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www.cexr.cl No.

65 / July 2018

4 Project
5 Investors
choose Chile 7 Exploration

Phoenix Funds: Seven years on- was it


uring the first Piñera go-
vernment (2010-2014), a
fund of US$150M was set
up to finance exploration
projects in the country, official titled
“El Programa de Financiamiento a
Fondos de Inversión de Capital de
Riesgo - Fondos de Exploración Mi-
nera”, more commonly referred to
as “Fondos Fenix”.
Part of a US$150M initiative laun-
ched by the Chilean Economic Deve-
lopment Agency (CORFO), Fenix ai-
med to develop exploration and
boost mining prosperity in Chile and
strengthen its position as a world
leader in the sector. Earlier this year,
CORFO confirmed to CEXR that all
the money was sent to the winning
six funds who were awarded credit,
with no money being returned or
left to the state. However, seven
years on since the program was lau-
nched, news is sparse regarding
whether the funds resulted in any
significant exploration develop-

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www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018

Out of the total US$150M, US$92M area of Rare Earth’s extraction, but ment fund, this type of information is
was given by government to the we also obtained the highest REO unavailable to those outside the go-
funds, and the remaining US$58M purity levels in the industry”. vernment or investor circles.
was raised from private capital. Ele- In 2016 the Environmental Evaluation CEXR also reached out to Felipe
ven fund managers submitted bids to Service (SEA) requested an EIA from Swett, director and Head Asset Ma-
secure financing for exploration pro- the company, reportedly admits fears nagement at Asset Chile, which recei-
jects throughout the country, with six that arboreal specials such as quele ve US$15.8B for eight projects. Swett
investment funds awarded credit for could be impacted by the project, similarly stated he was unable to sha-
26 projects. Those who received fun- which will work with a capacity to re any information due to the nature
ding were: IMT Exploracion Minera, process continuously up to 210 ton / of their contracts with their partners,
Mining Equity; Asset Chile; EPG Ex- hour of ore to obtain between 500 investors and CORFO.
ploración; Minera Latanidos and Mi- and 700 tons per year. Meanwhile, through requesting furt-
ning. Last December, MBL revealed they her information through the Transpa-
“were close” to publishing a revised rency Law, CORFO provided CEXR
Mineria Activa EIA to allow it to develop a commer- with information as to how the total
and Biolantanidos cial plant in Penco for the 2018-2019 amount of state money was divided
Mineria Activa received US$13.5M period. In 2017, MBL signed a com- and delivered to the investment
credit for their Biolantanidos project mercial agreement with Rare Earth funds but was unable to provide any
through Latanidos´ share of the fun- Salts to produce separate rare earth further information on exactly how it
ding. Situated on an expansive 100- oxides which are expected early next was invested. It did however, confirm
200,000ha site in Penco, the south of year. An additional 6.000 meters that all the money from the Fenix
Chile, Mineria Biolantanido (MBL) is a (approx.) are also expected to be Funds had been distributed and none
rare earth producer, aiming to be the completed this year. had been returned. The Fondos Fenix
one of the most significant of its kind. CEXR reached out to Ignaco del Rio, was an exciting initiative to boost
The investment was given to aid in- director of Mineria Activa ,who con- exploration projects in the country,
novation and development at the firmed, “The fund is fully invested, but given the lack of information so-
site, which relies on new methods to BioLantanidos is on track moving for- me seven years later, it is difficult to
extract and process Biobio clays. It ward into production in 2020. We see determine whether the invest-
was the largest amount received for will be submitting the EIA in June ment has been a success. Piñera´s
a single project for the Fenix Fund. 2018 and we should be doing fundra- government have not yet made any
In 2015, Phase III drilling started, ising for construction capex by the remarks on whether it plans to con-
which saw 125 sonic drill-holes com- end of 2018.” duct a second Fenix program to boost
plete 3,239 meters, by 2016 the com- exploration, yet it will be difficult jus-
pany completed around 400 drill ho- IMT and Asset Chile tify without further evidence of suc-
les approximately 12.000 mts, an- CEXR contacted Pelayo Gumucio, ge- cessful outcomes from the first in-
nouncing that same year that they neral director of IMT Exploraciones, vestment round. While Biolatanidos
had reached REO purity of 95.2%. At which received US$15.3 M for three makes exciting progress, it is hoped
the time, Arturo Albornoz, Project projects. The inquiry was redirected that the other companies will come
Director of MBL stated: ““We did not to fund administrator Credicorp Ca- forward soon with results.
only validate the newest and most pital, who declined to comment on CER
technological advance within the the grounds that, as a private invest-

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www.cexr.cl No.59 / Enero 2018

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www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
Project Showcase

Available Exploration Alliance Area: Constancia

Skarn Cu-Au (Mo) deposit in the Tarapacá Region of Chile

he Constancia Project is located in the Region of Metamorphosed calcareous units (skarn) with thickness
Tarapacá, 16km southwest of Huara and 30 km greater than 300 meters were intercepted, also present
northeast of Iquique, close to the Cu-Au Lagarto are evaporite horizons (gypsum, anhydrite and epso-
project (total resources, including the inferred mite). Observed alteration includes an intense alteration
are: 5,497,120 tonnes of 0.742 g/t Au and 0.31% Cu of garnets (grossular> andradite) and a lower content of
(1.202 AuEq g/t). The area was identified by a review of pyroxenes, calcite and chlorite.
historical mining works, that expose areas with copper Finally, this project is related to a Cu-Au, Mo skarn sys-
mineralization, in an approximate area of 3km x 1km. tem with additional favorable gravel covered target with
With respect to the geology, metamorphosed limestones potential to intercept additional intrusive related miner-
appear in contact with granodiorites of the Huara intru- alization, and skarn zones with similar or higher grade, as
sive complex. This project has geological mapping, and well as favorable structural target areas that have yet to
some surface samples. On the other hand, a total of be explored and tested.
2,134 m of drillholes were completed (RC and DDH), high-
lighting intercepts of 40 meters with 0.22% CuT and 66m
with 180ppm Mo, with pockets of up to 70 meters with
grades reaching 3%Cu; Cu is represented by a oxide min-
eralization (brochantite-atacamite-crysocolla), in addition
to a zone of mixed and sulfides (py-cpy).
Ox de Cu verde,
sulfuros oxidados

This project is easily accessible, using the highway that

connects Iquique with Alto Hospicio to the sector of Cale-
ta Buena. The current area comprises a total of over 1300
hectares, where less than 40% of the hectares have been

Darryl D. Lindsay, PhD, PGeo José Dias C. María José Álvarez

Metal Business Development Director Metal Business Development Metal Business Development
darryl.lindsay@sqm.com Geologist Manager
+56 9 6648 8511 jose.dias.cifuentes@sqm.com maria.alvarez.johnson@sqm.com
+56 9 7465 7359 +56 9 7465 7359


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www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018

Investors choose Chile

hile could become a "safe In an interview with CEXR, Underse- According to Terrazas, this approach
haven" in Latin america, ac- cretary Pablo Terrazas, said that the could transform into more profitable
cording to a survey recently cadastre of mining projects includes projects.
conducted by JPMorgan 185 initiatives that already have an The new government promotes a
Chase to detect business opportuni- environmental approval and corres- pro-investment agenda that elimina-
ties in the Southern Cone. pond to 142 mining operations, tota- tes regulatory obstacles and moder-
Chile has been chosen as a favorite lling US$57.2B. nizes the State. The authorities have
stock market for the next 12 months "We are promoting investments with also launched the Presidential Advi-
by 26% of the investors consulted, respect for the environment and the sory Commission to create a new
surpassing Argentina (24%), Colom- communities, but we also want to National Mining Policy for the 2018-
bia (17%) and Mexico (14%). consider the local workforce," said 2050 period.
The current political perspectives Terrazas.
and economic recovery has given Example of respectful investment
Chile a breath within the atmosphe- with the environment and communi- SEIA Reform
re of volatility that reigns in the re- ties is the MOU signed by Wealth The Council of Ministers for Sustai-
gion. Investors feel comfortable Minerals and ENAMI to develop nability has approved the draft Law
betting on Chile and that gives a lithium projects in the Salar de Ata- that reforms the Environmental Im-
boost to the new authorities of the cama and Laguna Verde. WML looks pact Assessment System (SEIA for its
Ministry of Mining. for new forms of exploitation and its acronym in english).
strategy includes approaching the Among the proposed measures is
communities. the obligation to consult the com-
munnities for the EIA, the elimina-
tion of the Committee of Ministers
and the Administrative Complaint
Appeal, in order to avoid a double
administrative review of the environ-
mental permits.

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 5

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018

EMR Capital will own Cerro Codelco signs

an exploration
Colorado at the end of 2018 agreement

t the end of the year, Cerro The SX-EW operation has reserves odelco has signed a coope-
Colorado mine will have a totalling 76Mt @ 0.59% Cu and a ration agreement with a
new owner. mine life of six years approximately. Company named Kazgeo-
BHP Billiton has reached “We see this mine as having a very logy for copper exploration
an agreement with the private equi- long-term future, so we will work in Kazajistan.
ty firm EMR Capital, to sell the mine very closely with the workforce, the “We are looking for new resources
for US$230M, US$40M through the community and the government in around the world. The agreement
sale of copper stockpiled at the ope- ensuring this mine is successful,” it’s about our know-how and how
ration and more than US$50M in EMR Capital Chief Executive Officer we see the future of Mining”, said
the future depending on the perfo- Jason Chang said in a interview with José Pesce, CODELCO’s VP of re-
mance of the copper price. Bloomberg. “We want to improve sources and development.
In 2017, BHP decided to sell Cerro the mine, including increasing pro- CODELCO and Kazgeology have not
Colorado to focus on its largest and duction.” negotiated a specific project yet.
most profitable operations, because EMR Capital executives are very po-
the mine’s potential could require a sitive on the copper macroeconomic Capitalization
significant investment. Deutsche outlook, and over the next few Recently, the government has an-
Bank AG said in a report last year years they will be able to secure nounced a US$1B capitalization to
that BHP could fetch US$800M. great potential assets. finance operations and invest-
CER ments in the future.
Since 2014 the company has recei-
ved US$2,2B with a US$1,3B of cost

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 6

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
Exploration News

Altiplano reports evidence for a second

stage of mineralization at Farellon

ltiplano Minerals (TSXV: ground geophysics may indicate the The company has started under-
APN; OTCQB: ALTPF) has presence of porphyry-type minerali- ground drilling at the historic Maria
reported evidence for a zation postdating the IOCG veins. Luisa Gold-Copper Mine.
second stage of mineraliza- This increases substantially the eco- “Recent underground sampling re-
tion at the historic Farellon Cu-Au nomic potential of the district,” stat- sults from the lowest accessible lev-
mine near La Serena, Chile. ed CEO John Williamson. el have confirmed the records of
“Evidence for this new form of min- The company will start additional historic high-grade production at
eralization is indicated by chalcopy- fieldwork studies aimed at gaining a Maria Luisa. Based on this, APN has
rite infilling microfractures in por- better understanding of the mineral- habilitated this level to accommo-
phyritic andesitic dikes that crosscut izing processes within the district. date underground drilling in order to
the Farellon vein; weak potassic al- Exploration for both IOCG veins and confirm continuation of these
teration observed in those dikes; porphyry-type mineralization will grades at depth, and is planning to
and breccia fragments of the vein continue at Farellon. extract a 5,000 tonne bulk sample,”
cemented by a mineralized mag- stated CEO John Williamson.
matic rock observed in the NE395M Expanding operations
level. In addition, non-linear mag- at Maria Luisa
netic anomalies identified with Expanding operations at Maria Luisa

Coro Mining confirms technical

and economic viability of Marimaca

oro Mining (TSXV: COP) has tion from 10,000t to 1.8Mtpa with a Ivan SXEW processing plant,” stated
confirmed the technical and cash operating costs of US$2.05/lb. CEO Luis Tondo.
economic viability of Mari- The initial capital costs will be COP keeps focus on its strategy to
maca Project after the com- US$22.6M. grow its chilean copper production
pletion of the Definitive Feasibility “The completion of this study in an through the Discovery, development
Study as a condition of its earn in to important milestone enabling the and operation of deposits well-
acquire up to a 75% interest. Company to establish its 51% own- located with respect to infrastruc-
Marimaca hosts 24.6Mt @ 0,8%CuT, ership of Compañia Minera Newco ture and water, have low permitting
containing 196,800t of copper. The Marimaca, owner of the Marimaca 1 risk and the potential for a short and
study points to a robust project eco- -23 claim. Coro may acquire an addi- cost-effective timeline to produc-
nomics with an after-tax IRR of tional 24% interest in Newco by ob- tion.
58,8% and an NPV (5%) of taining financing to build the project
US$114M. The mine life will be of 12 or by transferring ownership of its
years with an annual copper produc-

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 7

www.cexr.cl No.63 / May 2018

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 8

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
Exploration News

Lithium Chile and Prosper Cameo to acquire

a land package in
One will form a JV in Chile Carrizal Alto

ameo Resources Corp

ithium Chile has entered into our highly prospective Pintadas (TSXV: CRU; OTC:
a memorandum of under- Norte Project in the coastal region CRUUF; FWB:SY7N)
standing with Prosper One of Chile.” has entered into a
International for a Joint Ven- Prosper One could get an additional definitive agreement to ac-
ture in the Pintadas Norte project, 20% interest in the property once quire a significant land pack-
located in Chile. the pre-feasibility study is complet- age in the Carrizal Alto district,
Prosper One may earn a 55% stake ed. through the installment pay-
by investing CS$3M in exploration The company has also announced a ment of US$5M and 2.5M
by 2021 and injecting CS$1M of drilling program of at least 250m shares.
capital within 60 days of the formal distributed in four holes, in the The new properties are locat-
agreement. The agreement estab- 3,500h that covers the Ollague pro- ed 100km north of the La Co-
lishes that Lithium Chile will be the baltera District and will be
ject. Previous studies completed by
operator of the project, will direct added to the 456h of the Car-
the exploration programs and will Lithium Chile has encountered near
rizal Alto project. The area has
receive a management fee equiva- -surface lithium brines assaying been identified by CORFO as
lent to 17.5% of the funds expend- from 160 to 1,140mg/l Li. one of the main areas with
ed on the Pintadas Norte explora- "Ollague is one of our most exciting cobalt mineral potential in
tion programs. projects. We are delighted to have Chile. Chile is widely consid-
Steve Cochrane, President and CEO received final drilling approval and ered a strong potential future
of Lithium Chile commented that more importantly becoming one of site of cobalt exploitation in
"this agreement … accelerates our the first of the new wave of Chilean South America. The Carrizal
ability to unlock the potential of our Alto district has a significant
dominant land package in Chile. lithium exploration companies to
history of copper production
Essentially, we are combining our begin drilling program on one of
associated with cobalt miner-
technical expertise and chilean ex- our lithium prospects," said Steve alization. Cameo is ecstatic to
perience with Prosper One’s finan- Cochrane, President and CEO of position itself as a first mover
cial acumen and support to explore Lithium Chile. within a Mining friendly juris-
diction with parabolic poten-
tial upside,” said CEO Akash

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 9

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
Regional news

Regulus announces MFM to restart

a spin-out of new company exploration of San
Roque property

egulus Resources (TSXV: participate in another major cop-
REG) has entered into an per-gold project. The Altar Pro-

arrangement to spin out ject already has a very large cop-
its argentine assets into per-gold resource and we see the arifil Mines (TSXV:
a newly formed company, Aldeb- potential to materially enhance MFM) in conjunction
aran Resources. the value of the project through with NovaGold Argen-
The new company will enter into further discovery and delineation tina (TSX: NG) will re-
a joint venture and option agree- of higher-grade zones”, said the start exploration of the San Roque
ment with Stillwater Canada to CEO of Regulus, John Black. property in Argentina's Rio Negro
acquire up to an 80% interest in Neal Froneman, CEO of Sibanye- province after a 6-year pause, with
Peregrine Metals, that owns the Stillwater stated: “We believe four diamond drill holes covering
Altar Cu-Au Project in San Juan Aldebaran possesses the vision, 800m.
Province, Argentina, through a skills and experience to unlock The last hole drilled on the property
payment of US$15M, the issu- the considerable upside potential was done in 2011. At that time, the
ance of 19.9% of its shares to of the Altar Project, in which we DDHMSR0034 hole recorded an in-
Sibanye –Stillwater and a will continue to hold a meaning- tercept of 35m @ 2.27g/t Au and
US$55M funding over an eight ful interest. Consistent with our 42.6g/t Ag. The company now ex-
years period. vision, we believe this partner- pects to thoroughly examine the ex-
three mineralized zones have al- ship with Aldebaran will deliver tent of Zone 34 and separately ex-
ready been defined in the Altar value for all stakeholders, as the amine the epithermal quartz veins
project: Altar Este, Altar Central Altar Project is progressed up the known as the NW Gold Zone.
and the QDM-Radio porphyry value curve”. "The drilling at our flagship asset at
zone. According to the drillings The agreement establishes that San Roque has been highly anticipat-
executed in 2013, Altar hosts up each REG shareholder will receive ed by the Company and its stake-
to 2,000Mt @ 0,3% Cu and 0,1g/t one share of Aldebaran for every holders for many years. Positive re-
Au. three shares of Regulus. sults at San Roque have the ability to
“The proposed transaction allows In addition to the Altar project, significantly increase the fundamen-
Regulus to remain focused on our Aldebaran will manage the acqui- tal value of the Company and bring
flagship AntaKori project in Peru sition of the Cu-Au Rio Grande the property one step closer to being
while creating a new, well- and Au-Ag Aguas Calientes pro- considere dan economic minerals
financed company to realize val- jects, located in the provinces of deposit,” said Robert Abenante, CEO
ue on our Argentine assets and Salta and Jujuy. of Marifil Mines.
The San Roque property is made up
of 42,320h in which 108 holes have
been drilled for a total of 15,837m.

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 10

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
Regional news

PEA of the Pozuelos - Pastos Grandes Project

could be delivered at the end of 2018

y the end of the year, LSC for the execution of the PEA and fast LSC has decided to jointly develop
Lithium Corporation (TSXV: -tracked Pre-feasibility Study. the two salars, with brine abstracti-
LSC) could deliver the Preli- “This appointment underscores the ons systems located both at Pozue-
minare Economic Asses- rapid progress made by LSC in the los, where 99% of the Surface area is
ment of the Pozuelos –Pastos Gran- last year as it plans to deliver a plan controlled by LSC, and Pastos Gran-
des Project, in the Salta Province, to production should the proposed des, where LSC controls approxima-
Argentina. PEA and PFS support the economic tely 45% of the tenements in the Sa-
The company has announced the viability and technical feasibility of lar.
appointment of GHD Limited as the the Project”, said the CEO Ian Stal-
engineering Company and partner ker.

NGEx Resources reports initial results

from Nacimientos project

GEx Resources (TSXV: firmed the presence of extensive that will guide further exploration
NGQ) has reported the porphyry copper-gold mineralization that we expect will lead us into the
encouraging Cu-Au results associated with an open ended 4x2 core of the system,” commented the
from initial scout drilling at km copper-gold anomaly. A third ho- CEO Wojtek Wodzicki.
its new Nacimientos exploration pro- le, NADH002, confirmed the presen- The Nacimientos Project is a district-
ject in San Juan Argentina. ce of epithermal alteration under scale land package that extends over
Three diamond drill holes were com- unaltered cover rocks. approximately 15,000ha and covers
pleted during the 2Q of 2018. Two “The encouraging results at Naci- at least six distinct porphyry copper-
holes, NADH001 and NADH003, con- mientos are an important first step gold and epithermal gold targets.

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 11

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
Regional news

Neo Lithium announces Portofino

new results from 3Q project exploration

eo Lithium (TSXV: NLC) PP1-D-15; 95,8m @740mg/l Li,

(OTCQX: NTTHF) an- 7.206mg/l K and 1,86mg/Li in hole ortofino Resources
nounces the results of the PP3-D-4; 3m @ 674mg/l Li, 6.353mg/ (TSXV: POR) (FSE: POT)
3Q project (2017-2018) l K and 1,71mg/Li in hole PP1-D-20; has completed compre-
with a total of 4,345m of diamond 407,5m @ 655mg/l Li, 6.387mg/l K hensive initial explora-
drilling and 2,056m of RC drilling, and 2,12mg/Li in hole PP1-D-23; 42m tion program on its Hombre
representing a 50% increase com- @ 644mg/l Li, 6.475mg/l K and Muerto and Rio Grande Sur, lithi-
pared to the previous season. 2,25mg/Li in hole PP2-D-16; 303,85m um brine projects in Catamarca,
Highlights of this second phase of @ 642mg/l Li, 6.109mg/l K and Argentina. The company, which
exploration includes: 99,5 m @ 2,27mg/Li in hole PP1-D-14; 569m @ has more than 17,000h of lithium
1.407mg/l Li, 10.562mg/l K and 634mg/l Li, 6.655mg/l K and 1,91mg/ properties in Catamarca, took 31
1,97mg Li in hole PB1-R-18; 30m @ Li in hole PP1-D-17; 625,5m @ samples and is awaiting the final
863mg/l Li, 8.060mg/l K and 2,03 mg/ 548mg/l Li, 5.379mg/l K and 2,92mg/ results.
Li in hole PB2-R-15; 30m @816mg/l Li in hole PP1-D-21; 308,55m @ With the right to acquire a 100%
Li, 8.289 mg/l K, 2,05 mg/Li in hole 534mg/l Li, 5.450mg/l K and 2,35 mg/ stake, Portofino Resources "has an
PB1-R-15; 29,6m @ 809mg/l Li, Li in hole PP1-D-16; 627m @ 507mg/l interest in other prospective lithi-
7.697mg/l K, 1,93mg/Li in hole PP2-R Li, 4.958mg/l K and 7,57mg/Li in hole um salar projects in Argentina.
-15; 101m @ 653mg/l Li, 6,421mg/l PP1-D-22; 460m @ 467mg/l Li, The objective of this current sam-
K, 1,86mg/Li in hole PB2-R-17; 23,1m 4.667mg/l K and 6,12mg/Li in hole pling program is to prioritize pro-
@ 518mg/l Li, 5.683mg/l K, 7,59mg/ PP2-D-8. jects and specific Project areas in
Li in hole PB2-R-7 and 24m @ "We expanded the drilling program order to focus efforts on the next
460mg/l Li, 3.901mg/l K, 2,66mg/Li in this current season with tremendous exploration phases,” said CEO Da-
hole PP1-R-19. success. Not only did we drill the vid Tafel.
Diamond drilling resulted in the fol- highest-grade holes yet at the 3Q The Hombre Muerto and Rio
lowing: 55,5m @ 1.071mg/l Li, Project this year, but also doubled Grande Sur projects comprise
9.486mg/l K and 1,78mg/Li in hole the depth of the known mineraliza- 1,804h and 8,500h respectively.
PP1-D-18; 232,8m @ 780mg/l Li, tion,” stated Waldo Perez, CEO of
7.476mg/l K and 1,98mg/Li in hole Neo Lithium.

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 12

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
Regional news

Zinc One discovers ULI starts

geophysical surveys
a high - grade mineralization
Ultra Lithium (TSX-V: ULI) has be-

inc One Resources (TSXV: Z) at the Mina Chica zone surpassed our gun geophysical surveys in the La-
(OTC Pink: ZZZOF) (FSE: expectations and included a new guna Verde property discovery
RH33) has announced the high-grade zinc Discovery … We will zone in Argentina. Currently, Ultra
final drill results from the employ surface sampling as our pri- Lithium holds five brine lithium
Mina Chica zone, where high grade mary targeting methodology to con- properties in Argentina and this
zinc mineralization was discovered firm and test the other prospective project would expand its reach in
over an area of 2,370.9m in central areas at the Bongará Zinc Mine Pro- the Region.
northern Peru. ject for the next round of drilling,” CEO, Dr. Weiguo Lang, stated
The finding of mineralization at Mina says CEO Jim Walchuck. "once the Laguna Verde geophysi-
Chica, which includes zinc oxides, Mina Chica is one of three known cal survey is finished, we will begin
carbonates and silicates, will have a zones of high-grade, near-surface to prepare for the drilling program
positive impact on the resource esti- zinc-oxide mineralization along a 1.4 while the geophysical team gets
mate at the Bongará zinc mine kilometre mineralized trend that is ready to start work on the remain-
scheduled for the third quarter of being tested by this drill program. ing survey areas at the Amelia
2018. "Results from the drill program property in Salar Antofalla and the
La Borita property.”

Auryn will acquire

100% of Mollecruz

Auryn Resources (TSXV: AUG) may acquire a

100% interest in the Mollecruz concessions,
which are key claims in the northern area of the
Sombrero Project, located in southern Peru, by
completing US$3M in work expenditures and by
making payments totaling US$1.6M to the un-
derlying owner over a five year period.
The Mollecruz concessions include the Good
Lucky prospect, which is located five kilometers
from the Sombrero projet, where Auryn recently
trenched 99m @ 0.46%CuEq. Samples taken
within the Mollecruz concessions yielded results
up to 5.12 g/t Au and 4.29% Cu.

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 13

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
Regional news

PPX intercepts 31.9m @ 0.86g/t Exceptional grades

of zinc sulphide
Au, 48.7g/t Ag and 1.51g/t AuEq mineralization
at West Ayawilca

inka Resources (TSXV:TK;

PX Mining Corp (TSXV: PPX) hole CA-18-99, the final drill hole of BVL: TK; OTCPK: TKRFF) has
has announced that dia- the current Portachuelos program. announced assay resuts for
mond core drilling at the CA-18-99, oriented 036, -70 degrees, seven recent holes from its
new Portachuelos discovery intercepted four mineralized zones ongoing resource step-out drill
has intercepted 31.9m @ 0.86g/t Au, as shown in the table: program at Ayawilca project in
48.7g/t Ag and 1.51g/t AuEq in drill central Peru.
Hole A18-129 has intersected ex-
ceptional grades of zinc sulphide
mineralization at West Ayawilca in
a new setting for mineralization at
Weighted Average Grade Ayawilca. A mineralized interval of
From (m) To (m) Length (m) 10.4m @ 44% Zn occurs within a
Gold Silver Gold Eq zone consisting of more than 90%
(g/t) (g/t) (g/t) zinc sulphides. This is the highest-
grade zinc intersection ever en-
109.0 118.7 0.69 12.0 0.85 countered at Ayawilca over a signi-
(7m tw) ficant interval.
22.5 The team has also intersected
207.5 230.0 0.45 16.2 0.67 7.8m @ 8,1% Zn, 5.1% Pb and
(17m tw)
183g/t Ag (A18-117); 2.4m @
12.9 14.9% Zn, 0.3% Pb, 25g/t Ag (A18-
280.2 293.1 0.53 11.9 0.69
(10m tw) 122); 1m @23,7% Zn and 24g/t Ag,
31.9 1.7m @ 18,9% Zn and 28g/t Ag,
419.6 451.5 0.86 48.7 1.51 8.7m @ 3.9% Zn, 1.4% Pb and
(24m tw)
117g/t Ag (A18-126).
557.8 The new discovery opens up signi-
Total Hole: 0.16 6.4 0.24 ficant areas of untested potential,
(418m tw)
both beneath and adjacent to the
existing mineral resource.
“The exceptional zinc grade in hole
PPX has also announced the start of lizing processes at Portachuelos. The A18-129 is very exciting as it con-
a drilling program at the Tesoros robust nature of hidrotermal system firms Ayawilca mineralization can
target located 1,500m southeast of is evidenced by the pervasive nature be very high-grade, while repeti-
Portachuelos. of gold and silver mineralization: the tion of the favourable Pucara li-
“The final drill hole of the Porta- average grade of all intervals in drill mestone opens up a new explorati-
chuelos drill campaign produced hole CA-18-99 was 0.24g/t AuEq on target at depth and also down-
results consistent with earlier over nearly 560m,” said CEO Brian plunge of the new intercept”, sta-
drilling: multiple stacked gold and Maher. ted CEO Graham Carman.
silver mineralized breccias that co- The company is designing a second Three drill rigs continue to operate
rrelate with mineralized horizons phase of drilling at Portachuelos for at the project 24/7 in the resource
seen in adjacent drill holes. The vo- the second half of 2018 with the expansión program. Two rigs are
lumen of mineralized material seen objective of outlining the ultimate drilling Deep holes at West Ayawil-
at Portachuelos is impressive and geometry of precios metals minera- ca, while the third rig is at South
underscores the intensity of minera- lization. Ayawilca testing for repetitions of
the mineralization beneath the
South Ayawilca resource.

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 14

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Regional news

SOLG identifies epithermal gold Brazil changes

targets at Cisne Loja project its Mining Code

olGold (TSXV: SOLG; LSE: been mapped over an area of 2.5km razil president Michel Te-
SOLG) continues to aggressi- by 1.5km, and the results from initial mer has signed two de-
vely explore its extensive te- rock chip samples has identified mul- crees, to update the coun-
nement portfolio in Ecuador tiple strongly anomalous gold and try’s 50-year old mining
to becoming a tier 1 copper-gold pro- silver results greater than 1g/t with a code designed to increase invest-
ducing company through discovery. best rock sample result of 15.25g/t ment, and to alter mining royalties.
The company has recently announ- Au and 23.6g/t Ag. Changes includes measures to
ced the discovery of new gold mine- The Cisne Loja project comprises allow for mining titles to be used
ralization -similar in style to the large three concessions with a total lad as guarantees for financing, aimed
14m oz Fruta del Norte- at Cisne Loja ares of 14,672ha in Loja province in at stimulating investment in sector
project, 100% owned by their subsi- southern Ecuador. and to allow miners to continue
diary Green Rock Resources. exploring for mineral while produc-
Alteration and quartz veining ca- tion license applications are pen-
rrying the gold mineralisation has ding.
The decree, which will bypass Con-
gress, makes similar changes to the
mining code that were proposed
last year but failed to pass the le-
“We want mining that is increasin-
gly competitive, innovative and
Gold mineralization confirmed sustainable,” said Temer during
the signing.
at Charrascala target

rosur Mining (TSX:OMI; Base don the current status of the
AIM: OMI) has completed exploration at the Anzá project, OMI
it exploration campaign will have two objectives: a regional
at its high grade Anzá surface exploration effort oriented
project in Colombia with confirma- to more fully understand the impli-
tion of consistent gold mineralizati- cations of the soil geochemical and
on in the first 18 holes of the APTA geophysical anomalies at Anzá and
portion. bring them to an early drilling stage.
The presence of strong gold anoma- The company also wants to continue
lies has been detected at Charrasca- and expand the deposit definition
la along an 800m north-south corri- drilling at APTA.
dor, including intersects of 1.5m @ “APTA represents only 10% of the
3.43g/t Au and 30.60g/t Ag, and land base of the Anzá project, which
0.90m @2.62g/t Au and 14.30g/t covers over 200 square kilometers”,
Ag. said CEO Ignacio Salazar.

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 15

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
Santiago Venture / Updated on July 4th 2018

Market Cap
Santiago Venture Ticker Share(M) Price Last Month

Chilean Metals CMXCL 25.2 4.07 0.040 0.050

Columbus Gold
CGTCL 141.665 103.42 0.30 0.34

Gold Reserve GRZCL 76.077 391.80 2.25 2.40

Inca One Gold

IOCL 78.7 6.69 0.065 0.070

Montan Mining
MNYCL 19.7 0.59 0.055 0.020

PPX Mining Corp PPXCL 246.5 16.02 0.090 0.065

Puma Exploration PUMACL 101.3 6.58 0.065 0.070

Red Eagle RDCL 184.3 49.76 0.24 0.26

Santacruz Silver
SZCL 113.5 21.00 0.14 0.14

Southern Silver
SSVCL 54.483 18.25 0.24 0.26

Wealth Minerals
WMLCL 34.195 59.84 1.20 1.64

© 2015 Chile Explore Report All Rights Reserved 16

www.cexr.cl No.65 / July 2018
The Chile List / Updated on June 5th 2018

Company Ticker Shares (M) Mkt Cap Price Last month

Admiralty Resources ADY 959 4.8 (A$M) 0.019 0.0090

Alliance Resources AGS 400.1 35.21 (A$M) 0.11 0.12
Amerigo Resources ARG 173.6 93.74 (C$M) 1.03 0.99
Arena Minerals AN 80 12.80 (C$M) 0.055 0.065
Atacama Pacific Gold ATM 65.2 41.08 (C$M) 0.61 0.65
Austral Gold AGD 478.7 71.81 (A$M) 0.12 0.10
Capstone Mining CS 382.1 340.07 (C$M) 1.22 1.23
Coro Mining COP 159.4 16.74 (C$M) 0.90 0.10
Equus Mining EQE 434 15.19 (A$M) 0.026 0.032
Fiore Gold F 87.42 31.37(C$M) 0.53 0.69
Golden Rim GMR 5.15 14.39(A$M) 0.043 0.038
Herencia Resources HER 24.43 0.87 (GBP) 0.040 0.044
Hot Chili HCH 347.7 9.04 (A$M) 0.035 0.035
Kingsgate Consolidated KCN 223.6 49.19 (A$M) 0.31 0.33
Los Andes Copper LA 218.1 50.16 (C$M) 0.30 0.32
Mandalay Resources MND 410.4 147.74 (C$M) 0.22 0.20
Mirasol Resources MRZ 44.2 71.70 (C$M) 1.86 2.05
NGEx Resources NGQ 187.7 161.42 (C$M) 1.01 1.09
Orosur Mining OMI 96.6 21.74 (C$M) 0.080 0.12
Revelo Resources RVL 100.2 4.01 (C$M) 0.030 0.035
Regulus Resources REG 56.4 86.86 (C$M) 1.77 1.94
Blue Moon Zinc Corp MOON 70.65 3.53 (C$M) 0.075 0.095
Silver Standard
SSO 80.7 746.88 (C$M) 10.28 9.82
Southern Hemisphere SUH 290 23.20 (C$M) 0.05 0.060
TriMetals Mining Inc TMI 135.7 29.85 (C$M) 0.13 0.18

ABOUT CHILE EXPLORE REPORT: Chile Explore Report is published twelve times a year during the first week of each month by Tiger Information Services SpA, Badajoz 130, of 1406, Las Condes, Santiago; legal representa-
tive Iain Cassidy, info@chileexplorereport.com. The information contained herein is derived from sources believed to be reliable but no warranty expressed or implied exists between the recipient and the Publisher that
this information is accurate. The contents of Chile Explore Report are intended for information purposes only based on news and information obtained and/or researched by the Publisher and is not intended to be
construed as advice to buy or sell shares in any security or asset. The Chile Explore Report is intended to be authoritative, critical and independent. The Publisher is not a stock tipper or promoter and is not paid, spon-
sored, provided with stock options or otherwise enticed to write positive pieces about the companies covered. The Publisher does invest in some of the companies’ active in the Chile exploration sector and ends up with
dogs as well as winners. The Publisher has been involved in mining information research, analysis and publication for over ten years including roles such as investor relations, media relations, senior reporter and re-
search consultant for companies involved in mining and exploration, and reputable industry information providers. The Publisher is not a registered securities professional and as such is not qualified to give personal or
individual investment advice. Resource investing is risky and you could lose part or all of your investment. Consult a registered investment professional before making any investment in any security. For more infor-
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Conferences and Events

Conferences and Events

July 10th - 11th September 4th - 5th September 12th - 14th



Santiago, Panama City, Lima,


www.miningcumbre.com www.mininginvestmentlatinamerica.com www.digammaperu.com

September 22nd - 25th October 10th - 11th Oct 29th - Nov 1st



Keystone, Santiago, Melbourne,


www.seg2018.org www.cexr.cl imarcmelbourne.com

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