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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________ Entry #: _________

The Expanding Universe Guided Worksheet

1. The initial explosion that resulted in the formation and expansion of the universe is called _______________

2. What is cosmology?

3. How is the universe like rising raisin bread dough?

4. In which direction are nearly all galaxies moving?

5. What is Hubble’s Law?

6. When did the Big Bang occur?

7. Radiation left over from the big bang is called _____________________________________

8. How can astronomers conclude approximately how long the universe has been expanding?

9. Explain how the sun was formed?

10. Describe two possibilities of what will happen to the universe in the future.

11. What is the difference between red and blue shift?

Based on the spectrums in the figure, rank the four galaxies in order of the speed with which they are moving
away from Earth, from slowest (1) to fastest (4)

Galaxy Rank (1=slowest, 4=

Red/Blue Shift Practice:
For all the shifts below identify if they are red shift or blue shift

Outer Space Video Questions:

1. ________________________________ is the fastest thing in the universe. It travels
__________________________ Km/s
2. The closest star to our sun is 4.3 __________________________________ away
3. ___________________________________ is the distance that light travels in a year
4. ______________________________ trillion km= 1 light year
5. The Great _______________________________________ on Jupiter is a hurricane which is
___________________________ than Earth
6. _____________________________________ is a group of stars that has been given a name to help us
find certain stars or recognize them. _________________________________________ is the “hunter.”
7. The North star is named ____________________________________ and is located at the end of the
handle of the Little Dipper
8. The Earth’s axis is __________________________________, and in 12,000 years we’ll point toward
9. _________________ tons of meteorites hits the Earth every day. Most are the size of a grain of _____
10. The circumference of the earth (the distance around the Earth) is ___________________________ Km
11. We are made of the same stuff that ________________________ are made of
12. By the time the show is over light coming out of the TV has traveled
__________________________________ million Km

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