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Al Amiri et al.

BMC Public Health (2015) 15:1298

DOI 10.1186/s12889-015-2649-6


The prevalence, risk factors, and screening

measure for prediabetes and diabetes
among Emirati overweight/obese children
and adolescents
Elham Al Amiri1*, Mona Abdullatif2, Abdishakur Abdulle3, Nibal Al Bitar1, Elham Zaki Afandi4, Monira Parish1
and Gassan Darwiche5

Background: The aim of the study was to estimate the prevalence of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (T2D)
among overweight/obese children and adolescents using different diagnostic/screening methods in comparison.
Methods: We recruited overweight/obese Emirati students; grade 6–12 (age 11–17 years) from 16 government
schools in Sharjah (UAE). Anthropometric, demographic, and clinical history data was measured by standard
methods. Body mass index (BMI) was categorized according to BMI percentile charts for age and sex – CDC.
Capillary fasting blood glucose (FBG) and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) were measured by finger prick test,
followed by confirmatory oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) and venous HbA1c for students with abnormal
capillary FBG and/or HbA1c.
Results: Of a total of 1034 participants (45 % females) median age 14.7 years, 443 (43 %) students had abnormal
screening results. The prevalence of prediabetes and T2D was 5.4 % and 0.87 %, respectively, based on OGTT (gold
standard). HbA1c showed a considerable discrepancy regarding the prevalence of prediabetes (21.9 %), but not
diabetes. There was a statistically significant difference in the BMI Z-scores between the three different groups of
students showing normal glycemic testing, prediabetes and T2D (p = 0.041). Univariate logistic regression
analysis showed that glycemic status was significantly associated with family history of T2D first-degree relatives
[OR 1.87: 95 % CI: 1.04–3.36; P = 0.036], parents employment [OR 1.79: 95 % CI: 1.06–3.02; P = 0.029] and levels
of triglycerides [OR 2.28: 95 % CI: 1.11–4.68; P = 0.024].
Conclusions: The prevalence of prediabetes and diabetes was high among overweight/obese Emirati children
and adolescents. The numbers for prediabetes were considerably higher when using HbA1c as compared to
OGTT. Overall adiposity, family history of T2D, employment and high levels of triglycerides were risk factors
associated with abnormal glycemic testing.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Prediabetes, Overweight, Obese, Children, Adolescence

* Correspondence:
Department of Pediatrics, Al Qassimi Hospital, Ministry of Health, P.O.Box:
3500, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2015 Al Amiri et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Al Amiri et al. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:1298 Page 2 of 9

Background like students being bare-foot and in minimal clothing,

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is rapidly in- are given before weight is measured with electronic
creasing and has become a major public health challenge scales that are calibrated periodically by bio-medical en-
worldwide among the adult populations and, to a lesser gineering department. List of due date for calibration of
extent, among children and adolescents [1, 2]. These electronic scales are maintained in the school health de-
new trends are mostly attributable to a high prevalence partment. In this cross sectional study, we invited all
of childhood overweight and obesity – a phenomenon overweight/obese Emirati students from grade 6–12
that is being recognized as a future harbinger for aged 11–17 years from the records of all public govern-
deleterious health outcomes. Obese children and ado- ment schools in Sharjah. Of the total (20), only 16
lescents are at a higher risk for glucose intolerance, schools have had complete student data in terms of
T2D, early signs of insulin resistance, and cardiovas- height, weight and calculated Body Mass Index (BMI).
cular diseases presumably due to environmental and Inclusion criteria were UAE national, children and ado-
genetic factors [3, 4]. lescents who were either overweight or obese according
Since the discovery of oil in the Arabian Gulf to BMI percentile (as defined below). Exclusion criteria
countries, there has been a rapid socioeconomic transi- were children with known type 1 diabetes, thalassemia
tion towards an affluent life style leading to a new trend major, sickle cell anemia and children on steroid
of obesity and associated diseases, including diabetes, to treatment.
an epidemic level [5, 6]. Several studies have shown a
high prevalence of T2D among children in Oman [7], Testing procedures
Saudi Arabia [8], Kuwait [9, 10] and the UAE [11]. In In the first phase, a standard questionnaire was sent to
the UAE, some hospital based studies showed that about the parents along with information sheet and consent
10 % of children diagnosed with diabetes suffer from form. All school visits were accomplished in five weeks
T2D [12]. Moreover, 2–3 % of all deaths in the last ten between April and May 2011. Data was collected
years are attributable to diabetes [13]. This may be ex- through interviews using questionnaires, physical exami-
plained, in part, by compounding factors of diminished nations with collection of anthropometric data and
exercise, increased weight, glucose intolerance and con- blood tests as described below. The enrolled participants
sequently overt diabetes mellitus [14]. The American were asked to come to the school clinic in the morning
Diabetes Association (ADA) recommended the use of after 10 hour overnight fast. Weight, height, blood pres-
HbA1c levels for prediabetes screening in both children sure (BP) and waist circumference (WC) were measured
and adolescents [15]. However, the usefulness of HbA1c as per the below mentioned methods. Presence of
is currently under debate [16]. The aim of this study was acanthosis nigricans was checked by the principal inves-
to estimate the prevalence of prediabetes, T2D, and tigator by examining the neck fold. Further, a finger
associated risk factors among overweight and obese prick sample was obtained for capillary fasting blood
Emirati children and adolescents in the UAE. A second- glucose and capillary HbA1c. If fasting blood glucose
ary objective was to compare the screening results from was abnormal (≥100 mg/dl or ≥ 5.6 mmol/l) the par-
different diagnostic methods. ticipant was asked to come back on another (often
the following) morning for a second fasting test for
Methods confirmation. Participants with abnormal capillary
Ethical considerations HbA1c (≥5.7 % or ≥ 38 mmol/mol), and/or abnormal
The Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health, UAE, second fasting capillary blood glucose (≥100 mg/dl
approved the study. Students were included in the study or ≥ 5.6 mmol/l) were eligible for a second phase [15].
only after they gave assent and the parents gave permis- Self-reported type 2 diabetes was included.
sion. Data were collected, revised and pseudonymized by In the second phase, parents of the children with ab-
the principal investigator and entered into the study normal screening glucose levels/ HbA1c were contacted
database by trained staff. For ethical reasons, we referred and were given another appointment within two weeks.
all students with abnormal glucose levels to their family Blood samples were analyzed in a reference laboratory at
physician. Al Qassimi hospital, Sharjah. On the visit day, a sample
of venous blood (10 mL) was collected for HbA1c, fast-
Subjects ing lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-
The School health Program in the UAE have a national and LDL cholesterol). Additionally, a standard oral
physical examination screening program including meas- glucose tolerance test (OGTT) with a dose of 1.75 g
uring height and weight and charting BMI on growth glucose per kilogram of body weight (up to a max-
charts for all students. The procedure is standardized imum of 75 g) after a 10 hour overnight fast was done.
and conducted by trained school nurses. Instructions, OGTT was performed during standardized conditions.
Al Amiri et al. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:1298 Page 3 of 9

Participants were instructed to live as normal as possible nearest 0.1 cm on a calibrated scale with attached stadi-
in respect to diet and physical activity the days before the ometer (Seca stadiometer and weighing scale, Seca,
OGTT. The test was postponed to another day in the Hamburg, Germany). A standard measuring tape was
event of ongoing infection. They were also instructed not used to measure WC at a point right above the iliac
to exercise and to abstain from food, fluids (except water) crest on the midaxillary line at minimal respiration and
and tobacco from 10 pm the night before the test. the results were rounded to the nearest 1.0 cm. In all
The 10 hour fasting was confirmed by asking both cases, two separate measurements of weight, height and
the participants and their parents. Prediabetes (fasting WC were collected and averaged for analysis. We used
glucose 100–125 mg/dl equivalent to 5.6–6.9 mmol/l or Epi info software to calculate BMI as the ratio of weight
2-h glucose 140–199 mg/dl equivalent to 7.8– to height squared (kg/m2) and BMI percentiles ac-
11.0 mmol/l) and diabetes (fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dl cording to percentile charts for age and sex from the
equivalent to ≥7.0 mmol/l or 2-h glucose ≥200 mg/dl Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
equivalent to ≥11.1 mmol/l) was defined by glucose levels subsequently, children’s weights were classified as
obtained during the OGTT according to the American underweight: BMI < 5th% ile, normal weight: BMI ≥ 5th
Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines [15]. Based on the to <85th% ile, overweight: BMI ≥ 85th to < 95th% ile,
ADA guidelines for HbA1c prediabetes was defined as and obese: BMI ≥ 95th% ile [18].
HbA1c between 5.7 % – 6.4 % (38 – 47 mmol/mol) and
diabetes as HbA1c ≥ 6.5 % (≥48 mmol/mol) [15]. Dyslipi- Blood pressure measurements
daemia was defined as total cholesterol > 5.2 mmol/l; tri- BP was measured using calibrated Omron M6 IntelliSense
glycerides >1.7 mmol/l; HDL below the normal reference (Healthcare, Kyoto, Japan) automatic BP monitors with
range (1.04–1.55 mmol/l); LDL >3.9 mmol/l. appropriate cuff size [19]. Prior to taking BP readings all
students were instructed to rest for at least 10 minutes in
Questionnaire an air-conditioned environment. Measurements were
A self-administered questionnaire was sent to the par- taken two times on the right arm with short intervals
ents through their children. The questionnaire asked between readings, and the average of BP readings was
about parents’ education level and employment status, calculated and used for analysis. Blood pressure was
consanguinity between the parents as well as informa- categorized as normotensive [systolic blood pressure
tion regarding the child’s health condition. In addition, (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) <90th per-
information was collected regarding the child’s clinical centile (% ile)]; Prehypertension (high normal) [SBP
history i.e., blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia or and/or DBP ≥ 90th <95th ile]; Hypertension [SBP and/or
thalassemia, medication, family history (diabetes, hyper- DBP ≥95th ile]; for age, sex, and height [20].
tension and dyslipidemia), and symptoms associated
with hyperglycemia (excessive thirst and drinking, fre- Biochemical measurements
quent urination, recent weight loss, fatigue and recur- Capillary blood glucose was measured by glucometers
rent thrush or skin infections). Further, exercise habits (Performa, Roche, Germany). Capillary HbA1c was mea-
using physical activity score based on different levels of sured by a portable disposable multi-test HbA1c system
physical leisure activity [no activity, activity (1 time/ (A1c Now+, Bayer, Germany). The analysis was quality
week), regular activity (1–2 times/week), regular activity assured using sample selections of HbA1c values for
(3–5 times/week), and regular daily activity] were re- comparison at the laboratory at Rashid Centre for
corded using a validated questionnaire for physical exer- Diabetes and Research (RCDR), (Roche, Tina-quant
cise taken from the National Diabetes Register (NDR), HbA1cDx Gen.assay). The RCDR laboratory participates
[17]. NDR is one of Sweden’s national quality registers in the (EQA) program (proficiency test program). Ana-
operated by the Swedish Society for Diabetology lyses of plasma glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride,
(SFD) on behalf and with the support of local author- HDL, LDL and plasma HbA1c were made using a stand-
ities and the Swedish National Board of Health and ard chemistry analyzer (Dimension RXL max, Siemens,
Welfare. The questionnaire is used for adults as well Germany), which gives HbA1c values according to
as children and adolescents (through SWEDIABKIDS) NGSP % HbA1c.
to facilitate systematic quality work at the participat-
ing care units. Statistical evaluation
Statistical analyses were performed using STATA version
Weight, height, and waist circumference measurements 12.0 for Windows. Variables were tested for normality
All measurements were taken by a trained nurse. Chil- both visually and statistically and most of the vari-
dren were weighed without shoes or heavy clothing to ables lacked normal distribution. Accordingly non-
the nearest 0.1 Kg, and their height was measured to the parametric tests were used and the study population
Al Amiri et al. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:1298 Page 4 of 9

was described using median values with quartiles (q1 to compare the two methods for sensitivity and specifi-
to q3). To compare continuous and categorical vari- city for the diagnosis of diabetes. Also, capillary HbA1c
ables, we used Kruskal–Wallis and Fisher’s exact test, values showed poor agreement with capillary fasting
respectively. BMI Z-score were used to explore the blood glucose values, with only 11 % of cases showing
association between BMI and diabetes or prediabetes. consistency between elevations. Confirmatory results
Univariate logistic regression analysis was used to es- comparing the three glycemic testing methods are pre-
timate the odds associated with prediabetes and dia- sented in Table 2.
betes for selected risk factors. P–value < 0.05 was No significant correlation was seen between gly-
considered statistically significant. cemic status and level of physical activity, presence of
acanthosis nigricans or symptoms of diabetes, except
Results for weight loss (p = 0.032). Family history of T2D
Clinical features of the study population first-degree relatives (p = 0.028) and high levels of tri-
From the school health records of 16 schools (the overall glycerides (p = 0.019) were statistically correlated with
cohort n = 7088 students), 1436 Emirati students aged abnormal glycemic testing based on fasting blood glu-
11–17 years were identified, who were either overweight cose and 2-h postprandial blood glucose (OGTT),
or obese according to our inclusion/ exclusions criteria. (Table 3). There was a statistically significant differ-
All these students were invited to participate in the ence in the BMI Z-scores between the three different
study. Of the total, 1034 completed the consent process groups of students showing normal glycemic testing,
and were enrolled for screening with a response rate of prediabetes and T2D (p = 0.041), as shown in Table 3.
72 % (Fig. 1). The median age of the study population The specific groups that differed were diabetic students
was 14.7 (13.2–16.2) years, of whom 45 % were females. versus those with normal glycemic testing (p = 0.024).
Table 1 shows the characteristics of the participants No significant correlation was shown related to age, sex,
stratified by sex. Although the prevalence of diabetes WC, Waist-to-Height ratio, systolic or diastolic blood
among first-degree relatives was higher among female pressure, parents’ employment, cholesterol levels, HDL
students (p = 0.003) there were no differences in the or LDL. Table 4 show the results of logistic regression
incidence of abnormal glycemic testing between the analysis of the association between abnormal glycemic
groups (p = 0.43). Socio-demographic data indicated a status, based on fasting glucose and 2-h Glucose
relatively high percentage of consanguinity between the (OGTT), and selected factors. The results indicate that
parents (32 %). The results also show a greater propor- a family history of diabetes, parents being unemployed
tion of mothers who are unemployed (79 %) compared and high levels of triglycerides were independent risk
to the fathers (35 %). Only 16 % of the families had both factors for abnormal glycemic testing (p < 0.05). The
parents working. Clinical features of the study popula- prevalence of abnormal glycemic testing was 1.9 times
tion shows a distribution of 78 % obesity and 22 % over- more common among students with a family history of
weight according to the BMI percentile charts for age diabetes among first-degree relatives. Having both par-
and sex. ents unemployed increased the risk for abnormal gly-
cemic testing by 1.8 times compared to having one or
Glycemic status and correlation to risk factors both parents employed. Abnormal blood glucose testing
Out of 443 children with abnormal screening for blood was 2.28 times more common among students with
glucose and/or HbA1c levels, 348 children (79 %) high levels of triglycerides.
showed up for the venous confirmation tests at the
hospital laboratory, (Fig. 1). Using diagnostic screening Discussion
practices based on the fasting blood glucose and/or the We report that the prevalence of prediabetes and T2D
2-h glucose levels obtained during the OGTT, the among overweight and obese children and adolescents is
estimated prevalence of prediabetes and T2D in this high based on OGTT as well as HbA1c, on which the
study population was 5.4 % (56 cases out of 1034) and HbA1c method show significantly higher rates for predi-
0.87 % (9 cases out of 1034) respectively. The results abetes but not diabetes. We also show that glycemic
showed poor agreement with the venous HbA1c meth- status among children is significantly associated with
odology which generally pointed to a higher proportion overall adiposity (BMI Z-score), family history of T2D,
of children with prediabetes (21.9 %) defined as HbA1c and levels of triglycerides.
5.7 – 6.4 % (38 – 47 mmol/mol), [15]. In comparison The United Arab Emirates has one of the highest
with the OGTT (gold standard), the HbA1c method prevalence of diabetes in the world, but T2D in children
showed a sensitivity of 0.52 and a specificity of 0.34 for has been considered as a rarity until recently. Existing
the diagnosis of prediabetes in children and adolescents. data about T2D in paediatrics are scarce and usually in-
However, given the small sample size, it was not possible hospital rather than community-based settings [21].
Al Amiri et al. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:1298 Page 5 of 9

Fig. 1 Flowchart showing the study design. From the school health records of 16 public schools in Sharjah (the overall cohort n = 7088 students),
1436 Emirati students aged 11–17 years were identified according to the inclusion criteria. The response rate was 72 % (n = 1034) in the first
phase and 79 % (n = 348) in the second phase of confirmation testing

Obesity is an increasing health concern worldwide due prediabetes to 5.4 % and T2D to 0.87 % based on
to its association with diabetes, the metabolic syndrome traditional diagnostic screening practices (fasting
and related health risks. Globally, childhood obesity has plasma glucose and/or OGTT). These results can be
dramatically increased to reach epidemic proportions in compared with data from Kuwait where the preva-
the last decades raising concerns about an increased lence of T2D among randomly selected children and ad-
prevalence of T2D down the ages [2]. In the UAE, it has olescents was estimated at 34.9 per 100 000 children aged
been reported that childhood obesity is as high as 40 % 6–18 years [10]. Between 1990 and 1998 12.5 % of all pa-
among school children [22]. tients aged up to18 years with new-onset diabetes at Al-
In this cohort of Emirati overweight/obese children Ain general hospital were diagnosed as having type 2 dia-
and adolescents, we estimated the prevalence of betes. These patients were superobese and had a positive
Al Amiri et al. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:1298 Page 6 of 9

Table 1 Demographic and anthropometric data of the study less than previously reported by Sinha and co-workers
population stratified by sex [25]. Still, the study population in the present study also
Variables Females (n =465) Males (n =569) included overweight children and adolescents where the
Median (q1 - q3) Median (q1 - q3) probability of finding prediabetes and diabetes is likely
Age (years) 15.2 (13.4–16.4) 14.5 (13.1–15.9) lower than in a study population consisting of participants
Height (cm) 156.5 (152.0–160.5) 163.5 (155.5–170.5)
solely marked obese.
Previously endorsed screening guidelines has recom-
Weight (kg) 76.3 (66.6–87.0) 81.3 (67.2–97.0)
mended children with body mass index ≥85th percent-
BMI (kg/m2) 31.0 (28.1–34.8) 30.0 (26.8–34.0) ile and any two additional risk factors to be screened
BMI (% ile) 97.7 (95.1–98.7) 98.0 (95.7–99.2) with a fasting plasma glucose (FPG) or a 2-hour glu-
Overweight (%) 24 20 cose tolerance test (OGTT) every 2 years starting at
Obese (%) 76 80 age 10 years, or at onset of puberty [26, 27]. In 2010,
WC (cm) 92.0 (84.0–101.0) 98.0 (89.0–107.0)
the American Diabetes Association (ADA) published
revised and modified diagnostic guidelines recom-
Waist to Height ratio 0.59 (0.54–0.65) 0.60 (0.55–0.66)
mending that HbA1c tests also be used for diagnosing
SBP (mmHg) 114.0 (105.3–123.0) 120.0 (110.0–130.0) diabetes (HbA1c ≥ 6.5 % or ≥ 48 mmol/mol) and predi-
DBP (mmHg) 70.0 (68.3–80.0) 70.0 (65.0–80.0) abetes (HbA1c = 5.7 %–6.4 % or 38 – 47 mmol/mol)
Parental employment (%) in both adults and children [28]. However, these rec-
Father working 63 63 ommendations have been questioned as they were
Mother working 21 20
considered being based strictly on data from adult
studies and lack any input from pediatric research. In
One or both working 70 71
fact, the HbA1c method has been claimed to repre-
Neither working 30 29 sents a poor diagnostic tool in children and adoles-
1st degree relative with 53 41 cents due to a relatively lower test performance
diabetes (%)
compared with adults [29, 30]. Several studies pub-
Abnormal glycemic testing (%) 6 7 lished on the topic indicate that using adult cutoff
Parental Consanguinity [n (%)] 140 (30) 177 (31) points for HbA1c values to predict prediabetes or dia-
Polyuria [n (%)] 33 (7) 35 (6) betes significantly underestimates the prevalence of
Polydipsia [n (%)] 62 (13) 57 (10) these conditions in the pediatric and adolescent popu-
lation [29–33]. Consequently a lower HbA1c cut-off
Weight loss [n (%)] 10 (2) 11 (2)
point has been proposed for children. Not unexpect-
Fatigue [n (%)] 77 (17) 101 (18)
edly, the results from our study reveal a poor agree-
Recurrent Infections [n (%)] 42 (9) 33 (6) ment between diagnostic screening based on fasting
Acanthosis [n (%)] 158 (34) 421 (74) plasma glucose or OGTT and venous HbA1c (Table 2).
Median values with quartiles (q1–q3) are shown. BMI body mass index, However, while other studies have shown that HbA1c
WC waist circumference, SBP systolic diastolic pressure, DBP diastolic seem to underestimate the prevalence of T2D and pre-
blood pressure
diabetes, our results indicate a higher proportion of
children with prediabetes (21.9 %) using HbA1c. Also,
family history of T2D [23]. Our results are comparable capillary HbA1c values showed poor agreement with
with findings from Saudi Arabia among T2D population capillary fasting blood glucose values with only 11 %
of which a prevalence of 0.12 % among children and of cases showing consistency between elevations.
0.79 % among under-14-years children and younger adults Nevertheless, the design of the study using OGTT as a
14- to 29-year was reported [24]. However, our figures are confirmatory test in cases of suspected diabetes and
prediabetes based on capillary fasting blood glucose
and capillary HbA1c, may have missed to identify a
Table 2 The prevalence of normal, prediabetes, and diabetes
according to the confirmatory glycemic testing methods, in potential group of obese children and adolescents with
comparison (n =348) prediabetes showing normal fasting glucose and nor-
HbA1c (mmol/mol) FBG (mmol/L) OGTT (mmol/L)
mal HbA1c but eventually abnormal OGTT (IGT).
These results raise some unanswered questions for the
RV % RV % RV %
future. Does HbA1c overestimates the problem being
Normal < 38 34.0 < 5.6 87.3 < 7.8 91.9
less specific or is it rather a more sensitive test? Most
Prediabetes 38 – 47 65.1 5.6 – 6.9 12.1 7.8 – 11.0 7.2 likely the various diagnostic methods do not overlap
Diabetes ≥ 48 0.9 ≥ 7.0 0.6 ≥ 11.1 0.9 but instead identify different groups of participants
RV reference value with prediabetes and diabetes [34, 35]. A follow-up
Al Amiri et al. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:1298 Page 7 of 9

Table 3 Comparison of factors associated with diabetes in the sample population

Parameters Normal (n = 967) Pre DM (n = 56) DM (n = 9) P value
Age (years) 14.7 (13.2 – 16.2) 14.7 (13.0 – 15.9) 15.6 (15.0 – 17.7) 0.136
Sex (%) Female 435 (94.3) 23 (4.9) 3 (0.65) 0.669
Male 523 (93.2) 33 (5.8) 6 (1.1)
BMI % ile (%) Overweight 215 (95.6) 10 (4.4) 0 0.259
Obese 748 (93.2) 46 (5.7) 9 (1.1)
BMI Z-score 2.0 (1.7 – 2.3) 2.1 (1.8 – 2.4) 2.2 (2.1 – 2.4) 0.041
WC (cm) 95.0 (86.0 – 104.9) 96.0 (89.8 – 105.0) 104.0 (99.0 – 114.0) 0.096
Waist to Height ratio 0.6 (0.5 – 0.7) 0.6 (0.6 – 0.7) 0.6 (0.6 – 0.7) 0.108
SBP (mmHg) 118.0 (110.0 – 126.0) 120.0 (110.0 – 130.0) 116.0 (110.0 – 121.0) 0.452
DBP (mmHg) 70.0 (65.0 – 80.0) 70.0 (65.0 – 80.0) 74.0 (67.0 – 77.0) 0.873
Parental employment Neither (%) 267 (91.1) 21 (7.1) 5 (1.7) 0.118
One parent (%) 508 (94.9) 25 (4.6) 2 (0.4)
Both parents (%) 152 (94.4) 7 (4.3) 2 (1.24)
1st degree relative (%) No 326 (94.8) 18 (5.2) 0.0 0.028
Yes 280 (91.2) 22 (7.2) 5 (1.63)
TG (mmol/L) Normal 256 (84.1) 45 (15.1) 2 (0.7) 0.019
High 31 (70.5) 11 (25.0) 2 (4.6)
Cholesterol (mmol/L) Normal 266 (82.5) 53 (16.5) 3 (0.9) 0.322
High 21 (84) 3 (12.5) 1 (4.0)
HDL (mmol/L) Low 93 (79.5) 22 (17.1) 2 (1.7) 0.491
Normal 168 (85.3) 28 (14.2) 2 (1.7)
High 19 (79.2) 5 (20.8) 0.0
LDL (mmol/L) Normal 272 (83.4) 51 (15.6) 3 (0.9) 0.187
High 5 (62.5) 3 (37.5) 0
Median values with quartiles (q1–q3) are shown. We used Kruskal–Wallis test to compare continuous variables; Fisher’s exact to compare categorical variables.
Significance level = p < 0.05

study would be able to clarify which of the methods to

Table 4 Univariate logistic regression analysis model of the be deemed most reliable in predicting progression to
association between abnormal glycaemic status based on diabetes among these variety of prediabetic children
fasting glucose and 2-h Glucose (OGTT), and selected factors and adolescents.
Variables OR % 95 CI P-value More than half of all participants diagnosed as predia-
Age (11–14/ 15–17 years) 1.02 0.69–1.52 0.908 betic and all participants diagnosed as having diabetes
Sex (Female/ Male) 1.23 0.74–2.05 0.434 had a first-degree relative with T2D. Additionally, 20 %
1st degree relative with diabetes 1.87 1.04–3.36 0.036 of the prediabetes participants and about 50 % of dia-
Parental employment (One or Both/Neither) 1.79 1.06–3.02 0.029
betes have had elevated triglyceride levels as compared
with 11 % in the normal glycemic status group. No sig-
Parents relatives (No/Yes) 1.22 0.71–2.09 0.474
nificant correlations were observed with regards to age,
BMI% (Overweight/ Obese) 1.58 0.79–3.15 0.196 sex, WC, Waist-to-Height ratio, levels of cholesterol,
Waist circumference (<102/ ≥102 cm) 1.38 0.83–2.31 0.217 HDL or LDL, probably due to lower statistical power
Exercise (Activity ≥ 1 time/week/No activity) 0.89 0.53–1.48 0.646 needed to detect significant statistical relations. How-
Hypertension (No/ Yes) 1.33 0.66–2.68 0.430 ever, in agreement with results from other studies, a
Triglycerides (Normal/ High) 2.28 1.11–4.68 0.024
family history of T2D first-degree relatives (p = 0.028)
and high levels of triglycerides (p = 0.019) was statisti-
Cholesterol (Normal/ High) 0.91 0.30–2.74 0.859
cally and significantly correlated with abnormal glycemic
HDL (Normal or High/ Low) 1.42 0.80–2.53 0.236 testing based on fasting blood glucose and 2-h postpran-
LDL (Normal/ High) 3.02 0.70–13.0 0.138 dial blood glucose (OGTT), [5, 36]. In fact, abnormal
P-values <0.05 was considered as statistically significant glycemic testing was 1.9 times more common among
Al Amiri et al. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:1298 Page 8 of 9

students with a family history of diabetes among first- and abnormal glucose testing probably because the ma-
degree relatives and 2.28 times more common among jority of these participants were prediabetic rather than
students with high levels of triglycerides (Table 4). Fur- diabetic, having mild hyperglycemia. This reveals the
thermore, having both parents not working was related need for glycemic screening in asymptomatic high-risk
to 79 % higher prevalence of diabetes compared to hav- individuals.
ing one or both parents employed. Although unemploy- A potential limitation of studies in pediatric subjects
ment is often associated with economic inactivity, it may and adolescents could be difficulties in achieving a good
rather be an expression of economic independence and response rate with the risk of sampling bias. Letters of
a sedentary lifestyle in a region with increased affluence invitation were sent to consent parents on using their
linked to the diabetes epidemic. Relationship by blood is children’s data. Those who did not respond were sent
an important risk factor for type 2 diabetes to consider. further second and third reminders. If still not
Previous epidemiologic studies have shown that people responding the wish of parents was respected and
with a family history of diabetes in first-degree relatives other details of the student were not captured (blood
who are affected with diabetes are 2 to 6 times as likely pressure, glycemic testing etc.). We were not able to
to have the disease compared with people who have identify anything distinctive for those children and
no affected relatives [37]. The United Arab Emirates adolescents concerning age, gender and BMI and we
has one of the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes don’t have further data in able to analyze the charac-
in the world and marriages between cousins are com- teristics of non-respondents in comparison with re-
mon, which could increase the risk of getting type 2 spondents. In our study the response rate was 72 %
diabetes. at the first invitation and 79 % in the second phase
Hyperglycaemia has been associated with high levels (Fig. 1). All though we cannot be sure about the stu-
of triglycerides. Improving glycemic control in individ- dent’s reason for not participating in the study and
uals with moderate to severe hyperglycemia regardless of there might be a possibility of selection bias, we as-
type of treatment is associated with improvement in sume the main reason to be unwillingness to be ex-
lipid values [38]. Obesity has been stated to be the most posed to finger pricking.
important cause in the development of insulin resistance
and it has been demonstrated that the critical determin- Conclusion
ant of insulin sensitivity is not the degree of obesity per This study shows a worrying high proportion of predia-
se but the distribution of fat partitioning [39]. In our betes and diabetes among Emirati overweight and obese
study the majority of subjects were obese and body mass children and adolescents based on fasting blood glucose
index expressed as BMI Z-scores were correlated to ab- and/or OGTT. These results are not consistent with the
normal blood glucose testing [25]. Actually, the median results based on the HbA1c method. Diagnostic screen-
BMI percentile according to CDC definition in this ing practices including fasting blood glucose and/or
study was 97.9 (95.6–99.0), which is quite high and ex- OGTT indicated a lower prevalence of prediabetes com-
plained by the fact that most of the participants were in pared to HbA1c screening. The correlation between
the obese category (78 %). The reference population capillary HbA1c values showed poor agreement with
used to construct the CDC Growth Charts for children capillary fasting blood glucose values. Overall adiposity
aged 2 years to 20 years is a nationally representative (BMI Z-score), family history of T2D first-degree rela-
sample obtained from 5 national health examination sur- tives and high levels of triglycerides was statistically
veys conducted by NCHS from 1963 to 1994. Survey- significant correlated with abnormal glycemic testing. A
specific sample weights were applied to the national follow-up study is needed to clarify which of the
survey sample data to assure representation of the U.S. methods would be deemed most reliable in predicting
population according to age, gender, and racial/ethnic progression to diabetes among prediabetes children and
composition at the time the surveys were conducted. adolescents.
CDC promotes one set of growth charts for all racial
and ethnic groups. Racial- and ethnic-specific charts are Abbreviations
not recommended because studies support the premise ADA: American Diabetes Association; BP: blood pressure; BMI: body mass
index; CDC: Center for Disease Control and Prevention; DBP: diastolic blood
that differences in growth among various racial and eth-
pressure; FBG: fasting blood glucose; HbA1c: glycated hemoglobin;
nic groups are the result of environmental rather than HDL: high-density lipoprotein; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; OGTT: oral
genetic influences [40]. No significant correlation was glucose tolerance tests; RCDR: Rashid Centre for Diabetes and Research;
SBP: systolic blood pressure; T2D: type 2 diabetes; UAE: United Arab Emirates;
seen between glycemic status and level of physical activ-
WC: waist circumference.
ity, systolic or diastolic blood pressure or symptoms of
diabetes, except for weight loss (p = 0.032). The correl- Competing interest
ation was poor between symptoms of hyperglycaemia None of the authors had any personal or financial conflict of interest.
Al Amiri et al. BMC Public Health (2015) 15:1298 Page 9 of 9

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