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Okay, today we're supposed to discuss total quality management.

Of course, you know for a very fact

that all the things that we're going to discuss here has something to do

with performance management tools and yes, rightly.

So the total quality management is also performance management pool.

There were several definitions, I came across with several definitions.

But I think the most comprehensive

definition of what PQM or Total quality Management is, is this one.

It is said to be a continual process

of detecting and reducing or eliminating errors in manufacturing,

streamlining supply chain management, improving the customer experience

and ensuring that employees are to speed with training.
So let us try to dissect this definition one by one.

So first I should place an emphasis

on the fact that total quality management is a continuous process.

It's a continual process,

meaning to say it does not stop after the steps laid down in the conduct.

This total quality management are performed.

It is a continuous process.

And I think you have already observed that so many of the performance management

tools that we have discussed are actually continuous in process DBA.

Then it seeks to reduce or eliminate errors in manufacturing.

It also wishes to streamline the supply chain management which if you can remember

the definition of what the supply chain management is, I want you to

not forget this definition because just assured this will come out in your final

examination because like I said, I will be giving out an objective type exam.

So supply chain is the conversion of raw

materials to finished product and the delivery of the scenes at the end user.

There was even a discussion pointing out

that it does not stop there because appeal pump feedback to customers.

The receipt of feedback from the customer

is still part of the supply chain management.

So this total quality management wishes

to streamline, or of course the word itself streamline would

convert to actually perfect the management of the supply chain.
That is what is meant by streamlining the supply chain management.

So it's one of the goals of this total quality management then of course it

ultimately seeks to improve the customer experience.

And one of the means as initiated in a definition that I just gave

you is by ensuring that employees are to speed up with training.

As we progress with a discussion, you will

learn that the employee is also one of the customer groups that the company

should put emphasis on or put a consideration on apart from the external

customer groups that we commonly know as factors in the success of the company.

So total quality management, that's basically the definition that I gave you.

And then there's additional definition

that total quality management aims to hold all parties involved in the production
process accountable for the overall quality of the final product or service.

So this is giving us the impression that all of the persons who compose the company

are held contributory to the success of the company.

So they're held accountable.

They are held responsible for the success of the company.

So this follows then that when you talk about total quality management as opposed

to all other performance management tools that we have talked about because if

performance management degree task class even though I emphasize

the fact performance management tool simultaneously with the other.

Performance management tool but if you can observe from the discussions that we have

from the definition that I gave you motorshow Isolated Class Viba for example

financial Statement ratio financial statement analysis

there are only certain people

in a performance incontinence or disobey

the financial statement metrics financial metrics so as to give rise to this

financial statement analysis the same thing is true for balanced Score cardiba

even if there were four perspectives not a license of person who are deemed

and sellable for that particular perspective but here

in Total Quality Management class everybody who composes the company and not

only just those who belong to the company itself even the upstream.

Even the downstream they are considered as responsible for the ultimate success

of the company so when I say upstream you have already resolved that

this constitutes the suppliers the wholesalers diva if you can still
remember and then the downstream these are the delivery men.

These are the end users so all of them

for Total Quality Management all of them are said to be contributory

to the ultimate success of the company so this is where we draw the delineation

between Total Quality Management and the rest of the performance management

tools that we have discussed just a little background on how

this PQM or Total Quality Management came into existence so as to history

there were two persons renowned individuals who brought about

the introduction of the CQM to the business community we have

Walter Schwartz I don't know how to pronounce this but it's spelled as

S-H-E-W-H-A-R-T-I don't know how to pronounce this but he was one of those

notable persons who introduced TQM
he did this when he completed his

industrial work titled economic Control of Quality of manufactured Product

in another person who also was deemed

contributor to the introduction of the so called TQM

is Edwards Deming he had notable contribution in

the area of business when he became involved with a union

of Japanese scientists and engineers during the Second World War in Japan

so there's two persons I don't think I'm going to include this

one in examination but at least you have an idea on Kinsey Inning total

Quality Management but if you really come to think of this class

this performance Management pools or more particularly this TQM it's already

in place even before the term TQM has been coined debug

none total Quality Management is already in place in businesses.

In negotiations

I think even during the ancient times but I think the only thing there is that

it was only after the term TQM was going to realize okay.

This is what it meant this is how we call what we are doing there okay.

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