeply
rooted in fear so there is there's a progression no right so I read a lot of burning Browns super helpful
also Byron Katie which I probably already mentioned but the other thing is and this is like not something
I have fully involved yet let's just be clear but the other thing is is that we actually create our own
distress by applying meaning observations or belief So what you're describing when you say well when
you do this then it means you believe this when you do that then I then it means this like when you do
this conversation that is the objective reality and so this connects the documentation you cannot apply
meaning to what you observe with your client you can not so with it the client stated that their pro
trucker rally whatever OK then you state the client and then whatever they put in quotes if you can or
that you know they supported the trucker rally another you cannot then go and that means that it
probably doesn't mean that but you that is not objective that's a subjective application of your
assumptions and that is dangerous and harmful and problematic for you as a professional but also for
your clients OK so we cannot add that pardon and what I would encourage you to do is the same thing
note the observation I think you can reflect the observation in a picture battle situation but the meaning
you applied to it is actually what creates the distress so when you know Batman and example so when I
look across the classroom right now Bentley Bentley was not making any facial expressions and has their
arms crossed OK so I could assume that Bentley doesn't like this conversation or is ****** *** at me for
some reason or right like but any of those things that I might be assuming about that body language is
gonna create distress for me so my belief about bentley's body language is actually what creates the
distress for me not actually Bentley body language So what my opportunity is here with Bentley if I'm
concerned because I'm observing the body language and maybe it's different than it was superpower
then what I could do is I could watch Bentley privately or however it makes sense and just say he
invitation or maybe there's some other way to engage mentally that I know works and so we might have
a little chit chat and take the pulse of temperature so I can ask you question based on my observation
Invitational and then we and then I can figure out what's really going on as opposed to living in the
discomfort of my own believe does that make sense OK great so that's gonna be like $1,000,000 OK I
love these questions Ann I appreciate how it connects to our personal lives because we are talking about
family and this is the stuff that goes down in the families we work with and it is this stuff that we carry
with us when we work with family right because if you're noticing someone's behavior that seems to
mirror or four emulator your partners behavior that you be with disrespectful there is a risk their that
you start documenting and filtering that individuals behavior through that lens and then in the
documentation this individual is disrespectful I would be careful so even if you thought the behavior was
disrespectful what's the evidence to support it you have to describe versus state right so example I
walked through the door today and I just was focused on something OK so much so I didn't make any
expression I didn't really say hi just kind of like walked in PS I do that alot 'cause I'm usually like thinking
about 10 things I get over here I don't really knowledge or anybody whatever and let's just say that
that's different from what I usually do there's two ways in which I would see that documented for the
most part one is zero writer observes there entering the classroom head down I know I contact with me
walked over to the desk and began to you know on the keyboard the writer did not observe eye contact
from the point of entry to the point at the desk vocalizations or it could sound like the writer observes
her walking in the classroom she appeared Moody because her facial expression was neutral and her
body language was closed and then she she never made eye contact with anybody you know it was rude
you're still being descriptive but you're adding in subjective opinion about what it means when I read
that I need to read it in an objective way and arrive at my only conclusion if not like a book where I want
to leave you somewhere right it's observable facts that I want to give you so that you can arrive at your
own conclusion based on what what was observed we're exploring what we're seeing how are assessing
the encouragement like with counseling when in doubt ask another question but just curiosity question
you know this is about our observations of family functioning like assessing the strengths observing for
those understanding that the degree of change is gonna be based on their capacity as well as their their
interest in the work that you're doing body language might be a big part of that but we have to be very
careful that we don't paint a picture that their disengagement equates to disrespect rudeness
disconnection like it just might be this is really hard for the man this is as least defensive if it can be
anybody wanna add anything else before we just take a quick break what do you do are do 10 minutes

Family string types of questions that the what and how during an interview for example can help you
identify what the problem is what contributes to making the problem more severe and what the family
would like changed it's not advised to use why as it can tend to sound accusatory especially if you don't
have a relationship or report yet it's best practice to assess as many family members together as
possible for your initial intake you'll only be meeting with one as we discussed this is circumstantial and
wouldn't be concerned at best practice but it's not unusual also because usually you have one person
who's really bought into seeking help and not be yet so sometimes that's our doorway in in terms of
supports extended family may also be actively involved in the process so this is an example within your
case study whereas if it says that like your your characters parents are deceased you're not gonna
magically resurrect them from the dead 'cause you want some extra support OK so really track that kind
of stuff but could you say that they have a best friend from childhood who has agreed to be part of the
process and they're going to act as a support because XYZ you can absolutely do that so and and those
questions will come up as you go through and I will happily answer them so during assessment it listed
information about the family structure organization dynamics and like transactional pattern encourage
family members who may have missed a first meeting to join you next time by trying to be flexible like
meeting at different times of the day not always on the same day and in the first meeting the emphasis
is on current problems including the presenting problem and we want to remember to put it in context
and take that ecological approach to the onion family needs and preferences will change overtime which
is why sometimes referencing a file isn't necessarily helpful changes in circumstances unanticipated
events responses to interventions etc you wanna consistently collaborates take the feedback make
adjustments page 67 there's lots of questions there for eliciting information so you might want to
reference that page when you're intentionally creating questions for intake family relationships are
sources of some of our most intense emotions they are the source of both joy and happiness under
positive circumstances so therefore families established relationship develop patterns of interaction and
create ways of organizing themselves that are unique to these emotional connections exploring the
responses from each family member will uncover the alliances that supports the interactions within the
family system both functional and dysfunctional understanding family behavior and functioning in this
context exerts a strong role in determining what assistance of family needs to address because
sometimes they don't know what they need to address but then true more understanding you might
invite the fact that why why might actually what needs to be addressed the quality of family
relationships contribute this social and emotional competence of children and This is why children tend
to be the browders of family system like you can pretty much pick out if you walk into a classroom and I
wish we could do this as like a field trip but it's inappropriate for some reason bathroom of JK
kindergarten grade one kids just like put them in a bowl where we can observe them and watch them
and I guarantee you that if the goal was pick up the kids do you think there are troubles at home you
would be able to and then we would go and interview the families after just to see if we were right and
you would probably be pretty accurate because it's extreme that's where usually there's problems start
with the loud kids the kids that are not listening to kids who right we start with the problems that's how
most families search you they pick the kids that's the problem where the person that's the problem is
called speak word but that happening for a reason but we also have to look at the kids who are being
perfect because that can be even more indicative of something happening at home why do you think
that might be Absolutely all of these things kid not really wanna help like really wanna help but not just
in like if I'm asked to help will help and again this is where understanding developmental stages and
ages is so important but like really wanna help like insert themselves in everything to help that is
actually something that's a bit of a flag my flight to investigate kids teams are the broader but only if you
understand a variety of ways human being one of them is like emotional neglect so if you have an
emotionally absent parent so avoided attachment might create that for example and that might be from
their own childhood stuff but they can't be emotionally available to their kids that can create a situation
where those kids will then seek that need to be met outside of the family system so yeah and by the way
no family is perfect like no family is nailing all of these we all have stuff it's just that this is the stuff we
need to pay attention to so we can maybe help the family shift and pivot genograms I'm a big fan of
genograms and they can provide a visual representation of the reciprocal influences and the mutuality
or not between family and their environments including extended family members and other influences
and they're typically 3 generations so Gina grant grams will include composition structure characteristics
and relationships your textbook has examples of this patterns are assessed including the degree of
closeness conflicts and members cut off from the family family structure assessed include rules rules and
boundaries relationship patterns across generations can be assessed so you know even though there
may be disrupted relationship between my mom and her dad you know do my mums by children still
have a relationship with her dad like we wanna see if that's happening with whatever the rupture was
there has been trickled down into the next generation you said junior house in the initial interview may
be time consuming but it really does reveal a wealth of information about the family system so in your
intake assessment where were the client in there I'm role-playing with you do not bend that I'm doing a
Judy gram but it could be someone's role to just start it but then I would say just wait until you have
more information just 'cause it is very time consuming and I wouldn't necessarily it wouldn't be wrong
to approach it that way you really couldn't but you're gonna be really focused in only on kind of like
three or four areas of the domains of practice versus asking more questions might give you a better
broader amount of information so you have to make your choice but I wouldn't recommend the
genogram under starting place but it might be something it is something you will be required to
complete for your family within the project so it has to be done I wouldn't necessarily say do it with me
intention this is something that will probably take you most of your clear to figure out and most of your
personal like to figure out because you'll get it then you won't get it then you won't not just not natural
but I can intend to come up with a certain way or show up in a certain way or be a certain way or for my
questions to be to carry a certain type of meeting but the reality is is that I have to also examine the
impact right so as a white facing woman when I work with bipod communities I need to be aware that I
bring the power into that space that I don't want to but it comes with right that one example of intent
my intention when I come to your door is I wanna help you the impact of a white person coming to your
door wanting to help you is a problem in and of itself you add like Sarah as a person may not be the
problem but this systemic issues are the problem and they arrived with you OK just the same as if I show
up you know as a as a Jewish woman and I start talking about Israel and I'm working with Palestinian
family that's gonna be likely a problem so we need to just be aware or even as an English speaking
person working with the family that English is not their first language I will want to ask would you prefer
an interpreter so that you can communicate with me in your your first language or would you prefer if
we have available a worker who is you know Spanish speaking for example so we want to just be aware
of these things that our intention is great and awesome but what's even more important than our
intention is an an hour presence in this in this system is is the impact of that and that is true for also
what you're watching with dynamic within the family system as well right moms intending to be or
caregiver one intending to be this but impacting the child in this way circular communication this is in
your textbook it refers to between people so the most important aspect to understand is the interaction
of dyads so each person influences the behavior of the other so that's why even my presence in this
family system shifts the whole dynamic but particularly in a dia to people when both parties blamed and
threaten each other this is an example of circular communication right so if if you didn't talk to me that
way then I wouldn't feel dis respected I wouldn't ask you all the questions but if you did not table
question then I wouldn't feel defensive and round and round and round and round we go right so it's
just like we're all pointing a finger at each other but there's three pointing back it up then we're just
stuck in a loop so these so communication patterns is a great book called messages another green face
and it is a great one to start understanding communication and even some intervention you can use
roles are developed through the individuals interaction with others and then are influenced by the
sanctions in the norms so when we are working with families like we need to understand that these
behaviors have been steadily either covertly and sometimes overtly reinforced over and over and over
and over again and that's why the family functions this way and so is their role conflict is there
cooperation is there flexibility on the part the area the dyad or the triad when rules are not fulfilled in
the family system it creates problems kind of like word parental roles aren't fulfilled at older siblings
may take over and that's called correct fication and they may take over responsibilities within the family
that are beyond their developmental agent page and so they'll try to fill that gap so alliances can be
dyad but when a diameter is under stress so a diet is just two people right they'll pull in 1/3 to dilute
distress in order to maintain this system so sometimes where the triad like sometimes the SSW has been
pulled into dilute the stress right so it creates a triangle triangles are not always great and in most
commonly will actually involves two parents and a child in that conflict so practitioners may disrupt one
tribe one triangle to help open up more functional alliances but sometimes we are the triangle we have
to really be aware of that but sometimes we've been bold into dilute the stress and we can get sucked
into stuff that isn't ours to work through it be careful with their boundaries add BSSW your task is to
control or manage as many of these factors as possible and to obtain as much surface level information
just from that first initial talk as you can so things like environmental factors you you want to be aware
of your surroundings but you also want to be observing the surroundings if you're in their home
listening obviously this is where counseling skills come in listening leads to more informed impressions
listening to yourself so do you got instincts about anything what can you learn from yourself what
biopsies do you have superpowers are you bringing body language theirs and yours right like do you
have a face on because there's a smell how is that impacting your interaction with the client this is
where we have to have that self-awareness and then we have to understand that our body language is
that contributing as much to this dynamic in this interview as there is observing family language and
behaviors to observe the words but also observe the behavior the behaviors are absolutely key and if
you're looking to inform yourself more about these questions page 75 variety of mapping and graphic
tools so I will have you used your textbooks now page 72 to 84 and I'm just gonna have you define each
of these so give me the definition of what a gene groom is give me the definition of an ecomap social
network mapping grid timeline and maybe even an example of of when it might be appropriate to use it
What's doing gram So there typically developed once we have a better idea of what the family history is
and so if it was about you where the index person and then were were doing through generations
around 2:00 so if you don't have children if your parents your grandparents children could be your
children and then just your parents three generations but I would say you don't need much more than
than that in less there's a lot of interaction amongst like a four generation system they tend to be used
by therapist or like workshop leaders trying to trying to like get back image right and then so this is just
the structures so you would have like are they married like this one just specifically shows kid but then
you might have things like are they married are they divorced but you know you can include pets you
can include things like like there is a what is it called a legend grams was actually like legend but the
reality is is only you need to understand what this means but there are symbols that are consistently
used across the profession so you do want to make sure you're you're trying to stay within the same
The resource is hey support potion Yep so this one is on page 83 so it's more of a pie pieces of a pie page
83 and yes it's already been mentioned it's typically used to specifically measure social support and
honestly I haven't seen it used very often doesn't mean you can't use it it's just not one I see and then
on page 82 you can also see like a child zico map so you can get kids involved in doing this to where they
are actually drawing more pictures and then the grid obviously liked me the whole point of these visual
and graphic tools is to avoid a lot of writing so I don't love personally like this excel looking dude add
however it can be really good and useful for tracking a lot of data that they can't be captured in images
and so that's like your social your social network map again page 84 might be good to look at some of
those because those might inform some questions you might want to ask in your intake just about the
division of labour for example or what needs are being met and have examples available and then a
timeline is very much what it sounds like like think about historic timeline right so when did this problem
start what sort of transpired why did it P you know or it could be a timeline of events within the family
system you know what babies were born divorces happen marriages happen death stop so going to
continue to the slide then we likely will still come to that back to that activity but just I wanna get
through patient first Chapter 9 actually discusses this in a lot more detail but self report tools can really
evaluate change in circumstance change in attitude changing skills or change in behavior but cell for
portugal's are also very bias because if I'm like living my life through biased lens then guess what my self
report data is going to be probably also by teaching observing and role-playing are really important parts
our work with family so we don't just go in there and bring our own whiteboard and then give a lesson
right like our teaching are observing our role-playing is interactive with the family that's why part of your
group assignment is to interact with each other and role play through things because you will need to
role play with families different ways of communicating for example so when you ask them to start using
I statements you need to demonstrate and role model and role play with them conversation that you
just observed that maybe left people feeling defensive or hurt and then maybe you roleplayer
walkthrough like our repair or a do over the ethics of like if they offer you food or drink and if it's that
kind of stuff later but I would say that's a personal choice and also if you're joining a family where food is
the culture you know even if you say well I have dietary restrictions that I'm just going to bring my own
meal bring your own container that maybe heat up or sit down and then sit and enjoy the nail together
like that might be important so I would say seek supervision if you're in a position like that though
because sometimes agencies that you cannot eat with your clients or there might be rules around stuff
like this or the work around might be is going to be something at the agency that everyone participates
in it just depends honestly your scope of practice in your agency scope of practice how you engage with
folks we also don't wanna take away the resource is right like if we know that food is scarce in their
home we don't wanna sit and then be eating their food so you know do you have gift cards at the
agency where you can treat them to something so it will be a shared meal maybe it's something of their
choosing like McDonald's or KFC or brahman like but you're the agency is purchasing this meal for them
and you bring it and then you all share in it together like it could also be something like that so there is
ethics and ethical considerations around this stuff so I'm not saying if the families eating you have to eat
with them I'm not saying every time you work with families you should be sharing a meal together I'm
saying it's gonna really depend on the circumstance situation but if this is a big part of culture it might
be the only way to build an build report one of the only ways and repetition really truly honestly like
don't just teach us go one time walked away from it and never returned to it repetition repetition
repetition is an important part of this so the referral process there's lots of different ways that people
come in contact with agencies so it could be a self referral so all of your group cases are self referral it
could be another agency has referred them to you it could be that there court mandated it could be a
family doctor a therapist of community organization like it just depends I would I will say it often
happens in a time of crisis like it's pretty rare I will be just goes you know what it would be really great if
we just had some interventions from the community pretty rare more often than not something has
happened and either they've been directed to referred to or their seeking support because things are
unmanageable it may offer important information about what has been accomplished like if they were
referd it may offer you information about safety risks like do they have access to firearms is there
history of suicidal ideations or things like that but sometimes it can also buy so choosing to review
historic documentation before you met with the family is an individual choice for the most part are the
scheduling before the first meeting and these are helpful for USD to enter into the experiential learning
week six what's the purpose what specific issues might need to be addressed how will you contact the
family if you're going to their home how will you locate it so probably doing a drive by in some kind or
making sure you know how to get there because London is notorious for having a 90 roads closed for
construction if you have to bus there were the bus roads what time does the sunset is it safe for you to
be in that neighborhood at night I know London ON seems like this really super conservative like little
haha town but honestly there really unsafe areas of the city that you should not be in after dark truly
like London has had enormously high rate of people who have been found deceased like this year I don't
know if you follow it's like in and most of them are overdoses like most of them are related to living
rough and addiction but there have been some that are more violence related most folks that have
passed have been known to police so like that and only services so I share that with you because that's a
reality it is very likely that you will work at an agency and while you were there one of the clients will
pass this is a huge huge issue that's happening in our city right now and I want you to just be aware of
that but I also want you to be aware that from a safety perspective OK things aren't getting warmer it's
getting colder there people are feeling more desperate right we have I told you about the folks that live
in in the parks around where I live in at this point in time there's been no concerns for safety for them or
anybody else but as the weather gets colder that might change we've seen an increase in people doing
like door checks of cars we have had neighbors report that likes on the page that there noticing people
doing door checks like in the day so broad daylight like they the same people are at work and there
checking the doors to see if it got left open and if they can get into access probably food or warmth or
blankets or who knows like I assume that they're trying to get in for those reasons or or maybe things
this deal for money but I think it's about basic needs of some kind so if you know that there are certain
areas that you know there's a higher rate of of risk for whatever reason then that is just something to
consider there are gangs in London long blended is also a hug for human trafficking so I don't know if
you know that there is a high rate of human trafficking like I'm not talking sex workers who just
happened to work here I'm talking people being kidnapped and stolen and then it moves through
London one of the most advanced systems for tracking like human trafficking related stuff because we
are so close to the border for the States and we're so close to major city like Toronto it comes through
here guns drugs human trafficking it's a real active thing that's happening documentary about human
trafficking interesting 'cause one of the big hops is right near my work and was like you wouldn't know
that because it's not obvious but then then driving by the think about it would you mind venture out to
the class 'cause these are also things to watch for when you work with family right like in their abuse
happening in there unusual kids sort of couch surfing staying there like we do have to watch for this
stuff as well and then if you don't work in this city like even Thunder Bay will have parts of the city that
aren't safe to be in at night even in Toronto has a enormously high rate of gang violence and most of the
time when when like a government service like children that is being called into areas it's usually into
areas that are quite rough and so we just need to be aware of that so it's not even about the people it
might just be about like the circumstances surrounding where those where those houses are how much
time are you gonna spend making sure you have alternative meeting times booked so then that way if
this place can't make it there's not this scrambled to try and track them down and find them you know
you have another appointment set up hey so if in terms of your mini assignment two in the strengthens
cultural discovery interview remember the lens of that OK so your scope of practice is to explore the
strengths needs and culture of this family yes use the domains to guide some of your questions because
each one of those areas might elicit a strength or in need or engage in a cultural conversation a student
asked me a really great question about well what if they don't want to share something personal like
maybe about finances and so if that's the case I think you can engage them from or cultural perspective
so so I don't need to know your personal finances but I'm curious does your family talk about money
how did you learn about money kids learn about do it in an allowance is the primary earner did that was
that ever negotiated or did that just happen right like I think there's ways for you to explore the
strengths needs and culture without eating the actual details so just remember that that's the lens that's
the scope so all of these things I would also encourage you to consider as you meet with your friends or
family right like imagine you didn't know that would you want to go to their house in the heat thing why
or why not if you had to bust there would you wanna open earlier appointment or later why why not
like I think even just thinking about that stuff starts to help you understand these these tasks related to
do assessment so setting up the first appointment like phone calls challenges lots of agencies don't want
you texting some agencies give you phones and then they say what the people will never answer this off
so how are we going to set up a meeting if someone never answered the phone I am very guilty what is I
grew up on the phone all the time but like I hate answering my phone even though the phone is wireless
and I can literally walk but I don't know so e-mail challenges doesn't bounce back did it get through did it
go to the trash etc etc Skype challenges or now with zoom or other software right so our profession
needs to think about things like so if we're using doom we have to know that zoom is Canadian based
but all the information is stored in a Canadian based database cloud that their IT servers are in Canada
our profession regulatory body requires this because if it's not you cannot use it for client related
purposes you can use it for yourself but you can't can't use it to be quiet because of Simba and HIPAA
the privacy act know where the data is being stored same with if you save things to a cloud you have to
know where those servers are so it's actually quite serious and data breaches are you should be insured
for data breaches because if it happens but The thing is is that if you regulatory body laid out the
standards and then you didn't follow them or your agency didn't follow them and then there's a data
breach you won't be covered by insurance and it can be quite expensive so keep those things in mind as
well we wouldn't have thought you needed it degree here in social services but apparently we do

first impressions right like what will you wear conscious about body language conscious about facial
expressions the energy you bring in right trying to stay grounded even if you're nervous the goal
obviously have all all members present not only possible but we do our best so travel times so I most
agencies have their workers like let's say that they're plan was to have 20 cases per worker at their
organization most agencies are doubling that at least because of funding cuts different fiscal
responsibilities less clients accessing services like for the last two years just because they literally
couldn't have that many people in the building there's tons of stuff going on so no that every social
service agency is is text and high amounts of clients for low amounts of stop safety with that but if
you're going from one home to the next so how will you make sure you have saved file storage so you
should really have like a lock box that's not see through in the trunk of your car you should make sure it
goes in there that you lock your computer in your case notes in there as you transport yourself from one
client next I would say to think about fiscal responsibilities and ethics look at where your home is an
draw like a circle to where you have to see clients so go in order of whether believing from the agency
or your house so then that way you're not you know going to client one and then client two and then
client 354 like you want to minimize mileage you want to minimize your time between appointments
and you want to maximize efficiency across the board consider traffic consider construction stupid
construction consider buffing right what the neighborhood is you know does the neighborhood have all
one way St so if you miss your exit now your six blocks away from being able to try again just little things
like that so mapping is helpful sometimes also of the resource is in the area so that's why sometimes
driving through the neighborhood before you go because then if you know will self funded
neighborhood resource centre is right there and the library is right there you know then you know that
those services are within the area so if you're going to make referrals or recommendations you might
want to look at the the services that are right in the area case notes between so again how will you keep
those confidential will you do those in your car what's the agency policy and process about that do you
have to drive back to the agency every time the case is between families other things that consider is do
you want to bring supplies or materials so you know you have a lot of knows this may be questions to
ask the parents in in this situation and you know that the kids shouldn't really be around for those so do
you want to bring some activities what forms do you need to bring like so do you wanna bring activity
cards toys flipcharts a little mini whiteboard recorder pamphlets markers referral forms evaluation tools
intake documents how will you keep it all organized I've touched on this my favorite game things like
like I probably wouldn't wear these earrings to home visit with young children just because kids tend to
like grab things and so it it might hurt me exactly this really be willing to lose for example you might
wanna consider scarves like 'cause that can be choking hazard lots of jewelry again like I hate to say it
but when you're in certain environments you do have to think if this became violent what on my body
could now be used against me scarves heavy earrings can be right so you just wanna be aware of that
other things they consider sometimes you're in apartment buildings or spaces or cockroaches might be
an issue so it's not like Oh my gosh like I can't go in there now don't wrap bags around your feet and
walk in but you know do you wanna have pants that sort of are tighter around the ankles do you wanna
act where a higher boot and ask if it's OK to keep your shoes on or keep the little booties you can say its
policy I keep my shoes on just for safety reasons we have to leave quickly like a fire alarm like you can
end those little booties you know people yeah OK close on the bottom like things like that you can you
know you do need to sit down on something so not super clean what's your choice here think about that
right sometimes kids have head lice that you're there and you might need to identify it and help the
parents pick the lights out of their heads they may not know how to do that that is all part of your role
right so be prepared like I would encourage you wear your hair tide back for example like you know just
trying to think of what else smells it's not unusually like like it could be anything it could just be having a
chance to take the garbage out Monday or the diaper genie broke like you but this smells can
sometimes be disruptive to your work so a little Vicks vapor rub like in your purse and then just dab it a
little on inside of your nose or I mean we're still in the time or masking isn't totally weird so like you
couldn't totally wear a mask and just say that this is just your preference and that can sometimes help to
mitigate mitigate smells in those situations I've been in situations where there are maggots on the
counters are falling from the ceiling right like and you have to figure out how your gonna stay there and
how you're also going to name it for garbages are overflowing where the building is just not super safe
where the door doesn't lock you know I love animals but where you know the dog or the cat has been
clearly peeing on the rug and it smells really bad like there's lots of different things you know you're not
super keen on pets you can always ask left could you just close the door where the cat is or you can say
could you least leash your dog while they are there but they are part of the family too so we have to sort
of work around that figure that as long as it's what especially now because a lot of agencies have like
they're not physically there anymore so like for example if you're at St. Leonards which is a restorative
justice organization depending on what department were in they have like supportive housing and they
also residential housing so in some cases your your work is in the clients like residents because it's like a
group home situation in other situations in many different departments you actually go to the clients
home and it's like a supportive living situation so you're there to to drive them around or take them
places if you work with youth often user driving yet so you might be driving with them so you might pick
them up from friends house there go places you might physically just being a space where they are
supervised access so if you are bringing their child to a family and they can only see their child when
your present most family work occurs in the home of the family like anything related to children made
society health unit stuff outreach teams are huge right now so every change you may not literally be
physically in a home but you're in someone's phone 'cause that tent that they have set up an apartment
there column I checked with them right so there are lots and lot long term care you would be working in
their residence inn clear in a facility is that unit is filled at home so a lot of social services happen where
the people are not community centres are maybe the one where they're mostly coming to you on
school but yeah I know there's like the true grassroots approach to social workers we go where the
clients are not asking them to come down and now that happened and now that we had to revisit
having a lot of people in one space we're sort of getting back to that which is important ecological model
there's a lot of information be gathered from being where the people live work so hot OK what not to
wear my answer letters that you can play twister in your outfit you're probably good and then just think
about those safety considers I mentioned this already whether to include children not so again yes the
goal is to have the bold family there but maybe sometimes it's also just to meet with the adults and or
just have something for the kids to do disruptions like what if the neighbor comes a knockin right what if
they're just not in the mood what if you're feeling uncomfortable this could be like people smoking pet
allergies cleanliness unsanitary conditions smells certain neighborhoods they want on the TV on but like
Max volume the whole time you're there friends dropping in calls from people inappropriate dress
though there have been times where home visits and someone answers the door naked hi you have to
be prepared to manage that you know do you know what the wrong time can you head back inside and
describe a row bore some clothes and then

My job but there's also a level of appropriate right like a man sitting in his underpants not really
appropriate to have a home visit so you know I think it would be appropriate back deck and you come in
and they're still there I think that there are right but we have to ask ourselves the question is about me
or is this actually about being able to appropriately engage maintain contact it is then you can't then you
can't say that's OK safety we've talked quite a bit about this client complaints it happened special
services specially if it's a mandated service This is why we document stuff to the best of our ability hey
cortona clothing or whatever you have to stay so you don't have to obligation is to do what's within
reason to try to get them into a place where like they can visit with you but what it would be
documented as a missed appointment right I've shown up I'm here you won't put on different clothing
so like you will or you won't put on clothing this point you know I'm going to have to call you bashan
officer and let them know but I've tried I've attempted right here however you're not willing to do
whatever in order to visit and then whether not complying isn't appropriate for you to sit there with a
naked person that puts you at risk with my wording so it depends on your client never I'm like Joe no
shirt no shoes no service like hello right 'cause I have a report with them and it's funny and they can
handle that you know but like if it's a team and they have short spandex shorts on and they tanked up
on like they're technically dressed so I'm having an issue with that that's on me write an if Susie won't
close her robe that I have to sort of determine is it possible to have his visit you know even though her
robe keeps falling open but every time it does she maybe like kind of covers up but then let's it fall open
again like that's kind of different it's complicated if there's no right answer and I think it depends on the
person as directed as I'm not comfortable visiting with you today unless you you put on a cover up yeah
so it can be all of those things other things that you might need to set boundaries are around like drugs
like if you see drug paraphernalia or drugs in the home weapons things like that right so those are the
types of things also these are just some tips and I kind of touched on all these yeah like just keeping gas
in your car so the objective writing stuff is available on fols encourage you in your group to review it and
again it's a it's a practice so you're going to practice writing objectively through assignments you do
through the case noting and then you'll bring those in all observe them and things like that and give you
feedback along the way we are going to go back to to an activity here but just as a reminder for next
class there is no class next Friday check your groups on fols simulation assessment experiences is the
week after check the schedule for your paperwork or have it on your laptop be prepared and again that
basic information is already provided to you in your group any questions or other questions about like
safety or anything like that

But that's OK 'cause we have that future case where you're gonna really be applying your skills concern
but I will encourage you still looking more comment or question is does retract up yes yeah

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