Drainage (Pond-Wetland Report)

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UKM Perunding Kejuruteraan dan Akitek Sdn Bhd has been appointed by the
Principal Consultant, UKM Pakarunding Sdn Bhd to provide drainage services for the
this project is Tetuan East Coast Economic Region Development Council (ECERDC).
The works include the design of on-site detention facility (OSD) together with
wetlands which shall be designed with the control at source concept and shall comply
with Urban Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia or MSMA (DID, 2000).


The proposed runoff quantity and quality control which is known as Pond-Wetlands
System is consistent with objectives of stormwater management approach which
focus on the both the quantity and quality control of urban runoff. This has been
embodied in the concept of ecologically sustainable development which is aimed at
ensuring that development can occur without long-term degradation of natural
resources and the environment.


3.1.1 On-site Stormwater Detention (OSD)

Stormwater quantity control facilities, either detention or retention facilities can

reduce the peak and volume of runoff from a given catchment, which can reduce the
frequency and extent of downstream flooding. Detention and retention facilities have
been used to reduce the costs of large stormwater drainage systems by reducing the
size required for such systems in downstream areas.

Runoff quantity control using on-site detention (OSD) shall be designed based on
Swimburne Method and the design storm for calculating the required storage volume
up to 10-year ARI, where excess runoff from post-development discharge is stored at
OSD storage.

The minimum ground surface slope shall be 2% to promote free surface drainage
and minimize the possibility of pools of water remaining after the area has drained.
Side slopes should be a maximum 1(V):3(H) where possible.

3.1.2 Outlet Structure

Orifice and weir are constructed as outlet control structure for minor and major storm
events respectively.

(a) Primary Outlet - Orifice

Primary flow regulating device for above-ground storage is an orifice. The discharge
through orifice can be calculated using:

1 Stormwater Management Report

Q  Cd Ao 2 gH o [Eqn. 19.3]
Q = the orifice flow rate (m3/s)
Cd = orifice discharge coefficient
(use 0.60 for orifice diameter Do < 50mm, 0.62 for Do ≥ 50mm)
Ao = area of orifice (m2)
Ho = effective head on the orifice measured from the centroid of the opening (m)
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81m/s2)

(b) Secondary Outlet - Weir

Secondary outlet is provided to cater for rarer storms than the OSD facilities were
designed for. Broad-crested weir is proposed to provide a controlled overflow of flows
in excess of the maximum design storm ARI for the OSD storage facility. The
equation used for a broad-crested weir is:

Q  C BCW BH 1.5 [Eqn. 20.6]

Q = weir discharge (m3/s)
CBCW = broad-crested weir coefficient
B = weir base width (m)
H = effective head above weir crest (m)

(c) Trash Screen

Trash screen will be provided to protect the outlet from blockage and to retain litter
and debris which would otherwise degrade downstream waterways.

3.2.1 Wetlands

Wetland systems can be explicitly designed to aid in pollutant removal from

stormwater. Wetlands also provide for quantity control of stormwater by providing a
significant volume of temporary water storage above the permanent pool elevation.
Wetlands remove pollutants in stormwater through sedimentation, filtration of fines
and biological uptake. The design storm for wetlands is 3-months ARI (water quality
storm) will cater of flow over the contributing catchment. The main components of
wetlands are the inlet zone, macrophyte zone and open water zone.

The proposed inlet zone of the wetlands is integrated with the OSD at the wet pool
area. Inlet zone is designed as a sediment basin and serves two functions:

 Pretreatment of inflow to remove coarse to medium sized sediment; and

 The hydrologic control of inflows into the macrophyte zone and bypass of
floods during ‘above design’ operating conditions.

Extended detention of 0.30 m depth is provided for temporarily storage above the wet
pool area of OSD. During water quality storm, runoff will having a pre-treatment at
this inlet zone. The runoff will be released slowly from the wetlands outlet to achieved
the effectiveness of pollutant removal performance through the macrophyte zone and
open water zone.

The macrophyte zone should be provided around the wetland edges downstream of
the main inlets to filter out sediment, nutrients and toxicants, to disperse the inflowing
waters and to reduce their velocity. For macrophyte zones to function efficiently,

2 Stormwater Management Report

flows that pass through the vegetation must be evenly distributed. Beds of
macrophytes filter out fine particles and directly take up contaminants. They enhance
sedimentation and the absorption of pollutants onto sediments. To ensure successful
planting and establishment of the wetland plants, few steps must be done such as:

 Identify potential areas where suitable plants could be sourced

 Application of appropriate plant propagation techniques
 Ensure that the site for planting is well prepared such as adequately leveled
and layered with topsoil and etc.
 Efficient and adequate transportation to transfer the large volume of plants to
the planting site
 Efficient transplanting techniques to plant the large volume of plants within
short period
 Use of slow release fertilizers and environmentally friendly pesticides
 Efficient water level management

Proposed wetlands species for constructed wetland are shown as Table 1 below :

No. Name of Common Water Brief Description Picture

species name; level (m)
Local name
1. Eleocharis Spike rush; 0 - 0.3  Reduces suspended
variegata Puron solids and chemical
 Effective removal rate on
- Total Suspended Solid
- Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD),
- Ammonia (NH4-N)
- Total Phosphorus
 Biodegrades organic
pollutants in water
2. Scirpus Bog 0 - 0.3  Reduces suspended
mucronatus bulrush; solids and chemical
Rumput pollutants
kercut  Biodegrades organic
pollutants in water.

3. Phragmites Common 0.3 - 0.6  It forms a dense stand of

karka reed; stems promoting
Rumput sedimentation and
gedabong filtration
 Biodegrades organic
pollutants in water
 Useful for protection
against wave or stream
 Efficient to reduce the
mass of Nitrogen (N) and
phosphorus (P)

3 Stormwater Management Report

No. Name of Common Water Brief Description Picture
species name; level (m)
Local name
4. Lepironia Tube 0.3 - 0.6  Reduces suspended
articulata sedge; solids and chemical
Purun pollutants
 Significant effect on
removal of
- Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD)
- Total Phosphorus (TP)
- Total Ammonia
Nitrogen (TAN)
- Total Inorganic
Nitrogen (TIN)
 Biodegrades organic
pollutants in water
5. Typha Cat-tail, 0.3 - 0.6  Reduces suspended
augustifolia Bulrush; solids and chemical
Banat, Ekor pollutants
kucing  Biodegrades organic
pollutants in water
 Presence increases the
wetland performance in
terms of biological
oxygen demand (BOD),
ammonia-N and
pathogen bacteria

An open water zone is a deeper area that allows time for fine particles to flocculate to
the bed and allows sunlight to kill bacteria. Decomposition and grazing of organic
matter will occur in this zone. Periodic algal growth may occur here and this will also
trap dissolved nutrients and allow them to enter the food chain or to settle to the bed
of the pond.


By minimizing the surface runoff at source through the provision of on-site facilities,
the peak runoff can be reduced at the downstream area. In addition, treatment of
stormwater at source for water quality storm will give better water quality before
runoff discharge to the receiving water body (Tasik Cini) at the downstream area.

Design Storm ARI for this development is 5-year. The on-site detention (OSD) is
designed to detain the runoff from drainage system (up to 10-year ARI) before being
discharge into receiving water body. The constructed wetlands are design based on
water quality design storm with 3-month ARI rainfall depth over the contributing
catchment. Table 2 provides the summary of drainage management at development
area and Figure 1 shows the sizing of OSD using Swinburne Method.

4 Stormwater Management Report

Table 2 : Summary of Runoff Quantity and Quality Control at Development Area
Development area 4.0470 ha
Pervious area 3.5015 ha ≈ 86.5 %
Impervious area 0.5455 ha ≈ 13.5%
Pre-Development : Q5 1.585 m3/s
Q10 1.792 m3/s
Post-Development : Q5 1.917 m3/s
Q10 2.090 m3/s
Design Storm 10-Year ARI
Area 967.50 m2
2.4 %
Depth of active storage 0.9 m
6 Nos. 340 mm diameter
Primary Outlet Orifice 1 No 300 mm diameter (outlet to
Secondary Outlet Overflow sump 5.0 m x 5.0 m sump opening
Design Storm 3-month ARI
Area 200 m2 **94 m2 for wetlands
Inlet zone 133 m Integrated with wet pool (OSD)
Macrophyte zone 72 m2
Open water zone 22 m2
Depth of extended detention 0.7 m
Orifice 2 Nos of 150 mm diameter
Overflow sump 5.0 m x 5.0 m sump opening

Qa Inflow hydrograph
(Q5=1.917 m3/s;
Q10=2.090 m3/s)
SSR Outflow hydrograph
(=555.96 m )

(=1.451 m3/s)

0 tf tc
Figure 1 : Sizing of OSD using Swinburne Method

5 Stormwater Management Report



6 Stormwater Management Report

Project: Cadangan Pembangunan Pusat Penyelidikan Tasik Cini, Mukim
Penyur, Daerah Pekan, Pahang Darul Makmur.
Reference Calculation Output

Relevant Development project area, A = 4.047 ha

Layout Plan = 40470 m2

On-Site Detention (OSD) Design

Pervious Area = 35015 m2
Impervious Area = 5455 m2
tcs = 10 minutes
tc = 10 minutes
Design ARI: 5-year
Development Impervious Area Pervious Area I Q
Total CA
Status C A C A (mm/hr) (l/s)
Development 0 0 0.62 40470 25091.4 227.41 1585.00
Development 0.9 5455 0.67 35015 28369.63 227.41 1792.08

Design ARI: 10-year

Development Impervious Area Pervious Area I Q
Total CA
Status C A C A (mm/hr) (l/s)
Development 0 0 0.67 40470 27114.9 254.59 1917.54
Development 0.9 5455 0.70 35015 29560.13 254.59 2090.46

Eq 19.1  Q  Qp  = 9279.549
a   4 a   0.333 t c  0.75 t c  0.25 t cs 
 c 
t Q a 

b  4 Qa Q p = 11361800

a a 2  4b = 1451.4 l/s

Eq 19.2  PSD  ; PSD 2

c  0.875 PSD  1  0.459  d  0.214
 Qd  Qd

td I Impervious Area Pervious Area Qd

Total CA
(mins) (mm/hr) C A C A (l/s)
5 331.96 0.9 5455.356 0.780 35014.64 32221.243 2971.19
10 254.59 0.9 5455.356 0.667 35014.64 28264.588 1998.84
15 204.73 0.9 5455.356 0.588 35014.64 25498.431 1450.08
20 171.60 0.9 5455.356 0.540 35014.64 23817.728 1135.29
30 131.90 0.9 5455.356 0.460 35014.64 21016.557 770.03

td PSD
Qd (l/s) c d SSR (m3)
(mins) (l/s)
5 2971.19 1451.40 985.23 151.73 550.27
10 1998.84 1451.40 846.71 225.53 555.96
15 1450.08 1451.40 686.53 310.88 407.41
20 1135.29 1451.40 524.75 397.08 256.15
30 770.03 1451.40 171.25 585.44 24.01

Minimum required area for OSD = 555.96 / 0.9 = 679.51 m2

7 Stormwater Management Report

Reference Calculation Output

Proposed OSD area = 45 x 21.50 = 967.50 m2

(>679.51 m2)

Primary Outlet Sizing:

Eq 19.3 PSD (1451.4038 x 103 ) / 7

Ao  
Cd 2g Ho 0.62 2 x 9.81 x 0.730 = 0.00884 m2

Do 
4A o

4 x 0.0884 = 0.335 m
 

Proposed 6 nos. of orifices, each 340 mm dia. at Outlet 1;

1 no. of 300 mm dia. orifice at Outlet 2

Secondary Outlet Sizing:

Broad-crested weir is sized for the estimated major system ARI flow from
the site for time tcs (10 minutes) for 50 year ARI.
I20 = 229.28 mm/hr

Design ARI: 50-year

Development Impervious Area Pervious Area I Q
Total CA
Status C A C A (mm/hr) (l/s)
Development 0.9 5455.356 0.82 35014.6 33621.8 342.95 3.203

Eq 20.5 Qd (3.203  1.476) = 20.5 m

B 
1.5 1.5
CBCW H 1.45 x (0.15)

D. Chart CBCW = 1.45

20.1 A freeboard of 150 mm provided.

Therefore, provide 5.00m x 5.00m brick wall sump with 6 nos. of 340
mm dia. orifice at outlet 1 and discharge to conveyance cascade drain
(external drain) by rectangular orifice 0.5 m x 0.6 m concrete box culvert.

Emergency Outlet:
Emergency spillways is provided to safely pass a major design storm
through the basin.

8 Stormwater Management Report

Reference Calculation Output

Wetlands Design

Drainage area, A = 25796 m2

Determine inflow rate from development area:

Design ARI: 3-month

Development Impervious Area Pervious Area I Q
Total CA
Status C A C A (mm/hr) (l/s)
Development 0.9 5455 0.42 20341 13453.04 99.22 370.79

PSD3-month = 215.5 l/s

= 0.2155 m3/s

Determine inflow rate sewage treatment plan (STP):

Water consumption for Pahang = 250


Discharge STP = 200 PE x 250 liter/capita/day

= 50,000 liter/day
= 50,000 / (1000 x 24 x 60 x 60) = 0.0005787 m3/s

Therefore, design inflow to wetlands = 0.2155 + 0.0005787 = 0.2161 m3/s

Determine design requirement for constructed wetlands:

Directly Connected Impervious Area, DCIA = 20%

Mean Annual Rainfall, MAR = 3,000 mm

Determine required wetland removal efficiency for the selected key


Reduction of sediment = 70%

Reduction of suspended solids, SS = 40%
Reduction of total phosphorus, TP = 40%

Figure 28.2 Determine required wetland area ratio for the targeted pollutant
– 28.4 removal efficiencies.

Sediment : From Design Chart 35.A1, 70% removal corresponds

to an area ratio Ap/Ac 0f 0.50%
SS : From Design Chart 35.A2, 40% removal corresponds to an
area ratio Ap/Ac 0f 0.25%
TP : From Design Chart 35.A3, 40% removal corresponds to an
area ratio Ap/Ac 0f 0.31%
The largest ratio must be selected therefore adopt an area ratio = 0.50 %

9 Stormwater Management Report

Reference Calculation Output

Design Chart 35.1 Annual Pollutant Capture Curve for Sediment as a Function of Pond Area Ratio

Design Chart 35.2 Annual Pollutant Capture Curve for SS as a function of Pond Area Ratio

Design Chart 35.3 Annual Pollutant Capture Curve for TP as a Function of Pond Area Ratio

The required wetland area = 25796 × (0.50/100) = 128.98 m2

≈ 130 m2

10 Stormwater Management Report

Reference Calculation Output

Requirement of surface area allocation:

Inlet zone = 30% x 130 m2 = 39.00 m2

Macrophyte Zone = 55% x 130 m2 = 71.50 m2
Open Water Zone (Micropool) = 15% x 130 m2 = 19.50 m2

Designing wetlands bathymetry

Width, W = 25 m
Length, L = 8m
Surface area = 200 m2

Length to width ratio ≈ 3:1

Extended Detention (Macrophyte zone and open water zone):

Depth (Above the permanent pool water level) = 0.70 m

Side slope (min) = 1:3

Wetland extended detention volume = 150 m2 x 0.90 = 105 m3

Designing inlet zone

Allocate inlet zone at wet pool OSD, area = 133 m2

(>39 m2)

Extended detention volume = 133 x 0.3 = 39.9 m3

To allow reduce peak and flow attenuation at inlet zone,

Provide 300 mm orifice (Outlet to macrophyte zone),

Qd = Cd Ao (2gHo)1/2 = 0.62x(π x 0.302 / 4) x (2 x 9.81 x 0.30) = 0.106 m3/s

Designing macrophyte zone

(i) Area: = 72 m2
Low marsh = 33 m2
High marsh = 39 m2
(>71.50 m2
(ii) Depth:
Low marsh = 0.6 m
High marsh = 0.3 m

11 Stormwater Management Report

Reference Calculation Output

Vegetation specifications:

Water Plant Species Planting

Zone Depth Density
(m) (plant/m2)
Scirpus mucronatus (Rumput
High marsh zone 0.3 10
High marsh zone 0.3 Eleocharis variegata (Puron) 10
Low marsh zone 0.6 Lepironia articulata (Purun) 6
Low marsh zone 0.6 Typha augustifolia (Banat) 6
Phragmites karka (Rumput
Low marsh zone 0.6 6

` Designing open water zone

Micro pool area = 22 m2

(>19.50 m2

Micro pool depth = 1.0 m

Outlet 3 Sizing:

Primary outlet:
Provide 2 nos. of 150 mm orifice,

Qd = 2 x Cd Ao (2gHo)1/2 =2 x 0.62 x (π x 0.152 / 4) x (9.81 x 0.325) = 0.056 m3/s

Provide 1.50 m x 1.50 m sump opening:

Qd = B x CBCW x H1.5 = 6 x 1.84 x 0.31.5 = 1.088 m3/s

12 Stormwater Management Report




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