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CLINICAL REPORT Guidance for the Clinician in Rendering Pediatric Care

The Metabolic Syndrome in Children

and Adolescents: Shifting the Focus to
Cardiometabolic Risk Factor Clustering
Sheela N. Magge, MD, MSCE, FAAP,​a Elizabeth Goodman, MD, MBA, FAAP,​b Sarah C. Armstrong,

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) was developed by the National Cholesterol abstract

Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III, identifying adults with at
least 3 of 5 cardiometabolic risk factors (hyperglycemia, increased central
adiposity, elevated triglycerides, decreased high-density lipoprotein
cholesterol, and elevated blood pressure) who are at increased risk of aDivisionof Endocrinology and Diabetes, and Center for Translational
Science, Children's National Health System, Washington, District of
diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The constellation of MetS component Columbia; bDepartment of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
risk factors has a shared pathophysiology and many common treatment Massachusetts; and cDuke Children’s Hospital and Health Center,
Durham, North Carolina
approaches grounded in lifestyle modification. Several attempts have been
Dr Magge served as the lead author and organized the writing and
made to define MetS in the pediatric population. However, in children, the revising efforts of the team, conceptualized and drafted the initial
construct is difficult to define and has unclear implications for clinical care. manuscript, and critically reviewed the revised manuscript; Drs
Goodman and Armstrong conceptualized and drafted the initial
In this Clinical Report, we focus on the importance of screening for and manuscript and critically reviewed the revised manuscript; and all
authors approved the final manuscript as submitted.
treating the individual risk factor components of MetS. Focusing attention
on children with cardiometabolic risk factor clustering is emphasized over This document is copyrighted and is property of the American
Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors have
the need to define a pediatric MetS. filed conflict of interest statements with the American Academy
of Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through a process
approved by the Board of Directors. The American Academy of
Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any commercial
involvement in the development of the content of this publication.

Introduction Clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics benefit from
expertise and resources of liaisons and internal (AAP) and external
reviewers. However, clinical reports from the American Academy of
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor clustering has been well Pediatrics may not reflect the views of the liaisons or the organizations
or government agencies that they represent.
recognized for decades in both children and adults, but it was not
The guidance in this report does not indicate an exclusive course of
until 1988 when Gerald Reaven described a specific clustering of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking
cardiometabolic risks as “syndrome X” that the concept that evolved into account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
into “the metabolic syndrome” (MetS) was born. Reaven’s syndrome All clinical reports from the American Academy of Pediatrics
X was an explanatory framework to understand the myriad effects of automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed,
revised, or retired at or before that time.
hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance on physiology, not a diagnostic
category.‍1 His formulation of syndrome X described mechanisms
underlying insulin resistance and the effects of hyperinsulinemia on To cite: Magge SN, Goodman E, Armstrong SC, AAP
glucose and lipid metabolism, blood pressure, and coronary artery COMMITTEE ON NUTRITION, SECTION ON ENDOCRINOLOGY,
disease risk. Over time, the risk factors associated with syndrome X SECTION ON OBESITY. The Metabolic Syndrome in Children
and Adolescents: Shifting the Focus to Car­diometabolic
grew to include other factors, such as central obesity, microalbuminuria,
Risk Factor Clustering. Pediatrics. 2017;140(2):e20171603
abnormalities in fibrinolysis, and inflammation.‍1,​2‍ Dissemination of the

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 2, August 2017:e20171603 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS
concept of syndrome X promulgated used, there is no uniform way to lipoprotein cholesterol, and
the idea of insulin resistance causing treat MetS when it is diagnosed increased small, dense low-density
a constellation of factors that other than weight management. lipoprotein particles,​‍18 which are
increased diabetes and CVD risk. Instead, each risk factor must be known to be atherogenic and to
treated individually, which leaves increase cardiovascular risk.
After publication of Reaven’s
pediatricians wondering whether
landmark article, clustering of One of the major clinical
they should (and how to) define
CVD risks was variously described consequences of insulin resistance
MetS in their patients. Our purpose
as insulin resistance syndrome, is adipose tissue dysfunction, or
with this Clinical Report is to provide
syndrome X, and the dysmetabolic “adiposopathy.” As adipose expands,
an overview of the current state
syndrome. In 2001, the National the cells hypertrophy, and these
of the field in relation to MetS in
Cholesterol Education Program hypertrophic adipose cells are
pediatric populations. Given its name
(NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III more resistant to insulin’s action
recognition, MetS terminology will
(ATP III) coined the term “metabolic to suppress lipolysis. These large
be used in this report. However,
syndrome” to describe the presence adipocytes also secrete increased
the clinical relevance of MetS
of any 3 of 5 particular risks: proinflammatory chemokine
lies in its ability to be used as an
hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, monocyte chemoattractant
organizational framework for the
central adiposity, elevated blood protein-1.‍19 As stated previously,
identification of cardiometabolic risk
pressure, and low high-density insulin action stimulating fatty acid
factor clustering. Recommendations
lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). synthesis is preserved, promoting
for pediatricians regarding how
Research on MetS has increased adipose tissue expansion. MetS is
to approach the concept of MetS
dramatically since 2001, with more characterized by increased visceral
in children and adolescents are
than 1000 articles per year published as opposed to subcutaneous fat
on this topic since 2006. MetS has as well as ectopic fat deposited in
been associated with both diabetes abnormal locations, such as the liver.‍6
and CVD in adults. Insulin resistance, Ectopic fat distribution results in the
obesity, aging, inflammation, Pathophysiology release of adipocytokines, causing a
hormonal factors, sedentary lifestyle, state of low-grade inflammation, with
The pathophysiologic origins of
dietary sugar intake, and genetics increased inflammatory factors, such
MetS are in insulin resistance, a
all have been implicated in the as plasminogen activator inhibitor-1,
physiologic state associated with
pathogenesis of MetS.‍1–‍‍‍ 6‍ tumor necrosis factor α, interleukin
obesity. Insulin binds to receptors
6, and acute phase reactants such as
Despite this vast literature, MetS on multiple tissues of the body,
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein
remains a controversial topic in including liver, fat, muscle, and blood
and fibrinogen.‍20 The endoplasmic
pediatrics for several reasons. First, vessels, with a myriad of effects (‍Fig
reticulum acts as a nutrient sensor.
MetS is challenging to define in 1). Insulin secreted by the pancreatic
Energy or nutrient excess can
pediatric populations. MetS in adults β cells travels to the liver via the
trigger endoplasmic reticulum
consists of a subset of at least 3 out portal system, where it normally
stress, resulting in activation of
of 5 risk factors: increased central acts to suppress glucose production.
inflammatory pathways, increased
adiposity, elevated triglycerides, In the insulin-resistant state, the
reactive oxygen species production,
decreased HDL-C, elevated blood suppression of hepatic glucose
and mitochondrial dysfunction.‍21
pressure, and hyperglycemia. In production is impaired, resulting
Some emphasize the importance of
adults, MetS (the presence of 3 or in abnormal glucose homeostasis.
the inflammatory state, with insulin
more of these risks) is predictive of However, even in an insulin-resistant
resistance being a consequence of
CVD and type 2 diabetes mellitus.‍3,​7‍ state, not all insulin effects are
inflammation.20 Irrespective of what
In children and adolescents, however, impaired; there is “selective” insulin
is the consequence or cause, insulin
many different definitions of MetS resistance.‍17 For unknown reasons,
resistance, ectopic fat distribution,
have been proposed (‍Table 1), and insulin action stimulating hepatic
and inflammation are all key
there is no clear consensus on which lipogenesis is not impaired, causing
pathologic players in the components
to use.‍8,​9 In addition, because the the release of free fatty acids and
of MetS.
majority of MetS cases in childhood triglycerides into the circulation.
and adolescence occur in individuals This results in dyslipidemia and
with obesity, the utility of MetS as a ectopic adipose deposition.‍6 The
Defining MetS in Adults
construct above and beyond obesity MetS dyslipidemia pattern consists of
‍ –‍ 12
itself has been questioned.‍8,​10 ‍ elevated triglycerides, low HDL-C, At least 5 health organizations
Regardless of the definition relatively normal low-density have created clinical criteria for

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TABLE 1 Comparison of Key Published MetS Definitions for Pediatric and Adult Populations
Pediatric Definitions Adult Definitions
Cook et al‍13 de Ferranti et al‍14 al‍9
Zimmet et (IDF Alberti et al‍15
(IDF Definition Grundy et al‍16 (AHA/NHLBI
Definition Ages Ages 16+) Consensus Statement)
Defining criterion ≥3 criteria ≥3 criteria Obesity and at least Obesity and at least 2 of ≥3 criteria
2 of remaining 4 remaining 4 criteria
Obesity WC ≥90th percentile WC >75th percentile WC ≥90th percentile WC ≥94 cm for white men WC ≥102 cm (≥40 in) in men and
(age and sex or adult cutoff if and ≥80 cm for white WC ≥88 cm (≥35 in) in women
specific, NHANES lower women
Glucose intolerance Fasting glucose Fasting glucose Fasting glucose Fasting glucose ≥100 mg/dL Fasting glucose ≥100 mg/dL or
≥110 mg/dL (≥6.1 ≥110 mg/dL (≥6.1 ≥100 mg/dL (>5.6 (>5.6 mmol/L) or known drug treatment of elevated
mmol/L) mmol/L) mmol/L) or known type 2 diabetes mellitus glucose
type 2 diabetes
Dyslipidemia Triglycerides ≥110 Triglycerides ≥100 Triglycerides ≥150 Triglycerides ≥150 mg/dL Triglycerides ≥150 mg/dL (1.7
(triglycerides) mg/dL mg/dL mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) or treatment mmol/L) or treatment of
of elevated triglycerides elevated triglycerides
Dyslipidemia (HDL-C) HDL-C ≤40 mg/dL HDL-C ≤50 mg/dL (1.3 HDL-C <40 mg/dL HDL-C <40 mg/dL (1.03 HDL-C <40 mg/dL (1.03 mmol/L)
(1.03 mmol/L; all mmol/L) (1.03 mmol/L) mmol/L) in men and <50 in men and <50 mg/dL (1.3
ages and sexes, mg/dL (<1.29 mmol/L) mmol/L) in women or on drug
NCEP) in women or specific treatment of reduced HDL-C
treatment of low high-
density lipoprotein
High BP BP ≥90th percentile BP >90th percentile Systolic BP ≥130 Systolic BP ≥130 mm Hg or Systolic BP ≥130 mm Hg or
(age, sex, and mm Hg or diastolic BP ≥85 mm Hg diastolic BP ≥85 mm Hg
height specific) diastolic BP or treatment of previously or treatment of previously
≥85 mm Hg diagnosed hypertension diagnosed hypertension
or treatment
of previously
BP, blood pressure; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; WC, waist circumference.

defining either the insulin resistance the NCEP first developed the “any 3 between them with respect to cut
syndrome or MetS among adults: of 5” risk criteria definition. The 5 points of the various component
the World Health Organization risks included in the NCEP ATP III risks (‍Table 1). The differences in
(WHO),​‍22 the NCEP’s ATP III,​‍23 the definition are (1) hyperglycemia, these definitions have important
American Association of Clinical (2) hypertriglyceridemia, (3) low implications for case identification.
Endocrinologists/American College HDL-C, (4) hypertension, and (5) For example, an adult with
of Endocrinology,​‍24 the International increased waist circumference. In hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia,
Diabetes Federation (IDF),​‍25 and the 2005, the AHA/NHLBI modified this and low HDL-C but with a normal
American Heart Association (AHA) definition by revising the glucose cut waist circumference would have
in conjunction with the National point down and adding allowance MetS according the NCEP but not
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for drug treatment of dyslipidemia the IDF. In contrast, a person with
(NHLBI) of the National Institutes and impaired fasting glucose. That hyperinsulinemia, low HDL-C,
of Health.16 A detailed comparison same year, the IDF introduced its and obesity would have MetS
of these definitions is beyond the “worldwide” definition of MetS,​‍25 according to the WHO criteria
scope of this report. The definitions lowering the waist circumference cut but not per the NCEP guidelines
differ significantly, with most but not points for certain racial and ethnic because hyperinsulinemia is not a
all requiring a minimum number of groups and putting greater emphasis risk factor used by the NCEP. These
risk factors, some excluding those on abdominal obesity by making differences between definitions lead
with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes it a necessary criterion for MetS to differences in their prognostic
mellitus, and most differing in the diagnosis. ability and case identification.‍3,​26
‍ For
types, required number, and specific Although the AHA/NHLBI and IDF example, in one of the earliest articles
cut points for the criterion risk definitions have many similarities, on MetS in adolescents, Goodman
factors. As noted previously, in 2001, there are important differences et al‍27 found a greater than twofold

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 2, August 2017 e3
its definition. In adulthood, MetS
predicts CVD and type 2 diabetes
‍ Malik et al‍7 found that
compared with those who have no
MetS risk factors, the hazard ratio
for coronary heart disease mortality
was 2.87 for those with MetS without
diabetes and 5.02 for those with
MetS and diabetes. Depending on
the definition used, Laaksonen et al‍3
found that the odds ratio (OR) for
men with MetS developing diabetes
in the 4-year follow-up period was
5 to 8.8. Data from the Princeton
Prevalence and Follow-up Studies
demonstrated that pediatric MetS
predicted adult MetS with an OR
of 9.4 and adult type 2 diabetes
mellitus with an OR of 11.5; this
study arbitrarily used 2 different
MetS definitions.32 However, the
Proposed mechanisms for the clustering of MetS traits and the increased risk of type 2 diabetes
utility of the syndrome in adolescents
mellitus and CVD. CRP, C-reactive protein; FFA, free fatty acids; IL-6, interleukin 6; LDL-C, low-density has also been questioned, given
lipoprotein cholesterol; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; TNF α, tumor necrosis factor α. studies indicating instability of the
(Reprinted with permission from Samson SL, Garber AJ. Metabolic syndrome. Endocrinol Metab Clin definition when transitioning from
North Am. 2014;43[1]:23.)
adolescence to adulthood.‍10,​33‍ –‍ 35

Large proportions of children defined
difference in the prevalence of WHO- only apply to children 10 years and as having MetS during childhood do
defined MetS compared with NCEP- older and that, among those between not meet the diagnostic criteria on
defined MetS in the Princeton School 10 and 16 years of age, the 90th follow-up 3 to 6 years later.10,​34
‍ In
District Study. percentile for waist circumference multiple observational longitudinal
or adult cut point (whichever was studies, although population-level
lower) should define abdominal prevalence has increased, within-
Defining MetS in Pediatrics obesity. The IDF stated that for person variation in presence or
those 16 years and older, adult absence of MetS has been large, with
Definitions of MetS for children and
criteria should apply. Two years many studies showing 50% or more
adolescents have been even more
later, the AHA published its scientific of MetS-positive subjects becoming
varied than the definitions used
statement on MetS in children and MetS-negative over time, whether
for adults. The first researchers
adolescents,​8 which emphasized that be with short-term (∼3 weeks)‍36
addressing MetS in a pediatric
the need to identify pediatric or longer-term (9 years)‍35 follow-up.
population focused on
cardiometabolic risks and noted that
‍ –29
‍ 27 ‍ Even The instability was not related to
only some of these were found in the change in weight status.‍35 Thus,
researchers that used the same
criteria used to define MetS. The AHA MetS is highly unstable throughout
database (the National Health and
did not include a definition of MetS childhood. A child can meet the
Nutrition Examination Survey III)
for use in pediatric populations and criteria at 1 point in time and not
had divergent prevalence estimates,
indeed made particular note of the meet it at another point in time, and
ranging from 4.2%‍13 to 9.2%,​‍14 a
limitations of adapting definitions it is unclear whether this variation
difference of greater than twofold.
derived for adults to pediatric represents an improvement or
More than 40 different pediatric
populations. To date, there is no clear deterioration in health status.35
definitions of MetS have been used.‍30
consensus on whether MetS should
In 2007, the IDF brought together an
be defined in pediatric populations
international group of experts and Ethnic or racial differences in rates
and, if defined, which definition to
developed a consensus definition.‍9 of obesity and MetS components also
In that report, the IDF recommended exist. Hispanic and black non-Hispanic
that pediatric MetS be based on the The controversy over the utility children demonstrate higher rates
adult IDF definition but that it should of MetS in pediatrics goes beyond of obesity than white non-Hispanic

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children across age categories.‍37 Bogalusa Heart Study demonstrated strong. Twin and family studies
However, similar to adults, black substantially increased development have revealed substantial familial
non-Hispanic youth demonstrate and severity of atherosclerotic lesions aggregation of MetS risk factors. Family
lower rates of dyslipidemia,​‍38 greater associated with increased clustering history of atherosclerotic CVD is a
insulin resistance, and higher blood of atherosclerotic CVD risk factors.‍41 well-known genetic risk for high lipid
pressure than white non-Hispanic and Furthermore, the AAP recommends concentrations, high blood pressure,
Hispanic youth.‍8 Hispanic children that pediatricians do not need to use and high glucose concentration.‍45
have increased dyslipidemia (elevated cut points based on MetS definitions. Obesity, at the core of MetS, is itself
total cholesterol, low HDL-C, or high The MetS construct identifies multiple highly heritable through shared genetic
non–HDL-C) compared with black component risk factors that appear and environmental factors. If a parent
non-Hispanic and white non-Hispanic to cluster together and whose is obese, his or her child is twice as
children.‍39 Because of the racial and/ pathologic origins arise from insulin likely to be obese, and conversely,
or ethnic differences in dyslipidemia, resistance and adiposopathy. Much more than half of children with obesity
and despite increased prevalence of of the discrepancy in definitions have at least 1 parent with obesity.‍46
obesity and greater risk for type 2 derives from differences in these
Several MetS risk factors have
diabetes mellitus, black non-Hispanic thresholds. Moreover, for many
origins during the prenatal and
youth have a lower prevalence of risk factors, the risk is a continuum.
early postnatal period. The presence
MetS than white non-Hispanic or Continuous variables may be more
of maternal gestational diabetes;
Hispanic youth,​28 which can lead to an reliable in predicting young adult
low birth weight, especially with
underestimation of cardiometabolic risk from early adolescence and
rapid catch-up growth; infant
risk.‍40 might help determine future risk.‍42
feeding practices (restrictive and
A number of researchers have used
pressuring); and early adiposity
Given the absence of a consensus on factor analysis of MetS components
rebound are associated with later
the definition of MetS, the unstable to develop a continuous risk score
development of obesity and other
nature of MetS, and the lack of clarity measure to identify children at higher
MetS components.‍8,​9‍ Throughout
about the predictive value of MetS for risk for developing a chronic disease
childhood and adolescence,
future health in pediatric populations, related to MetS into adulthood.‍43,​44

socioeconomic factors and parental
pediatricians are rightly confused Although such work currently is not
obesity also affect development of the
about MetS. The high prevalence of clinically applicable, with advances in
5 MetS component risk factors.‍8,​9‍
pediatric obesity and limited resources research and development of clinically
to address the obesity problem in applicable risk score guidelines, a Health behavioral factors also are
pediatrics reveal the need to identify continuous risk score approach may associated with and can predict the
a subset of children with obesity or be created for use in general pediatric presence of MetS risks, particularly
who are overweight and at increased practice in the future. At the moment, obesity, in youth. Specific behaviors
risk for cardiovascular and metabolic however, risk factor screening and include short duration of sleep,
complications beyond the physical identification of youth with MetS risk excessive screen time, specific
complications of obesity. Although factor abnormalities allow providers dietary factors, low physical activity,
obesity is, in general, associated with to target scarce resources to children and tobacco smoke exposure.‍47,​48 ‍
increased mechanical stress and at increased cardiometabolic risk, Even after controlling for
potential orthopedic complications, particularly those with multiple demographic factors, the number
not all children with obesity component abnormalities. Such of hours a child spends each day in
manifest metabolic dysregulation screening and associated treatment front of a screen is directly related
as a consequence of their obesity. (see below) is an important component to BMI and calories consumed
Identifying children with multiple of preventive pediatric care. per day and inversely related to
metabolic derangements allows minutes of physical activity.‍49 New
targeting of focused interventions AAP policies discourage screen use
toward children at the highest risk for Determinants of Metabolic Risk except for video chatting before 18
cardiometabolic disease. Thus, rather Factor Clustering to 24 months of age and recommend
than focus on defining MetS in youth, There are multiple determinants of that pediatricians help families
the American Academy of Pediatrics the 5 risk factors currently used to develop a Family Media Use Plan
(AAP) recommends that pediatricians define MetS in adolescents or in adults. specific for each child that ensures
focus on the concept of cardiovascular Familial influences include shared entertainment screen time does
risk factor clustering and associated genetic and environmental factors, not displace healthy behavioral
risk factor screening. This concept which combine to make heritability factors, such as adequate sleep
is especially important because the of these individual MetS components and physical activity. (The AAP

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 2, August 2017 e5
Family Media Use plan is available published in 2007, suggest biannual and endothelial dysfunction
at www.​healthychildren.​org/​ screening for NAFLD by measuring and is related to hypertension.
MediaUsePlan.)‍50,​51 Physical activity aspartate aminotransferase and Moreover, studies have revealed
is beneficial for weight management, alanine aminotransferase among that treatment of OSA improves
and it has also been negatively children with BMI at or greater than multiple components of MetS, such
associated with MetS and factors that the 85th percentile.‍60 as blood pressure, lipids, and glucose
overlap with MetS, independent of The risk for PCOS is increased in girls control.‍65,​66
‍ As in MetS, the comorbid
weight status. Short sleep duration with obesity. PCOS is characterized conditions mentioned here share
inversely predicts cardiometabolic by hyperandrogenism (elevated associations with insulin resistance
risk in adolescents with obesity, free testosterone), menstrual and obesity, which potentially play a
even when controlling for degree irregularities and/or ovulatory role in their pathology as well.
of obesity and levels of physical dysfunction, and polycystic ovaries.
activity.‍52 Some studies in adults Obesity and insulin resistance (with
and children have found a U-shaped resulting hyperinsulinemia) are
relationship between sleep duration associated with PCOS as well as Given the complexity of defining
and cardiometabolic risk, with with increased free testosterone MetS in adolescence, the evolving
either too much or too little sleep and ovarian and adrenal understanding of MetS, and the lack
being problematic.‍53–‍ 55
‍ Although hyperandrogenism. The increased of consensus regarding definition,
exact mechanisms remain unknown, luteinizing hormone pulse frequency it is not surprising that there is
factors related to inflammation, and increased luteinizing hormone– no consensus as to whether or
oxidative stress, and antioxidant follicle-stimulating hormone ratio how MetS should be identified in
status are thought to mediate the observed in PCOS (although not pediatric populations, particularly
sleep duration–cardiometabolic part of diagnostic criteria) result in adolescents. However, there is a
health relationship.56 increased androgen secretion from consensus among the American
Among the multiple dietary factors theca cells in the ovaries.‍61 Diabetes Association and AHA that
associated with obesity, lack of Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus obesity prevention and treatment in
whole grain and fiber intake is have been associated with worse childhood and adolescence should be
most strongly correlated with the mental health, including increased the first-line approach to alleviating
development of insulin resistance risk for anxiety and depression.‍60,​62,​
‍ 63‍ cardiometabolic risk.‍67 Published
even after adjusting for BMI.‍57 Higher Chronic disease is a well- guidelines recommend that primary
consumption of fruits and vegetables, recognized stressor, and obesity care clinicians perform annual obesity
which contribute dietary fiber as is associated with social stigma screening for all children by using
well as micronutrients, is known to and discrimination. Thus, obesity BMI and refer children with BMI at or
reduce risk of atherosclerotic CVD, an and diabetes screening guidelines greater than the 95th percentile to a
end point of MetS in adulthood.‍58 often recommend mental health comprehensive weight-management
screening, as do the current AAP program.‍60,​68,​
‍ 69
‍ In practice, it is
recommendations for children who sometimes not possible to refer all such
Comorbidities are overweight or children with children to a comprehensive program.
obesity.‍60 Pediatricians can develop the expertise
Comorbidities of MetS, insulin
and resources necessary to manage
resistance, and obesity include OSA is a condition characterized by
these patients themselves, especially
nonalcoholic fatty liver disease complete or partial obstruction of
when no comprehensive program
(NAFLD), polycystic ovary syndrome the upper airway and is associated
exists in their catchment area.
(PCOS), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), with obesity. OSA causes sleep
and mental health disorders. NAFLD fragmentation, intermittent hypoxia, In addition to obesity screening with
represents a spectrum of damage to and increased negative airway BMI, children should be screened
the liver, from steatosis to fibrosis pressure in the thoracic cavity.‍64 annually for elevated blood pressure
and cirrhosis. NAFLD is defined by Obesity increases the risk for OSA in primary care by using auscultatory
having liver fat >5% liver weight (not because of enlarged soft tissues in methods for obtaining blood
caused by alcohol consumption) and and around the airway as well as pressure.‍69 Nonfasting non–HDL-C
is strongly associated with insulin decreased lung volumes because or fasting lipid screening should be
resistance.‍59 Although there is not a of increased abdominal fat.‍64 performed in all children between
consensus about testing frequency Interestingly, OSA is independently the ages of 9 and 11 years.‍69 This
among professional organizations, associated with CVD, insulin approach will help to identify children
current AAP recommendations, resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, with genetic forms of dyslipidemia

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and will also identify those with persist into adulthood. Furthermore, stimulus for insulin production.
high triglycerides and low HDL-C treatment of obesity and treatment Reducing mitochondrial substrate
because of metabolic problems. of MetS components share many by caloric restriction, particularly
Although insulin resistance is the key common elements, and interventions lipogenic substrates,​‍6 could also
to the etiology of MetS, the Insulin that improve 1 condition are likely to be effective. In addition, increased
Resistance Consensus group did not ameliorate the other. Meta-analyses dietary fiber intake decreases
recommend screening for insulin of pediatric lifestyle intervention the glycemic load to the liver.
resistance with fasting insulin.‍70 studies have revealed that dietary Increased physical activity improves
Screening for glucose intolerance and modification and increased mitochondrial efficiency, which
type 2 diabetes mellitus is important physical activity decrease weight is preventive against MetS,​‍6 and
because hyperglycemia is one of the and also improve cardiometabolic improves insulin sensitivity. As
MetS component risks. Risk factors risk factors such as dyslipidemia activity levels increase, inflammatory
for type 2 diabetes mellitus include and hypertension.‍68,​72 Decreased cytokines and markers of oxidative
overweight or obesity, belonging to a obesity also results in decreases in stress decrease, insulin sensitivity
high-risk racial and/or ethnic group, insulin resistance and inflammatory increases, endothelial function
family history of type 2 diabetes markers.‍73 Good evidence suggests improves, and HDL-C concentrations
mellitus, physical signs of insulin that moderate- to high-intensity increase.‍81 Time spent in moderate to
resistance (acanthosis nigricans), weight-loss programs combined vigorous physical activity is inversely
PCOS, dyslipidemia, or hypertension. with behavioral counseling, negative associated with a MetS continuous
Methods of screening have included energy balance diets, and increased risk score, and those who spent at
the oral glucose tolerance, hemoglobin least 88 minutes per day in moderate
physical activity, can successfully
A1c, fasting glucose, and random to vigorous physical activity were
address obesity.‍68 Combining diet
glucose tests.‍67,​71 The authors of the least likely to have MetS.‍82
and exercise is more effective at
expert committee obesity guidelines
achieving decreases in BMI than Pharmacotherapeutic options to
from 2007 recommended that children
either intervention in isolation. No treat obesity in children are limited.‍83
10 years or older (or pubertal)
researchers have demonstrated Currently, only orlistat has an
with a BMI at or greater than
evidence for recommending a specific FDA indication for weight loss in
the 85th percentile and 2 additional
dietary plan because appropriate adolescents as young as 12 years
risk factors be screened with
restriction of calories is the main of age. Orlistat, an intestinal lipase
a fasting glucose test every 2 years.‍60
issue. Low-glycemic-load diets and inhibitor, results in a mean 3% weight
low-carbohydrate diets may be loss (on the basis of starting weight) at
more effective than low-fat diets in 6 months.‍84,​85
‍ Adverse effects include
reducing weight and improving CVD steatorrhea and flatulence, making it
Treatment of MetS involves both risk, at least in the short-term.‍69 difficult to use in practice. Insurance
behavioral and pharmacotherapeutic Specific lifestyle targets that have coverage for orlistat is variable.‍85
interventions aimed at reducing demonstrated efficacy in reducing Bariatric surgery in adolescents is
obesity, glucose abnormalities, BMI include substitution of sugar- effective86 and reserved for the most
hypertension, and dyslipidemia. sweetened beverages with water, severely affected.
Once identified, pediatricians should milk, or artificially sweetened Treatment of MetS risk factor
treat these component risk factors beverages‍74–‍ 77
‍ and reducing components is well described in
by using current best practices television or screen time.‍77–79
‍ It is several evidence-based guidelines.
(summarized or referenced later in important to note that achieving The authors of the NHLBI Expert Panel
this report) to reduce future risk for a normal BMI is not necessary to guidelines, published in 2011, provide
cardiometabolic disease. decrease cardiometabolic risk. evidence-based guidance for dietary
Studies have revealed that weight and pharmacotherapeutic treatment
Obesity treatment is grounded in loss and improvement in BMI by 5% of dyslipidemia and hypertension
lifestyle modification, and early to 10% can have metabolic benefits.‍80 in children and adolescents. The
treatment of obesity in childhood type of dyslipidemia associated
and adolescence is recommended as The mechanisms that explain with MetS usually is treated with
the first-line approach to reducing the association between lifestyle lifestyle intervention only, not with
cardiometabolic risk.‍60,​67,​
‍ 69‍ Obesity modification and effects on MetS pharmacologic agents.‍69 Treatment
is a more stable trait than MetS, components are not fully understood. of insulin resistance involves lifestyle
more likely to be present at multiple Dietary interventions that lower modification only. Anecdotally, some
points in time, and more likely to intake of simple sugars may reduce providers are using metformin to

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 2, August 2017 e7
treat children and adolescents who 3. by following current Staff
have insulin resistance with normal recommendations to screen Debra Burrowes, MHA
glucose concentrations. Although for and treat obesity, glucose
some studies have revealed beneficial abnormalities, hypertension, Section on Endocrinology Executive
effects of metformin on BMI and and dyslipidemia, pediatricians Committee, 2015–2016
homeostatic model assessment of are addressing the major MetS- Irene N. Sills, MD, FAAP, Chairperson
insulin resistance score in adolescents associated cardiometabolic risks Samuel J. Casella, MD, MSc, FAAP
Linda A. DeMeglio, MD, MPH, FAAP
with insulin resistance, these trials in pediatric populations; Jose L. Gonzalez, MD, JD, MSEd, FAAP
were only 6 months in length and 4. identification of children with Paul B. Kaplowitz, MD, FAAP, Immediate Past
involved small numbers of subjects.‍87 multiple component risks enables Chairperson
Thus, metformin is not currently pediatricians to apply their most
Jane L. Lynch, MD, FAAP, Chairperson Elect
recommended for treatment of insulin Kupper A. Wintergerst, MD, FAAP
intensive intervention efforts to
resistance.‍70 No consensus exists in the children and adolescents in Staff
the pediatric diabetes community as to greatest need of risk reduction; Laura Laskosz, MPH
treatment of prediabetes in children, and
other than lifestyle management. Section on Obesity Executive
Children found to have prediabetes 5. increasing awareness of Committee, 2015–2016
or type 2 diabetes mellitus on comorbid conditions such as
Christopher F. Bolling, MD, FAAP, Chairperson
screening can be referred to a pediatric NAFLD, mental health disorders, Sarah C. Armstrong, MD, FAAP
endocrinologist for management and/ PCOS, and OSA enables Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RD, FAAP
or monitoring.‍88 It is also critical to pediatricians to address and refer John C. Rausch, MD, MPH, FAAP
screen for and address any comorbid to specialists, as needed. Victoria Weeks Rogers, MD, FAAP
Robert P. Schwartz, MD, FAAP
conditions, such as PCOS or OSA, which Continued efforts to prevent and
often share the causal link of insulin treat obesity and its associated Liaison
resistance with MetS component risk metabolic abnormalities among CDR Alyson Goodman, MD, MPH, FAAP – Centers
factors. children and adolescents and for Disease Control and Prevention
vigilant attention to the early
diagnosis of diabetes provide the Staff

Summary pediatrician with the most evidence- Mala Thapar, MPH

based methods for addressing
MetS evolved from Reaven’s cardiometabolic risk factor clustering
concept of syndrome X, a tool used (MetS) in adolescence. Abbreviations
to understand the many effects
AAP: American Academy of
of insulin resistance on human
Authors Pediatrics
physiology. In adults, a diagnosis
Sheela N. Magge, MD, MSCE, FAAP AHA: American Heart
of MetS is associated with an
Elizabeth Goodman, MD, MBA, FAAP Association
increased risk for CVD and diabetes. Sarah C. Armstrong, MD, FAAP ATP III: Adult Treatment Panel
In pediatrics, there remain many
unanswered questions regarding Committee on Nutrition, 2015–2016 CVD: cardiovascular disease
the definition of and utility of the Stephen Daniels, MD, PhD, FAAP, Chairperson HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein
diagnosis of MetS. Therefore,​ Mark Corkins, MD, FAAP cholesterol
Sarah de Ferranti, MD, FAAP
1. although pediatricians can use IDF: International Diabetes
Neville H. Golden, MD, FAAP
MetS as an organizing frame, Jae H. Kim, MD, PhD, FAAP
the focus for clinical screening Sheela N. Magge, MD, MSCE, FAAP MetS: metabolic syndrome
and treatment should be on Sarah Jane Schwarzenberg, MD, FAAP NAFLD: nonalcoholic fatty liver
cardiometabolic risk factors, many disease
Liaisons NCEP: National Cholesterol
of which cluster together and are
associated with obesity; Carrie L. Assar, PharmD, MS – Food and Drug Education Program
Administration NHLBI: National Heart, Lung,
2. pediatricians should not focus the Jeff Critch, MD – Canadian Pediatric Society
and Blood Institute
specific levels of cardiometabolic Van Hubbard, MD, PhD, FAAP – National Institutes
of Health OR: odds ratio
risk factors from the multitude of
Kelley Scanlon, PhD – Centers for Disease Control OSA: obstructive sleep apnea
MetS definitions because the risk and Prevention PCOS: polycystic ovary syndrome
lies on a continuum and in the Valery Soto, MS, RD, LD – US Department of WHO: World Health Organization
context of the whole child; Agriculture

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DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​1542/​peds.​2017-​1603

Address correspondence to Sheela N. Magge, MD, MSCE, FAAP. E-mail:

PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).

Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

FUNDING: No external funding.

POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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The Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents: Shifting the Focus to
Cardiometabolic Risk Factor Clustering
Sheela N. Magge, Elizabeth Goodman, Sarah C. Armstrong, COMMITTEE ON
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The Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents: Shifting the Focus to
Cardiometabolic Risk Factor Clustering
Sheela N. Magge, Elizabeth Goodman, Sarah C. Armstrong, COMMITTEE ON
Pediatrics; originally published online July 24, 2017;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2017-1603

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