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CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction In todays modern age of education, the acquisition of knowledge/skills that

will enhance the students ability to succeed in the real world, over mere academic ability depends on the effectiveness of their professors teaching style. It also depends on the age of their professor, because an older instructor may use traditional style of teaching for they have been used to that kind of teaching style. However for a younger professor, who had been blessed with our modern age technology, will use modern equipments to aid him/her in his/her teaching. Professors nowadays are classified into two, the traditional or old school style teacher and the modern teacher. Nowadays, modernization and advancement of technologies are getting more and faster and so are the teaching strategies and equipments of teachers around the globe. How they present their lessons to their students come in a variety. Its either in a traditional manner, modern involving computers, and/or using both ways. Going back for a decade, teaching style of teachers from elementary, high school and college is very different compared today. Though in a computer age, still its more advancing thats why those who are not updated were not able to cope up in the style today because they prefer to stick to the traditional way of imparting in the students the knowledge they want them to acquire.

Background of the Study Now more than ever, students have become more conscious in their professors teaching capabilities. Some of the students may not like their professor when it comes to the teaching style and also the attitude of the instructor so the student may not attend the class which leads to failing. Teaching methods were generally rigid and rote learning was emphasized with dire consequences for learners who did not have the stomach for it. Over the last decade, both teaching and learning styles have undergone some drastic changes. They have been developed over a period of time, keeping in mind the needs and requirements of both teachers and students. The style adopted by a teacher or lecturer depends on a number of factors. The different styles used are the traditional approach and the modern approach. In a traditional approach everything is laid out for easy use. It generally follows a standard scope and sequence. It has definite records of accomplishments and testing, and assignment of grades is extremely easy. However, it does not take into account every individual's learning strengths, weaknesses or interests. It also tends to discourage original and independent thinking because everything is done by the professor. While in the modern approach, it includes group activities which is a great factor in enhancing the students social skills and individual thinking, it also includes the use of modern equipments which can help the students get a clearer picture of their lesson. The teaching style to be followed depends to a great extent on the capacity and capability of both the teacher as well as the student.

Theoretical Framework Teaching styles and strategies are primarily descriptions of the learning objective-oriented activities and flow of information between teachers and students. By its most basic definition, Traditional teaching is concerned with the teacher being the controller of the learning environment. Power and responsibility are held by the teacher and they play the role of instructor (in the form of lectures) and decision maker (in regards to curriculum content and specific outcomes). They regard students as having 'knowledge holes' that need to be filled with information. In short, the traditional teacher views that it is the teacher that causes learning to occur. While the modern methods of teaching encompass everything from interactive exercises to multimedia resources. It also includes stronger listening skills through interpersonal activities such as storytelling. Group activities are also included in the modern style because larger group activities also serve as a helpful method for teaching listening skills to students rather than sit in their chairs and listen all the time to their professor. Video segments are another helpful source in modern teaching because it includes short sketches, news programs, documentary films, interview segments, and dramatic and comedic material where the students are likely to enjoy their lesson.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers conceptualized that modern styles of teaching are more efficient and effective than the traditional style like when a teacher or professor is doing a lecture where he or she is the one who is doing everything and is usually boring. Unlike in modern style, it includes the use of multimedia equipments to aid in our learning and it keeps us interested in the lesson. And also the interpersonal activities where we could interact with our fellow classmates to do a particular task.

Traditional Styles of Teaching: y y Teacher-centered instruction Students learn through listening and observing their professor Focused on independent learning Instructions based on textbooks, lectures and individual written assignments

y y

Some students might be bored because the professor is doing everything Some students have the tendency not to listen.

Poor academic performance by the students The quality of education is not maximized

Modern Styles of Teaching: y y y y Interpersonal activities Group activities Audio segments Video segments

More interesting in the part of the students More social interactions by the students

High academic performance by the students Maximized quality of education

Statement of the problem The study basically aims to know the teaching style that has more impact to the graduating students of AIMS. Specifically, this study seeks to answer to the following questions: y y Determine which teaching style is more effective. Determine which teaching style is being favored by the graduating students of AIMS (2011)

Scope and Limitations of the Study The study will determine which teaching styles and strategies are being favored most by the graduating students of AIMS. And by the help of this research, it may also help the technical faculty of AIMS to adjust their teaching methods according to the outcome of this study. However every study has its own limitation, since the only students that had been under most of the instructors of AIMS, the graduating classes of October 2011 are the only students that will be studied and analyzed.

Significance of the Study This study will be a significant endeavor in promoting good teaching style in the classroom. This study will also be beneficial to the students and instructors in AIMS. By understanding the needs of the students and benefits of quality education, these instructors and students are assured of a competitive advantage. Moreover, this research will provide recommendations on how to improve the relationship between the students and their professors. Moreover, this study will be helpful to the technical faculty of AIMS in suggesting and informing them the better teaching styles and strategies. It will also serve as a future reference for researchers on the subject of Personnel Management. And importantly, this research will help professor in deciding on what kind of teaching style is more effective and will be favored by the students.

Definition of Terms Teaching or Education - in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another. y Traditional/Old school style teacher is a trait of a teacher that is often more concerned about presenting him/herself as the final authority/source of knowledge to the learners.

Modern style teacher is a trait of a teacher that typically offers him/herself as a guide/coach/mentor who will point out possible directions for the learner to follow on the path to self-discovery.

Teaching styles and strategies are various kinds of techniques when it comes to teaching.

AIMS (Asian Institute of Maritime Studies) an institution where maritime career are being pursued by many students.

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