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Agenda Keterlibatan dengan

No. Nama Dosen Judul Penelitian
Penelitian Jaringan Penelitian*
Unit Psychiatry,
Faculty of Health
A Comparison of Clinical Characteristics of Older Adults treated
1. Prof. dr. A Jayalangkara Tanra, Ph.D, Sp.KJ (K) 2017 Sciences, University
with Antidepressants in General and Psychiatric Hospital in Asia
of Macau, Taipa,
Department of
FactorsAssociatedWithAntidepressantDosing in Asia : CommunityPsychiatry,
FindingsFrom the Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Institute of Mental
2. Prof. dr. A Jayalangkara Tanra, Ph.D, Sp.KJ (K) 2016
Study Health, Buangkok
Green Medical Park,
Prof. dr. A Jayalangkara Tanra, Ph.D, Sp.KJ (K) Department of
Electroconvulsive shock attenuated microgliosis and astrogliosis Psychiatry, Shimane
3. dr. ErlynLimoa, Sp.KJ, Ph.D 2016 in the hippocampus and ameliorated schizophrenia-like behavior University Faculty of
of Gunn rat Medicine
dr. Kristian Liaury, Ph.D, Sp.KJ
Department of
Prescribing Pattern of Antidepressants in Children and
and Mental Health,
4. Prof. dr. A Jayalangkara Tanra, Ph.D, Sp.KJ (K) 2016 Adolescents: Findingsfrom the Research on AsiaPsychotropic
Kuala Lumpur
Prescription Pattern

Department of
Psychiatry, Shimane
5. dr. ErlynLimoa, Sp.KJ, Ph.D 2016 Gunn rats show depression-like behavior and microglial University Faculty of
activation in the hippocampus
Department of
Country variations in depressive symptoms profile in Asian Psychiatry & Mental
6. Prof. dr. A Jayalangkara Tanra, Ph.D, Sp.KJ (K) 2015 countries: Findings of the Research on Asia Psychotropic Health, Kuala Lumpur
Prescription (REAP) studies Hospital, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
Antidepressant Prescription Pattern in the Presence of Medical
7. Prof. dr. A Jayalangkara Tanra, Ph.D, Sp.KJ (K) 2015 REAP
Co-morbidity: REAP-AD 2013 Study
Department of
International study on antidepressant prescription pattern at 40 Psychiatry & Mental
major psychiatric institutions and hospitals in Asia: A 10-year Health, Kuala Lumpur
8. Prof. dr. A Jayalangkara Tanra, Ph.D, Sp.KJ (K) 2015
comparisonstudy Hospital, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia

Department of
Efficacy and Safety of Sansoninto in Insomnia with Psychiatric Psychiatry, Shimane
9. dr. ErlynLimoa, Sp.KJ, Ph.D 2015
Disorder: AnOpen-Label Study University Faculty of
Prof. dr. A Jayalangkara Tanra, Ph.D, Sp.KJ (K) Department of
MinocyclineImproves Recognition Memory and
Psychiatry, Shimane
AttenuatesMicroglial Activation in Gunn Rat: A Possible
10. dr. ErlynLimoa, Sp.KJ, Ph.D 2014 University Faculty of
Hyperbilirubinemia-induced Animal Model of Schizophrenia
dr. Kristian Liaury, Ph.D, Sp.KJ
Department of
The Effects of Combine Treatment ofMemantine and Psychiatry, Shimane
11. dr. ErlynLimoa, Sp.KJ, Ph.D 2014 Donepezilon Alzheimer’s Disease Patients and Its Relationship
University Faculty of
withCerebral Blood Flow in the Prefrontal Area

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