RTP Las English 5 Q3 Melc 2a Summarizing Narrative Text

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English Activity Sheet

Quarter 3 – MELC 2A
Summarizing Narrative Texts


English 5
Activity Sheet No. 2
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of English Activity Sheet

Writer: Naneth D. Obrero
Editors: Patricia Ina Therese D. Obrero Janice E. Niño
Jennyfer J. Cusi Ryan M. Reyes
Layout Artist: Patricia Ina Therese D. Obrero
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team
Jenelyn S. Fulo
Cherry Ann V. Esparas
Jessica P. Gela
Ellen G. De la Cruz

Division of Bacolod City Management Team

Gladys Amylaine D. Sales
Michell L. Acoyong
Janalyn B. Navarro
Jessica P. Gela
Ellen G. De la Cruz

Regional Management Team:

Dr. Ramir B. Uytico, CESO IV
Dr. Pedro T. Escobarte Jr.
Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Dr. Nestor Paul M. Pingil

Introductory Message
Welcome to English Grade 5!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Bacolod City and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed

to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using
the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The English Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the teaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made
available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The English Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning

even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful
and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully
read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule
Quarter 3 Week 2

Name: ____________________________________ Grade and Section: ____________

Date: ______________________


Summarizing Narrative Texts

I. Learning Competency with Code

Summarize various text types based on elements: Narrative text

II. Background Information for Learners

A summary is a brief statement or condensed version of what a selection, a story, or
a book is about.

Writing the Summary of a Narrative

1. Give the main point of the original text
2. Restate in your own words
3. Keep in mind the elements of the narrative/story: Who refers to the characters; Where
when to the setting; and Why and how to the plot or series of events from the beginning,
middle, and end.

Vincent stood calmly by the door of the principal’s office. He looked farther to
check on his adviser who went to the classroom. His adviser was nowhere and he felt
even more anxious. After a few minutes, the school principal asked Vincent to get into
the office. Vincent told the principal about the purpose of his visit. He made his
statement clear why he brought his cell phone to school. He also mentioned that his
classmates shouted at him in their classroom, telling him that bringing cell phones was
not allowed. Vincent felt weak explaining his reason for doing it. He knew that such act
was against the school policy and this hurt him. Vincent said, however, that the cell
phone made him feel secure. This allowed him to text or call up his sick mother at
home. Furthermore, he told the principal that he was sorry for doing it and he did not
mean to disobey one of the school rules. Then, the principal rose from his chair and
walked towards Vincent. He gave a gentle pat on the boy’s shoulder and spoke to him
kindly. Very grateful, Vincent left the office with a very light heart.

Vincent went to the principal’s office. He shared to the principal that his
classmates got mad at him because he brought his cell phone in class. Nevertheless,
he told the principal that it hurt him to have violated the school policy. He explained
that bringing his cell phone was his only means of keeping in touch with his sick
mother. The principal just patted the apologetic pupil and spoke to him kindly.

The two texts contain the same main idea and details. Both texts give details
about Vincent’s visit to the principal’s office. Text A is the original story while text B is the
summary of the story.

Setting  the time and place of the action
 can be described directly or can be inferred
Character/s Character is a person, animal, being, or thing giving life to a story
o main character – one on whom the story focuses
o minor characters – serve to complement the major characters
Plot Plot is the series of events in the story
Elements of Plot
 Exposition – introduces the setting and characters
 Rising action – introduces and develops the conflict
 Climax – serves as the highest point of interest
 Falling Action – draws the story to close
 Resolution – ties up the loose ends
The basic elements of the story or narrative are setting, characters, and plot.

Summary of a narrative/story
A giant hawk pecked at a floating bamboo. 2When the bamboo split
open, out came, the first man and the first woman. 3Malakas and Maganda lived
together. 4They had many sons who grew up lazy and stubborn. 5Malakas drove
them away. 6The sons who went away to the forests became serfs or slaves;
those in rocks and caves became timawas or freemen; and the rest who roamed
around became nobles or maharlikas.

The plot showed that the beginning part of the story is contained in sentences 1 and 2.
The middle part of the story is contained in sentences 3, 4, and 5. And, the ending of the
story is contained in sentence 6.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbooks and Educational Sites

Angeles, Evelyn B. and Galapon, Agnes P. (2008). English Expressways Reading
Textbook for Grade 5.
Castillo, K. C., Angeles, E. B. (2016). Joy in Learning English 5. Quezon
City: Vibal Group, Inc.

IV. Activity Proper

1. Directions/ Instructions
Review the notes on summarizing a narrative text in the Background
Information for Learners. Then, answer exercises/activities 1 to 4 on your answer
sheet. You may ask help from elders in doing exercises/activities 1 to 4. Keep on
reviewing exercises/activities 1 to 4 until you reach the level of the master.
After you have mastered the lesson, answer exercise/activity 5 on your own and
check your mastery level: Master (12 -16 points); Tutor (6 – 11 points); and Neophyte
or Beginner (5 points below).

2. Exercises / Activities

Activity 1: Identify the idea referred to. Write your answer on your paper.

1. Which of the following does NOT refer to the elements of a narrative/story?

A. Author B. Characters C. Plot D. Setting

2. Which element of the plot refers to the ending of the story?
A. Climax B. Exposition C. Resolution D. Rising Action
3. Which of the following refers to a character?
A. Afternoon B. Book C. Librarian D. Library

4. Which statement is NOT appropriate when writing the summary of a narrative?

A. Copy the exact words in the narrative.
B. Maintain the point of the original text.
C. Restate the events in your own words.
D. Keep in mind the elements of the narrative/story.

5. Which statement gives the ‘setting’ of the story?

A. Everyone was happy about the plans suggested by the youth.
B. Garbage disposal is a priority project of the Sanguniang Kabataan chair.
C. The meeting started at 4 o’clock in the afternoon at the Barangay Hall.
D. The youth planned ways on how to dispose garbage properly.

Activity 2: Identify the idea referred to. Write your answer on your paper.

For numbers 1 - 2
The Most Beautiful Picture
Adapted from KE C. Castillo and E. B. Angeles

A famous Chinese painter wanted to paint the most beautiful picture in the
world. He wanted to paint the sunrise and the sunset, but he changed his mind.
People see these every day.
He set out to ask people about the most beautiful thing on Earth. First, the
painter asked the newlyweds who said that the most beautiful thing was love. Then
a soldier told him it was peace; an athlete said it was cooperation; a priest told him it
was faith.
Tired, confused and discouraged that he could not paint the things different
people thought as the most beautiful ones, he went home.
There the painter’s children met him, and his wife embraced him. That night,
he observed how his family worked together. When everyone was in bed, he felt
the peace.
He saw in his family the love, peace, cooperation, and faith. He then painted
his family.

1. The Chinese saw in his family the love the newlyweds had, the faith that the priest
mentioned, the cooperation the athlete cited, and the peace that the soldier is
happy about?
What element of the plot is referred to in the event?
A. Climax B. Exposition C. Falling Action D. Rising Action

2. A famous Chinese painter wanted to paint the most beautiful picture.

What element of the plot is referred to in the event?
A. Climax B. Exposition C. Falling Action D. Rising Action

3. Which of the following is the setting mentioned in the story?
A. Bed B. Earth C. Sunrise D. Sunset
For number 4
A. Arojo, a young and powerful giant, fell in love with Aloya.
B. Arojo cried so bitterly that his tears turned into mounds of earth.
C. The ordinary mortal girl named Aloya got sick.
D. The death of Aloya caused much pain to Arojo.

4. Which event should be the beginning?

For number 5
A. The lion laughed at the idea, and eventually decided to let go of the mouse.
B. The lion thanked the mouse because the mouse chewed through the net to help
the lion escape from the trap.
C. The lion who was asleep got angry when a mouse ran over his nose by accident.
D. The mouse begged for his life and promised to return the favor one day.

5. Which event should be the end?

Activity 3: Read the original text. Then, unscramble the sentences after it to form the
summary based on the original text. Write your answer in paragraph form. Do this on your
paper. (5 points)

Learning from a Sick Man

By E. B. Angelkes et. al.

Leo is the mayor’s son. Often, he watches people visit his father at their
residence. They see the mayor for various reasons.
One day, a man in his fifties came to seek the mayor’s help. He was
suffering from some kind of physical defect. He could not sit. He simply stood there
in front of the mayor. As he was talking in a halting manner, his hands and head
were shaking. His eyes were blinking faster than normal. As soon as the visitor
left, Leo asked his father what the man wanted. As he talked, Leo was mimicking
the visitor amusingly-the manner of speaking, the way his body shook, and the
blinking of the eyes. When the mayor saw what Leo was doing, he scolded the boy.
“Leo, the sick man has already been suffering badly. It comes worse if other people
make fun of him as you did moments ago. Be thankful, Son, that you are not sick,”
his father said.
Shamefully and remorsefully, Leo answered, “I’m sorry, Father. I promise
never to do that again.”
A. As the visitor left, Leo mimicked the man’s body language.
B. He further told Leo not to make fun of other people especially the sick.
C. Leo’s father scolded him because he mimicked the man with the physical defect.
D. Leo promised not to do it again.
E. One day, Leo saw that his father’s visitor was a man suffering with a physical defect.

Activity 4: Complete the story grammar based on the story ‘Two Were Left”. (5 points)

“Two Were Left”

Adapted from Kristine Erika C. Castillo

One winter, Noni and his dog Nimuk were marooned on a floating ice island.
It had been three days and both were hungry as there was no rescue at all. Both,
Noni and his dog Nimuk, were watchful of each one’s moves as they tried to make
do to have any of them survive. Noni has an improvised knife while Nimuk had the
power. Each of them silently struggled. Noni dropped his plan to attack Nimuk with
the knife and the dog circled the boy. Not long after, Noni lay unconscious but alive
and Nimuk whined feebly. Then, the plane pilot descended on the iceberg to rescue
the two. Such is the story of a dog’s love for its master.

Activity 5: Make a summary of the story “Believe in Yourself. Write your answer on your
paper (16 points).
Believe in Yourself
By Patricia Ina Therese D. Obrero

It was Friday night. Teachers, students, and parents gathered at the school
auditorium for the Annual Talent Show. Toni stood in front of the crowd blushing and
shaking his hands. He felt his sweat running down his whole body. He looked out and
saw the room full of faces. Some he knew and some he did not. He took a deep breath
and tried to open his mouth. No words came out. Tears formed in the corners of his
eyes as he closed them.
With his eyes closed, he remembered his mother helping him get ready for the
night’s show. "Believe in yourself," his mother said. He opened his eyes and found his
mother’s smiling face in the crowd. He took another deep breath and started singing.
The crowd listened and was on their feet applauding. This made him so happy.
After the show, his parents, and friends congratulated him. They were proud
because he kept going even when it seemed like he might give up. He smiled as he
shared to his mother, "I just believed in myself."
3. Rubrics for Scoring the Summary of the Narrative

Criteria 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Elements of All the One element Two to three Four or more
the Narrative elements of of the narrative elements of the elements of the
(characters; the narrative is NOT narrative are NOT narrative are
setting; and are present/ present/ present/included. NOT present/
beginning, included. included. included.
middle, and
Choice of All the One sentence Two to three Four or more
Words sentences is NOT sentences are sentences are
are expressed NOT expressed NOT expressed
expressed using own using own words. using own
using own words. words.
Meaning All the One sentence Two to three Four or more
sentences does not sentences DO sentences DO
have the express the NOT express the NOT express
same meaning of the meaning of the the meaning of
meaning with original text. original text. the original text.
the original
Language All sentences One sentence Two to three Four or more
Mechanics observe DOES NOT sentences DO sentences DO
correct SV observe NOT observe NOT observe
Agreement, correct SV correct SV correct SV
capitalization, Agreement, Agreement, Agreement,
and/ or capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
punctuation. and/ or and/ or and/ or
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation.

4. Guide Questions
1. What is a summary?
2. In writing the summary of a narrative, what elements must be considered?
3. Why is summarizing an important in skill in reading?

V. Reflection

Directions: Complete the given phrase below. Do not forget to place a period at the
end of every sentence. Write them in your answer sheet.

In this lesson, I have learned ____________________________________________


Answer Key
Activity 1
1. A. 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C

Activity 2
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B

Activity 3

One day, Leo saw that his father’s visitor was a man suffering with a physical defect. As the
visitor left, Leo mimicked the man’s body language. Leo’s father scolded him because he mimicked
the man with the physical defect. He further told Leo not to make fun of other people especially the
sick. Leo promised not to do it again.

Activity 4

Activity 5 (Sample Summary):

Toni was in the school auditorium to perform in the Talent Show. He was so nervous as he
stood in front of the crowd. Tears welled in the corner of his eyes as he closed them. He eventually
performed because he remembered that his mother told him to believe in himself.

Guide Questions
1. A summary is a brief statement or condensed version of what a selection, story, or book is about.
2. In summarizing a text or a story, its elements must be considered – who refers to the characters,
where and when to the setting, why and how to the plot or series of events from the beginning to the
end as conflict arises and then solved.
3. (Answers vary)


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