AFV Recognition Instructors Guide 1956

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RESTRICTED T h infoTztutlon glT*n In this d o e n n M l i* Bot t c b c a m m n n l c a t e d , e i t h e r d l r v o t l y o r I n d i r e c t l y , to ( h e P r e s s o r to ftny p e r s o B n o ) a s l h o r t z e d to r e c e i T I t .



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This pamphlet supersedes AJ-'V Recognition lnstriictor*s Guide (WO Code No. 8217) Crown Copyright Reserved

Prepared under the direction of The Chief of the Imperial General Staff.

August, 1956.


Amendment Number

By whom amended

Date of insertion

DISTRIBLTION (See Catalogue of War Office Publications, Part U) As Appendix B to ACI 471 of 1954.


1 1 4 6

1 . General introduction 2 . Factors affecting recognition 3 . Part names of AFVs 4 . Characteristics by countries 5. The effect of changes in light intensity

CHAPTER 2 R E C O G N I T I O N F R O M G R O U N D A N D AIR 6. What to look for from the ground 7. Camouflage and external stowage 8. Aerial recognition 8 11 12

C H A P T E R 3INSTRUCTION 9. Technique of instruction 1 0 . Tests

12 13

CHAPTER 4USE O F T R A I N I N G AIDS A N D 1 1 . General 12. Training aids 13. Construction of training aids 14. The lay-out of a recognition room

EQUIPMENT 14 14 16 17

C H A P T E R 5ORGANIZATION O F T R A I N I N G 15. Syllabus and forecast


APPENDICES A. Easy recognition AFV characteristics





L Cast and angular turrets 2. Cupola 3. G u n mantletsinternal and external 4. The turret 5- The cupola 6. The range-finder 7. Ball mounting 8. External bins ... 9- Smoke dischargers 10. Oscillating turret 11. The hull 12. Exhausts 13. Bogey assembly 14. Sprocket, idler and top rollers 15. Horns 16. Broadside viewturret forward on hull 17. Broadside viewturret centrally placed on hull 18. Hull built out over the tracks 19. Hull contained within the tracks 20. One man hull 21. Two man hull 22. Construction of glacis plate 23- Layout of AFV recognition room


This pamphlet is for the use of Instructors in AFV Recog nition. It should be used in conjunction with the A F V Recognition Handbook (WO Code N o . 8757), the Tank Translator (WO Code N o . 8863) and the numerous AFV Recognition Training Charts now available.



CHAPTER 1~GENRAL SECTION ).GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1. In all walks of life recognition of one kind or another has become an instinctive process carried out without apparent effort. It is possible t o recognize immediately one's own car in a crowded car park or t o spot a friend in a group of people. The shepherd is able to recognize his sheep individually. 2. The need for quick and accurate identification of AFVs remains as vital as ever. Considerable tactical advantage can be obtained by correct information regarding types of enemy AFVs located, hut incorrect identi fication can cause casualties to our own AFVs and a complete loss of confidence between supporting arms. 3 . The extensive technical equipment now in use by the armed forces and the consequent necessity for teaching a large nimiber of subjects uncormected with recogmtion makes it difficult to give each subject a fair share during training. Once the basic principles have been thoroughly understood; however, little effort is required to maintain proficiency in AFV recognition. SECTION 2FACTORS AFFECTING RECOGNITION

Why things arc seen I. There are many reasons why an AFV is seen but it must be appreciated that in war the enemy will do the utmost to make recognition difficult. The main factors are: (a) Shape and oul/ine An AFV has some sharp edges and will form a contrast against a background. It has a definitely recognizable shape, which may be considerably altered by external fittings. (b) Silhoiielfe An AFV will be easily seen if it is against a skyline, or has n o vertical background. (c) Background An AFV must blend with the background. If it does not, contrast in colours and tones will reveal it. (d) Reflection All metal surfaces reflect light, and reflection from glass objects may be visible from a great distance. It should be borne in mind that the direction of the natural source of light is con tinually changing and that surfaces which reflect light vary according to this direclion.

Scale AFVs should not be located in positions where they contrast with much larger or smaller objects in the same vicinity. (f) Shadows These may be cast by the shape of the AFV. Open hatches will produce shadows of a definite shape. (g) Spacing AFVs should not be placed in a uniform manner unless they conform with objects in the area. (h) Change of light A s the position of the source of natural light is constantly changing, camouflage which may be most effective at one time of the day, may later prove ineffective or even accentuate the position of the AFV. (i) Movement AFVs in movement are difficult to camouflage. In some conditions movement causes a tell tale dust cloud to rise.


" 2. On the other hand if an A F V is at close range it may be possible to see all of its recognition details. These main details are condensed below. They are the essential points to look for when time allows, and serve as a basis for recognizing any AFV. Broadside 3.{*aJ Turret (i) Position on hull.

(ii) Type.Cast or angular {see Fig 1).

Fig 1

(iii) Cupola. Type.

Rounded or an gular {see Fig 2) a n d position.

(iv) Gun mantlet. External or in ternal {see Fig 3)

Fig 3 (v) Stowage bins, etc. (b) Hull (i) Deep or shallow. (ii) Shape of top and sides. (iii) Air intakes, exhausts, etc. Suspension (i) Nimtber of road wheels. (ii) Spacing of road wheels. (iii) Number of top rollers. (iv) If armoured car, shape of mudguard. Head on 4. (a) Turret (i) Type. (ii) Cupola. (iii) Gun mantlet. (iv) External additions. (b) Hull (i) Type of driver's front plate. (ii) Type of glacis plate. (c) Tracks (i) Whether contained in hull. It must be realized that not always will all the above details be seen. Note.On pages 4, 5, 10, and 11 the above details are shown with the aid of diagrams.




1. Other arms of the service are not so fanuliar with the part names of APVs as the Royal Armoured Corps, and in order to assist the instructor in explaining the recognition features, the following part names, peculiar to AFVs, should be taught where necessary. Turret 2. The basic turret, mounted on a turret ring is shown in Fig 4, and may or may not have any of the following features; Fig 4

ia) Cupolasituated on the roof (Fig S).

Fig 5

(b) Rangefi/ukr (F\g 6).

(c) Ball mourning for MG (Fig 7 ) .

Fig 7

(d) Stowage bins (Fig 8 ) .

(e) Smoke dischargers (Fig 9). Fig 9 Armameot 3. Main and subsidiary armament may be mounted in tlie following ways; (a) Mimtlet.For supporting the gun in position, giving elevation and depression. Is always in front of the turret. (b) Ball lype mounting.A positions. (c) Oscillating turret. A particular type of turret on certain foreign AFVs. Fig 10 Hall 4. The hull is that portion of the tank which houses the engine and crew Glacis plate, nose plate and lower nose plate are shown as a, b and c respectively in Fig I I . Fig II (a) Exhausts.Generally mounted towards the rear of the ve hicle (Fig 12). method of mounting the MG in various

UDofQ) X

(h) Air louvres.Mounted towards the rear of the vehicle.

Suspension 5. Suspensions of tanks are very varied and may embody any of the following:

(a) Bogey assemblies. Wheels in pairs with heavy cormecting bracket (Fig 13).

Fig 13 /b) Driving sprocket.A toothed wheel carry ing the drive from engine to tracks. It may be at the front or rear (Fig 14). Fig 14 (c) Idler wheel.Supports the track at the opposite end to the sprocket. (d) Top rollers.Support the track between the sprocket and the idler wheel. Note.Part or all of the above mentioned suspension features may be obscured by an armoured skirt or skirting plates. (e) Horns.^That part of the track or tracks projecting beyond the front of the hull (Fig 15), Fig 15 SECTION 4.-^CIfARACTERISTlCS BY C O U N T R I E S ^British I. (a) A stepped appearance seen from head or tail-on due to stowage bins on .track guards. (b) G u n mantlets. Spme pf these are internal. /c) Bins on the turret sides.

-Vmerican 2. (a) High cupola.This is an outstanding featiire. Only the Russian SU 100 has a prominent cupola similar to the American type. (b) Track guard.When shape. fitted, they are all the same unmistakable

(c) Turret bins.Few AFVs have bins. A stowage grill is sometimes fitted at the rear of the turret. Russian 3. One of the outstanding features in relation to the recognition of Russian AFVs is the policy of standardization which has been followed for a number of years. As a result of this most of the AFVs may be classi fied as either heavy or medium. The heavy AFVs embody a Joseph Stalin chassis, and the medium a T34 chassis. The one exception to this general classification is the SU 76, a light SP which still retains certain features common to both the JS and the T34. Note.^Not all the following details will be found on one or ail AFVs .but are sufficient to denote Russian origin if seen. (a) Periscope.This turret. is conical in shape and is found on top of the

fb) Inspection plates.On most AFVs there are either one or two inspection or access plates situated at the rear slope of the hull adjoining the engine deck. (c) Gun mantlets.These /d) are external.

Drivers^ hatches.Some AFVs have only a thin slit for the driver's vision. Others have actual hatches.

.(e) Sloping armour.With the exception of the rear of the fighting compartment of the SU 76 both turret and hull armour on Russian AFVs is sloping. With the exception of the SU 76, vertical armour will not be found on any Russian AFV. (f) Turret bins.It is rare to see turret bins on the turrets of Russian AFVs. .(g) Fuel tanks.Most Russian AFVs use jettison fuel tanks carried on either side of the hull. This cannot be relied upon as a recognition feature as ihey are generally used on an approach march and then jettisoned. ,(h) Glacis plates.JS 1 and 2Concave shape. JS 3V shaped. SU 100Composite front superstructure and glacis plate. JS 122 and 152Very shallow.


1. Recognition is very largely made up of the results obtained by the light falling on different shaped or angled surfaces; some sharply defined; some recessed or under cut, and therefore in shadow; some only dis tinctive when the source of light is coming from one particular quarter; some visible whatever the prevailing conditions eg, the deep shadows under armoured car mudguards. In view of the modem trend towards sloping surfaces, a vehicle may well be identified by nothing more than two highlights of varying intensity and shape, in conjunction with a darkened recess of distinctive outline. Under certain conditions a vertical surface may well appear almost black, eg, the vertical sided cupola may appear as a shallow black band on the roof of the turret; the dome shaped variety as a mound of reflected light. 2. It seems obvious then, that early dawn and sunset, with the source of light very low, will not always give quite the same effects as the mid-day sun. This is especially true in the early morning, when an added complication of morning mist may give a more ghost-like effect. The value of the shadow graph will be apparent for showing the outline of an AFV. The use of the eyes is all important. Care should be taken to shield them from any direct lighting, and thus preserve their adaption to the general dim illumination. In viewing an object in poor light, it is always advisable to look slightly t o one side or the other, never directly at it. Only the more prominent sur faces or projections will be recognizable and provide any concrete clue to identification. They may be sloping or flat, catching the maximum amount of light, or the deepest recesses standing out in the general darkness. 3. It is necessary to point out that under very bright conditions some unusual effects can be seen. Every little recess appears as a sharply defined black shadow and every projection as a brilliant highlight, a further com plication arising out of the presence of irmumerable items of outstanding stowage, and the possible distraction of a heat haze. 4. Under ideal conditions, a bright day with slightly overcast sky, the recognition of an AFV by the effects of light and shade on the different surfaces, in conjunction with a detailed knowledge of the minutest features, is a practical proposition. Given such conditions remarkable results can be obtained at quite long ranges.



I, The range at which an AFV is normally engaged is not close enough for small details of recognition to be seen distinctly. Instead of seeing suspension, bins etc, only the dark shape of the tank will be seen. Although ihis makes AFV recognition more difficult this dark mass will always produce; (a) Shape. (b) Outline.

2. These are (he two main factors on which to concentrate all A F V recognition training. In addition, the value of highlights and shadowra on rounded or angular surfaces and the visual effect of irregularly spaced suspension etc, must always be used as confirmation where possible. Ground 3. Without dealing with the individual recognition features of those AFVs now in current use, the following method of systematic analysis is the first stage in recognition which later becomes instinctive. Turret 4. Position in relation to the hull: (a) Broadside view: ward (Fig 16). for-

Fig 16

(b) Central (Fig 17).

-f Fig 17


(c) Head-on view: central. 5. Types: (a) Cast constructionlight is diffused over surface. (b) Angular constructionlight is in patches of varying intensity.

6. Cupolas: Position is often a distinctive feature, particularly in head-on view and the shape may also differ. 7. Stowage bins and racks.At a great distance these tend to look like part of the turret. They may be situated on sides or rear. Armament 8. Whilst the actual armament of a vehicle is not generally considered a recognition feature, in nearly all cases the mantlet does possess a distinc tive appearance falling into one of two. main categories, external and internal. The former may be either rounded or angular and recognizable as such, the latter creating a dark recess.

Hull 9. Viewed from broadside the distinctive feature of the hull is indicated by its depth between trackguard and turret. In the head-on view there are various aspects to consider, viz:

(a) Built out over tracks (Fig 18).


Fig 18 -t

(h) Contained within the tracks (Fig 19).

Fig 19

(c) One man hull (Fig 20).

(d) Two man hull (Fig 21).

Fig 21

(e) The construction of the glacis plate in rela tion to the nose plate, taking into account the depth of nose of a front drive vehicle (Fig 22).

Fig 22

10. Although rarely seen, suspension does provide a good recognition feature when the opportunity occurs, and in some cases is very distinctive. 11. In conclusion it should be-explained that in the early stages each individual point must be analysed to be fully appreciated. After suitable practice this effect of light and shade on these features enables (hem to be recognized instantly and helps to give the student an immediate general impression. This, in conjunction with the detailed recognition features, gives him the final clue.

1. While it is possible to pick out all the features and details of an AFV as turned out from the factory it is realized that through camouflage and addition of external stowage, etc^ little of the original AFV may be visible. Apart from basic camouflage, painting and nets, all manner of other items such as additional stowage bins, brushwood, track plates, etc, may be distributed over the vehicle. It is therefore necessary that the student should appreciate the difficulties to be faced, especiaily as many may not have had any opportunity of seeing AFVs on the battlefield and may be misled by the apparent simplicity of recognition from ordinary photographs.

2. It should also be remembered that recognition is the defeat of camou flage. Training in recognition must, therefore, be of a standard equal to that in camouflage.

1. All the points of ground recognition are applicable to the aerial view since seldom, if ever, is a pure plan view obtained. Generally an oblique air view is seen in which all the features previously mentioned may be visible. In view of the very high speed at which m o d e m aircraft operate, and the necessity for split second decisions, there are additional features which may further assist air crews in recognition. (a) Length/width ratio.The length in proportion to the width of the vehicle is often a distinctive feature giving, as it does, an immediate impression of the vehicle as a whole. (b) The effect of open lops and recesses.Two main types of ofwn topped vehicles may be encountered, those with an open topped turret, or n o turret at all. The result is a dark shape being seen, generally of distinctive outline, which may help in recog nition. (c) Aerial photograph.This aspect of recognition is more specializedand is generally carried out by those trained in the subject, particularly in high altitude photography. These photographs often give information of the location and strength of known types, and the introduction of new types of enemy AFVs.


Kit required i.(a) Epidiascope, (b) Photographs Method 2. (a) (b) {c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) of individual AFVbroadside, head-on and rear views. of conducting lesson Introduction to AFV, general view. Details of weight, speed, crew and armament. Broadside view and main features. Any questions. Remove photograph and interrogate class. Head-on view; main features; any questions. Rear view; iriain features; any questions. Broadside view; any questions. Remove photograph and interrogate on all views.

3. When all AFVs of one country have been covered, a quiz should be arranged, to confirm the students' Imowledge, and as each country's AFVs are covered the quiz and test method should be increased to bring out comparisons and contrasts. 4. The following points Bhould be borne in mind when preparing for instruction. (a) The introduction to the AFV, though brief, should arouse interest, eg, when it was taken intoservicc and how successful it was. (b) Avoid repeating features common to most AFVs eg, " Most turrets have a flat top sloping to the front". (c) At first, most students will tend to think that AFVs generally look alike. Try and make each vehicle unique by an analogy eg, the broadside view of the Chaffee can be likened to a squashed cottage loaf. Although such comparisons may cause himiom-ous comment when first mentioned, they will be remembered, and assist in recognition to a very great degree. (d) The instructor must prossess sufficient enthusiasm about his subject to enable him to infuse this same enthusiasm into his students. (ej By frequent interrogation, bring out from the class those salient points which appear to them to be the key to recognition of any individual vehicle. (f) Carry out as many quizzes as time pemuts. (g) Be brief.

1. Tests are not only a means of ascertaining the extent of the student's knowledge, but if carried out intelligently and on competitive lines, are a sotirce of interest. Tests should be held at regular intervals throughout the course to check the progress of the individual students. 2. Since there are only a limited number of vehicles to learn, these must be known thoroughly. Tests should be progressively luirder throughout the course, working up to a climax at the end. There is great scope for tests in recognition and any of the following methods of testing are suggested: (a) Tank Translator (Quiz). (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Silhouette spotting. Epidiascope test. Tombola game^^ee page 15. Quiz boardssee page \5. Written examination.

3. The written examination should be in the form of questions requiring answers of only one or two words, with a time limit. 4. The aim of the course must always be borne in mind, namely, that the student will be required to identify vehicles with absolute certainty and the minimum of delay. Therefore, the time allowed for texts should be pro gressively reduced throughout the course.



1. Visual training equipment in units is limited. It consists mainly of the A F V Recognitioa Handbook, the tank translator a n d the " Yellow Back " training charts. Scale of issue to units is laid down in Appendix B of ACT 471 of 1954. 2. A great deal can be improvised, however, with a little resource and imagination t o supplement the available equipment and to make the best use of it. Some ideas of construction of aids are included at the end of this chapter. SECTION 12.TRAINING AIDS Photographs 1. These are an essential aid to instructors, but they are not always easy to obtain. G o o d use can be made of the excellent photographs in the AFV Recognition Handbook and may b e used t o further advantage by being projected on t o a screen by an epidiascope. Training charts 2. These charts suitably displayed are a source of interest and have a great instructional value. The photographs on them are clear and large. Epidiascope 3. F o r planned recognition courses, an epidiascope is essential. If the unit does not possess one, assistance can usually be obtained from the nearest Army Education Centre. Photographs should n o t exceed 5-in x 2i-in if the complete AFV is t o be projected. Using the projector, the main A F V characteristics can be pointed out by the instructor clearly and methodically. The technique of using a pointer such as a pencil on the ' p a n ' of the epidiascope so that the pointer is reflected on the screen is easily acquired by a n instructor after a Uttle experience. Silhouettes 4. These are made by blocking out photographs or good drawings made from them, which are used generally in conjunction with the shadowgraph.

Quiz board 5. To make the best use of this aid, a board should be erected or mounted on a wall. Nimibered photographs of AFVs or parts of AFVs may then be exhibited on the board, with the answers to the '* quiz " placed under a flap or some other concealed position. Tombola game 6. To exercise the students in quick recognition of AFVs, this well known game may be adapted to test them later in the course. Obtain a number of stiff cards and on each stick a variety of different photographs of AFVs. 7. Instead of a bag of numbers, the instructor has a box or bag of tickets bearing the names of AFVs. As he calls out the name of the AFV on the ticket, any student must cover the appropriate AFV if it is on his card. The first student lo fill his card is the winner. Care must be taken that the cards are carefully checked for correct results. AFV jigsaws 8. Photographs or good drawings of two AFVs may be cut into small pieces and mixed in an envelope. The student must then complete the two photographs as a jigsaw puzzle. Main outline characteristics and names of parts are subconsciously acquired by this practice. The tank translator 9. The aim of the tank translator is to T E A C H rather than test. The student compares the photographs in the translator with those in the AFV Recognition Handbook. The student will in time use the Handbook less and less until he is actually recognizing the AFVs in the translator. Instructor.The instructor, when the tank translator is used need not in fact know very much about AFV recognition but will supervise the class working. Initial lessons.The tank translator should not be used for initial lessons on AFV recognition. The student should if possible first be given: (a) Introduction, aim, necessity. (b) Why things are seen. (c) What to look for (recognition details). Methods of using translator 10. Method 1.^The translator can be set as a classroom lesson under the usual conditions of discipline for a definite period. Students are issued with translators and handbooks for the jjeriod of the lesson.

Method 2.Translators can be used during the last 10 minutes of a period on A F V recognition as a quiz. The class can be divided into two teams, the number of a selected AFV is given by the instructor, and each crew member writes down the name of the AFV. Method 3.Give the students the translator and AFV recognition hand book or " key " to study in their spare time, with a view to a test on these AFVs at a further stated date and time. Notes: 1. The student's results must be carefully checked at first to ensure that he is translating correctly. Accuracy at first is more important than speed. Later on students may be exercised " against the clock " . 2. Only issue the student with the AFV recognition handbook and translator. 3. When the student has become proficient in translating from the translator progress a stage further with ideas as already stated in this book.

SECTION 13.CONSTRUCTION O F TRAINING AIDS Silhouettes 1. (a) Trace off the silhouette drawing in the "AFV Recognition Hand book ". (b) Transfer to plywood or thick card. (c) Cut out with fretsaw. (d) Paint with suitable water colours. (e) D r a w in the vehicle's lines in Indian ink. (f) Finish with a coat of flat varnish. Should the l/48th scale drawings be found to be too small, the size may be doubled as follow: (i) Place the drawing in the epidiascope. (ii) On a sheet of paper draw two vertical lines the same distance apart, as double the length of the silhouette. (iii) Pin the paper to a blackboard in front of the epidiascope. (iv) Adjust the focus of the epidiascope and the distance between the blackboard and the lens until a clear picture is obtained, fitting exactly between the two vertical lines. (v) D r a w in all the lines on the vehicle, and check essential measurements.

Runway 2. fa) Affix a suitably painted background to a piece of board about 6 feet long and 6 inches wide, carrying also a foreground painting sufficiently deep to conceal a shallow trolley. (b) Place a broadside silhouette or a l/48th scale model on the trolley, and with the aid of an endless string it can be pulled backwards and forwards. (c) Mount a '* Snap target pull-up " on the board for use with head-on sihouettes. In a static unit an improvement can be effected by using an cndess belt and a winding handle. Shadowgraph 3. (a) Stretch a piece of white linen across a wooden frame of sufficient length to accommodate the largest silhouette. (b) Blacken the lower half of the linen. (c) Use the shadowgraph by holding it in front of the source of light, with the silhouette held against the rear of the linen, either wholly or with only the turret showing. This may be improved by mounting the frame in a suitable box, fitting a sliding shutter and arranging an electric bulb in a tin, so thai light is emitted through a small slot.



1. From the psychological point of view the lay-out of an attractive instructional room is all important. Given a restful background with the different instructional aids, models, -photographs, etc, suitably arranged to the best advantage, it can go a long way towards promoting that interest in the subject so essential for successful instruction. A suggested plan is given on page 18. it being appreciated that the lay-out must, of necessity, be very elastic depending on the type of room and other facilities available. 2. The following points should be noted: fa) Position of students, blackboard and silhouette in relation to source of light. fb) Use of photographs and wall charts, hung in prominent positions round the wall to attract attention. f c) The screen rolled up to the top front of the stage when not in use, giving free access to the runway, to be rolled dovm when epi diascope and film strip projector are employed. (See Fig 23).




















Fig 23.Layout of A F V recognition room

CHAPTER 5ORGANIZATION O F TRAINING SECTION 15.SYLLABUS AND FORECAST 1. The syllabus on this subject may be divided into two categories. The first is the original groundwork required to give the student a basic know ledge, and should be covered as part of his individual training; the second is the subsequent revision from time to time to maintain his knowledge and keep it up to date. 2. The syllabus shown below is suggested for the initial instruction in individual training, and is based on the minimum time required. This, should be amended to suit the training equipment and aids available. 3. Initial instruction Introduction, aim, necessity and why things are seen What to look for British AFVs American AFVs French AFVs Russian AFVs Revision, competitions, etc Tank translator Periods
1 I


1 3 3 2

Periods to be of 40 mins duration Revision 4. Periods of revision may mclude any of those mentioned above, more especially AFV quizzes in various forms, to ensure that knowledge is being maintained, with the iiiclusion of any special periods to refresh the students' memory, or teach any new vehicles. Suggested questions for revision or written test 5. When scanning a turret roof in the head-on view, what is one of the main tilings to look for7 How many types of cupola are there? Name any vehicles with prominent exhaust boxes in the rear view? What vehicles have distinctive armoured skirts? What SP guns arc completely open topped (seen from the air)?


CHURCHILL (a) Boat shape hull. f b) Small angular turret central on hull. (c) Right angle formed by side of turret and top of track guard (Head and tail on view). COMET (a) Lip under gun mantlet. (b) Air louvre and air intake. (c) Suspension. CENTURION (a) Skirting plates. (bj Overhanging bins on turret. (c) Raised engine deck. M 10 (a) (b) (cj (d)

Counter weight in turret rear. Flat top hull. V shaped angular hull. Sherman type suspension.

SEXTON (a) Stepped shaped hull. (b) Sherman type suspension. (c) Prominent external recuperator. CHARIOTEER (a) Cromwell hull with new type angular turret. (b) Ejection hole at rear of turret. (c) Air Louvre and intake. DAC (a) Concertina or sugar bowl shaped hull. (b) Semi-circular mud guards. AEC (a) Appears top heavy, (b) CoflBn shaped hull. (c) Angular mud guards.

SARACEN (a) Six road wheels. (b) Box like compartment for passengers. Cc) Small turret forward on compartment. FERRET I (a) Similar to Daimler Scout Car. (b) Lower outline. T34/85 (a) Hul! and suspension simitar to Charioteer. (b) Driver's hatch position on glacis plate. (c) One inspection plate with exhaust either side on rear slope of hull. J S I and n (a) These vehicles are very similar. (b) Suspension. (c) Driver's visor only. (d) 2 Inspection plates on rear slope of hull. (e) MG ball mounting rear of turret. JS

(a) Suspension. fb) Semi circular turret. (c) V shaped glacis plate. (d) 2 inspection plates on rear slope of hull with gun crutch between.

SU76 (a) (b) SU 100 (a) (b) (c) (d) Vertical rear to fighting compartment. Larger gun mantlet and recoil housing. Hull and suspension similar to T 34. Front slope of turret and glacis plate are all in the same slope. Large cupola overhanging right side of turret. One inspection plate with exhaust either side on rear slope of hull.

J S U 122 (a) Hull and suspension similar to JS I. (b) Large bulbous gun mantlet. (c) Very short glacis plate. (d) Two inspection plates on rear slope of hull.


152 (a) Very similar to JSU 122. (b) Larger gun with multi baffle muzzle brake. (c) Semi-circular ramp usually found on glacis plate underneath gun mantlet.

BA 64 (a) Angular hexagonal body small hexagonal turret. (b) Angular m u d guards. (c) Coffin shaped appearance of hull. G E N E R A L P E R S H I N G M 26 (a) Large overhang at rear of turret. (b) Suspension. fc) Frame on right side of turret. (d) Binocular shaped exhaust. (e) Semi circular gun mantlet. The Patton M 46 is similar to Ihe Pershing. P A T T O N M 48 (a) Large overhang at rear of turret. (b) Suspension. (c) Grid on rear of turret. (d) Armoured range finder window each side of turret. (e) Twin exhaust underneath turret overhang. The Patton M 47 is similar to the 48. AMX 13 (a) Larg^ overhang of rear of turret. (b) Section hole at rear of turret. (c) Suspension. (d) Driver's hatch similar position to SU 76. P A N H A R D A/C (a) Long low hull. (b) Four road wheels with four tractor wheels. (c) Low turret. (d) Semi-circular cupola. (e) Front and rear of hull are almost identical.

169 W t 43541/6135


10/56 B & M L t d .

Gp 531

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