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See you
PELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS 2. Giving Instructions or Warning
Tahun Pelajaran 2008/2009
Warning adalah ungkapan yang diucapkan untuk memperingatkan
sesuatu untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu atau tindakan bahaya yang mungkin
Instructing Warning
1. Greeting - Do not talk, please - Beware of the tiger!
Greeting adalah ungkapan /salam yang diucapkan saat bertemu atau - Do not sleep here, please - Be careful!
berpisah dengan seseorang. - Don’t cheat. - Watch out!
- Don’t come late. - Step back!
Greeting Response - Do not open your book. - Do not cross!
- Hello - Hello/Hi - Don’t make noise, please - Keep away from the fire!
- Good morning - Good morning - Don’t close the door, - Hurry up!
- Good afternoon - Good afternoon please.
- How are you? - Fine, thanks/
- I’m fine, thank you Example:

Parting Response 1. Mr. Sugiono : Oh, my goodness! What a noisy class! Anto,………………..
- Good night, Mum - Good night, sweety. Anto : All right, sir.
- Good bye/ Bye - Bye./Bye bye a. please ask them to keep silent
- See you later/ - See you b. go and asks them to speak up, please
tomorrow c. tell them to talk much more loudly
Example: d. please be quite outside the classroom
Nina : It’s getting dark. I have to go home.
Ira : We’ll continue our discussion tomorrow. 2. Fendy : …………! There is a snake next to you!
Nina : No problem Agus : Oh, thank you for the warning.
Ira : Okay……………
Nina : Bye a. shut up
b. calm down
a. Good morning b. Good night c. Watch out
d. Run fast b. I don’t mind
c. Yes, of course
3. ASKING FOR, Refusing service/help AND GIVING Asking for Granting a request Refusing to Grant I
OPINIONS. something
- Can you do it - My pleasure. - I am busy now.
Beberapa ungkapan yang diucapkan untuk meminta sesuatu, memenuhi for me? - Sure. Here - I’m sorry. It’s
permintaan (granting request) dan menolak memberikan. - Can I have you are for my brother
some? - No problem - Sorry. I’m using
- What do you think of/about ……? - I think………….. your pencil? - Sorry, but it’s
- What’s your opinion about……? - I believe……… - Will you windy outside.
- What do you think? - To my mind….. open the
- What’s your opinion? - In my opinion…. don’t think so
- What about …….? - It is a good idea.

1. A : Hello. Is Ira there? 4. Asking for and Giving Information

B : She’s having lunch right now…her back in an hour?
A: Sure. Thanks
Asking for Information Giving Information
a. Do you call - What is it ? - It is my notebook
b. Could you call - Which one is your bike? - The blue one
c. Are you calling - Who are they? - They are my cousins
d. Don’t you call - Where are the teachers? - They are in the teacher’s
2. Dedi : Don, father asked me to cut the grass in the yard. Is it okay if I use a
pair of scissors? Ex:
Dono : ….You would be better to use a sickle Doctor : Tell me…………..?
Dedi : Okay, I will. Patient : My stomach aches.
Doctor : Let me see.
a. That’s true a. What can you do for me
b. What’s wrong with you 5. Expressing Gratitude
c. Why don’t you take a rest
d. Why don’t you see the doctor

6. Asking for Clarification and Certainty

Expressing of thanking Response yang dapat digunakan
antara lain:
- Thanks/Thank you - You’re welcome
- Thanks a lot/ Than you so much - That’s all right
- Thanks for your help/for the - No big deal/No problem
ride - That’s fine/ My pleasure
- I’d like to thank you - Not at all Never mind

Asking for Clarification Response

- What did you say? - I said that we need to
- Do you mean you need more reschedule
time? - Hmm.
- Could you explain further? - Oh, sure.
- Is it this one? - Right/Yes
- What do you mean? - Well, you must do it
- Are you sure? yourself
- Of course/Yup

Ex: 2. Tiara: Nina, here is your book. Thank you

1. Postman : Mrs. Debbi? It’s letter for you Nina : You’re welcome. Are sure you don’t need it anymore?
Tiara: Absolutely.
Mrs. Debbie: Oh thank you so much.
From the dialogue, we know that Tiara is expressing her………………
Postman : ……………
a. thank you c. you’re welcome a. apology
b.same-same d. you too b. happiness
c. gratitude
d. kindness 1. Ari : There is something wrong with my computer. Do you think Andini can
repair it?
Rio: ………..her own computer is out of order, too.
Ari: Really?

a. No, doubt
b. I doubt that
c. I’m sure
d. I’m certain

7. Agreeing and Disagreeing Asking for certainty Response

- Really ? - I’m definitely sure.
Questions Agreeing Disagreeing
- Are you sure? - I’m absolutely certain
- What do you think - I think I agree with you. - Sorry, I disagree.
of……? - I go with you - I don’t think so. - Is it confirmed? - Sure, I’m certain.
- Do you agree with my - I completely agree with - That’s a good idea, - Do you?/ Will you?/ Can you? - I’m positive.
idea? your idea but… it’s not the - Is it okay? - Without a doubt / No doubt
- Do you think it is a good - I like your idea. Surely I solution. about it.
idea? agree - I can’t say anything
- No doubt/ Absolutely! - Sorry. That’s not a
good idea.
Eny : I suggest that we raise money for our trip. So, we don’t have to ask for money from our parents.
Ita : ……………..
Eny : Great! No, let’s think about what to do next.

a. I agree
b. I disagree
c. I don’t think so
d. No way

8. Congratulating
Congratulating Response
- Congratulations! - Thank you
- Happy birthday! - Thanks a lot
- Happy Lebaran Day! - Happy New Year / Valentine
- Happy New year!/Happy too
Seto : Nina,………………..!
You won the English speech contest. Your English is so amazing.
Nina : Thank you.

a. congratulations
b. take care
c. I know it
d. be careful

9. Asking to Repeat Something

Asking someone to repeat his/her words

- I beg your pardon?
- Excuse me ? I’m sorry? Ex:
Man : Excuse me. Can you show me the way to the post office?
- I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you Boy : I beg your pardon, Sir?
- Would you repeat what you said? Man : Can you show me the way to the post office?
- Pardon me?/ Pardon? Boy : Oh, just go straight for about 100 metres. Then, turn left and you’ll see the post office.
- I’m sorry, I didn’t catch the last word. The boy said “I beg your pardon, Sir? What does it mean?
- Sorry, what did you say?
- Say that again, please. a. He wants the man to go to the post office
b. He refuses to answer the man’s question
- What? (very informal) c. He needs to go to the post office.
- Mmmm? (very informal) d. He wants the man to repeat his question

10. Admiring Something

Expressing Admiration
- Fantastic!
- Wow, that’s amazing!
- What a beautiful painting!
- What a lovely flower arrangement!
- How marvelous/wonderful/fabulous!
- Hey, that’s really terrific!
- What a nice batik dress!

Fina : Mother, what do you think of my dress?
Mother : Wow!....You look so pretty
Fina : Thanks, Mum.

a. That’s really awful!

b. What a beautiful dress!
c. I don’t like it
d. How amazing is it?

Pre Test
1. Aris : Can you drop by my house after school? There’s something I want to give you.
Adi : ………………….But why don’t you tell me what it is now?
Aris : Oh no. Be patient man.

a. I don’t think so
b. Sure, I can
c. I like it
d. Fine, go ahead

2. Ani : I suggest that we raise money for our trip.

So, we don’t have to ask for money from our parents.
Ratih : …………………….
Ani : Great! Now, let’s think about what to do next.
a. I agree
b. I disagree
c. I don’t think so
d. No way

3. Andi : Did you greet me just now?

Tono : No, I didn’t
Andi : But I heard clearly someone who said “Good morning”
Tono : I think that’s my parrot. It can say ‘Good morning’
Andi : Wooow! ………………
a. How clever is your parrot?
b. What a clever bird is it!
c. How clever it is!
d. What bird is clever!

4. Vicky : I lost my wallet. Who came here just now?

Rita : Budi did. But………….he didn’t take your wallet.
Vicky: Oh, there it is, on the bookshelf.
a. I believe
b. I’m sorry
c. I’m sure
d. I agree with you

5. Doni: Why do you look so sad, Dono?

Dono : My grandfather passed away yesterday.
Doni : Oh,………………..
Dono: Thanks.

a. I’m sorry to hear that b. What a surprise

c. I’m glad to hear that d. What a good news it is
Teks descriptive adalah teks yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (menggambarkan) suatu benda, tempat, atau orang tertentu.
Teks ini memiliki struktur sebagai berikut:
1. Identification (Identifikasi): pendahuluan tentang apa dan siapa yang akan dideskripsikan.
2. Description ( Deskripsi) : berisi cara-cara khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat, atau orang yang dideskripsikan.

Karakteristik teks deskriptif

- Menggunakan the simple present tense.
- Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are)

My White Cat
Identification I have a pet. It is a cat. I usually call it Kitty.

Description Kitty is about five months old. It has white fur. If you see it, Kitty looks like white snow. Its eyes are blue. Kitty looks so nice and
pretty. Its weight is around two and a half kilograms, and it has moustache.

Every day it eats fish or bread. Every morning I give it milk. I always play with it after school. Yes, Kitty is really a cute animal.


Dengue fever is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. Dengue fever is endemic in most tropical countries of the south Pacific, Asia, the Carribean,
the USA, and Africa.
This disease rapidly spreads in most tropical urban areas of the world. It means people in these areas have high risks of infection of the desease.
Dengue fever is caused by a virus. The virus is transmitted into human by the bite of infected mosquitoes, usually Aedes aegypti. In other words, the disease
cannot spread directly from person to person.
The disease is characterized by the high fever, severe headache, backache, joint and muscle pains. Sometimes, many patients get nausea, vomiting, and rash on
arms, face and legs. There is no specific treatment of the disease.

1. What does the text about?

a. Many kinds of virus.
b. The tropical countries
c. The symptoms of diseases.
d. Dengue fever
2. The disease rapidly spreads in …………….. countries.
a. big
b. tropical
c. endemic
d. infected
3. “The disease………, severe headache, backache, joint and muscle paints.
a. serious
b. hard
c. risky
d. infected


The Simple Present tense biasanya digunakan untuk menjelaskan rutinitas sehari-hari dan pernyataan umum. Ada dimasa lalu, kini dan mungkn tetap ada dimasa
mendatang. Jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, It) tambahkan –s/-es pada kata kerja.
(+) Subject + is/am/are + object/complement
Subject + Verb + Object

Ex. - I am a nurse
- They drink juice XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
past now future

(-) Subject + is/am/are + not + object/complement

Subject + do/does + not + Verb + Object
- We are not doctors
- She does not sweep the classroom
(?) Is/Are + Subject + complement?
Does/Do + Subject + verb object/complement?

- Is the rabbit white?
- Does the giraffe eat leaves?

Pre Test
1. Andi : Does your brother play badminton?
Basuki : Yes he does. He plays badminton very well because he always………. twice a week.

a. practice b. practices
c. practiced d. practicing

2. I ……… exercises everyday because I don’t want to get fat.

a. takes b. taking
c. take d. is going to take
3. Every vacation my brother goes away from home. He seldom ………… home.

a. stay b. stayed
c. stays d. is going to stay

4. A : “Do you………….much?”
B : “Yes, quite a lot”

a. smokes b. smoke
c. smoking d. smoked
5. Doctor : “What can I ……….for you, Mrs.Jones?
Mrs. Jones : “I’ve got a bad cough”
a. did b. done
c. does d. do


Text narrative adalah teks yang bercerita tentang sesuatu yang imajinatif atau khayalan belaka. Tujuannya untuk menghibur pembaca.
Struktur teks narrative terdiri dari:
a. Orientation (pendahuluan cerita): memperkenalkan tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita, latar dan waktu.
b. Complication: munculnya permasalahan di antara tokoh-tokoh tersebut.
c. Resolution: masalah dapat diatasi
d. Re-orientation (opsional)

Karakteristik teks narrative:

- Menggunakan past tense
- Biasanya dimulai dengan adverb (kata keterangan waktu) seperti long time ago, once upon a time, in a faraway land dan lain-lain.
- Menggunakan kata hubung (conjunction), seperti then, after that, before dan lain-lain

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Malin Kundang. He lived with his mother in a very poor condition. They looked for fire wood in
the forest nearly to make a living. Malin Kundang was so unsatisfied with their bad luck. That’s why he decided to go to another city to look for a better life.
Not long afterwards, Malin Kundang asked his mother’s permission to go to a big city. He promised to come back soon with much money.
His mother permitted him and always prayed for him. In his journey, Malin Kundang joined a merchant in a big ship.
Actually, Malin was a diligent boy. He worked hard to get much money and everything changed. He became a rich merchant. His business partner asked him to marry
his daughter. Malin agreed. Then Malin and his business partner’s daughter got married. They had honeymoon and traveled all over the world.
Many years later, Malin’s ship anchored in his village. Many villagers welcome his arrival and admired his glorious ship. Furthermore, they
wanted to see his success. Malin’s mother heard that her son had come back. She was very glad and eager to see him. With a happy smile in her lips, she went to the
seashore to meet her son. Do you know what happened when she met Malin? He pretended that hi didn’t know her. Of course she was very very sad and disappointed.
In her desperation, she cried to God to punish Malin. She cursed Malin Kundang and his ship to be a stone. Since then, people can see the
big stones in the seashore.

Answer the questions!

1. Where did the story happen?
a. In the kingdom b. In the village
c. In the jungle d. In the field

2. Did his mother allow Malin Kundang to go to a big city?

a. No, he didn’t b. Yes she does
c. No she doesn’t d. Yes, he did.

3. What happened to Malin when his mother cursed him? There are …..
a. sands b. iron
c. statue d. rubber


The simple past tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan peristiwa/kegiatan di masa lalu
(+) S + V2 + (O/complement) + ….
(-) S + did not + V1 + (O/complement) +…..
(?) Did + S + V 1 + (O/complement) +…… X past now future
- She went shopping yesterday
- Indra did not study English last week
- Did you go to the movie last week?

(+) S + Was/Were + O/complement

(-) S + Was/Were + not + O/complement
(?) Was/Were + S + O/Complement
- She was absent yesterday
- They were not here last week
- Were you tired ?

Keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan untuk the simple past tense : Yesterday, last ..(night/week/month, dll.),…..( a month/ two years/ a week, dll) ago.

- We went to Bandung last month

- They lived here two years ago

1. Arfan Dino like to have window shopping. Yesterday they went to a supermarket but they …….buy anything there. They just looked around the supermarket.
After getting tired they went home.
a. don’t b. didn’t
c. won’t d. aren’t

2. Anto : Did you go to the public library over there yesterday?

Iwan : Yes, and your nephew, Rudi, was there, too. He……me his new address.
Anto : That’s good. So you can go to his house anytime without me.
Iwan : Sure.
a. gives b. give
c. gave d. given

3. Fira : “Did Desy work hard all day yesterday?”

Fika : “Yes, she……………”
a. worked b. works
c. did d. didn’t

4. Andi : Did you stay at home last Sunday?

Tino : No, I didn’t. I …………….to Taman Safari in Bogor.
a. go b. went
c. gone d. going

5. Santoso bought a new car last week. The negative form of this sentence is …………….
a. Santoso doesn’t buy a new car last week
b. Santoso is not buy a new car last week
c. Does santoso buy a new car last week
d. Santoso didn’t buy a new car last week.


Teks procedure bertujuan menerangkan bagaimana membuat/melakukan sesuatu berdasarkan serangkaian langkah atau kegiaatan.
Struktur teks procedure terdiri dari:
1. Aim/goal (tujuan) : dapat berupa judul
2. Materials: bahan dan alat yang diperlukan. Namun tidak semua teks procedure memerlukan tahap ini.
3. Steps : langkah-langkah untuk melakukan kegiatan (teks procedure)

Karakteristik teks procedure:

- Menggunakan the simple present tense, biasanya berbentuk kalimat imperative.
- Menggunakan kata hubung temporal, seperti first, second, then, next, finally dll
- Menggunakan action vers, seperti turn on, stir, cook, dll

The Basic Operation of Digital Camera

You need
- a digital camera
- an object ( a friend/classmate or something interesting, you can find around the classroom or school yard).

The steps below to make pictures:

1. Hold up the camera and center the object in LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
2. Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want.
3. When you’re ready to take the ’picture’, hold shutter halfway. It is very important, so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other calculations.
4. A light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.
5. Press shutter all the way down.
It may be necessary to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when there is more extreme sunlight or to converse battery life. The glare from the LCD does not
work well with more bright light.
1. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. to tell 21how something is made.
b. to show how to create something
c. to explain how to take pictures
d. to describe how something is achieved

2. What does the word “picture” in step 3 mean?

a. photo c. figure
b. frame d. sketch

3. It is necessary to …………..the LCD and use the view finder when taking pictures with more extreme sunlight
a. switch off b. turn on
c. close d. open


Present perfect tense digunakan jika sesuatu terjadi di masa lampau dan hasil dari peristiwa itu masih ada.

( + ) Subject + (have/has) + Past participle (V3) + …………..
( - ) Subject + (have/has) + not + Past participle (V3) + ……
( ? ) (have/has) + Subject + Past participle (V3)+ …….. (time ?)

- We have had breakfast this morning.

- My parents have not arrived from grandma’s house
- Has your sister already arrived here?

Dalam present perfect tense sering digunakan for dan since, terutama untuk menunjukkan peristiwa yang masih berlanjut.

Ex. - I have been here for 15 minutes

- I have been here since 9 0’clock.

Kata keterangan (adverbs) yang sering digunakan dalam the present perfect tense adalah just, ever, never dan already,terutama untuk mengungkapkan
pengalaman pembicara atau informasi yang baru.

.- Mr. Ardian has just left his his house.
- The children have never won the football game

1. Mila : We have to wear the black skirt for the performance.

Ida : But I don’t have one
Mila : I have. My mother ………….it for me
Ida : I will buy one, then.

a. has sewn
b. was sewing
c. will sew
d. sews

2. Complete the paragraph below.

Yemin Loyola is a Mexican girl. She ………….in Indonesia since last year. She is here to study Indonesia culture in a private university in Central Java.

a. is
b. was
c. has been
d. have been

3. X : Have they …………….the suitcase?

Y : Yes, they have.
a. pack
b. packing
c. packs
d. packed


Teks Report adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu benda-benda secara umum, misalnya berbagai benda/fenomena alam, buatan dan social yang ada atau
terjadi di lingkungan kita.
Struktur teksnya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. General classification (klasifikasi Umum) : pengantar tentang sesuatu/fenomena yang akan dibahas.
2. Description (deskripsi): menerangkan sesuatu/fenomena yang dibahas, meliputi bagian-bagian kualitas, dan prilaku.

Karakteristik teks report.

- Menggunakan the simple present tense, kecuali apabila sudah punah menggunakan past tense.
- Menggunakan verb action

Plants are living beings. They need food, water and air for survival. (General classification)
Plants derive their food from the earth and the air. If you look at their roots, you will find that the ends of these roots are like fine fibers. We call them root-
hairs. They absorb water and minerals, then transport them upwards to the leaves through the trunk and the branches. It is the leaves which prepare the food.

The green material, chlorophyll, prepares the food like a machine. It converts the carbon dioxide taken from the air and water from the ground into sugar with
the help of sunlight. This chemical reaction is called photosynthesis. In fact, the chlorophyll takes energy from the sunlight and uses it to synthesize the hydrogen
from water and carbon from carbon dioxide for making sugar. This reaction also gives out oxygen and water which are excreted by the leaves. (Description)

1. what is text about ?

a. description of plant
b. Roses
c. Siska’s plants
d. Photosynthesis

2. what can you infer from the paragraph 3?

a. Plant can breath
b. Plant don’t need chlorophyll to photosynthesis
c. Plant need oxygen to photosynthesis
d. Chlorophyll takes energy from the sunlight

Comparative Superlative
Makna : Lebih…..daripada Makna: paling/ter ……
- Kata sifat dengan satu suku - Kata sifat dengan satu
kata atau dua suku kata. suku kata atau lebih. Pola :
Pola: adjective + …er adjective + -est. Contoh:
Contoh : big- bigger, clever-cleverest, tall-
Heavy-heavier tallest.

- Kata sifat dengan dua suku - Kata sifat dengan dua suku
kata atau lebih. Pola: more kata aau lebih. Pola: most
+ adjective. Contoh: + adjective Contoh:
foolish-more careful – most careful,
foolish,beautiful-more delicious – most delicious.
Penulisan dalam kalimat : most +
Penulisan dalam kalimat: adjective + adjective selalu didahului dengan kata
…er selalu diikuti dengan than the
Contoh: Contoh:
- The box is bigger than - Rina is the tallest girl in
that one my class.
- The soup is more delicious - The Barongsai is the most
than the salad attractive one

Ada beberapa bentuk comparative dan superlative yang tidak beraturan:

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Far Farther/ Further Farthest / Furthest
Old Older /Elder Oldest / Eldest
Bad / Ill Worse Worst
Little Less Least
Good / Well Better Best
Much / Many More Most

1. Child : Which bomb killed more people, in Bali or at Marriot Hotel?

Father : The bomb in Bali killed about two hundred people. While at Marriot hotel there were ten people killed.
Child : So we can say that ………………than the one at Marriot Hotel.
Father : Yes, that’s right.

a. the bomb in Bali killed more people

b. the bomb in Bali killed least people
c. the bomb at Marriot as many people
d. the bomb at Marriot Hotel killed more people

2. Boby : Do you like living in a big city, Doni?

Doni : No, the big city is crowded and the air isn’t so clean.
Boby : So, you like living in a small city, don’t you?
Doni : Yes, because in small cities the air is………………..

a. the cleanest and freshest places

b. as clean and fresh as in big cities
c. cleaner and fresher than in big cities
d. not cleaner and fresher than in big cities.
3. Read the table

Name of Travel Agent Number of Stuff Sold

Mutiara Travel 79
Yellow Bird 83
CESSA Travel 75

Mutiara Travel sells ………stuff than Yellow Bird does.

a. much b. more c. many d. less
4. Look at the pictures!

a. the kettle is the cheapest.

b. the iron is more expensive than mixer
c. he iron is the most expensive
d. the mixer is cheaper than the kettle

5. Read the following table and answer question!

Ponyo, Sundanese Location Service Price
food 50 Nagreg; Excellent; in the Good About
opened 1988; seat suburban area Rp.35,000/person
200 of Bandung
Simpang Raya, Quite good; in Fair About
Padang food 234 down town; Rp.17,500/person
Martadinata street; congestion area
opened 1995;
seat 80
Kabayan, A little bit hard Excellent About
Indonesia cuisine to find; close to Rp.40,000/person
86 Pasteur street; Maranatha.
opened 1999; seat University at
60 the corner of
Gunung Batu
Putri Minang, Quite good; in Fair About
Padang food 11 down town; Rp.20,000/person
Flamboyan street; congestion area
opened 1990;
seat 70

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

a. You can have Padang food at 86 Pasteur Street.

b. The service at Ponyo is quite good
c. The price at Simpang Raya is the cheapest one
d. Putri Minang has less than 70 seats.

2. Which is the following statement is TRUE according to the text?

a. Simpang Raya is more expensive than Ponyo
b. Kabayan is the most expensive restaurant
c. Putri Minang is cheaper than Simpang Raya
d. Ponyo is the cheapest restaurant
Teks recount bercerita tentang kejadian/ peristiwa yang telah berlalu/ lampau. Biasanya lebih focus pada pengalaman lampau seseorang/ penulisnya sehingga
sering menggunakan subjek “I” dan “We”. Struktur teks recount terdiri dari 3 bagian, yaitu:
1. Orientation (orintasi) : berisi pendahuluan tentang tokoh yang ada dalam cerita tersebut , apa yang terjadi, di mana dan kapan peristiwa itu terjadi.
2. Events : berisi jalinan peristiwa/ kejadian yang ada dalam cerita pengalaman tersebut. Bias terdiri dari beberapa events/ peristiwa.
3. Re-orientation : berisi tentang rangkuman/ penutup cerita.
Karakteristik teks Recount :
 menggunakan past tense
 menggunakan kata hubung (conjuction), misalnya: then, before, after, dan lain-lain.


Orientation : Hi, I’m Jedi. I have a twin sister, named Jada. We were born on August 5, 1992.
We are in the eight grade now. Jada and I do everything together. We are in the
same class. We dress a like. We look the same. We always get other people confused. This really makes Jada and I laugh. Teachers and friends
always get us mixed up at school. Even our father has troubles telling us apart. Our mother doesn’t. She always knows which twin is which. Jada and I
often try to confuse her, but it has never happened.

Event 1 : One day, our teacher told our mother to get one of us a different haircut so that he
could tell us apart. Jada and I were horrified. We didn’t want to look different. We
liked looking the same.
Event 2 : Our mother came to the rescue, and refused to make us cut our hair. We were
happy just the way we were and didn’t want to change. Our dad just shook his
head. He would have to stay confused. Jada and I didn’t care.

Re-orientation : We knew which one was which, and that was all that mattered.

Questions :
1. Who is the writer’s name?

a. Jada
b. Jedi
c. father
d. Teachers

2. What years the writer tells this story?

a. 1992
b. 2008
c. 1990
d. 2000


Question tag digunakan dalam kalimat pernyataan yang diakhiri dengan pertanyaan, agar si pendengar memberi penegasannya.

~ Jika kalimat pernyataan positif, maka question tag nya negative.
~ Apabila dalam pernyataannya menggunakan auxiliary maka question tag-nya di bentuk dari auxiliary itu sendiri.

~ Dan jika dalam pernyataan tidak menggunakan auxiliary maka digunakan “do” atau “does” dan “did” dalam past.

a. Andy is a student ,isn’t he ?
b. she Finishes her homework, doesn’ t she ?
c. my friends will go camping next week ,wont they ?

- Jika kalimat pernyataannya negative ,maka question tagnya positif .

Ex .- Ani doesn’t cook in the kitchen , does she ?

- they aren’ t here,are they ?
- You won’ t (will not ) do that anymore,will you ?

* Tense dari question tag sama seperti tense dalam kalimat pernyataannya .
Ex: - Eko didn’t study last night ,did he ?
- he goes to the movie, doesn’t he?

*Beberapa pengecualian : Ex .-I’m busy ,aren’t I ?

Dalam kalimat imperative (perintah ,ajakan )digunakan untuk menunjukkan lebih sopan dengan menambahkan will you ? atau shall we?

Ex .- Stop that noise ,will you ?

- Sit down , will you ?
- Let’s study hard , shall we ?

1. Farah : We’d better stay in a hotel
Indah : I don’t think so, staying in a hotel is expensive, ……………?
Farah : Don’t fret, we’ll stay in the cheapest one.

a. aren’t you
b. wasn’t it
c. doesn’t it
d. isn’t it

2. Let’s read aloud, …………..?

a. don’t we
b. will you
c. doesn’t he
d. shall we

3. Anto : You like mountains very much,………………….?

Doni : That’s right. I am keen on the fresh air there.

a. do you b. don’t you

c. would you d. didn’t you


A. Advertisements

Advertisement (iklan) adalah pemberitahuan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong, membujuk khalayak ramai untuk membeli atau menggunakan barang atau jasa
yang ditawarkan. Iklan biasanya dipasang di media massa sepeti media cetak/elektronik (Koran, majalah, tabloid) atau di tempat umum.

Brand new luxury 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. At Heatherdowns and Green Street. Convenient to
Southgate Centre. Close to bus route 22. Rentals from $250 include the following utilities: heat, air,
shag carpet, appliances, dishwasher, patio, laundry, room, pool, 1 year lease and security deposit. One-
preschool-aged child considered in 2 bedrooms. Absolutely no pets. Model open weekdays 1-6, Sun, 1-5
or by appointment 241-7721. Managed by Sands Corporation. An equal housing opportunity.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the text?

a. Only one bedroom apartments are available

b. There is no lease required
c. The bus route is far away
d. The rent includes some utilities

2.which of the following families would be able to rent an apartment according to the advertisement ?

a. A woman and her twelve –year-old –child .

b. A husband , wife and their preschool child .
c. A man with a small cat.
d. A husband , wife and two small pets .

3. Rentals from $ 250 include heat, air, shag , carpet ,appliances…’’

What is the synonym of the underlined word ?

a. requirements
b. improvements
c. devices
d. apartments
Conditional Type 1

If clause untuk mendeskripsikan keadaan masa kini atau mendatang yang mungkin terjadi . Kalimat tersebut juga disebut kalimat pengandaian
(conditional sentence )

Pola: if + subject +verb (s/es) + complement ,

Subject + will + V base +complement

Contoh :

1. if have much time, I will accompany you all day .

2. if you ask your brother’s help, he will help you .

Bila if clause terletak di belakang setelah klausa utama , maka tidak menggunakan tanda koma (,).
Pola : subject + will + V base + complement + if clause .

Contoh :- you will pass the exam if you study hard .

- I will go with Ratih and Lisa if they pick me up .

1. Jordan : Are you going by bus ?

Ramli : No ,we’re not .we’re going by car .
Jordan : who is going to drive the car ?
Ramli : I am .
Jordan : So, you have to be careful .The road will be slippery if ….

a. it rained .
b. it rains.
c. it is raining .
d. it was raining.

2. I’ll ……………..if he comes

a. came
b. have come
c. come
d. coming

3. If you drop this glass. It……………

a. breaks
b. will break
c. broke
d. broken

Brochures (brosur) adalah selebaran cetak yang berisi keterangan singkat namun lengkap seperti tentang perusahaan, tempat wisata atau organisasi. Brosur
biasa digunakan untuk mengiklankan atau mempromosikan sesuatu. Brosur biasanya terdiri dari beberapa halaman tanpa dijilid.

(At the open field near the Prawn Restaurant)

Daily shows: 4.00 pm, 5.30 p.m.

7.00 pm, 8.30 p.m
(Mondays to Saturdays)
Sunday and Public Holidays:
Special extra show at 10.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.

Opening Show : 1 December 2006

At 8.30 p.m.
Last Day : 31 December 2006
Tickets : Adults – Rp. 30,000.00; Rp. 25,000.00; Rp. 20,000.
Children (7 – 12 ) Rp. 10,000.00
Below 7 years free.


1. Pak Slamet took his family to see the circus. He bought the most expensive tickets for himself and his wife. With him were two sons aged 10 and 9, and his
daughter aged. How much did he spend on the tickets altogether?
a. Fifty thousand rupiahs
b. Sixty thousand rupiahs
c. Seventy thousand rupiahs
d. Eighty thousand rupiahs

2. Who can see the circus without paying?

a. Any child who lives in the city
b. All children who like to see the circus
c. All children whose age are seven years
d. Any child whose age is not more than seven years


Announcement (pengumuman) adalah pemberitahuan resmi tentang sesuatu supaya diketahui orang banyak. Pengumuman biasa ditulis kemudian ditempatkan
pada papan yang mudah dilihat orang ataupun diumumkan secara lisan.

Read this announcement below!

Tomorrow is the last day for
you to join the English Debate
So, join now!

Contact: Ida, Class VIII A

1. What does it mean?

a. There will be an English debate competition next week.
b. There are only two days left to join the English Debate Competition
c. All students may join the English Debate Competition.
d. Today is the last day to register for the English Debate Competition.
Dear Rudi,
I want you to come to my
house for lunch on Sunday
at 11 a.m.


2. When does Anwar expect Rudi to come to his house?

a. In the morning
b. In the evening
c. In the afternoon
d. At night.

3. From the invitation card above, we know that Rudi is Anwar’s


a. father
b. grandfather
c. teacher
d. close friend

1. Yulia : Have you bought the material for your costume, Anna?
Anna : Yes, I have asked the dress marker to sew them
Yulia : When will your costume be finished
Anna : In the next two days. Don’t worry I…… them
a. take
b. took
c. will take
d. am taking
The simple future tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan kegiatan di
masa mendatang. keterangan waktu yang bisa digunakan antara lain 2. Andi : Tell me how long have you been here
(tomorrow ,next…,in ….soon ,immediately . Tya : Five days. We arrived on Friday the 10th
Andi : You’ve visited many places, I think
Tya : Yes, and we….to Lombok tomorrow. We still have a three-day
WILL BE GOING TO tour there
Untuk menjelaskan kegiatan di masa Untuk menjelaskan rencana yang a. fly
mendatang,misalnya rencana telah disusun sebelumnya . b. flew
Pola : Pola : c. will fly
(+) Subject + will + Verb base + (+) Subject + Be + going to + d. have flown
….. Verb base + ….
(-) Subject + will + Verb base + (-) Subject + Be + not + going to 3. Faiz : What does Samsul plan to do after the coming semester test?
… Will + Subject + Verb base + Verb base + … Wiwit : He……….his school holiday with us
+ ... ? (?) Be + Subject + going to + a. spent
Verb base + … ? b. spends
Contoh : b. has spent
I will have lunch. Contoh : d. will spend
The students will not play football. I am going to have lunch.
Will the students play football ?. The students are not going to
study .
Is Dina going to study ?
past now future

1. Can / cannot + verb base

Can menyatakan dapat melakukan My little brother can ride a bike

Cannot/ can’t menyatakan tidak dapat I cannot do this test. It’s too difficult
melakukan sesuatu
Untuk menanyakan dapat/ tidak dapat Can you fix the fan?
melakukan sesuatu

2. May / may not + verb base 4. Will/ will not + verb base

May untuk mengatakan sesuatu We may submit this paper on Will untuk menyatakan ingin We will drop by Mary’s house
mungkin terjadi Tuesday melakukan sesuatu tomorrow
May not untuk mengatakan sesuatu It’s too late. Ria and Vivi may not Will not/ won’t untuk mengatakan I will not (won’t) go to the canteen.
tidak mungkin terjadi come tidak ingin melakukan sesuatu I’m broke
May dapat digunakan untuk meminta May I use your bike, Vi? Will untuk mengatakan kamu ingin Will you be at home this afternoon
izin mengetahui bahwa seseorang
merencanakan sesuatu

3. Must/ must not + verb base 1. Roy : Who is the girl next to your father?
Ivan : She is Lucy, my cousin
Must untuk menyuruh seseorang We must arrive at school on time Roy : She speaks English fluently, doesn’t she?
melakukan sesuatu Ivan : Yes, Do you know she………speak four different language
Must not/ musn’t supaya seserang He must not (musn’t) walk on the Roy : Really
tidak melakukan sesuatu road
Have to (artinya sama dengan must) Do you have to was all the clothes, a. must
untuk menanyakan apakah sesorang Mum? b.may
perlu melakukan sesuatu atau tidak c. can
d. should
Ex .
2. You ………be in hurry because you don’t want to miss the train. - David has a motorcycle . it is his motorcycle .

a. will - My father buys two cars . they are his car

b. can
c. may 4 . Reflexive Pronoun
d. must Kata ganti yang menunjukkan kegiatan untuk pelaku itu sendiri .

3. She ………….to finish the assignment before Friday.

a. have Ex .
b. has - She spoke to herself . ( Dia berbicara pada dirinya sendiri )
c. will - He laughed at himself . ( Dia mentertawakan dirinya sendiri )
d. muat
PRONOUNS AND INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. Personal Pronoun Possessive Possessive Reflexive Pronoun
Subject Object Adjective Pronoun
Pronoun adalah kata yang menggantikan kata benda .Contoh : I Me My Mine Myself
he ,she , it , they ,dan sebagainya . We Us Our Ours Ourselves
1. Personal Pronoun: Kata ini dapat menggantikan si pelaku You You Your Yours Yourself/yourselves
utama. They Them Their Theirs Themselves
Ex . He Him His His Himself
- Two days ago I met Anjasmara .Yesterday I met him again . She Her Her Hers Herself
- Please put the glass on the table, put it carefully . It it its Its Itself

2. Possessive Pronoun . Demonstrative Pronoun

Kata ganti untuk menggantikan kepemilikan si pelaku Singular Plural
utama .Possessive pronoun biasanya terletak di akhir kalimat . This These
Ex . That Those
- Bill has a car . it is his .
- Mary and Jane live here with a cat . it is theirs .
- This is my brother. These are my sisters
- That book is yours. Those are mine
3.Possessive adjective .
Kata ganti untuk menggantikan si pelaku utama dimana pada
umumnya letaknya sebelum kata benda .
Indefinite Pronoun termasuk bagian pronoun .indefinite pronoun a. everybody b. anybody
digunakan untuk mengacu kepada orang / benda /tempat tertentu . c. nobody d. somebody

 Untuk mengacu kepada seseorang, gunakan’’ …. + one / body.’’ 7. X : Have you found your wallet?
 Untuk mengacu kepada benda , gunakan’’ … + thing .’’ Y : Not yet. I have searched for it ………………….you know
 Untuk mengacu kepada suatu tempat , gunakan’’ … + where .’’
a. everybody
POSITIF NEGATIF b. somewhere
Somebody/somebody Anyone/anybody c. nowhere
Something/everything Anything d. anywhere
Everyone/everybody Nobody/no one
Everywhere Anywhere/nowhere


1. Joni has a sister……………name is Susi
a. his b. her c. hers d. their Elliptical Construction adalah bentuk kalimat majemuk gabungan
setara, terjadinya penghilangan bagian predikat yang sama dari suatu kalimat.
2. …………… is Bill. He lives near here.
a. their b. my c. her d. his 1. Gabungan Setara Kesamaan
Gabungan setara kesamaan menggunakan kata hubungan “and”.
3. Cats and dogs are animals. ……………….sometimes fight each other. Gabungan setara kesamaan dibagi dua yaitu, Positif dan Negatif
a. their b. they c. them d. theirs
A. Positif
4. That book is my book. It’s …………..
a. mine b. me c. my d. our “Too” dan “So” digunakan untuk menggabungkan kalimat positif.
Untuk mudahnya kita golongkan kalimat menjadi dua:
5. Which one of ………….men is Mr. Anto? Do you know? - Berauxiliary
a. who b. that c. those d. this - Tidak Berauxiliary
6. Cici : I can’t find my biology book. Does ……..know where it is?  Berauxiliary
Betty : Eko came here just now and took the book. He is going to get in the Kalimat yang mengandung auxiliary lazimnya muncul dalam semua pola
afternoon. kalimat selain bentuk simple present tense (yang menggunakan verb 1) dan
Cici : I see. simple past tense (yang menggunakan verb 2)
- Your sister likes seafood and I do too
Subject 1 + auxiliary + (Verb) + and + Subject 2 + auxiliary + too
And so do I
 Tidak Berauxiliary - The student often come late and the teacher does too
And + so + auxiliary + subject 2
And so does the teacher
Ex :
- My mother will be interested in reading this novel and my father
will too B. Negative
And so will my father Either dan Neither digunakan untuk menggabungkan kalimat negative.

- Fini is pretty and Karina is too Subject + auxiliary not (verb) + and + subject 2 + auxiliary not + either
And so is Karina Atau
And + neither + auxiliary + subject 2
- I can go and beat them and you can too * Neither = not either, oleh karena itu setelah auxiliary tidak disertai “not” lagi.
And so can you - The teacher couldn’t come on time and I couldn’t either
And neither could I
* Tidak Berauxiliary
- Yanti didn’t like the movie and Tati didn’t either
Kalimat yang tidak mengandung auxiliary lazimnya terealisir dalam pola And neither did Tati
kalimat bentuk simple present tense (yang menggunakan verb-1) dan simple
past tense (yang menggunakan verb 2) Questions:
1. The students often come late, and so _________________ the
Subject 1 + verb + and + subject 2 + do / does + too a. is
Atau b. do
And so + do / does + subject 2 c. are
d. does
Subject 1 + verb 2 + and + subject 2 + did + too
Atau 2. “I saw her this morning”
And + so + did + subject 2 “__________________”
a. so had I
b. So I did
Ex: c. So did I
d. I did so

3. Because of the rain, the teacher couldn’t come on time and

a. I neither could
b. Neither could I
c. I didn’t either
d. Neither don’t I

Saat mengurutkan kata-kata acak menjadi kalimat yang bermakna, ada

beberapa tip:
1. Perhatikan struktur kalimatWORDS / SENTENCES
tersebut, apakah kalimat Tanya atau Example :
2. Carilah subjek kalimat . 1. Arrange these following words to make a correct sentence.
3. Cari verb (kata kerja ) kalimat tersebut .perhatikan tense yang A – him – mother – bar – buy – of – wants – chocolate – to
digunakan. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4. Temukan object berbentuk noun ( bila ada ) .perhatikan juga
artikel /determiner yang digunakan mengawali noun tersebut .
5. tentukan kata keterangan waktu a. 7-9-2-3-5-8-6-4-1
b. 2-7-9-5-3-4-8-1-6
Untuk mengurutkan beberapa kalimat acak menjadi paragraf / teks c. 3-7-9-5-2-1-4-6-8
yang koheren , ada beberapa langkah yaitu : d. 1-4-6-3-8-7-9-5-2
1. Tentukan kalimat pendahuluan yang berupa perkenalan tentang hal
yang ditulis. 2. there is - where - a way - a will - there is
2. Perhatikan konjungsi/kata hubung. Kata hubung itu biasanya 1 2 3 4 5
menghubungkan dua peristiwa/hal yang berurutan.
3. Untuk teks recount dan narrative, perhatikan keterangan waktu The correct arrangement of the words to make a sentence is …………..
karena kata ini mengindikasikan urutan peristiwa.
4. Untuk teks descriptive, report dan prosedur, perhatikan pengulangan a. 2-5-1-3-4
kata yang digunakan pada kalimat berikutnya untuk menunjukkan b. 1-2-3-5-4
adanya kaitan dengan kalimat sebelumnya. c. 2-5-4-1-3
5. Perhatikan kalimat penutup. Pada teks narrative berupa resolusi
(penyelesaian masalah), teks recount berupa pernyataan akhir penulis
tentang peristiwa yang dialaminya, dan teks prosedur berisi tentang
hasil dari prosedur (langkah-langkah) yang dikerjakan.
d. 1-2-4-5-3 1. a. uniform b. dress c. custom d. fashion

3. Arrange these sentences to make cooking instruction of noodle! 2. shirts b. shorts c. socks d. shoes

1. Put noodles into 2 glasses of briskly boiling water. Aminah and her mother go shopping regularly. They go to
2. Your delicious noodles are ready to be served. the…….3… twice a week. There they buy things for the
3. Put the seasoning, vegetables oil and chilli powder in a bowl. daily…….4…., such as vegetables, meats, and fruits. They
4. Mix the noodle well with all of the seasoning like to go there because it is clean and comfortable. Besides, it
5. Cook the noodles and simmer for 3 minutes has fixed price.

a. 4-3-5-1-2
b. 2-1-5-3-4 3. a. department store b. greengrocer
c. 2-5-1-4-2 c. supermarket d. market
d. 1-5-3-4-2 4. a. needs b. meals c. foods d. drinks

Cloze passage adalah paragraf atau teks rumpang yang harus dilengkapi Letters (surat) adalah pesan tertulis dengan berbagai isi dan maksud
dengan kata-kata yang tepat sehingga paragraf/teks tersebut benar. Ada hal-hal yang dikirim kepada seseorang. Surat biasanya dimasukkan ke dalam amplop
yang perlu diperhatikan saat memilih kata yang tepat, yaitu: dan dibubuhi perangko sebelum dikirim.
- Apabila kata kerja (verb), perhatikan tense kalimat, apakah
berbentuk lampau (past), yang akan datang (future), continuous, Read the letter and answer the questions!
dan lain sebagainya.
Dear Aunt Dewi, 23 Jl. Jendral Sudirman
- Apabila kata benda (noun), perhatikan apakah noun tersebut jamak Bandung, Jawa Barat
atau tunggal, countable atau uncountable.
- Perhatikan makna kalimat dan teks secara keseluruhan 4 March 2008
Choose the suitable word to complete this passage! How clever of you to send me blue beads! I was
planning to wear a blue sweater and a plaid skirt to the
Andika is an SMP student. He wears a school …… morning bazaar next Sunday, and the beads will match
1…… The shirt is white and his….2….are blue. perfectly.
He also wears a blue hat on his head. Our bazaar is going to be bigger than ever this
year. We’re having exhibits of arts and crafts, books,
food and flower arrangements. In the bazaar there will
be folk dances and games. You should be there!
Thank you again for your thoughtful gift.

Your loving niece,

1. What did Aunt Dewi give to Nita?

a. Blue beads b. A plaid skirt

c. A nice sweater d. A big book
2. Nita wanted Aunt Dewi to go to the bazaar because……………

a. her aunt promised to go there to run the bazaar PREFERENCE

b. She wanted aunt Dewi to watch the folk dances and games
c. She thought her aunt would not be busy then
Preference merupakan ungkapan untuk menyatakan suatu pilihan atau untuk
d. their flower arrangements would be exhibited there
menyatakan bahwa seseorang lebih menyukai suatu hal/ barang daripada yang
lainnya: Lebih suka………daripada………
3. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE about Nita?
1. like …………better than………
a. She lived at Jalan Sudirman 23, Bandung Nouns:
b. She wrote her letter on 4 March 2008 Example:
c. She was Ms. Dewi’s loving younger sister - I likes mangoes better than oranges.
d. She liked the gift hat Ms. Dewi gave. - My father likes a Jaguar better than BMW.

Verb (Kata Kerja) + ing:

- I like reading better than writing.
- My brother likes walking better than running

2. Prefer ……….to………
Verb + ing : a. than b. better than
c. to d. more than
Example :
- She prefers dancing to singing 2. Prabu would prefer to type the assignment ………………. Write it by hand.
- My mother prefers watching to cooking a. than b. better than
c. to d. rather than
3. Would rather ……….than………
3. They prefer staying at home going out at weekend.
We can also say :
Nouns : Apabila kita membangdingkan benda maka kita menggunakan ”have”
a. They like stay at home than go out at weekend
b. They would rather stay at home than go out at weekend
c. They will stay at home rather than go out at weekend
d. They like staying at home to going out on weekend
- She would rather have banana than watermelon
- My sister would rather have milk than coffee
Verb (Kata kerja): Verb 1,(Bentuk 1, kata dasar)
- Dewi would rather dance than sing Especially for infant and children.
- I would rather read than write Indication: sore throat, cough, abnormal
secretion of sputa.
4. Would (‘d) Prefer …………..rather than………. Dosage * Infants under 6 months
1 teaspoonful 2 x daily
* Infants over 6 months
Verb: Kata kerja 1 menggunakan ‘to infinitive’
1 teaspoonful 3 x daily
* Adults: 1-2 teaspoonful 3 x daily
or as prescribed by the physician
- She’d prefer to dance rather than sing
(1 teaspoonful = 5 ml)
- My father would prefer to walk rather than run
Available: in bottles of 60 ml/90 ml


1. We should keep the cough mixture in a …………………
1. Mother prefers cakes ……………… sweets. a. hot c. cool
b. warm d. cold
2. How long will it take an infant under 6 months to finish a bottle of 60 ml?
a. 2 days c. 6 days
b. 4 days d. 8 days

3. The medicine is ………………

a. for external use c. for the relief of stomach pains
b. a cure for cough d. available on medical prescription only
ANNOUNCEMENTS b. In the evening
c. In the afternoon
d. At night.
Announcement (pengumuman) adalah pemberitahuan resmi tentang
sesuatu supaya diketahui orang banyak. Pengumuman bias ditulis kemudian 3. From the invitation card above, we know that Rudi is Anwar’s …………
ditempatkan pada papan yang mudah dilihat orang ataupun diumumkan secara
lisan. a. father
b. grandfather
Read this announcement below! c. teacher
Attention! d. close friend
Tomorrow is the last day for
you to join the English
Debate Competition.
So, join now!

Contact: Ida, Class VIII A

1. What does it mean?

a. There will be an English debate competition next week.
b. There are only two days left to join the English Debate Competition
c. All students may join the English Debate Competition.
d. Today is the last day to register for the English Debate Competition.

Dear Rudi,
I want you to come to my
house for lunch on Sunday
at 11 a.m.


2. When does Anwar expect Rudi to come to his house?

a. In the morning
a. 1996
1. Read the following notice. It is put on the glass door. b. 1997
c. 1998
d. 1999
No children under 10 years old!
Pedestrian Only
What does it mean?
a. We don’t have children under 10 years old.
b. Children under 10 years old must enter the room. What does the text mean?
c. Children under 10 years old mustn’t enter the room a. This is for riders only
d. There are no children under 10 years old in that room b. This is for walkers only
c. This place is for bus way
Read the text and answer question 2 and 3. d. The bikers should take this way

Hi, my friends! The text is for questions 5 and 6

For a long time, I have been waiting for my
special day.  Distinguished Guest Come and listen
Speakers SEMINAR What They Say About Our
Finally it is coming. I will be 10 Nation
 University Maju
Please come and gather at my home to have a Harapan
nice party at 7 p.m.
Saturday, January 12th, 2008
(021) 5462072 Monday – Tuesday
Peter’s home
23 rd – 24 th May 2008
116 West 60th Street.
11 : 00 – 15:00

2. When will the party be held?

a. In the morning UMH Global Campus

b. In the evening Tangerang
c. At midnight
d. At noon
5. What’s the announcement about?
3. Peter was born in………. a. The opening of a university
b. The opinion of our nation
c. The invitation for a seminar
d. The distinction for special speakers DAYS
Activities Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
6. How long did seminar last each day? English Course  
Study group 
a. 2 hours. meeting
b. 4 hours Outdoor sport 
c. 6 hours Inernet zone   
d. 8 hours
8. The text above is …
a. the time table of Ricky’s activities
7. Do not operate without Blender
b. Ricky’s sport time table
this cover in place
c. a time table for Ricky’s hobbies
d. Ricky’s duty time table

9. Based on he table, Ricky has internet zone … a week

a. once
b. twice
c. three times
d. four times

The text is for Questions 10 to 13

Elizabeth II, born on April 21, 1926, is the eldest daughter
of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She married
Philip Mountbatten, a distant cousin, in 1947;the pair has
four children: Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Andrew and
Edward. She is the first monarch to send her children to
boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-
What does the caution on the blender mean? probing media. She has a strong sense of duty and diligence.
a. We must cover the blender before operating it. Her knowledge of current situations and trends is up to date.
b. We must cover the box before operating the blender. She possesses a sense of humor rarely exhibited in public
c. We are allowed to allowed to operate the blender without the cover where a dignified presence is her goal.
d. We are allowed to cover the box after operating the blender
10. The text is about..
Read the table and answer question 8 and 9
a. Charles a. A fox and his friend
b. Andrew b. A snake an the rabbit
c. Elizabeth II c. A rabbit and his enemy
d. Prince Mountbatten d. A fox and the rabbit

11. Elizabeth II was … years old in 2007 15. Paragraph 2 tells us that …
a. 80 a. little rabbit was relieved
b. 81 b. Rox saved a little rabbit’s life
c. 90 c. a snake was afraid of the little rabbit
d. 91 d. Rox looked vicious to every one

12. Anne is one of the … of George VI 16. What was Rox doing when he saw the snake was going to eat the rabbit
a. sons a. frightening the rabbit
b. shown b. jumping on the snake
c. grandsons c. drinking the river water
d. granddaughters d. sneaking behind the rabbit

13.’ She possesses a sense of humour rarely exhibited ...’

The underlined word means … 17. ‘…his face and style looked very vicious.’ (par 3)
a. Hidden c. found What was the world “vicious” nearly mean?
b. Shown d. given a. arrogant
b. Cward
Read the following text and answer question 14 to 17 c. Greedy
d. Cruel
Once upon a time in the jungle, there lived a fox. His
name was Rox. No one didin’t know him. Everybody in the Read the text and answer questions 18 and 19
jungle was afraid of him because his face and style looked
very vicious. Graphic Artist. An international TV and Video production
One day, in a beautiful summer morning, when Rox company in Central Jakarta seeks a qualified graphic artist to
was drinking at the side of the river, he saw a little rabbit in design interactive DVDS. Must have good English, excellent
danger. A snake came sneaking behind the little rabbit. Te graphic design abilities, and he computer skill to create a
snake was going to eat. Rox jumped over the snake as soon as multi-level interactive products. Video editing ability is also
possible and scared it away. desirable. Sent CV to :
The little rabbit then felt relieved that Rox just saved
his life from the threat of the dangerous snake. After that, it 18. The graphic artist candidates must have the following qualifications, EXCEPT
14.told theiswhole jungle that Rox was a kind fox. He just saved
What the story about? …
its life. There was no need to be afraid of him anymore
a. good English a. Darwis’ life in Pontianak
b. computer skill b. Darwis’ letter for his pen pal
c. communication skill c. Darwis’ experience getting a pen pal
d. excellent graphic design ability d. Darwis’ life in Trondheim, Norway.

19. The word ‘desirable’ has similar meaning to .. 21. Where did Darwis find the name of the pen pal?
a. useful a. In the secondary school
b. needed b. In Trondheim, Norway
c. refused c. In a school magazine
d. valuable d. In the far North

Read the text below to answer questions 20 to 24 22. How did people in Darwis’ village travel?
Darwis found a Pen-Pals column in a school a. By boat
magazine. He decided to find a pen pal. He thought it would b. By bus
be interesting to have a friend in the far North, inside the c. On foot
Arctic Circle. He found the name Rolf Havroy in Norway, d. By bicycle
Arctic Circle. His address was Fabrihiusvin 77 C, 7875
Trondheim, Norway. 23. What is paragraph four about?
Darwis found the name and address quite unusual. So
he decided to write to this person student in year 3of the a. Darwis’ questions for Rolf
He wrote his name and address in the letter. He b. Darwis’ pen pal in Norway
introduced himself and told him that he had found his name c. Darwis life in Pontianak
and address in school magazine. He told him that he was a d. Darwis’ famiy
student in year 3 of the secondary school. He told him that he
was fifteen years old and he had two brothers and three 24. ‘ … he usually rowed his boat to go to school.’
sisters. He was fifth in the family. The underlined word means…
Then he told Rolf some things about Pontianak, his
town. He said that many people lived along the river. They all a. traveled on water with a big ship
had small boats and they used them travel up to the market or b. shopped along the river with canoes
to shop along the river. He said that usually rowed his boat to c. moved through the water using cars
go to school. d. sailed through the river with a small ship
He asked Rolf to tell something about his town. He
wanted to know how they lived during winter. He sent the
whatand waited
is the text anxiously
about ? for a reply Read the following text to answer question 25 and 26
Easy to fry, quickly expand and save the oil usage. Easy to
serve, sun-drying is not needed. Fried crackers can be stored
in a jar. Can be served as a snack and topping of many various

Fresh garlic, selected tapioca flour, fresh vegetables, sugar,
egg, and salt.

Pour enough frying oil into a pan and wait until the oil is
sufficiently hot. Then drop the crackers in, after a while turn
them over until they fully expand. Take them out from the pan
and lay them on absorbent paper.

25. What
Well, is
the Wind and the Sun were disputing which
was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming
a. Frying
down the oil
b. Fresh garlic
Suncrackers : I see a way to decide our dispute.
d. Various dishes
Whichever of us can cause that traveler to take off his
cloak shall be regarded as the stronger.
26. Which statement
The Wind is NOTyou
: Would correct
not talkingtoso
The Sun : Sorry. Okay, you begin. I will retire
behind a cloud. can be served as a snack
these crackers 27. The text tells you about the Wind, the Sun and……..
Theit is
Windnot difficult to serve
: I will blow fried crackers
as hard as I could….I’ll be the
c. we
winner. need a lot of hot oil to cook these crackers a. the Cloud
d. the
The Sun crackers will expand fast
: Okay. Good luck. when the frying oil is hot b. the Glory
The Wind : Zzzzzzzzzz. I’m so tired. What happens c. the Cloak
with me? I shouldn’t give up. I have to blow d. the Traveler

But the harder he blew the more closely did the traveler
Read thehis
wrap textcloak
and round
answer questions
him, 27the
till at last to 29.
Wind had to give 28. Why were the Wind and the Sun disputing? To know which one.........
up in despair.
Then the Sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the
traveler, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak
on. That’s the end of the story.
a. was the stronger a. Eliza Keith Brown was born in 1998.
b. could talk loudly b. The birthday party will be held in the evening
c. would be the harder c. Eliza Keith Brown will be ten years old in 2008.
d. could blow harder d. The invitees should inform Jeannie about their coming.

29. What is the moral value that you can learn from the story? Read the following text for questions 32 to 34
The Ultimate Riding Experience
a. Strength is not always the winner
We have quite horses and ponies for every rider and
b. Everything can be solved by power
professional guides to escort you.
c. Strength always becomes the best.
Children are most welcome and can be led as require.
d. Darkness can be replaced by the Sun.
We recommend wearing long pants, sensible show and plenty
of sunscreen. Helmets are provided but not compulsory.
Read the following text and answer questions 30 and 31.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY A ride with us, whether on the beach or through

Please come to a party The lush green rice field of Canggu will complete
To celebrate the sixth birthday Your Bali Holiday Experience.
Of Price List
Eliza Keith Brown  1 hour ride……………………….U$ 30.00
Daughter of Mr.Andreas Keith Brown  ½ hour ride………………………U$ 15.00
Sunday, October 17th, 2004.  Pony Ride (under 5yrs.)…………U$ 10.00
1.0 p.m. – 3.00 p.m.  1 ½ hour hour ride……………… U$ 40.00
West Landing Avenue Apt 25
452 Cupcake Lane Rides include Hotel Transfers, Safety Equipment and Insurance
R.S.V.P to Jeannie or Jose Cover.
976-680-5632 Bookings
For more information and bookings please ask your hotel tour
30. What is the purpose of the text? desk, travel agent or contact us direct :
Tarukan Equestrian Centre
a. To inform people Jl. Nelayan No. 63
b. To invite someone Br. Canggu Tua
c. To remind somebody CANGGU
d. To ask for confirmation
Tel/Fax : (0361)7470644
31. which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text? 32. What does the text mainly provide us ?
a. Hotel staff c. Insurance cover
b. Horse riding d. Professional guides b. To explain what the chicken soup is
c. To show how to make the chicken soup
33. Ponies are prepared for .. d. To entertain the readers about the chicken soup
a. every rider
b. guides 36. What do we do first after rinsing the chicken?
c. adults a. Put the bowl into an oven
d. kids b. Place the chicken in a bowl
c. Reduce heat to low and simmer
34. “We recommend wearing long pants,…..” d. Add vegetables and enough water
The underlined word means…..
a. Helmets 37. “…….., and enough water to cover them.” (line2)
b. Trousers What does the word “them” refer to?
c. Shoes a. Chicken and bowl
d. Caps b. Vegetables and bowl
c. Vegetables and chicken
Read the following text to answer question 35-37 d. Bowl, chicken, and vegetables

Chicken Soup Read the following text and answer question 38-40
Ingredients: Method:
3 pound, whole fried chicken Rinse the chicken. Place the Medan, may 4, 2008
6 to 8 cups of water chicken in a bowl and add Dear Egar,
1 diced garlic clove vegetables, and enough water to I’m very sorry for this late reply. I’ve just returned
1 cup of sliced onion cover them. Put the bowl into from my hometown. I was on a holiday, but I didn’t really
1 cup of sliced celery an oven and boil over medium enjoy my stay there. Things were not the same as they used
½ cup of sliced carrots high heat. to be.
½ cup of chopped leeks Reduce heat to low When I was a child, I used to swim and go fishing
3 tablespoons of fresh chooped and simmer, covered with my brother and my friends in the river near my house.
parsley for 90 minutes. Remove the I like the river because the water was clear and there were a
Freshly ground black pepper chicken from the heat. Serve the lot of fish in it.
Pinch of salt steaming hot chicken, garnised with Now, the river is full of garbage and the water is
parsley, salt and ground black turbid. The fish are gone and the area around the river is
pepper dirty. There are no children swimming and fishing in the
river because Thethe
water isof ominous.
the river really makes me waste
The chemical sad.
What about your hometown?
from the factories makes it poisonous.Do you have the same
problem with polluted river? That’s all. I have to study
35. What is the purpose of the text above? for the coming semester exam. Please write to me soon.
a. To describe about the chicken soup

38. The writer’s purpose of writing this letter is to tell his friend about his ….
Concerning the river in his hometown.

a. Happiness
b. Amazement
c. Entertainment
d. Disappointment

39. The letter shows that the condition of Zaki’s hometown on May 4, 2008
was….than it was when he was a child

a. Cleaner
b. Bigger 41. What is the most dangerous enemy for orang-utans?
c. Worse Orangutans means “forest man a very suitable name
d.for the largest of the tree dwelling apes, a large male can
Better a. The lack of the food
weight 90 kg. b. The living rain forest
40. Where Orangutans live in
did Zaki write theSumatra
letter? and Kalimantan. They c. The tree dwelling apes
are very gentle animals and live quietly several metres off d. The logging companies
a.the ground.
In the river They spend their time moving from meal to
meal by passing from tree to tree, swinging rather than
b. In his village 42. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
c.jumping, using their long arms to carefully reach out the
In his hometown a. The total number of orang-utans is about 170,000
gaps among trees.
d. In his boarding room b. Only a few orang-utans are reserved and protected
It’s thought that there are about 150,000 wild c. The function of the illegal logging is to protect orang-utans
orangutans, but only about 20,000 are in reserves and safety d. More orang-utans continue living in the dense forest nowadays
protected from danger. The main threat to the orangutans
Read thefrom loggingtext
following companies,
and answer or from people
question who
41-43 43. The purpose of the text is…….
illegally capture and sell orangutans as pets. The logging
companies exploit the living rain forest so that they can a. To tell readers the endangered orang-utan
easily move from tree to tree in searching for food. The
destruction of the rain forest could also bring about the
extinction of the orangutans. They cannot survive without
dense living forests
b. To ask readers to destroy the environment in the forest d. They
c. To invite readers to see the illegal logging in the dense forest
d. To persuade readers to bring about the extinction of orangutan 47. 1. Bandung Bondowoso asked Roro Jongrang to marry him
2. Ror Jongrang agreed to marry Bandung on one condition
For questions 44-46 fill in the blanks with the most suitable words. 3. A long time ago in Prambanan palace lived a king Baka and his daughter,
Roro Jongrang
Margarita lives at Baliem valley in Papua province. Look at her 4. One day, Banadung Bondowoso killed king Baka to conquer Prambanan
house! It is called “Honai”. The wall is made of wood and the…(44) is 5. At last, the genie left the temple uncompleted
made of “Sali”, a kind of grass. Margarita’s skirt is made of “Sali”, too. 6. The work was almost finished whwn Roro woke the sun
There are two floors inside the honai. 7. Then, Bandung asked the genie for help
The first floor functions as the source of heat. Margarita’s father 8. Bandung had to present one thousand temples in one night.
puts some firewood on the floor. It…..(45) the house warm because the
temperature is very cold. It is about 18 C. there isn’t any furniture on the The best arrangement of the story is…….
first floor. There is only some grass and a ladder. Margarita sleeps on the a. 3 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 8 – 7 – 2 – 5
second floor. She sleeps with her sisters and her mother. She calls her b. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 5
“mama”. Her father and her brother do not sleep in the same in the same c. 3 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 8 – 7 – 2 – 5
honai……..(46) d. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 6 – 5
Sleep in bigger honai. It is near Margarita’s honai.
1. Alexander Graham was a scout born American, one of the first to
develop a telephone
2. Telephone is a means that enables a person to speak directly to
another over a long distance
44. a. Floor 3. It is now possible to direct dial to many foreign countries, and some
b. Roof have auto redial
c. Room 4. We have to push buttons of the telephone today instead of the old
d. Ceiling fashioned rotary dial models
5. Many modern telephones also come with other features which makes
45. a. Looks them easier to use
b. Seems 6. 3G (third generation technology) is the newest innovation in mobile
c. Keeps phone
d. Happens 7. Picture phone and cellular phone are the innovation in telephone
service for business, and for communicating with your friend
46. a. I Which is the best order of the sentence to have a good paragraph?
b. We a. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7
c. He b. 2 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 7
c. 4 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 2 – 1
d. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 6 Notices (peringatan) adalah tulisan atau tanda untuk memberi informasi, instrukasi
atau peringatan kepada public.
For question 49-50 arrange the words into good sentence Contoh:
49. The first prize of - Competition - Congratulation - 1.
On winning - Our school speech
4 5
The sign means …………
a. 3–4–1–5–2 a. We may come in
b. 4–2–3–1–5 b. We can come in
c. 5–2–3–1–4 c. We are allowed to come
d. 1–2–3–4–5 d. We are forbidden to come in

50. The flowers-Away-Please-I’m-Tell-To water-While-Ayu Beware of Pickpockets

a. 8–7–1–2–3–5–4–6 What does the text mean?

b. 7–8–2–5–4–6–1–3 a. We must make a pocket
c. 3–5–8–6–1–7–4–2 b. We must be careful of pickpockets
d. 7–3–2–5–4–6–1–8 c. We must have a pocket
d. We must be friendly to pickpockets


What does the sign mean?
a. All officers must enter the room
b. All officers mustn’t enter the room
c. Only officers that are allowed to enter the room
GOOD LUCK d. All officers should not enter the room

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Kata Pengantar………………………. i
Daftar Isi ……………………………. ii
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Dialogue…………………………….. 1
Descriptive………………………….. 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Simple Present Tense………………. 13
Narrative Text……………………… 15 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Simple Past Tense………………….. 17
Procedure…………………………… 19 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Present Perfect Tense………………. 21
Report Text………………………… 23 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Comparison………………………… 25
Recount…………………………….. 29 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
Question Tag……………………….. 31
Short Functional Texts…………….. 33 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
Future Tense……………………….. 43
Conditional Type I…………………. 45 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
Modals……………………………… 47
Pronouns And Indefinite Pronouns… 49 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
Elliptical Construction……………… 52
Preference........................................... 55
Rearrange words/Sentences………… 58 100 A B C D E F G H I
Ujian Nasional 2008/2009………….. 60
Ujian Nasional 2007/2008………….. 77
Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010
Buku materi intensif Bahasa Inggris SMP ini merupakan materi
pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan kumpulan soal-soal UN yang diajarkan dan di
bahas pada bimbingan intensif SMP Islam An-Nizam untuk menghadapi Ujian O
Nasional tahun 2009/2010. l
Tujuan dari pembuatan buku ini adalah untuk membantu para siswa/siswi e
dalam mengahadapi berbagai bentuk soal sebagai Ujian Nasional dari proses
belajar mengajar mereka selama belajar di SMP Islam An-Nizam, dengan h
harapan mereka mampu untuk mengenal, mempelajari dan menyelesaikan
setiap bentuk soal yang disajikan secara berbeda.

Akhirnya saya ucapkan selamat berlatih, karena dengan banyak berlatih

akan terbiasa menyelesaikan berbagai bentuk soal.

Semoga mendapat nilai yang memuaskan dan melanjutkan studi kejenjang

yang lebih tinggi

Medan, Nopember 2009


Arlina Hasnoor SPd.

Arlina Hasnoor SPd.
Jl. Tuba II / Perjuangan No 62
Medan Denai
Read the following text to to answer the question number 1

3.According to the short message above, Andy and Boby are going to
1. Where do we usually find the text? have a picnic on.....
a. At the lake c. In the river a. Sunday c. Tuesday
b. At the beach d. In the swimming pool b. Monday d. Wednesday

Read the following text to answer the question 4. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. To invite someone to have a picnic
Dear Irfan,
Let me congratulate you on getting the best mark on your
b. To ask someone to join a vacation.
final examination. c. To tell the plan of having a trip
I hope you can have the best school for your next study. d. To inform someone about the changing of picnic time

Love, Read the text and answer questions 5 and 6

The nursery was packed with blankets and love all we liked was a bundle
2. Why does Ita congratulate Irfan? of joy. Please join us for celebrating the birth of our baby
a. He has got the best school. Drew Davidson Crespi
May 07, 2009 at 2 : 00 p.m
b. He has passed the examination. 26 Park Road
c. He has got bad mark London, SE 218 AT
d. He has blown up his exam. RSVP to: Hosted by
Anna or James Keith
967-650-999 Kelley Crespi
Read the message and answer questions 3 and 4 5. What is the name of the baby?
Sender: Andy a. Kelley Crespi
Tuesday, 28th April 2009 b. Keith Crespi
09.45 a.m

Boby, our plan to have a picnic today is postponed by Mrs

Sendy because of the heavy rain.
She’s just informed me the picic will be done tomorrow
c. Drew Davidson Crespi 9. “We invite you to attend a meeting.......”
d. Anna Crespi What does the underlined word mean?
6. The purpose of the above text a baby born party. a. Hold out c. Go to
a. To give information b. Talk to d. Speak with
b. To invite someone
c. To express happiness Read the following text to answer questions 10 to 12
d. To describe a certain party
I have some pets. However, my favorite pet is Blewuk.
Read the text and answer questions 7 to 9 Blewuk is a male cat. It is called so because it has grey fur. He is
very adorable with his soft fur. He has innocent round eyes and feeble
Announcement sweet voice. He always meows when he feels hungry. Actually, his
voice is not suitable with his giant body. When I come home, he usually
For all the class leaders of SMP 24! gives me a kiss.
We invite you to attend a meeting at 2 p.m. in the school Blewuk is a nice playmate. I’m happy to spend my time with
library. We are going to discuss the school farewell him. He is a good boy. It is almost impossible for me to be angry with
ceremony for the third year students. him. In the morning, he always wakes me up early. When he wakes up
earlier, he waits quietly by my bedside until I wake up
Those who are the members of the school band please come
to the multi-purpose room for the reherseal this Saturday
afternoon at 3 p.m. We have to show our best performance
for the ceremony. 10. What does Blewuk usually do when his master comes home?
a. He waits quitely
Chairperson of student union b. He meouws to his master
Vika Sundari c. He kisses his master
7. Why does the school band have to do the rehearsal? d. He wakes up his master
a. To show how they play music 11.The writer calls the cat Blewuk because he has.........
b. To play the best for the school farewell ceremony. a. Innocent round eyes
c. To perform certain entertainment b. Grey fur
d. To produce the best record of the school band c. Giant body
8. The rehearsal of the school band will be done........... d. Feeble sweet voice
a. At night c. In the morning 12. The text is about Blewuk as the writer’s.....
b. At noon d. In the afternoon a. Favorite pet c. Good boy
b. Female cat d. Nice friend 15.“I shall never forget the spectacular sight of the
city.....”(paragraph 2)
Read the following text and answer questions 13 to 15 What does the underlined word mean?
a. Nice
I want to tell you about my memorable time in Singapore. It was one of b. Usual
the best holidays I ever had.
c. Amazing
I shall never forget the spectacular sight of the sity I saw from Mount d. Ordinary
Fable that night. The roller-coaster ride, the stunts performed by the
dolphins and the killer shale at the Sea World were also exciting. I shall Read the text and answer question 16 to 18
remember the thrill of having been on one of the longest rides in the
nmonorail in Sentosa Island for many years to come.
ES TELLER (ice Fruit Cocktail with Condensed Milk)
I also enjoyed various varieties of seafood at the makeshift roadside
- 150 gr sugar
stalls at the Chinatown night market. I also enjoyed the shopping trips.
- 2 pandan leaves
My family and friend agreed that the souvenirs were value for money,
- 50 ml water
especially the silk scarves with pretty prints and the attractive key
- 400 gr ripe avocado, cut into 1 cm cube
- 400 gr ripe jackfruit, deseeded and cut into cube
- 3 young coconut, meat scraped out
13.What did the writer do at the China town? - Crushed ice
a. He had a roller-coaster experience - Condensed milk
b. He had a various varieties of seafood.
1. Combine sugar, pandan leaves and water in small saucepan.
c. He enjoyed the snails. 2. Heat for a few minutes until sugar dissolves.
d. He enjoyed the souvenirs 3. Cool syrup
4. Place generous spoonfuls of cube avocado, jackfruit and young
14.What kind of souvenir did the writer buy? coconut into a serving bowl.
a. Post cards and snails 5. Add a little syrup to sweeten
6. Top with crushed ice and drizzle on a condensed milk
b. Seafood and squid
7. Serve immediately
c. Money and scarves
d. Silk scarves and key chains. 16. How much water do we need if we want to make “es teler”?
a. 20 ml c. 250 ml
b. 50 ml d. 400 ml
17.What should we do to dissolve sugar immediately? c. Disturbed him
a. Heat it for a few minutes d. Confronted him
b. Crush it in a small soucepan
c. Combine sugar and water 20. “...picked him up again and shook...” (paragrap 4)
d. Stir it compeletely The underlined word refers to ...
18.“Serve immediately” (last step) a. Elephant c. Monkey
The underlined word is similar in meaning to...... b. Tiger d. Deer
a. Lately c. Sharply
b. Directly d. Gradually 21. What can we learn from the text ?
a. We may not get easily angry to ourselves
Read the text and answer questions 19 to 22 b. We may not be dishonest of ourselves
One morning, there was a tiger who woke up and just felt c. We may not be silly of ourselves.
great. He felt so good, he went out and cornered a small monkey and d. We may not be boasful.
roared at him. “Who is the mightiest of all the jungle animals?” The
poor little monkey replied, “You are of course, no one is mightiest 22. From the story above we know that................
than you”.
a. A tiger was the greatest and strongest animal
A little while later, this tiger confronted a deer and bellowed
out. “Who is the greatest and strongest of all the jungle animal?” The b. All of the animals were afraid of the tiger
deer was shaking ro hard it almost could not speak, but managed to c. The elephant was stronger than the tiger
say, “Oh great tiger, you are by far the mightiest animal in the d. The tiger was afraid of the elephant
The tiger walked proudly to an elephant that was quitely
eating some weeds and roared at the top his voice, “Who is the
mightiest of all the animals in the jungle?”
Then this elephant grabbed the tiger with his trunk, picked
him up, slamed him down, picked him up again and shook him until
the tiger was just a lur of orange and black. Finally, the elephant
threw him violently into a nearby tree. The tiger staggered to his feet
and looked at the elephant and said, “Man, just because you don’t
have to get so angry!”
19.What did elephant do to the tiger with his trunk?
a. Grabbed him
b. Answered his question
The finest ingredients have been used in the manufactures of this biscuit. They
left our factory in perfect condition and we hope you will enjoy them
Wheat flour, margarine, vegetable fat strawberry jam (contain strawberry
powder, strawberry flavour, food colour: Allura red C116035) sugar, salt.

Nutrition information:
Serving size: 35 g
Serving per container about: 3

Amount per serving:

Calories: 170 kkal
Calories from fat: 90 kkal 25. How many different species of trees grow in the lowland forest
of Kalimantan?
23.How much calories does ‘Genji Pie’ contain? a. 198,629 c. 2,995
a. 3 kkal c. 90 kkal b. b. 7,500 d. 240
b. 35 kkal d. 170 kkal
26.The area was formally declared as a national park in 1995. (first
24.‘The finest ingredient....’ sentence).
What does the underlined word mean? The underlined
I have word means.......
a bad experience in shopping. Actually it was not my fault. It
a. One of the parts of a mixture was the shop
a. assistant’t fault. However, the security officer of the shop really
Made something
b. area
Thewas names of mixture embarrassed me. He accused
b. Well known to mesomebody
of stealing a pair of blue jeans.
The formally declared as a national park in 1995. At present,
Here how it happened. One Saturday afternoon I went to a fashion
it c. A series of equipments
includes 198,629 hectares of coastal lowland tropical rain forest c. Known to some people
shop mith my friends. I wanted to buy a pair of blue jeans. I got one. I took
d. Theits boundaries.
amount ofThe
thepark protects a large area of lowland forest,
material them to thed.cashier
Madeandknown to them.
paid for somebody elsefriends and I left the shop.
Then, my
mixed with dipterocarp forest an ecosystem noted for its high
There was a cencor clip on every piece of article. The shop assistant
biodiversity. The park is particulary valuable, as ecosystems of this
was careless. She forgot putting it off. So, when I left the shop, the detector
sort are largely unpresented within the system of protected areas,
Read the following textortoelse
answer beeped. The the
text officer shoutedquestion
at me, “Hey,
27 toyou!”
29 He caught me.
either in Indonesia where,questions 25 andincreasingly
and are becoming 26 rare. Read and answer
Everyone in the shop looked at me. Then, he took me to the manager’s room.
These lowland forests of Kalimantan (the Indonesian portion
How embrrassing!
of Borneo) are recognized as some os the most biolocally deverse
Shortly, the shop assistant and the security officer said they were
habitats in the world, with as many as 240 different species of trees
sorry about what had happened the manager of the shop did too. They knew
growing in one hectare. In addition, Kutai’s 7,500 hectares of intact
it was not my fault. Finally, the manager asked me to take one piece of
mangrove forest ensures a stable coastline and thus contributes to the
clothing article for free. I took an extravagant gown. You know the price? It
productivity of offshore fishing grounds
was Rp. 102.900,00
c. Really friendly
d. Very generous

Read the text and answer questions 30 to 33

In the dense forest of West Papua, there live a group of birds

with brightly coloured feathers. The birds are commonly known as
Their colours are so fantastic that people believe they are
from paradise. In fact, only the males have these colorful feathers.
They display the most colorful part of their feathers to attract
females for mating. They attract as many females as possible before
the end of the mating season
The males take no part in making a nest. Neither do they
27. What does the text tell you about? incubate the eggs nor rear the chicks. The females build the nest of
leaves in a tree. It is about four to ten meters above the ground.
a. An unlucky girl They incubate two to four eggs for three weeks. By the time they
b. A careless shop assistant leave the nest, the tail feathers of the male chicks will have grown
c. A cruel security into a fantastic shape.
d. A kind manager The natives of Papua have used these birds’ feathers for
their head decoration for many years. This has never endangered
28. What is paragraph three about? the bird population.
However the bird’s population is now in real danger since
a. Careless shop assistant people from other places have started to use the colourful feathers
b. The embrassing security for commercial hat making.
c. The writer’s bad experience
d. The writer’s favourite jeans
30.Which part of Cendrawasih make them very beautiful?
a. Their eggs c. Their chicks
29.What is the manager of the shop like? b. Their heads d. Their feathers
a. Rather careless
b. Quite polite 31.Which statement is incorrect about the bird?
a. Nowadays Cendrawasih is in danger of extinction
b. The native of Papua like to wear the feathers of
c. The nests of Cendrawasih are built four to ten meters 10 minutes only
from airport
above the ground and train station
d. The cendrawasih’s eggs turn into chicks after four
weeks of incubator

32.What does the text tell you about?

a. The bird called Cendrawasih
b. The fantastic birds of the world
c. The dense forest of west Papua
d. The brightly coloured feathers Jl.Pandanaran 58, Semarang. Telp. (24) 8452952 Fax. (024) 8452956; Website:
33.“Neither do they incubate the eggs nor rear the chicks”
(paragraph 3)
The word HOTEL
PANDARAN “rear” is similar in meaning to...............
Smart forward
Choice 34.Which facilities do the guests need to entertain themselves?
b. Give out
Facilities: a. Laundry Service c. Business Centre
- c.188Look
Rooms Including Suite Room
after b. Airline Service d. TV Cable with 51 channels
- d.TVHatch
Cable with
out 51 Channels
- Swimming Pool
- Coffee shop 24 Hours 35.From the text we know that......
- Laundry Service a. There is a coffee shop in the hotel which opens until 12
- Taxi Service p.m.
- Airline Service b. The hotel is far from the airport and train station
- Business Centre c. The hotel is near the airport and train station
d. The guests must book aeroplane tickets from the hotel
Proudly introduce the extraordinary hospitality in Semarang city. Find
Read the
ourtext andand
facilities answer
servicequestions 34 to 36 Hotel Semarang seem to
to make Pandanaran 36.“...the extraordinary hospitality in Semarang city.”
be your second home combining business and leisure. What does the unerlined word mean?
a. Friendly and generous behaviour towards guests
b. A large building where sick people are treated. a. Rehan and Ivan
c. An atmosphere created in a family b. Rehan and his uncle
d. A unique tradition of certain place c. Ivan and his uncle
d. Rehan, Ivan and his uncle.
Read the following text and answer question 37 to 40 40.“I’m going to spend my vacation”
The underlined word means.....
a. Times when people take a walk in the park
Dear Rehan, b. A length of time in the life of particular person
Hi! Glad to know you have passed your exam. I also had
c. The period when schools are closed
my exam last month and now I’m waiting for the result. My
teacher said it is going to be announced next week. Wish me luck, d. The period when students do not do tests
then. Read the text and answer questions 41 to 43
And you know what I am going to do after receiving the
result? I’m going to spend my vacation at my uncle’s house in ESIA
Manado. We will go diving in Buyat bay to see the beauty of the Reload Voucher
under water world. There are many sports in Buyat bay which are Reload
rich of colourful coral reef and sea creatures. Come with me to my 1. Scratch the grey area with a coin to find 16 digits voucher
uncle, Rehan. And we do the adventure together.
Let me know if you can come. See you.
Best Regards 2. Dial *900 and follow the instructions or SMS to 555, type
Ivan TOPUP <space> 16 digits voucher number.
3. The amount stated on the voucher will be added to your
37.Who had an exam last month? esia/Wifone/Wimode account.
a. Rehan c. Ivan’s teacher 4. Dial*955/*555 or SMS to 555 and type : Talk Time to check
b. Ivan d. My teacher your remaining Talk Time balance from your phone.
38.What does Ivan ask Revan? 5. Active Period 30 days. This could be change without prior
a. To come to his uncle’s house together notice.Please Top Up before end of active period.
b. To see him soon Customers Care
c. To receive the result of the exam. Dial *999 from Esia number or
d. To know whether he had finished the exam Produced
41.What byyou
should Pt Bakrie
do firstTelkom
to knowTbk.Jakarta
the Esia voucher number?
39.“And we do the adventure together” Valid up to June 30 2009
a. Contact the producer of the product.
What does the underlined word refer to? b. Check your remaining talking time.
c. Scratch the grey area with a coin a. 4 – 3 - 1 – 2 – 6 – 7 – 5
d. Dial *900 and follow the instructions. b. 4 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 7
42.What is the text about? c. 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 7
a. How to reload Esia voucher number d. 4 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 2
b. What to do to change the number of a mobile phone 48.Arrange these words into a good sentence!
c. The ways of dialing phone numbers
d. The steps to do to repair the Esia voucher On – it – put – a donkey – and – found – skin – a lion’s
43.If you use the voucher after June 30, 2009, it ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. Can work at its maximum power
b. May help you contact your relatives a. 8–7–6–1–5–4–2–3
c. Will not function as it should be b. 4–6–8–7–5–3–2–1
d. May change the number of your HP c. 4–5–3–1–4–8–7–2
For questions 44 to 46 complete the text with the correct words d. 8–6–4–1–3–5–2–7
The maleo is a kind of bird. It (44)... a medium-sized blackish mega-pode
with bare yellow facial skin. The greyish blue (45)... have four long sharp 49.For questions 49, rearrange the following sentence into a
claws, separated by a membrane web. The sexes are almost similar with a good text.
(46)...smaller and duller female. 1. Then she turned into a beautiful fairy and bewitched the prince
became an ugly beast.
44. a. Needs c. Wants 2. When Belle declared her love for him, the spell was broken and
b. has d. Gets the beast became the good looking prince again.
3. Once upon a time there was a good looking and rich prince lived
45. a. Head c. Feet in a castle
b. wings d. Body 4. They got married and lived happily ever after
46. a. Slightly c. Brightly 5. One rainy dark night an ugly old woman came to the castle.
b. commonly d. Rudely 6. One day the beast met a beautiful woman named Belle, he
For numbers 47 and 48 rearrange the jumbled words into changed then but still ugly.
a good sentence. 7. The prince didn’t like her and sent her away.
47. door – after – the – lock – out – you – go Which one is the best arrangement to make a good text?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a. 3 – 5 – 7 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 4
b. 5 – 7 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 6 – 4
c. 3 – 1 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 4
d. 5 – 7 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 4

50. For question 50, arrange the following sentence into a

good recount text

1. Mrs. Harry cooked spagheti for dinner and baked

apple pie for dessert.
2. Mr.Harry’s family invited all their friends to a party
tonight. All family worked together to clean the house
and the yard.
3. The Harrys served the dinner in the dining room at
9.00. Everybody enjoyed the meal very much
4. The guests arrived at about 8.00 p.m. They talked
about how beautiful the Harry’s house looks inside and
The best arrangement of the sentences above to make a good
text is................
a. 4 – 2 – 1 – 3
b. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3
c. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2
d. 1 – 4 – 3 – 2


Andre : I think it was too difficult… I will get a good mark. I could only do a
1. X : Excuse me, Sir. I can’t read the sentences on the board. few items.
Y : It’s all right. Ridwan, switch on the light, please. a. I don’t believe
Z : All right, sir. b. I am certain
Y : Thank you, Ridwan. c. I am not sure
Z : You’re welcome. d. I’m sure
Where does the dialogue take place?
a. In the bedroom 5. Brian : It’s very hot day, isn’t it? What about dropping in at the café on the
b. In the office corner?
c. In the classroom Peter :………I feel very thirsty, too.
d. In the canteen
a. It’s not necessary
2. Lily : Hi, Nia ! I bring a photo of my brother. b. It’s a bad idea
Nia : May I have a look? c. It sounds good
Lily : Of course. Here it is. d. It’s looks easy
Nia : Wow. He is very good looking. ……is he?
Lily : 175 cm 6. Look t the pictures!

a. How high
b. How tall
c. How far
d. How long
3. Yesterday I didn’t go to the meeting. I ….my mother cook in the kitchen.
She was very busy preparing for my sister’s seventeenth birthday party.

a. help
b. am helping
c. will help
d. helped The pictures show that…….

a. The kettle is the cheapest

b. The iron is more expensive than the mixer
4. Father : How about your test this morning, Andre? c. The iron is the most expensive
d. The mixer is cheaper than the kettle
7. Look at the traffic sign!
10. “But it’s exciting and the views you get from the car are wonderful”. The
It’s means…. synonym of the underlined word is…..
a. The road is winding Gambar
b. The road is slippery a. Facilities
c. There car may not enter this street b. Scenery
d. There are a lot of winding turns c. Service
d. Focus

Read the following text to answer question 11 to 13

Read the text and answer questions 8 to 10.
San Francisco is my favorite city in the United States. It’s beautiful, Breakfast is provided free of charge. We also have special discounts on food
clean, not too big, and it has something for everybody. I love the streets and and drinks at our restaurant for all registered guests. On top of that, there’s a fifty
buildings in San Francisco. The streets wind up and down the hills, with percent discount for children below 12 at our restaurant. We are located close to the
beautiful old brick and wooden houses on either side. apple garden and butterfly farm. You can also see the sunset and sunrise from your
One of my favorite things to do in San Francisco is to ride the cable room. Children would also be entitled to free horse riding lesson every morning.
car. It takes you do most parts of the city. It’s not a very comfortable ride, but
it’s exciting and the views you get from the car are wonderful. Rp. 430,000 per night.
I like the weather in San Francisco. It never gets too cold or too hot. COOL HEAVEN, BATU HIGHLANDS, MALANG.
The summer are pleasant. The fresh breezes blow off the ocean and the sky is
always blue. It rains quite a lot in the winter, but it never gets very cold. Reservation : (0341)7689980
Another thing I enjoy about the city is the restaurants. The seafood Email :
restaurant with crabs and lobster are my favorites. You can also get great
Chinese, Japanese, American, and European food in San Francisco. 11. Which is free of charge in the hotel?

8. The text is about San Francisco which……. a. Having food and drinks in the restaurant
a. Is a tourists destination b. Having breakfast and horse riding lesson
b. Has a bad weather c. Entering the apple garden
c. Is the writer’s favourite city in USA d. Staying for nights
d. Has a comfortable transportation
12. Who is the fifty percent discount given to?
9. From the text above we know that the streets in San Francisco are not……..
a. Straight a. All registered guests
b. Wide b. 14 years old children
c. Long c. 11 year old children
d. Narrow d. Adult people
13. “On top of that, there’s a fifty percent discount for children below 12 at our 16. Which statement is NOT TRUE about the Indonesian language?
restaurant.” The underlined word means…..
a. There is a move to make it as one of the official languages of Asean
a. Over b. It is the national languages of Indonesia
b. After c. It is the mother tongue of all Indonesian people
c. Under d. It is derived from the Malay language
d. In the age of
17. The Indonesian language becomes the second language for many ethnic groups
Read the text and answer questions 14 to 17 because…….

Indonesian consists of different ethnic group, languages, cultures and a. They have their own mother tongues
traditions. The 17,000 islands forming the world’s largest archipelago chain is b. They think their languages are not good
the home to more than 200 million people descended from over 200 different c. They want their own languages to be a national language
ethnic groups. There are over 350 different languages spoken. Bahasa d. The Indonesian language has been use by other countries
Indonesia, the national language, seems to be a second language and not their
mother tongue. It is spoken as the first language only in the provinces of West 18. Which of the following underlined words has incorrect spelling?
Sumatra and Riau Islands.
Thought Bahasa Indonesia is derived from Bahasa Melayu, there are a. The man’s face showed that he was displeased
some difference in meaning and pronounciation. Recently, there is a move to b. It is impossible for parents to shield their children from every danger
make Bahasa Indonesia (and Bahasa Melayu) accepted as one of the official c. The man walked briskly to keep warm on the very cold night
languages of the Association of South East Asian Countries. This would give d. The little boy had a long day he was feeling tyred
great significance to Bahasa Indonesia and make the learning of it more useful
for the use not only in Indonesian but also in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.
For question 19-20 choose the word which is closest in meaning to the
14. How many ethnic groups does Indonesian have? underlined words
a. About 350
b. More than 200 Thousand of tourists go to Bali each year. They like to go on trips for the
c. Less than 200 fun of seeing strange (19) things, because Bali is one of the places where they
d. Around 170 expect to see them.
Many villages have gamelan and dance teams for their religions and other
15. Paragraph 1 tells us about Indonesian as….that consists of different ethnic ceremonies. The Kecak or Monkey dance shows part of the famous (20) Ramayana
groups, languages, cultures and traditions story, some of the other dances are the Legong, the Kebyar, and the Jangger.
a. An archipelago
b. A mother tongue
c. A population
d. A chain 19. a. Wild
b. Dull
c. Unfamiliar 23. Nina borrowed two books. She returned them after a week. How much will she
d. Interesting be fined?

20. a. Bold a. One hundred

b. Well-known b. Two hundred
c. Surprising c. Four hundred
d. Colossal d. Seven hundred

21. .KEEP CLEAN THE CLASSROOM 24. “……..because they are arranged well (paragraph 3)
What does the word “They” refer to?

The sentence above means…… the classroom a. The students

a. Don’t make any noise b. The librarians
b. Don’t throw rubbish anywhere c. The books
c. Put the books on the bookshelf d. The bookshelves
d. Put the rubbish on the floor
For question 25-26 choose the best word to fill in the blank spaces of the text
Read the following text and answer questions 22-24
Early people wore animal…..(25) to keep them warm, but about 10.000
The students usually go to the library during the break. There are a lot years ago people learned how to make…..(26). They used a spindle to spin wool,
of books, magazines, newspapers, novels, fables, and short stories. cotton, flax, or hemp into thread, which could be woven into fabric. These fabrics
The students should have a member card to borrow books. They can were then made into clothes.
borrow two books at the same time for three days. If they return the book late,
they will be fined Rp 100,00 for each book. There is notice in the library 25. a. Flesh
stating “keep silence”. It means they must not make a noise in the library. b. Hair
Much noise will disturb other students who are reading. c. Skin
When students want to borrow books from the school library, they may d. Scale
go to the bookshelves to choose the books. They can find them easily because
they are arranged well. The librarian will also help the students find the books. 26. a. Fire
b. Cave
22. How long can a student borrow a book? c. Cloth
a. Two days d. House
b. Three days
c. Four days
d. A week
Question 27-29 are based on the following text 29. We can learn from the story that………….

Once upon a time there was a beautiful place called Neverland where e. Braveness is needed to be a hero
Peter Pan and Tinker Bell lived. Not so far from this place is the city of a. Good and right things will win
London where John, Wendy and Michael Darling lived. They really loved the b. A beautiful scenery is good to see.
story of Peter. One day Peter Pan appeared and asked the children to fly to c. Neverland is a place for children
Neverland. They were very excited to see the scenery and beauty of Neverland.
Then they were surprised to know the existence of acruel pirate called Captain 30. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!
Hook. One day Captain Hook captured Tinker Bell and forced her to show
Peter Pan’s place. In doing so all Peter’s friends the Darling were captured 1. The gamelan is sacred and believed to have supernatural power.
and taken to the pirate ship. Captain Hook frightened the children by putting 2. It is also forbidden to step over any in a gamelan instrument.
them on the plank. 3. Incense and flowers are often offered to the gamelan.
Suddenly Peter Pan appeared and stopped everything. In a fierce duel, 4. Thus, the musicians have to take off their shoes when they play the
he threw Hook and all the pirates overboard. Hook was chased away by a gamelan.
crocodile, and nobody cared to save him. 5. Gamelan is the main element of Indonesian traditional music.
The Darlings were so happy and thankful to Peter Pan. They told Peter 6. Both musicians and non musicians are humble and respectful to a
their intention to go home. With the sprinkle os Tinker Bell’s Pixie Dust, gamelan.
Captain Hook’s pirate ship was sailing through the skies of Neverland,
heading back to the Darlings home in London. a. 5–1–2–3–6–4
b. 5–1– 6–3–2–4
27.Where is the plank that was used by Captain Hook to frighten the children? c. 5–2–1– 6–3–4
d. 5–1–2–4- 3–6
a. In Hook’s ship
b. In Peter’s home Read the text and answer questions 31 to 33.
c. In Neverland
d. In London If you’re interested in making recycled paper, here’s how to do it as shown by the
students of SMU 13:
28. What is the problem faced by Peter Pan?
What you need:
a. The Darlings left their home and flew to Neverland. Blender, screen, wooden plank/board, plastic Container. Scrapper, Shredded used
b. Peter’s friend were captured by Captain Hook. paper (same color and type) Paper glue (white color), Water.
c. The ship flew over the sky to the city of London.
d. Captain Hook and Peter Pan had a fierce duel. Steps:

1. Soak the shredded paper in water for about 3 hours

2. Blend the soaked paper into pulp
3. Add water and glue at the following ratio: 15 lt of water: 3 lt of For questions 34 to 36 choose the suitable word to complete the text below.
pulp: 1 spoonful of glue. Pour the mixture into a plastic
container Once in a forest there live a cat and a rabbit. They were very good friends. One day
4. Dip the screen into the mixture when they were walking together through the forest, they found a big……34..of
5. Gently, raise the screen with a layer of the mixture cheese. They were very pleased, and agreed to share…………35…… They decided
6. Place the screen with the mixture in it on the board plank that the rabbit should divide it equally, ……36….he could not. One piece was a
7. Scrape the back of the screen to reduce water content in the little bit bigger than the other.
8. Remove the screen from the mixture on the plank/board 34. a. loaf
9. Leave the mixture to dry in the air. b. bowl
c. piece
31. What do we do first if we want to make pulp? d. bunch

a. Mix the shredded paper with 15 lt of water and 1 spoonful of glue. 35. a. it
b. Soak the shredded paper in water for about 3 hours. b. them
c. Pour the shredded paper into a plastic container. c. its
d. Dip the shredded paper into water. d. their

32. If we use 6 lt of pulp, and 2 spoonful of glue, how much water do we need 36. a. and
to make a good mixture? b. because
c. so
a. 15 lt. d. but
b. 30 lt.
c. 45 lt.
d. 60 lt
Read the text and answer question number 37 to 38.
33. “Soak the shredded paper in water for about 3 hours.”
The underlined word means………. Extracurricular Activities

a. Put into water until completely wet. Every school offers the extracurricular activities for the students. The
b. Put into liquid in a short time. activities are usually held after the school hours.
c. Take out from the water quickly. There are many different types of activities, such as the English club, sports
d. Raise from the water gently. club, arts club, computer club, and school magazine club.
Students from all grades should participate in the extracurricular activities,
although they are optional. Sometimes, the activities are meant for fun or for
learning something new.
The extracurricular activities are managed by the students themselves. 41”…is the largest animal to have lived on earth.” What does the underlined word
While teachers act as supervisors or coaches. above mean?

37. The word offers (1st line) has the same meaning as…. a. Tallest
a. Gives b. Fastest
b. Shows c. Smallest
c. Applies d. Biggest
d. Replies

38. The word “participate” means…

a. Prefer Switch off all electronic
b. Prepare appliances
c. Take part When you don’t need them
d. Neglect

Read the text and answer question numbers 39-41 42. We will find such kind of instruction in the following places, EXCEPT…
Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot a. At home
survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which b. At school
can exceed 30 m in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. c. In the office
Superficially, the whale looks like a fish, but there are important differences in d. Along the street
its external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles
(the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad
head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber).
This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to converse heat and body fluids.

39. What is the text about? 43. GAMBAR

a. Kinds of fish
b. The whales
c. Sea animals
d. All mammals

40. The following are the proofs that whales are not fish, EXEPT…
a. It has a single nostril
b. It cannot survive on land
c. The skin is smooth and shiny
d. Its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles.
43. Which of the following sentences best explains the above sign? 45. When would they arrived at Ratih’s house?

a. If you break any of the articles you should pay for it a. On Saturday afternoon
b. You don’t have to buy articles that are broken b. On Saturday evening
c. In this section you will only find broken articles c. On Sunday afternoon
d. The shop sells special broken articles d. On Sunday evening

Read the text and answer question 44-46 46. Who is Putri’s brother?

Jl. Garuda 159 a. Raka

Surabaya b. Riko
c. Edi
March 30, 2007 d. Joko

Dear Ratih,
I’m sorry I haven’t informed you about my holiday yet. Actually Raka Read the text and answer question 47-48
and I want to go to your town as soon as possible. But, my father doesn’t let us
go to your house alone. We have to wait for our father’s holiday. Student Organization
We will leave on next Saturday evening by train. We will arrive at your SMP Negeri 2 Jl. Pemuda No.2
town on Sunday at about two p.m. I hope you can pick us up at the railway Palembang 30137, Telp. (0711) 410934
That’s all my information. I hope we will spend our holidays happily. Dear Ratih
Give my best regards to uncle, aunt, Riko, Edi, and Joko. We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held:
- On Saturday, January, 27, 2007
Cheers - At 11:00 a.m
- In the school hall
Agenda : Final preparation for wall magazines competition 2007.
Putri Please come on time
See you there!
44. How would Putri’s family go to Ratih’s house?

a. By car
b. By bus
c. By train Diana Burhan
d. By plane Secretary Chairperson
47. Where will the meeting be held?

a. At Raih’s house
b. At Burhan’s room
c. At Diana’s office
d. At school

48. Which statement is CORRECT according to the text?

a. Ratih is not a student of SMP Negeri 2 Palembang

b. Burhan and Diana ask Ratih to write articles for school magazine
c. The students organization of SMP Negeri 2 will have a meeting
d. Ratih is the treasurer of the student’s organization

49. Arrange the following words into a good sentence.

Disguised – day – old women – as – the next – the queen – herself – an ugly.
a. 5 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 7 – 4 - 8
b. 5 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 7 – 4 – 8 – 2
c. 5 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 8 – 3
d. 5 – 3 – 4 – 8 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 7

e. Some of the places where they live are Africa, India, South America,
and Australia
f. They hunt mammals and birds which come to the river to drink
g. Crocodiles are the largest and the most dangerous reptile
h. They can also attack and kill people
i. They have large mouths and many sharp teeth
j. They live in rivers

50.The best arrangement to make a good paragraph is……

a. 3–6–1–5–2–4
b. 6–1–3–4–5–2
c. 3–6–4–2–1–5
d. 1–2–3–4–5–6

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