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SSG 104

Communication and In-Group Working Skills


Instructor.: Tran Vu Nhat Quynh

Submitted By:
Nguyen Canh Nguyen
Nguyen Duc Hien
Vu Minh Trung
Le Manh Dat
Nguyen Quanh Minh
Phan Duc Hien

Summer 2022

Executive Summary.............................................................................................................................
Project overview...............................................................................................................................................

Executive Summary
The "tips and tricks" project was formulated while feeling the hardships of
numerous understudies who don't actually see about the grounds and
offices of the school. To make an exceptionally useful learning and
workplace, hexa H has orchestrated and replayed things that individuals
may not be aware to make understudy life simple.
We will come from places to places inorder to record clips that student
may not know. Then, edit those clips into short videos on Tik Tok platform,
and let people see it as useful information. We will use our own electronic
devices such as smartphones and laptops to achieve the project’s target.
Our expectations are reaching well-estimated views and students can
apply our tricks in real situation.

Burnt out on the school plan? Is your home excessively far away and no spot
to take a mid-day break? Does your study hall not have an adequate number
of attachments? Do you miss every one of the studios since you don't have
the foggiest idea about the data that happens or don't have the foggiest idea
about the time? You can definitely relax, we're here to assist you with
concocting answers for these circumstances.

Project overview


Planning Filming &
Speech Releasing Recording

Planning: In this step, our group will talk about what issues understudies
frequently face and will consider approaches to take care of those issues
completely. After discussing, our group realized there are 5 problems and here
are our solutions:
A spot to rest between classes Beanbags
The lack of sockets in the Sockets
Understudies generally don't get Gmail
significant declarations from the
A place for students to Vacancy
discuss/study online
Understudies frequently don't Talkshow
comprehend the timetable of
talkshow or are not exactly
inspired by the school's
syndicated program

Write Speech: In the wake of getting a handle on and thinking of ways of

tackling the issues, our group will continue to compose the content in the most
justifiable and fascinating manner for everybody.
Filming & Editing: Subsequent to composing the content with the assent of 6
members, we continue to shoot short scenes as per the content, then, at that
point, use programming to alter it in the most fascinating and entertaining
manner so the message can be perused. can arrive at everybody without any
Recording: This is only a reinforcement step we take for the worst situation
imaginable where the video is lost/terrible film/the message isn't passed enough
on to everybody and numerous different disasters. Fortunately we just needed to

Below data is an aggregate from TIKTOK. All the data count to 6/08/2022
Attribute View Followe Like
Data 1692 59 453

View each video after 1 week







1 day 3 days 5 days 1 week

Beanbag Vacancy Socket Talkshow Gmail

Audience Age

0-14 15-59 60-100

Based on the chart, beanbag was the most popular video and gained the most views
after the end of 1 week. We discovered that after posting a video, it takes time to
spread to everyone, and short, easy-to-understand videos lead to a sudden increase in
views, so for the following video we changed the edit and made it more fun so it can be
recommended by tiktok

We hope our tips and tricks will help many students/understudies have easier
life at university. Despite the fact that there were numerous hardships during
recording and after creation altering, we actually made an honest effort not to
confound the message and gain your support
We picked the recording area to be nearby, so there won't be any issues with
transportation and shooting. Everybody was exceptionally helpful when we
requested that consent do a venture for SSG
All things being equal, the trouble we experienced was the video altering
process, we were unable to settle on the most proficient method to alter,
rather every individual had their own perspective, so there were a few
superfluous conflicts, prompting to take time in altering
The following trouble is that utilizing tiktok to have the option to push a video
to drift isn't quite so natural as we envisioned. Following 5 days of transferring
the video, the perspectives just arrived at exceptionally low numbers, even
none, which made the gathering extremely confounded on the grounds that
the message couldn't be passed on to FPT understudies, and that implies
disappointment in the venture. judgment this time. However, following multi
week, luckily, our video was prescribed to fip and that's only the tip of the
iceberg and more individuals acknowledged it, the perspectives bit by bit
turned out to be more steady.
The last trouble was that in a scene, we took water to drink and with tiktok's
calculation erroneously examined it as lager/liquor, making our video be
restricted because of the utilization of energizers. . Subsequent to being
prohibited, we consented to remove that scene of the video and yet again
transfer it on tiktok.

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