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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02(Cagayan Valley)
Tumauini South District

NAME: ____________________________________SECTION: _____________SCORE: ______

_____1. What gland is being stimulated during exercise?

A. adrenal B. parathyroid C. pituitary D. thyroid
_____2. Which of the following glands secrete a hormone that enables the body to produce T cells?
A. adrenal B. parathyroid C. thymus D. thyroid
_____3. The organ that makes estrogen and progesterone is the __________.
A. hypothalamus B. ovary C. pineal gland D. vagina
_____4. Which of the following glands produce hormones that controls the calcium levels the body?
A. adrenal B. parathyroid C. pituitary D. thymus
_____5. Which of the following glands produce hormones that controls the heart rate and breathing in times of
A. adrenal B. pancreas C. pituitary D. thyroid
_____6. What is considered as the ovulation day for regular menstrual cycle?
A. 1st day B. 14th day C. 20th day D. 28th day
_____7. Which birth control method is best used for safe sex?
A. abstinence B. condom C. IUD D. pills
_____8. In humans, fertilization normally occurs in the _____.
A. cervix B. fallopian tube C. uterus D. vagina
_____9. What do we call the female sex hormone that is responsible for the development and maintenance of typical
female sexual characteristics?
A. estrogen B. FSH C. LH D. progesterone
_____10. What is the periodic shedding of tissues and blood from the inner lining of the uterus?
A. menstruation B. menopause C. ovulation D. pregnancy

_____11. What do you call the body’s system which is composed of network of nerve cells and nerve fibers that
transmit nerve impulses between parts of the body?
A. circulatory system C. nervous system
B. endocrine system D. reproductive system
_____12. What is the other term for “neurons”?
A. epithelial cells B. muscle cells C. nerve cells D. red blood cells
_____13. Which of the following is NOT a part of the Nervous System?
A. brain B. lungs C. nerves D. spinal cord
_____14. The neuron is made up of the following parts EXCEPT __________.
A. axon B. brain C. cell body D. dendrites
_____15. What are the major divisions of the nervous system?
A. central and cranial nervous system
B. central and peripheral nervous system
C. peripheral and somatic nervous system
D. somatic and autonomic nervous system
_____16. What does the autonomic nervous system control?
A. body transmission of scents
B. involuntary actions like heartbeat
C. signals carried throughout the body
D. voluntary actions like walking
_____17. Which molecule carries a copy of the genetic information out of the nucleus?
A. amino acid mRNA B. mRNA C. rRNA D. tRNA
_____18. Which of the following is directly involved in translation phase of protein synthesis?
A. cytoplasm B. mitochondria C. nucleus D. ribosome
_____19. A frame shift mutation is a genetic mutation that is caused by the insertion or deletion of a specific number
of nucleotides that shifts the reading frame of the sequence. The insertion or deletion of how many nucleotides would
cause a frame shift mutation?
A.2 B.3 C.6 D.9
_____20. How do mutations lead to genetic variation? changing the organism's appearance changing the way that the organism reproduces changing the organism's behavior producing random changes in an organism's genetic code
_____21. A piece of each chromosome has broken off and been reattached to the other chromosome, resulting in an
exchange. The process that occurs when a section of a chromosome breaks off and reattaches to another chromosome
is known as_______.
A. deletion B. inversion C. nondisjunction D. translocation
_____22. What are the nitrogenous bases in DNA?
A. adenine, cytosine, uracil only
B. adenine, cytosine, thymine only
C. adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine
D. adenine, cytosine, guanine, uracil
_____23. An adaptation promotes ______________________________.
A. chance to survive
B. chance to reproduce
C. chance to survive and reproduce
D. None of the above
_____24. The criterion used to determine if an organism is a new species is based on _____________.
A. time B. geography C. reproduction D. physical traits
_____25. Where can most fossils be found?
A. Black soil B. Lava flows C. Granite rock D. Sedimentary rock
_____26. Vertebrate forelimbs are most likely to be discussed in ___________________.
A. Ecology B. Embryology C. Biogeography D. Comparative anatomy
_____27. Which of the following statements does NOT describe Darwin's theory of natural selection?
A. The members of a population of the organisms will strive.
B. Populations tend to replicate in minimal numbers.
C. Members of a population have genetic differences.
D. Some members of a inhabitants have adaptive behaviors.
_____28. The following statements describe evolution EXCEPT.
A. Evolution is continuous
B. Evolution refers to a change
C. The world is stable and unchanging
D. The mutation causes evolution only when it becomes heritable
_____29. Which of the following causes of evolution states that sexual selection is not merely by chance?
A. Non-random mating B. Genetic Drift C. Gene Flow D. Mutation
_____30. What is genetic drift?
A. The formation of new species.
B. A change in gene pool due to chance alone.
C. Any change in the structure of chromosomes and gene composition.
D. The migration of individuals from one population to another.
_____31. During the process of speciation, a species is first isolated _______.
A. genetically B. behaviorally C. geographically D. reproductively
_____32. The following are statements that describe Darwin’s theory of natural selection except___________.
A. Members of a population will compete.
B. Populations tend to reproduce in small numbers.
C. Members of a population have heritable variations.
D. Some members of a population have adaptive traits.
_____33. Which of the following mechanisms will cause the gene pool of two populations to change?
A. Mutation B. Gene Flow C. Genetic Drift D. Natural Selection
_____34. Which of the following describes mutation?
A. A result of inbreeding.
B. Any change in the structure of chromosomes.
C. Change in gene pool due to migration.
D. Differential survival and reproduction of organisms.
_____35. Manila’s population in early 2021 is 14, 158, 573. Since 2015, its population has increased by 235, 121
which constitutes 1.69% annual change. Which of the following factors has the greatest impact on increasing
population growth rate in Manila?
A. Climate B. Employment C. Mineral Deposits D. Recreation
_____36. The carrying capacity of Kai’s aquarium is for five fishes only but he placed ten fishes instead. Describe the
effect on the resources if the population of fishes is above the carrying capacity.
A. Resources will be plenty.
B. Resources will be unlimited.
C. Resources will just be exact.
D. Resources will be insufficient.
_____37. Last month, a pest that destroys palay (Oryza sativa) infested Barangay Lapogan, which resulted to a decline
in the palay population. What do you think would happen to the palay-eating bird population if the infestation would
A. The bird population would infinitely increase.
B. The bird population would decrease.
C. The bird population would stay the same.
D. The bird population would be stable.
_____38. Why are invasive species a threat to biodiversity?
A. They can be of help to other organisms.
B. They can be beneficial to humans.
C. They can increase the number of resources.
D. They can outcompete native organisms for their resources.
_____39. Cocolisap infestation outbreak has been declared in some parts of the Philippines. The cocolisap feeds on
the sap of the coconut tree and injects toxic enzymes, resulting in discolored leaves and deformed plant tissues that
retard the growth of coconut tree. This results in a decrease of the survival rate of coconut trees. Which of the
following factors limit the population of coconut trees?
A. competition for resources C. emigration
B. diseases and parasites D. predation
_____40. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of biodiversity?
A. agriculture B. deforestation C. ecotourism D. medicine

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