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1st Periodical Exam

Multiple Choice: Read the question carefully. Write the chosen answer in your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following is the period known as the Middle Ages or dark ages that started from the fall of the
Roman Empire?
a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Classical
2. Which of the following period is known as a pearl of irregular shape?
a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Classical
3. Whoch of the folliwng period known as a looking back to the golden age of Greece and Rome?
a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Classical
4. Which period did Pope Gregory’s action made monophonic plainchants very popular?
a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Classical
5. Which of the following period when the Lute instrument is so popular?
a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Classical
6. Which of the following is the greatest master of Roman Catholic Church music during the Renaissance period?
a. Adam de la halle b. Pierluigi Palestrina c. George Handel d. Thomas Morley
7. Which of the following is a composer of Fire, fire my heart?
a. Adam de la halle b. Pierluigi Palestrina c. George Handel d. Thomas Morley
8. Which of the following is a composer of four seasons?
a. George Friedrich b. Antonio Vivaladi c. Johann Bach d. Thomas Morley
9. Which of the following is a composer of The Messiah?
a. George Friedrich b. Antonio Vivaladi c. Johann Bach d. Thomas Morley
10. Which of the following is a composer of Pope Marcellus Mass?
a. Adam de la halle b. Pierluigi Palestrina c. George Handel d. Thomas Morley
11. Which of the following is a form of orchestral music with a solo instrument and accompanied by an orchestra?
a. Concerto b. concerto grosso c. Chorale d. Oratorio
12. Which of the following is a musical compositions that resemble a harmonized version of hymnal tunes?
a. Concerto b. concerto grosso c. Chorale d. Oratorio
13. Which of the following period has a characteristic of monophonic?
a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Classical
14. Which of the following is a music consisting of sseveral (2 or more) melodic lines?
a. Monophonic b. Homophonic c. Polyphonic d. Tonality
15. Which of the following is a music that was specifically written for use in religious services?
a. Melismatic b. Secular c. Sacred d. Syllabic
16. Art is derived from the Latin word ARS. The term ARS means __________.
a. imagine b. skill c. creative d. active
17. Art is also known as the totality of human activities. The following are importance of art to humans EXCEPT
a. Express feelings of love. c. Give satisfaction to talented people.
b. Develop character, proper attitudes and values. d. Encourage budding sportsmen.
18. Cave paintings encompass any parietal art which involves the application of color pigments on the walls. In
what era when these types of arts dominated as the people’s means of communication?
a. Ancient Egypt b. Classical Greek Era c. Prehistoric Era d. Romanesque Era
19. Your group was tasked to do a mural painting in your school using the colors made with grind powder pigments
in pure water to make the painting become an integral part of the wall. What technique of painting is ideal for
mural painting using the above-mentioned materials?
a. fresco b. encaustic c. acrylic d. chiaroscuro
20. You were asked by your art teacher to paint using melted beeswax and mineral pigment to varnish your work of
art. What medium of painting are you going to apply?
a. fresco b. encaustic c. acrylic d. chiaroscuro
21. Kerch style is an attic red-figure pottery named after the Crimean city of Kerch. The following were the most
common shapes of this classical vase painting EXCEPT
a. wine container b. bowl for water and wine c. low bowl w/ two handles d. low handles and lid
22. A method of painting that denotes a picture painted in a panel, usually made of wood.
a. panel painting b. plein-air painting c. scroll painting d. miniature painting
23. The formal writing system of Egypt with the use of pictures.
a. hieroglyphics b. calligraphy c. photography d. logography
24. A typical art process in Romantic era where pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials were formed
together to create an image.
a. stained glass b. photography c. printmaking d. mosaic
25. Which of the following BEST describe an Egyptian sculpture?
a. Significant in revealing the artistic progress of the culture or artist involved.
b. Symbolisms were heavily used to represent the Gods.
c. Living is presented larger than the dead.
d. Faithful and direct imitation of human anatomy.
26. To reach a peak of artistic excellence, Greek sculptors were particularly concerned with the following
a. Perfection of human body. c. Arrangement of figures and groups.
b. It is extremely primitive and mysterious. d. Dramatic representation of movements.
27. Which of the following is NOT a relevant nature of Pre-Historic sculpture?
a. Symbolic elements were widely used.
b. Sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not a human artistry.
c. Carvings may have mythological or religious significance.
d. Materials used in sculpture vary according to region and locality.
28. What are the dominant themes of Byzantine sculptures?
a. Human form, everyday life, still life c. religious, everyday life, nature
b. Human nature, symbols, war d. heroes, humor, landscape
29. In Greek architecture, temples were designed either of the three architectural styles or orders.
Which among the following is NOT a Greek Classical style?
a. Tonic b. Corinthian c. Doric d. Ionic
30. Ancient Egypt is known for a massive monument having rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating
in a singular apex, built over or around a crypt or tomb.
a. tomb b. vault c. pyramid d. terracotta
31. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports officiating b. sports psychology c. sports science d. sports youth
32. Which of the following is an immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly
taken ill.
a. RICE method b. first aid c. prevention d. home
33. Which of the following is caused by torn fibers in a ligament, swelling and bruising?
a. Sprains b. strains c. heat exhaustion d. fractures
34. Which of the following is a response to heat characterized by fatigue, weakness and collapse due to inadequate
intake of water and loss of fluids during sweating?
a. Sprains b. strains c. heat exhaustion d. fractures
35. Which of the following is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon cord of tissue connecting muscle to bone?
a. Sprains b. strains c. heat exhaustion d. fractures
36. Which of the following is a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one time injury to the bone or
from repeated stress to the one over time?
a. Sprains b. strains c. heat exhaustion d. fractures
37. Which of the following is a game required the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the
official possess?
a. Balance b. endurance c. power d. strength
38. Which of the following kind of food should the officials eat to have lean muscles?
a. Carbohydrates b. fats c. iron d. protein
39. Sports official doesn’t have the luxury of a time-out. If they want to hydrate their body, what’s the best drink they
should take?
a. Energy drink b. soft drinks c. sports drink d. water
40. What lifestyle-related disease will an official have if he/she continues to smoke and eat without cholesterol-rich
a. Cancer b. diabetes c. heart disease d. stroke
41. Sports officials mostly use their arms for signalling. What fitness component will e developed with this regular
a. Cardiovascular endurance b. muscular endurance c. flexibility d. muscular strength
42. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit can cause diabetes?
a. Genetics b. lifestyle c. environment d. sedentary
43. Officiating has a high physical demand, especially in sports like basketball, soccer and combative sports. What
should the referee do prior to doing his/her officiating task?
a. Warm up b. dynamic stretching c. static stretching d. instantly proceed with officiating.
44. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
a. Save money during sports competition
b. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official
c. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities
d. All of the above
45. What is the best value that a sports official must possess?
a. Fairness b. unjust c. punctuality d. all of the above
46. Which of the following is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of
disease or infirmity?
a. Community b. health c. community health d. environmental health
47. Which of the following defined as a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment?
a. Community b. health c. community health d. environmental health
48. Which of the following is the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health and all the
members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts?
a. Community b. health c. community health d. environmental health
49. Which of the following comprises those aspects of human health that are determined by physical, chemical,
biological social and psychological factors in surrounding environment?
a. Community b. health c. community health d. environmental health
50. Which best describe a community health program?
a. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all the members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts.
b. It maintains and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained
community efforts.
c. It protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained
community efforts.
d. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community
51. Which does not describe a healthy community?
a. A clean and safe environment
b. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs.
c. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone.
d. An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities
52. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?
a. Less disease, less health care costs
b. Active community involvement
c. More budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines
d. More community projects for community development
53. Which of the following problems is a leading cause of environmental destruction?
a. Soil erosion b. Illegal mining c. Oil spill d. Deforestation
54. What environmental problem reduces the ability of soil to store water and support plant growth?
a. Soil erosion b. Illegal mining c. Oil spill d. Deforestation
55. Which of the following is not an effect of climate change?
a. Dead trees from oil spillage c. Increased risk of drought, fire and floods
b. More health related illness and diseases d. Economic losses
56. Which of the following environmental problems causes climate change?
a. Oil spill b. Deforestation c. Pollution d. Flash floods
57. Which of the following programs of the Department of Health promotes community health?
a. Maternal health b. Primary health care c. Child health care d. Control of communicable disease
58. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community health in planning for community
a. To attain luxury life c. To keep the safety of the community
b. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable home d. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
59. Which of the following is means of any alteration of the physical, chemical and biological properties of water, air
and/or land resources?
a. Pollution b. Soil pollution c. Air pollution d. Water pollution
60. Which of the following cause’s diseases such as cholera and other water borne diseases?
a. Deforestation b. Flash floods c. Illegal mining d. Soil erosion

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