Joshua Guide

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Sheet: Joshua Bible Study 7/15/2011

Check in: As we have explored the life of Abraham and Moses are the any questions that have come up in your life? About God? About the Scripture? Introduction to Joshua: There is legacy, a connection, a living family tree. Less of a story about Joshua than it is about Gods people, and God starting to fulfill his promise years and years ago to Abraham. o What does it mean to be the people of God emphasis on laws (Josh 1:8). o Huge section on the allotment of land, which sounds boring, but if you are a Jew, its the fulfillment of everything they heard about God as a kid. Who is Joshua? (Ex 24:12-14) As Moses right hand man he sees the highs and the lows. Timeline: God appoints Joshua as leader of the people (1:1-9; 10-18)** o Be strong and courageous carrying on the work Moses (1:6; 18). God reminds him over and over again, remember what I did for Moses and for Israel? I will do that for you. o The of God people agree and encourage him. (1:16-18) Timeline: Scoping out the land (2) Timeline: Crossing the Jordan: Setting up Milestones (Josh 3-4)**. You see connections to Moses and Abraham over and over again. Why? Because God is fulfilling what He said he would do. (3:7) Youll see Moses name show up at least 49 times not including allusions. i.e. Going across the Jordan River, on dry ground (4:18; 21-24). Reading the Story 3-4, highlighting along the way things that stand oout I will be with you (3:7) Taking it from the middle of the river. The altar isnt for you its for your ancestors so they see and believe what God has done. This is testimony. (Josh 4:21-24) o Create an altar in the middle on the other side. o Reminder that God was and is present in the middle of your situation, and when you get out its a reminder that God was and is carrying you through. o Remember what God has done for you. Timeline: Battle of Jericho (6) and the conquest of the Palestine (8-12) o Why destroy everything? Because we are people of the Golden Calf. Story of Achan (7; 7:20). Its a trust issue. Joshua has to make a hard decision. Its not perfect. Its Bloody. Just like American history, its not perfect, but its part of who we are and what shaped us. Timeline: Promised Land divided up (13-22) Timeline: The last words of Joshua (23-24) Choose this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24)** Throw away the gods serve the Lord. Israel is always wrestling with this You can take Israel out of slavery, but its a lot harder to take the slavery out of Israel. Dont forsake the LORD, the people will say, we will serve the LORD we are the witnesses

Cheat Sheet: Joshua Bible Study 7/15/2011

Lessons Learned from the Life of Joshua 1. Going all in with God requires courage, but He is with you. (1:9). Going all in sometimes is scary, but its also what makes it such a fun adventure. When you get to the other side, you wouldnt have wanted it any other way. 2. Gods sometimes allows you to go through hell, BUT He goes in front of you (3:11), He stands in the middle of it with you (3:17). I love this image because it doesnt eliminate fear necessarily, it doesnt make it any easier necessarily, but it does build your trust in God. How do you learn to trust God? By allowing him to carry you through a time when you need to trust God. Its the only way. 3. Along your spiritual journey you should set up milestones. (4:5-24) One of the words that you read in scripture over and over again is the word remember. We are forgetful people by nature. Its like kid who doesnt get what he wants when he wants it, will whine and say to his parents, but I NEVER get to ______ . Really?? NEVER?! Its easy to forget that God is good even when your circumstances arent. 4. Going all in means surrendering the things you think that make you secure (7:20-21). Sometimes what we hold onto, hold us back.

5. The community of God isnt perfect, its chosen. Israel history is messy in fact its bloody, but thats honest history. Its a history that includes both the good and the bad. Thats the story of Gods people. Thats the story of the church. Thats our story today. Youre not perfect, youre chosen too!

Homework: Start a journal. Jot down some memories where God has brought you through some difficult times. What are your Ebenezers? What are you holding onto thats holding you back?

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