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Thazin’s story (Nan Nwe’s translation)

Youth and Mental Health amidst political issues

I try living to stay strong both physically and mentally. As the important thing is
loving oneself, I do not feel sad. Instead, I am doing what I can and focusing on
self-studying. I am donating and helping as much as I can as well. Rather than
regarding the fact that young people in Myanmar are suffering, we should be
proud of them for being special and sacrificing, which young people from other
countries cannot do. Eaint Nadi (Pseudonym), first year Civil Disobedience
Movement student, acclaimed to Mizzima.

“Honestly, I do feel depressed nowadays. It is because I cannot do things

that young people are supposed to be doing and many things are delayed and
postponed. However, I live to be strong both physically and mentally. I think of
improving myself. For physical health, I do yoga and stretching for half an hour a
day as I use to sit in front of a computer for the whole day. For my mentality, I
meditate and do journaling.”

Most young people, who are not familiar with the word ‘Maturity’, start
feeling depression and mental retardation around the age of 20. Though they
might not be dealing with the same problems, 90 out of 100 are facing various
causes of depression such as getting lost, tentative and losing the future. The
primary causes of mental problems are the wrong education system since
childhood and negative stereotypes and controls of the parents. By comparing to
the developed countries, weakness can be seen in developing mental growth for
young people in Myanmar. Thus, Mizzima has interviewed Eaint Nadi about how
she manages her mental problems related to consequences of increasingly
complicated political issues such as stalled educational development and lack of
employment opportunities that hinder self-sufficiency.
“Conventionally, it is true that our education is delayed. I felt depressed for many
years over my education. However, by comparison to other countries, you won’t
feel delayed for not achieving a degree here. I came to understand that being
educated does not depend on a certificate but actual knowledge. This is a benefit
during a chaotic era. I focus on doing self-study to be proficient in English
language. And I also learn about Doodle art which I am interested in. I am
learning other useful skills for a workplace as well. It is true that there are still no
recruiting jobs which help me enough to stand on my own. I was not hired as I
did not have a degree. I had applied for many jobs without getting a contact back
from them. Therefore, I was very stressed about a year ago. I wanted to be
financially independent from my family. However, when I failed applying for jobs
several times, I had to change my mind set. I thought of focusing on learning a
particular skill to the advanced level in the first place and try applying for jobs
later. We can go through this period only when we turn all the depression
towards thinking positively. Though it is not possible, I think it is the only answer.”
Said Eaint Nadi.

Dr. Thurein Hlaing Win, a doctor who studies psychology and shares on his
social network page as well as a country head of Hello Sayarwon, advises some
common psychological tips. “Changing a single thought might look like a good
step in the beginning. For instance, ‘It doesn’t matter if I was fired. I can do
whatever I want.’ This might look helpful at first. However, it might become
difficult to be in a positive mood when you fail every time you apply for a job. The
worst thing is when a thin upper layer of positive thinking is replaced by bitter
thoughts and responses. When there is a mental problem, everything is related.
Thus, we have to put effort into preparing all the related problems, not just one
thought. After preparing everything, you will regain self-confidence, true and
rational thoughts and positive physical behavior. It will become apparent that you
are not a useless or dumb person. Therefore, you will have confidence when you
apply for a job again. You will be able to change what made you depressed.”

Eaint Nadi said she is more relieved as there is no pressure from her family
about her conviction of participating in Civil Disobedience Movement by not going
to school. Some of her friends received unyielding trauma caused by pressures
from their parents. Young people are suffering from mental trauma under the
political tricks which no one knows the exact ending time. She said she is
participating in the revolution by asking for donations. She also stated that it can
be said that young people are suffering from the delays from everything such as
freedom, happiness and development while compared to other countries.
However, their humane acts are to be proud of. There would be no movement in
the revolution without young people. It can be said that their perceptions are
smarter and unique as they are doing things that young people in other countries
cannot do.
“According to the norms of the society, there are requirements such as one
should finish a school and must graduate. However, youths here are doing things
more than young people in other countries cannot do. They are smart. They also
know that they are being criticized by the crowd for their acts. It is true that young
people are losing their rights and opportunities but their attitude is unique.” Said
Eaint Nadi, first year CDM student, to Mizzima.

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