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Suspect dengue if child weak

and sleeps excessively FREEPIK

INDEPENDENT OBSERVER them children. Around 2.5% die. In
Indonesia, as of January 2019, there
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) were 15,132 dengue cases, with 145
is common in tropical and subtrop- deaths.
ical regions. Since becoming known A patient is suspected of suffering
in Indonesia in 1968, the number from DHF when he or she carries a
of cases and the spread of DHF has high fever – and especially if anoth-
tended to show an increase. By 2010 er DHF sufferer is in the immediate
around 70 percent of districts or cit- environment. “Mosquitoes like to
ies in Indonesia were still included in bite in the morning and evening, at
the “DHF Endemic” category. DHF is 09.00-10.00 and 16.00-17.00. The
an acute infection caused by the DHF incubation period is seven days from
virus and is transmitted to humans mosquito bites until symptoms are
through the bite of female Aedes ae- evident. We should be aware of pos-
gypti or Ae albopictus mosquitoes in- sible DHF if a child runs a sudden
fected with the DHF virus. high fever for 2-7 days, complains of
The World Health Organization dizziness or headache, nausea, ab-
(WHO) records 390 million dengue dominal pain or muscle aches; this
infections occur every year, a figure may be accompanied by diarrhea and
shared by Dr. Mulya Rahma Karyanti, red spots appearing on the surface of
Sp.A(K), MSc, from the Division of In- the skin, nosebleeds, bleeding gums,
fection and Tropical Pediatrics at the or vomiting blood.”
Department of Child Health FKUI- Other symptoms include cold and
RSCM, in Jakarta, some time ago. clammy hands and feet, weakness in
She explained how around 500,000 the child and excessive sleepiness.
people with severe symptoms require “Use warm compresses or heat-re-
hospitalization every year, most of ducing medication if there is still
a fever, but don’t wrap the child in
blankets. Drugs that must be avoid-
ed are acetosal, mefenamic acid,
steroids, antibiotics, and ibuprofen,
because they can exacerbate stomach
disorders and result in bleeding,” she Break the life cycle of mosquitoes to prevent dengue transmission.
Then, when should dengue pa-
tients be hospitalized? “If dengue is blood vessels into the surrounding by mobilizing and empowering com- because of the age of mosquitoes,
not accompanied by another condi- tissues, so the body’s need for fluids munity in efforts to eradicate mosqui- reaching ten days, she said. Mosqui-
tion, such as diabetes or hyperten- need to be met to prevent the condi- to nests (PSN). This activity is known toes must suck blood to ripen their
sion, a patient could be treated as tion from worsening. Plasma leakage as “3M plus”, which is to drain and eggs. “Mosquitoes carrying the den-
an outpatient, provided they drinks can cause shock that can even lead to close off water reservoirs and bury gue virus live in clean water and lay
sufficient water. DHF patients, espe- death. Therefore, the main treatment used goods. Prof. dr. Saleha Sungkar, eggs every three days. There are up to
cially children, are usually reluctant for dengue is to replace fluids and DAP & E, Ms, Sp Park, from the FKUI 150 eggs per cycle. Preferred nesting
to drink, and this is dangerous, be- electrolytes; it is not enough to drink Parasitology Department, highlighted sites are damp environments such as
cause a patient can go into shock,” plain water, but preferably water that the importance of breaking the life cy- standing water, as in reservoirs. So,
she explained. contains electrolytes, as recommend- cle of a mosquito carrying a virus with the most effective way to break the
DHF leaks blood plasma contain- ed by WHO. 3M movement. DHF cycle is to diligently drain pots,
dr. Mulya Rahma Karyanti, Sp. A (K), MSc ing water, sugar, and electrolytes from Prevention of dengue fever is done Fogging is not sufficiently effective, tubs and pools,” she said.

Healthcare future through


Raihan Ismail to go visit a doctor. Telemedicine the Golden Health Network (GHN),
INDEPENDENT OBSERVER brings the doctor to you,” said Vice the International MedioNet of Chi-
General Director of Nickl & Part- na (IMNC) network and the People’s
Jakarta - The popular accep- ner Architekten AG and Receiver Liberation Army (PLA) telemedicine
tance of ​​health examinations and of Chinese Healthcare Architect network.
evaluation using telecommuni- Young Leader Award in 2018, Jian Still, research into and applica-
cations network devices is rapid- Yang during a seminar, at Wimo tion of telemedicine is at a relative-
ly increasing, due to advances in Building, Kemang, South Jakarta ly early stage in China. “Everything
multimedia, imaging, computers, (26/8). has changed – not just the younger
information systems and telecom- Jian holds up China as exam- doctors, who know how to use this
munications; one aspect of this is ple of a country exploiting Tele- application, but also the older gen-
telemedicine. medicine; it began there in the eration,” Jian explained.
In general, telemedicine refers mid-1980s, and early Chinese To be able to run well, this sys-
to the use of information and com- telemedicine was mostly based on tem requires communication tech-
munications technology, combined store-and-forward techniques, as nology that allows the transfer of
with medical expertise, to provide the telecommunications infrastruc- data in the form of video, sound
Engaging in sufficient preparations before competitive running is important
health services, ranging from con- ture required for real-time work and images interactively, in real
sultation, diagnosis and medical was not available. time, by integrating them into vid-

Much misinformation about running

treatment, without limited space In recent years, telemedicine in eo-conferencing support technolo-
or implemented remotely. China has developed quickly, with gy. Included as a supporting tech-
“Telemedic i ne is a tool, it the rapid growth of telecommuni- nology for telemedicine is image
changes an entire health system cation networks. China now has processing software for diagnosing
Public awareness of the impor- Anniversary of the Faculty of Medi- pus in Depok, covering a distance of & service, so that you don’t need three major telemedicine networks: a medical condition.
tance of sports to maintain health is cine (FKUI), the KedokteRan 2019 will 3 kilometers. Participants who reach
revealed by the many outdoor sports also provide education about compet- the finish line will get a medal. Be-
activities held, one of which is a foot itive running in Indonesia. The chief forehand, FKUI Iluni will present
race. The number of running races in organizer of the event, Dr. Jack Pra- three health education topics, name-
Indonesia has increased 33 percent a dono Handojo, MHA, said that cases ly, running injury and sudden death
year. From 288 events in 2017, there of sudden death during a foot race prevention in August, pulmonary re-
will be 341 in 2018. This trend will were usually due to improper prepa- suscitation (RJP) in September, and
certainly increase because up to Au- ration and might have been triggered healthy hydration while exercising in
gust this year 253 activities will have by false information that had not October.
been held. been medically validated. “We target the goals of a healthy
Such an increasing number of “The risk of injury is potentially lifestyle, especially in the context of
activities is directly proportional to a very large in competitive running, in exercises, can be achieved with the
rising death toll of participants tak- terms of both direct as well as indirect objective of zero accidents,” he said.
ing part in them, however. One of the injuries. If treatment is inexact, there He hopes that the KedokteRan
reasons was that many runners who is a risk of sudden death,” Dr. Jack 2019 will be able to make a positive
were not aware of their actual phys- told the media in Jakarta on Thurs- contribution to the community, espe-
ical limitations forced themselves to day (8/22/2019). cially with the increasing number of
enter the race without special prepa- One of the false pieces of informa- people suffering from non-commu-
ration, aside from ignoring the impor- tion is about not drinking during run- nicable diseases (PTM) as is shown
tance of stretching before and after ning as it is said to induce vomiting. by the 2018 Basic Health Research
the race. The University of Indonesia “While the fact is that running makes (Riskesdas). PTM can be prevent-
Faculty of Medicine Alumni Associa- the body sweat as a sign of working ed by taking regular health checks,
tion (FKUI Iluni) noted five fatalities in muscle so the body must be hydrat- abstaining from cigarette smoking,
four running events in 2018 up until ed. Drinking water will prevent the doing physical exercises, having a
mid-2019. body from suffering heatstroke,” he healthy diet and adequate rest, and
Because of this issue, the FKUI Il- stated. managing stress. The suggested time
uni will hold the KedokteRan 2019. In The 2019 KedokteRan will be held for doing physical exercises is 30 min-
addition to commemorating the 69th at the University of Indonesia Cam- utes a day. (est) Jian Yang gives presentation to the audience about Telemedicine, at Wimo Building, Kemang, South Jakarta (26/8).

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