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ANARGYA: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika

Vol.3 No.2 Oktober 2020

p-ISSN: 2615-4196 e-ISSN: 2615-4072

Mathematical Representation Ability and Mathematics Self Efficacy in CORE

Learning Models with Open-Ended Approach

Veni Saputri1 dan Rizal Kamsurya2

Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Media Nusantara Citra

Article Info Abstract

Mathematical representation ability is a cognitive ability that must be possessed by students.

Article History: However, the reality on the field is in contrast to that. Students' mathematical representation ability
Accepted 21 Sept 2020 are still relatively low, so special measures are needed to improve them. Therefore, the application of
Revised 3 Oct 2020 connecting-organizing-reflecting-extending (CORE) learning models with an open-ended approach is
Approved.31 Oct 2020 chosen as a particular action to improve mathematical representation ability. The purpose of this
________________ study is to compare the improvement and attainment of mathematical representation ability and self-
Keywords: efficacy mathematics between conventional, core, and core class students with an open-ended
Mathematical approach. This research is quasi-experiment research using a modified pretest-postest design. The
Representation Ability, population of this study is all grade X students in Pondok Melati Senior High School, Bekasi. The
Self Efficacy, Core, sample of this study was students of Grade X of Sandikta High School and Nasional I High School
Open ended. who were taken in a cluster random sampling. The data collection techniques used are test and non-
________________ test techniques. Data analysis is conducted using the One Way Anova test. Based on data analysis, it
Paper type: is shown that: (1) there are significant differences in the improvement and attainment of mathematical
Research paper representation ability between conventional, core, and core class students with an open-ended
________________ approach; and (2) there are significant differences in self-efficacy mathematics attainment between
conventional, core, and core students with an open-ended approach.

Kemampuan representasi matematis merupakan kemampuan kognitif yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa.
Namun, kenyataan di lapangan bertolak belakang dengan hal tersebut. Kemampuan representasi
matematis siswa masih tergolong rendah, sehingga diperlukan tindakan khusus untuk
meningkatkannya. Oleh karena itu, pengaplikasian model pembelajaran Connecting-Organizing-
Reflecting-Extending (CORE) dengan pendekatan open ended dipilih sebagai tindakan khusus untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan representasi matematis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
membandingkan peningkatan dan pencapaian kemampuan representasi matematis dan mathematics
self efficacy antara siswa kelas konvensional, core, dan core dengan pendekatan open ended.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan pretest-postest design
yang dimodifikasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X di SMA Kecamatan Pondok
Melati, Bekasi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Sandikta dan SMA Nasional I yang
diambil secara cluster random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah Teknik tes
dan non tes. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Anova Satu Jalur. Berdasarkan analisis
data, ditunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada peningkatan dan pencapaian
kemampuan representasi matematis antara siswa kelas konvensional, core, dan core dengan
pendekatan open ended; dan (2) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada pencapaian mathematics self
efficacy antara siswa kelas konvensional, core, dan core dengan pendekatan open ended.

© 2020 Universitas Muria Kudus

Alamat korespondensi: p-ISSN 2615-4196
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
e-ISSN 2615-4072
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muria Kudus
Kampus UMK Gondangmanis, Bae Kudus Gd. L. lt I PO. BOX 53 Kudus
Tlp (0291) 438229 ex.147 Fax. (0291) 437198

Veni Saputri dan Rizal Kamsurya
Anargya: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Vol. 3 No.2, Oktober 2020

INTRODUCTION opinions. This can be seen from the student's

Five abilities can be developed through study results in the previous material. Besides,
the objectives of mathematical learning, namely the observations also show that the learning done
mathematical communication, mathematical by teachers still does not lead to the development
reasoning, mathematical problem solving, of mathematical representation ability and less
mathematical connections, and mathematical stimulating the growth of self-efficacy
representation (Surya et al., 2013). Mathematical mathematics students.
representation ability are an essential ability to Mathematical representation ability and
use in solving mathematical problems. The self-efficacy can improve with an appropriate
mathematical representation ability is the ability learning model, including a core learning model.
to represent mathematical expressions into other The CORE learning model is a learning model
forms that can be used to create problem that can organize the knowledge that students
solutions (Bossé, Adu-Gyamfi and Cheetham, have and rethink the concepts that have been
2011; Zarkasyi, 2015). However, some research learned. Based on Beladina, Suyitno and Kusni,
shows that students' mathematical representation (2013) and Zarkasyi (2015), there are four stages
ability are still low. Minarni, Napitupulu and in CORE learning, namely (1) connecting
Husein (2016) research revealed that students' information that has been possessed and recently
ability to represent essay questions is still learned related to mathematical concepts or
relatively low. Besides, Sari, Darhim and interdisciplinary with daily life (Connecting), (2)
Rosjanuardi (2018) examined students' errors in organizing ideas or ideas to understand materials
mathematical representation tests. The study (Organizing), (3) rethinking, deepening, and
results showed that students made mistakes in digging information based on existing sources
solving problems involving arithmetic symbols (Reflecting), and (4) developing, expanding,
that are about concepts related to characters and finding, and using information obtained to solve
applying other mathematical concepts. Thus, a problem (Extending).
students' mathematical representation ability still Muizaddin and Santoso (2016) said that
need special attention and action for them to be core learning models positively affect students'
improved. cognitive learning outcomes. Because this
The development of a student's cognitive learning model has several advantages, namely
abilities is also accompanied by the development training students to discuss and work together,
of the student's affective ability. One of the students can work on a problem with a common
effective skills that can be measured purpose, and students are more active and
development in mathematics learning in creative in the learning process. Core learning
mathematics self-efficacy. Alldred (2013) and Li models can be applied by combining an open-
(2012) stated that self-efficacy could affect ended approach. According to Shimada and
students' learning achievement. Causapin (2012) Becker (in Fatah et al., 2016), the open-ended
also says that self-efficacy mathematics refers to approach provides more knowledge, discovery,
the belief in students' ability to learn and succeed recognizing, and solving problems. It is because,
in math lessons. But the phenomenon that occurs in this approach, issues are set with different
in the world of education, especially methods and more than one solution.
mathematics, students often have difficulty The excellence of the core learning model
working on math problems. The study from with the open-ended approach is beneficial for
Sarabi and Abdul Gafoor (2017) said that students' problem-solving processes. Problem-
students' difficulty in using mathematical solving is a significant element of mathematics.
elements led to students' reduced motivation in Students will be more comfortable to solve the
learning mathematics, thus impacting the problems then the students must be able to
student's self-efficacy mathematics. It shows that understand and represent the problems faced in
attention is still needed to develop self-efficacy the form of mathematics. If the student can
mathematics in a student. understand and represent a problem well, they
Based on the results of interviews with will have no difficulty solving a problem. So
students of grade X in Pondok Melati senior high indirectly, students will have high motivation in
school, most students have difficulty in solving learning mathematics. Thus, mathematics self-
math problems related to mathematical efficacy in students will grow and develop well.
representation. Students also stated that students Therefore in core learning models with the open-
are still less confident in completing math ended approach is considered capable of
problems or not confident in expressing their improving mathematical representation

Veni Saputri dan Rizal Kamsurya
Anargya: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Vol. 3 No.2, Oktober 2020

capabilities and developing self-efficacy students of Sandikta High School as many as two
mathematics. classes and Sma Nasional I as many as one class.
Based on the above explanation, this The sampling technique used is cluster random
study's problem is whether there are differences sampling.
in the improvement and attainment of The data collection techniques used in this
mathematical representation ability and self- study consist of test and non-test procedures. The
efficacy mathematics between students who test technique measures the ability of the
obtain conventional learning (lectures), CORE, student's mathematical representation, while the
and CORE with an open-ended approach. So it non-test technique measures the scale of the
can be explained that the purpose of this study is student's self-efficacy mathematics.
to find out the differences in improvement and Based on the techniques used, the data
attainment of mathematical representation obtained from this study is in the form of
capabilities and self efficacy mathematics quantitative data. The data is the data of the test
between students who acquire conventional results of mathematical representation
learning (lectures), CORE, and CORE with an capabilities and the scale of mathematics self-
open-ended approach. efficacy. Data analysis was conducted using the
Research related to core model learning One Direction Anova statistical test to see
has been widely conducted by researchers, differences in the three sample groups' ability
including Nur, Hobri and Suharto (2014) and improvement after getting different learning.
Hariyanto (2017). Nur, Hobri and Suharto (2014)
research examined the development of RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
mathematical learning tools in core learning This research aims to determine the
models with contextual approaches. The research differences in the improvement and attainment of
has not been oriented towards students' mathematical representation ability and self-
mathematical thinking abilities and open-ended efficacy mathematics between students who
approaches. Hariyanto (2017) research examines acquire conventional learning (lectures), CORE,
the application of CORE learning models to and CORE with an open-ended approach. The
improve students' mathematical communication improvement and achievement of mathematical
ability. This means the type of ability measured representation capabilities can be seen from the
is different from this study. Besides, there was no test scores of mathematical representation
discussion of improving students' affective abilities at the beginning and end of learning. For
abilities in the application of core learner models. mathematics, a self-efficacy questionnaire is also
given at the beginning and end of the study. Still,
RESEARCH METHODS the results' analysis is only seen as an
This research is quasi-experiment achievement because this research is done in a
research using a modified pretest-postest design. relatively short time.
In this study, three samples will be selected to The data generated from this study are
get different treatment, namely, experiment class data pretest and postest of mathematical
1 getting CORE learning, experiment class 2 representation capabilities, normalized gain data
getting CORE learning with an open-ended (N-gain) mathematical representation
approach, and control class getting conventional capabilities, and data from self-efficacy
learning. Before the study, all three categories mathematics questionnaires. Here is a description
were given pre-response, namely pretest of of the results of this study.
mathematical representation ability and self-
efficacy mathematics scale to know both classes' Mathematical Representation Capabilities
results before being given treatment. After The pretest and posttest results of
getting treatment, all three categories were given mathematical representation ability are obtained
post-response, namely the postest mathematical from the number of student scores on each item
representation capability and self-efficacy of the test question given to the student.
mathematics scale, to know the authorship of Furthermore, it can be determined the N-gain of
learning models that have been implemented the ability of mathematical representation.
towards mathematical representation capabilities Descriptive statistical summary of data pretest,
and mathematics self-efficacy. posttest, and N-gain mathematical representation
The population of this study is all grade X capabilities can be viewed in table 1.
students in Pondok Melati Senior High School,
Bekasi. While the sample used is grade X

Veni Saputri dan Rizal Kamsurya
Anargya: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Vol. 3 No.2, Oktober 2020

In Table 1, can be seen that the average Table 3. Summary of Post Hoc Test Scores
score of mathematical representation ability Postes Students' Mathematical
obtained by conventional, Core, and core class Representation Capabilities
students with an open-ended approach is Average
different. There is a difference in the average Hypothesis Sig. Conclusion
increase between the three classes. This is Konvensional*
0,877 0,547 Receive H0
evident in the following image. Core
Konven sion al Core Open 2,489 0,009 Reject H0
CORE Ended
CORE Open Ended Core*Core
1,612 0,139 Receive H0
12 Open Ended
10 9,65
8 8,03
Based on the table above, it can be
6 concluded that there is a significant achievement
difference between conventional classes and core
2 classes with an open-ended approach. This is
0 seen from the value of significance obtained is
0.009 or smaller than α=0.05, so Ho is rejected.
Figure 1. Average Improvement Graph Whereas between conventional classes and core
Mathematical Representation Capabilities classes and between core classes and core classes
with an open-ended approach, the value of
Figure 1 shows that the average ability of significance obtained is 0.547 and 0.139 (greater
the mathematical representation of students who than α=0.05). In other words, there is no
acquire Core learning with an open-ended significant difference in achievement between
approach is higher than that of students with conventional and Core classes and between core
Core and conventional learning. Besides, the and core classes with an open-ended approach.
average ability of mathematical representation of To determine the difference in mathematical
students with Core learning is higher than in representation capability between conventional
students with conventional learning. classes, cores, and cores with an open-ended
The results of the One Way Anova test approach, the Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted
calculation on the posttest score of mathematical on the N-gain score with the following
representation ability between conventional calculation results.
classes, cores, and cores with an open-ended Table 4. Kruskal-Wallis Results from N-gain
approach are displayed in the following table. Score Mathematical Representation
Table 2. ANOVA Results from Postes Score Capabilities
Mathematical Representation Chi Square Sig. Kesimpulan
Capabilities 10,174 0,006 Reject H0
F Sig. Conclusion
5,100 0,008 Reject H0 The result in table 4 indicates that the
value of significance obtained is 0.006. The
The results in table 2 show that the value grade is smaller than the level of significance of
of significance obtained is smaller than α=0.05, α=0.05, so it can be concluded that Ho was
which is 0.008. So it can be concluded that Ho rejected, or there was a significant difference
was rejected, meaning there was a difference in between the improved mathematical
the achievement of students' mathematical representation capabilities of conventional, Core,
representation ability in all three classes. and core students with an open-ended approach.
Therefore, a post hoc test needs to be conducted A follow-up test is required to see the significant
to determine which of these classes differs difference between the three classes' enhanced
significantly. The following is a summary of the mathematical representation capabilities by
results of the post hoc test. conducting an average difference test on each
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics Mathematical Representation Capabilities
Statistical Conventional Core Core Open Ended
Data Pretest Postest N-gain Pretest Postest N-gain Pretest Postest N-gain
n 32 32 32 30 30 30 31 31 31
Mean 2,75 7,16 0,36 2,77 8,03 0,46 3,16 9,65 0,56
SD 2 2,41 0,16 2,37 3,53 0,22 1,9 3,37 0,25
Ideal Maximum Score = 15, Ideal N-gain Score = 1

Veni Saputri dan Rizal Kamsurya
Anargya: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Vol. 3 No.2, Oktober 2020

class pair. The average difference test used in provision of issues in the open-ended approach
this hypothesis test is the t-test and Mann can offer more knowledge and training for
Whitney test. The following is a summary of the students in solving problems with various
results of the follow-up test. methods to represent the problem well. The
Table 5. Summary of Advanced Test Results of open-ended approach can develop the student's
N-gain Score Mathematical thought process to not focus on one solution only
Representation Capabilities (Kadarisma, 2018). However, students are more
Average Conc geared towards having an open mindset in
Hypothesis Differen T Z Sig. lusio solving problems. Herdiman (2017); Hidayat
ce n and Sariningsih (2018) also stated that learning
Konvensiona Rejec with an open-ended approach makes students
0,101 2,065 - 0,044
l*Core t H0
more active and passionate in solving problems.
l*Core Open 0,199 - -3,200 0,001
Rejec Students can explore the knowledge they have to
t H0 achieve their desired goals.
Core*Core Recei Core learning has a positive effect on
0,098 1,632 - 0,108 improving mathematical representation
Open Ended ve H0
capabilities. Core learning consists of four
Based on the table above, the value of stages, namely connecting, organizing,
significance obtained from the increased reflecting, and extending. In core learning,
difference test in conventional and Core classes students are trained to construct new knowledge
is 0.044. This means that Ho is rejected, and it by reconnecting information that has been owned
can be concluded that the increase in and learned. Then students discuss an idea in
mathematical representation capabilities in groups by engaging their creativity in solving the
conventional classes and core classes differs given problem. Core learning trains students to
significantly. Similarly, for testing differences in solve problems in discussion and requires
upgrades in conventional and Core classes with students to be more active and creative in
an open-ended approach that resulted in a learning (Beladina, Suyitno and Kusni, 2013;
significance value of 0.001, smaller than the Sofiarum, Supandi and Setyawati, 2020). Nur,
significance level of α=0.05. This suggests that Hobri and Suharto (2014) and Hariyanto (2017)
the difference in students' increased ability of also stated that core learning uses discussion to
mathematical representation between activate students' reasoning and construct ideas
conventional classes and core classes with an independently in solving shared problems. It
open-ended approach is significantly different. In leads to improved mathematical representation
contrast, testing the average difference in ability of students who learn with better core
representation capability between core and core learning models than students who study with
classes with an open-ended approach is not conventional learning models.
significantly different. This is because the value
of significance obtained is 0.108 or greater than Mathematics Self Efficacy
the significance of α=0.05, causing H0 to be The mathematics self-efficacy reviewed
rejected. in this study is the difference between classes
Analysis of posttest and N-gain data on that acquire conventional, Core, and core
the mathematical representation capabilities of learning with an open-ended approach. The
students who acquire core learning with an open- measurement of mathematics self-efficacy at the
ended approach shows that achievement and beginning of the study aims to see the similarities
improvement differ significantly from students of mathematics self-efficacy students have in all
who achieve conventional and core learning. It three classes. Here is a description of the
can be said that the achievement and preliminary and final data results of mathematics
improvement are better than both classes. It can self-efficacy.
be due to differences in the types of problems Table 6. Descriptive Statistics Mathematics Self
given to students. Giving problems to Efficacy
conventional classrooms tends to refer to Statisti Conventional CORE Open
exercises and handbooks used by teachers and cal Ended
students. For core learning, the problem is more Data Pre Final Pre Final Pre Final
mathematical. As for core learning classes with n 32 32 30 30 31 31
an open-ended approach, the problems provided Xmin 41 46 42 50 41 50
are authentic and closer to students' lives. The Xmax 61 68 59 69 70 71

Veni Saputri dan Rizal Kamsurya
Anargya: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Vol. 3 No.2, Oktober 2020

Mean 49,44 55,88 50 57,97 54,84 61,45 the same opportunity to express opinions.
Conventional learning is no longer teacher-
To saw the final three data of centered, but students are allowed to have
mathematics self-efficacy differ significantly or discussions with other students so that students'
not, and the statistical test results are presented self-efficacy in both classes can develop along
as follows. with the learning done.
Table 7. Kruskal-Wallis Results from Another conclusion that can be seen in
Mathematics Self Efficacy Score table 8 is the achievement of mathematics self-
Rating efficacy students between conventional and Core
Chi Square Sig. Kesimpulan classes with an open-ended approach and
9,352 0,009 Reject H0 between core and core classes with an open-
ended approach indicating that H0 is rejected.
The result in table 7 indicates that the The value of significance obtained in succession
value of significance obtained is 0.009. The is 0.004 and 0.045. It means that students'
value is smaller than the level of significance of attainment of self-efficacy mathematics between
α=0.05, so it can be concluded that Ho is conventional and Core classes with an open-
rejected, meaning there is a significant difference ended approach makes a significant difference.
between the achievement of mathematics self- Similarly, students' achievement of self-efficacy
efficacy of conventional, Core, and core students mathematics between core and core classes with
with an open-ended approach. To saw the an open-ended approach also differs
significant difference between the achievement significantly. In general, it can be said that
of mathematics self-efficacy of the three classes, mathematics self-efficacy students who acquire
it is necessary to conduct follow-up tests by core learning with an open-ended approach are
testing each class pair's average differences. The better than students of conventional and core
average difference test used in this hypothesis learning classes.
test is the Mann Whitney test. The following is a Core learning with an open-ended
summary of the results of the follow-up test. approach requires students to be active during
Table 8. Summary of Advanced Test Results learning. Students must also have a discussion
from Mathematics Self Efficacy Score process with their group to gain a new
Rating understanding. So that self-confidence in
Hypothes Mann- students will grow and develop well due to the
Z Sig. Conclusion
is Whitney U very supportive learning process. Fatimah (2020)
388,000 -1,299 0,194 Receive H0
also stated that the role of discussion in core
nal*Core learning could improve students' knowledge,
Konvensio develop logical and reflective thinking ability, to
nal*Core develop students' self-efficacy attitudes. Besides,
287,500 -2,871 0,004 Reject H0
learning with an open-ended approach makes
Core*Cor students more open if they find different solving
e Open 326,000 -2,009 0,045 Reject H0 problems. Learning with an open-ended
Ended approach allows students to develop ideas and
exchange ideas in groups until they find the final
Based on the table above, it appears that solution (Setiawan and Harta, 2014; Luksiana
the achievement of mathematics self-efficacy of and Purwaningrum, 2018). Thus, mathematics
students between conventional and Core classes self-efficacy in students can grow and develop
is not a significant difference. This is because the through core learning with an open-ended
value of significance obtained between the two approach.
classes is greater than the level of significance
α=0.05 so that H0 is accepted. It can also be seen CONCLUSION
in table 6, the average final score of mathematics Based on the results of this study it can be
self-efficacy in conventional and Core classes is concluded that: 1) achievement of the ability of
55.88 and 57.97. The two values are not much mathematical representation of students between
different, i.e., the difference only reaches 2.09. conventional classes and core classes does not
But overall, mathematics self-efficacy in both differ significantly, 2) achievement of the ability
classes improved. This happens because the of mathematical representation of students
conventional and core learning process is between conventional classes and core classes
implemented in both classes, and students have with a significantly different open ended

Veni Saputri dan Rizal Kamsurya
Anargya: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, Vol. 3 No.2, Oktober 2020

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