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Present Past Past participle

alight alit/alighted alit/alighted

arise arose arisen

awake awoke awoken

Present Past Past participle

be (am/is/are) was/were been

bear bore borne

beat beat beaten

Present Past Past participle

can could (no participle)

cast cast cast

catch caught caught

Present Past Past participle

deal dealt dealt

dig dug dug

dive dived (American English: dove) dived (American English: dove)

Present Past Past participle

eat ate eaten


Present Past Past participle

fall fell fallen

feed fed fed

feel felt felt

Present Past Past participle

get got got (American English: gotten)

gild gilt/gilded gilt/gilded

give gave given

Present Past Past participle

hang hung/hanged hung/hanged

have had had

hear heard heard

Present Past Past participle

keep kept kept

kneel knelt/kneeled knelt/kneeled

knit knit/knitted knit/knitted

Present Past Past participle

lay laid laid

lead led led

lean leant/leaned leant/leaned


Present Past Past participle

make made made

may might (no participle)

mean meant meant

Present Past Past participle

pay paid paid

pen pent/penned pent/penned

plead pled/pleaded pled/pleaded

Present Past Past participle

quit quit/quitted quit/quitted

Present Past Past participle

read read read

rid rid/ridded rid/ridded

ride rode ridden

Present Past Past participle

saw sawed sawn/sawed

say said said

see saw seen

Present Past Past participle

take took taken

teach taught taught

tear tore torn

Present Past Past participle

understand understood understood

undertake undertook undertaken

Present Past Past participle

wake woke/waked woken/waked

wear wore worn

weave wove woven

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