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Week of July 17-23

Welcome Be sure to give a warm welcome to all. Remember: You set the tone for your HG. Be genuine, hospitable & affirming to each & every person. Bend down to greet the children on their level. Honoring the little ones is honoring to God! Opening Prayer Welcome everyone & highlight anything significant to the group before you pray (birthday, anniversary, special prayer need, etc.) Ask someone who is comfortable to pray for us & ask for Gods blessings on your HG tonight.

Become (Spiritual Disciplines, Care) // Pick at least one from each category to use in leading your group
Suggestions for Family Time A) How do you know if someone is wise? Can you think of specific examples of how a wise person lives? Get specific. (Ex. A wise person does not explode with anger when someone offends them. A wise person does not foolishly spend their money. A wise person doesnt hang out with troublemakers.) Read James 3:13-18. How is wisdom described here? B) Have an old-fashioned Sword Drill. Basically, have a race for all who have their Bibles to find a verse you call out. Go over the rules (ex. Wait till the whole verse is called out. Stand up when you have your finger on the verse, etc.). Have a treat to give each winner. Here are the verses. Proverbs 4:5; Proverbs 4:7; Proverbs 16:16; Proverbs 17:16; Proverbs 19:8; James 3:17. What do each of these verses have in common? What do they teach us about wisdom? Suggestions for Kids Time A) Do you believe the Bible is Gods Word & has the right to tell you how to live & what to do? (Yes) Think of a person in the Bible who listened to God & obeyed His Word? (Let them offer names but here are some examples: Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego, Daniel, David, Moses, Noah, etc.) Are these people good examples for us to follow? (YES) In what ways can you be like them in your life? B) Have the children draw pictures of their favorite Bible hero. After they have finished, let them show their picture & talk about their Bible hero. Suggestions for Adult Time A) James connects wisdom with behavior/deeds (as opposed to knowledge) in James 3:13-18. What are some categories of life where wisdom is needed (examples: Marriage, Work, Child-raising, Finances, etc.) Where does the breakdown occur? That is, what hinders a person from living a life characterized by wisdom? (see verses 13-16) B) Read Matthew 7:24-27. What is the basic distinction between a wise man & a foolish man in this story? Read verse 24 again & highlight the phrase Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice Lets craft a definition of Wisdom. (Let them come up with one or several options. Heres one: Wisdom is applying Gods Word to your daily living.) Suggestions for Prayer Time A) Lets look again at the description of wisdom in James 3:17-18 & pray these qualities would be true in our lives. B) Wisdom is embodied in the person of Jesus Christ. Thank God for giving His Son to be our Savior & our example. Thank God that He has given us the Spirit of Christ to fill us & transform us into His likeness as we surrender daily to His will.

Beyond (Evangelism, Recreation, Volunteerism, Extending Compassion, International Missions)

Check the bulletin or for the stuff going on in our church. Consider the ideas below, as well! Community Calendar Fill in the blank - Whats going on in your HG or CG that you need to remind or promote to your group? Church Calendar SAVE THE DATE! Sat., Aug. 13 - Back To School Fair - benefitting the ReGenesis kids & also children in apts. around PBC. Well need LOTS of helpers. Contact Roger Sappington to volunteer your time & resources (


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