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Nama:………………………… No:……...
Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal: Senin,12 September 2022
Kelas : V (Lima) Waktu : 09.00 – 10.30
Put a croos (X) on the letter a, b, c or d on the mos correct anser!

1. 34 English the number is…… a.Thirty one c. Eighty

a.Twenty two c. Twenty
b.Thirty d. Eighty Seven
b. Thirty d. Thirty four
7. Which of the folloing includes two
2. 78 English the number is……
legged animals……
a.Seventy c. Seventy Eight
a. Snack and Fish c. Tiger and Lion
b.Fivety five d. Sixty
b. Duck and Chiken d. Snack and Chiken
3. 7 X 9 The result of
the multiplication is…….. 8. Below are the animals that live in
a.Sixty Tree c. Seventy Eight
a. Fish c. Tiger
b.Fivety five d. Sixty
b. Chiken d. Snack
4. 72 : 8 The result of
the devide is….. 9.The antonym of the word big is....

a.Sevent c. Eight a. Small c. Clean

b.Nine d. Ten b. Beuty d. Long

5. What is the after 85 …….. 10. The synonim of the word beutiful is......

a.Eighty Five c. Eighty a. Bad c. Handsome

b.Eighty Six d. Eighty Seven

b.Pretty d. Small
6. What is the before 32
Fill in the answer correctly!

1. The name of the picture on the side is……

2. How to much before fourty seven…….

3. How to much after sixty five……
4. The biggest anaimal is…..
5. You go to school at…..
6. Ani sweeps teh floor until it is clean, the antonym of the wrod clean is……
7. The animal that produces honey is……
8. The name of the picture on the side is…….

9. The view of mount Bromo is very beutiful, the synonym of the word beatiful is…..
10. How to much after Ninety…..

Describe correctly and completely!

1. Name five object in the class room?

Answer :
2. Name five animals that you know?
Answer :
3. Mention the seasons in Indonesia that you know?
Answer :
4. Andre pergi ke gunung memakai jaket….. (translet inggris)
Answer :
5. Is – washing – front – Mr. Burhan – the car- in the house……(susunlah menjadi kalimat
yang benar)
Answer :

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