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10710122, 12:00PM PRU form 97 05 Republi ofthe Philippines Securities and Exchange Commission ‘Rama Avene, Cebu City Public Reference Unit Clearance from Records and Fees Accountability ‘Appointment System « Heaton Type: Name JOSEPH ALFIE AREDEZ LOGRORO von [student Business Address: CAPITOL VALLEY, DAO DISTRICT, TAGBILARAN CIT, Sono. [Government Professional Bicthday 1986.09.15, [ Prvate contact Inf ale logrono@gmalcom / M- 09224987694 ‘SEC Appointment System Reference Number: TEOGMVGI Purpose: Count case Research Levestigaton x] Requirement Note: For the above applicants official equest om school or agency is requires for exemption from sevice fe. Date: Tue, Oct 11,2022 13:00 pm Name of Company/Research item Report ——_—Registation comp. _Cleatance 1 SECNo. Document Name Period Date Paper’ «Paper Film Sere ital ‘AdmicalMarine Shipyard Fleet Audited Financial 2020 Repair and Shipouling Compeny, Statement Ine 30 Universal English msttute Ie, Audited Financial 2020 ces70177011 Statement ‘The above borrowers herby cleared rom all ecords and fees accountabllty a evidenced by the clesrance stamps here under Clearance - Report Paper Counter Clearance -Registaton Paper Counter ec, Persone ate Rec. Personnel____Date: Clearance Film Viewing Aes Clearance - Film Copy Counter Ree, Personne Date Rec, Personne____Date: Please bring this cory for verification. htpsscebu-appt secexpress.ohlappoiniments/foriet_numvTEOGNVGI (Clearance - Computer Serv aw

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