Worksheet On Proteins

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DIRECTION: Research on the following.  Submit your work until 11:59PM tonight and in PDF format.
Alteration in the Worksheet is not allowed.

1. Give at least 5 functions or uses or proteins

Structural: Provide structural components

Ex. Collagen is in tendons and cartilage. Keratin is in hair, skin, wool, and nails.

Transport: Carry essential substances throughout the body

Ex. Hemoglobin transports oxygen. Lipoproteins transport lipids.

Storage: Store nutrients

Ex. Casein stores protein in milk. Ferritin stores iron in the spleen and liver.

Contractile: Move muscles

Ex. Myosin and Actin contract muscle fibers.

Hormone: Regulate body metabolism and nervous system

Ex. Insulin regulates blood glucose level. Growth hormone regulates body growth.

Enzyme: Catalyze biochemical reactions in the cells

Ex. Sucrase catalyzes the hydrolysis of sucrose. Trypsin catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins.

Protection: Recognize and destroy foreign substances

Ex. Immunoglobulins stimulate immune responses.

Regulation: Proteins help mediate cell responses, such as the protein, rhodopsin, found in the eye and
involved in the vision process.

2. What are the top 10 sources of proteins? 

 Fish  Skim or low-fat yogurt

 Seafood  Fat-free or low-fat-cheese

 Skinless, white-meat poultry  Eggs

 Lean beef  Lean pork

 Skim or low-fat milk  Beans

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