King Arthur

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The Day of Destiny

(From Morte D’ Arthur) by Sir Thomas Malory

Le Morte d'Arthur- It is a 15th-century Middle English prose reworking by Sir Thomas Malory of tales about the
legendary King Arthur, Guinevere, Lancelot, Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table, along with their respective
folklore. In order to tell a "complete" story of Arthur from his conception to his death, Malory compiled, rearranged,
interpreted and modified material from various French and English sources. Today, this is one of the best-known works
of Arthurian literature. Many authors since the 19th-century revival of the legend have used Malory as their principal source.

Sir Thomas Malory was a layman writer during medieval times in England. He’s best known as the author of Le Morte
D'Arthur. A layman writer is a writer without professional knowledge of writing skills or techniques. His true identity is
unknown. Sir Thomas Malory was possibly born around 1416 in Warwickshire, England.

Excalibur- Arthur's sword, symbol of divine kingship, is as much a character in the legend as any human or supernatural
being. Excalibur is a symbol of the responsibility of power.

Camelot- It was the name of the place where King Arthur held court and was the location of the famous Round Table.
Perhaps a clue to its possible location might be found in the sources we have for the legend of King Arthur.


King Arthur-He is a virtuous and brave king, but he is also a figure of destiny and fate. He is the Son of Uther and Igraine.
Arthur is destined to become the king who unifies all of England. He establishes his destiny by pulling the sword form the
stone. Arthur is the embodiment of royal virtue and valor. Though he proves himself in battle and feats the enemies of the
throne, he is also operating according to a pre-established prophecy.

Queen Guenevere - She is the embodiment of royal female virtue to the Knights of the Round Table. She is the feminine
principle for which they are willing to fight and die. Her fallibility is part of her feminine heroic appeal. She is Arthur’s wife
and also Launcelot’s lover. Though she remains politically loyal to Arthur at the court, she is in love with Sir Launcelot and
she acts on her desires. She never renounces her love of Launcelot even as she faces execution. After Arthur condemns her
to the stake, the kingdom finally begins to crumble. Guenever represents at least half of the power behind the throne.

Sir Launcelot -He demonstrates all of the highest virtues of a knight. Generally considered to be the greatest of Athur’s
knights, he is rivaled only by Tristram for his courage, loyalty, and military prowess. He conquers enemies, but shows them
mercy. He accommodates the desires of Guenever even to his own detriment. And he shows no fear in the face of his quests.
His only downfall is his questionable faith and his desire of Guenever. These flaws make it impossible for him to achieve
the highest quest, that of the Holy Grail.

Merlin- He is powerful, but not infallible. His own desires bring his downfall. He is the sorcerer who pronounces the
prophecy of Arthur. He arranges for Uther to marry Igraine and beget Arthur.

Morgan Le Fay - A sorceress and Arthur’s half-sister. She is the counter to Guenever as she represents the seductive but
evil feminine traits. She seduces Arthur in order to conceive Mordred, who will one day kill Arthur, and she is seductive to
the Knights of the Round Table. She constantly tries to trick the knights and interrupt the court.

Tristram- He is the embodiment of honor, chivalry, and virtue. Not initially one of the Knights of the Round Table, he
eventually takes his place at Arthur’s court. He exemplifies the virtues of a knight through the digressions in the middle of
the book in which Tristram goes on a number of quests.

Sir Mordred- he is destined to kill Arthur. He is Arthur’s illegitimate son from and incestuous relationship. Arthur attempts
to kill him by sending all children who are born during the same month as Mordred be drowned in a shipwreck. Mordred is
the only child to survive. Mordred eventually kills Arthur during the final battle on Salisbury Plain.

Sir Galahad- he is best known as the knight who achieves the Holy Grail.When Galahad appears, he is the chief
Grail knight; in the French and English traditions, he replaces Perceval in this role.

S i r B ed i v er e - he disobeyed the dying King Arthur about putting Excalibur into Nimue’s lake twice, then

Note: Find time to read or watch King Arthur. Thanks.

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