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Title & Description of Work Cutting, grinding and welding in atmosphere

Work Executed by PEC Preparation Date

Work Location / Area All Applied for PTW No.

Equipment / Material & Tools

Hand tools, grinder, welding machine, generator, DB box, boom truck, forklift, fire extinguisher, argon cylinder,
to be used

Process fluid information Fluid: Pressure: Temperature: Toxicity: Other:

Type of JSA Level of Risk Activity

New Standardized High Risk Medium Risk Low Risk


Base Risk Residual Risk
Sequence of (Before provide (After provide
Potential Control Measures Action By
NO Basic Work Consequence control control
Hazard measures) measures)

Mobilizati 1.1.1. Ensure the access and egress are not
1.1.2. All unwanted material must be removed
1.1. Slips, trips
tools/equi from site.
& Falls, 1.1.3. Maintain comfortable body position Supervisor
pment, Bodily injury B 2 2B B 1 1B
falling 1.1.4. Ensure all hand tool are secured by Workers
remove lanyard when working at high and
insulation platform.
1.1.5. Ensure barricaded and warning sign are
and set working area and ground floor
up fire 2.1. Boom truck, Burn injury / C 2 2C 2.1.1. All vehicle & Equipment’s must be NSRP C 1 1C Task
forklift hit property damage. inspected & have a valid sticker. supervisor /
blanket worker,
onto 2.1.2. Only trained and authorized operator/ boom

Document No.: MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-004/F-004 Title: Job Safety Analysis Form

Date: … March, 2021 Rev. No.: 04 Page 1 of 02
driver to operate equipment.
2.1.3. Provide flagman to guide boom truck, truck ,
structure & forklift
forklift when movement.
operator /
equipment 2.1.4. Use barricade to isolation working flag man
2.1.5. Maintain speed limit.
2.2. Failure to 2.2.1. Follow manual handling procedure not
manual except 40kg with maximum slope +/- 15˚
handling Back & body 2.2.2. Ensure no obstruct access way and
B 2 2B B 1 1B
(Drop, tri, Injury maintain steps Workers
slip & fall) 2.2.3. Focus on the job
2.2.4. Maintain comfortable body position
2.3. Pinch point 2.3.1. Supervisor must conduct START brief all
workers during pre-job
2.3.2. Don’t place fingers between pinch points
Injury to hand and area. supervisor /
C 2 2C C 1 1C worker
finger 2.3.3. Use correct type of tools for the jobs
2.3.4. All workers need to wear good condition
hand glove
2.3.5. Don’t place fingers and body in line of fire
2.4. High noise Hearing Loss. B 2 2B 2.4.1. Wearing ear plug / earmuff B 1 1B
2.5. Falling Fire/damaged B 2 2B 2.5.1. Ensure all tools are in good condition B 1 1B Supervisor
sparks equipment and before bringing inside the refinery. Workers
cable 2.5.2. Cover hot work area by wet fire blanket
and protect instrument equipment and
cable nearby by fire blanket

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2.5.3. Cover COC/AOC pit nearby by fire
blanket/sewer cover
2.6. Glass wool 2.6.1. Wear face mask during handling rock
Dust wool.
Inhalation. 2.6.2. Task specific gloves shall be used by all
Breathing system Task
Skin personnel. Supervisor
& lung damaged B 2 2B B 1 1B
contact/Irrit 2.6.3. All personnel shall wear safety Workers
and effect to skin
ation googles/face shield.
with eyes.
2.7. Insulation 2.7.1. Loose insulation materials shall be well
materials fly secured to prevent from flying due to
off due to strong wind. Task
Bodily Injury / Supervisor
strong B 2 2B 2.7.2. Ensure adequate access is available and B 1 1B
property damage. Workers
wind / access is clear of all obstructions.
2.8. Equipment Equipment 2.8.1. Ensure work area is organized, barricaded Supervisor
B 2 2B B 1 1B
collision. damage and display warning signage Workers
Use plant 3.1. DP box, Burn injury / C 2 2C 3.1.1. Ensure informed to OPS, discussed on C 1 1C Supervisor
power / generator property damage. SIMOP meeting, and get approval before Workers
generator to and using power plant.
perform jobs accessories 3.1.2. Ensure all equipment are inspected, valid
included NSRP sticker and in good conditions prior
are not to use.
good 3.1.3. Cover all COC/ AOC pit nearby by fire
condition blanket
(Electric 3.1.4. All cables are properly connected and
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3.1.5. Use Distribution Panel/ generator with
RCD/RCBO with proper grounding /
3.1.6. Fire extinguisher to be available on
3.2. Oil spill. Fire & explosion 3.2.1. Provide drip tray for diesel generator.
Environment C 2 2C 3.2.2. Barricade the area and display warning C 1 1C
pollution signage.
Cutting and 4.1. Defective 4.1.1. Ensure correct tools & had inspected and Supervisor
4. Delay work B 2 2B B 1 1B
prepare Tools good condition. Workers
surface by 4.2.1. Double check and confirm location as per
grinding mark up P&ID, Isometric drawing.
machine. 4.2. Wrong Fire & explosion 4.2.2. Ensure cutting and welding location are
cutting Person injury/ C 2 2C properly marked following P&ID and C 1 1C
location property damage. Isometric drawing.
4.2.3. Compliance with Hot Work Checklist, point
and call the equipment tag.
4.3.1. Supervisor must conduct START brief all
workers during pre-job
4.3.2. Use correct type of tools for the job.
Finger and body Supervisor
4.3. Pinch point C 2 2C 4.3.3. All workers need to wear good condition C 1 1C
injury. Workers
hand glove
4.3.4. Do not place fingers and body in line of
4.4. Leakage / Burn injury / B 4 4B 4.4.1. Gas check by AGT before start work B 2 2B Supervisor
passing of property damage 4.4.2. Confirm zero energy. Workers
water inside
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4.4.3. Compliance with line break check list
4.4.4. Wear face shield, hand glove when
perform job.
4.4.5. Do not stand in line of fire.
4.4.6. Stop work and immediately inform to OPS
and follow mitigation.
4.5.1. Check the expired date on the grinding
4.5.2. Ensure protective guards are in placed
and positioned correctly.
4.5.3. Always use two hands to operate the
4.5. Unsafe use Potential serious 4.5.4. RPM speed of the disc must be greater Supervisor
B 4 4B B 2 2B
of grinder injuries than the grinder Workers
4.5.5. Never put a grinder down until the grinder
stop rotating
4.5.6. Never use cutting disc for grinding or a
grinding disc for cutting
4.5.7. Remove the plug to de-energize from
power source before changing disc
4.6. Ignition Electric shock. B 4 4B 4.6.1. Proper earthling of equipment. (Welding B 1 1B Supervisor
source by
Fire & explosion. machine & DP Box). Workers
electric Eye and hand 4.6.2. Inspect the abrasive wheel prior to starting
injuries work. Check the RPM of disc: (same or >
equipment: machine).
(Fire and
4.6.3. Ensure Grinder are inspected and in good
4.6.4. Cables & Sockets will be inspected for

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damages. Replace all damaged cables.
4.6.5. Gas check by 4 in 1 gas monitor before
start work.
4.6.6. Fire Extinguisher shall be placed at the
working location.
4.6.7. Fire watchman must be on standby with
fire extinguisher.
4.6.8. Ensure no impact to critical instrument
equipment nearby welding point.
4.7. Hot area, Person injury. C 3 3C 4.7.1. Gas check by AGT before start work. C 1 1C Supervisor
hot surface, Property damage. 4.7.2. 4 in 1 gas detector provided to work crew. Workers
and falling Fire & explosion 4.7.3. Keep away from hot surface.
sparks 4.7.4. Wear heat resistance hand gloves when
welding, grinding.
4.7.5. Use fire Blanket to cover all around area
drilling and bottom area to prevent falling
4.7.6. Before cutting and grinding make sure the
area is clear of all types of combustible
4.7.7. Fire Extinguisher shall be placed at the
working location.
4.7.8. Standby water hose by OPS
4.7.9. Wear face shield, hand glove when
perform job.
4.7.10. Do not stand in line of fire.
4.7.11. Fire watchman must be on standby

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with fire extinguisher.
4.7.12. A fire watch must be remained at site
at least 30 minutes after the hot work is
4.8.1. Ensure the access and egress are not
4.8.2. All unwanted material must be removed
4.8. Slips, trips from site.
& Falls, 4.8.3. Maintain comfortable body position Supervisor
Bodily injury B 2 2B 4.8.4. Ensure all hand tool are secured by B 1 1B
Falling Workers
lanyard when working at height.
object 4.8.5. Wearing safety harness and apply 100 %
tie off while working on scaffolding
platform with yellow tag
4.8.6. Working area are barricaded with signage.
4.9. High noise Hearing Loss B 2 2B 4.9.1. Wearing ear plug / earmuff B 1 1B
Fit up and 5.1. Defective Delay work and 5.1.1. Ensure correct tools & had inspected and Supervisor
B 2 2B B 1 1B
welding for Tools body injury in good condition. Workers
piping, guide, 5.2.1. Don’t place fingers between 2 objects
shim plate. 5.2.2. Use correct type of tools
Finger and body Supervisor
5.2. Pinch point. C 2 2C 5.2.3. All workers to wear good condition hand C 1 1C
injury. Workers
5.2.4. Do not place fingers or body in line fire
5.3. The failure
5.3.1. Ensure all equipment have inspected and
equipment Fire & explosion.
applied sticker before bringing to site. Supervisor
and welder Electric shock. C 2 2C C 1 1C
5.3.2. Verify welder certificate and qualify before Workers
does not Fail welding joint.
perform job.
5.4. Ignition Electric shock. B 4 4B 5.4.1. Proper earthling of equipment. (Welding B 1 1B Supervisor

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machine & DP Box).
5.4.2. Cables & Sockets will be inspected for
damages. Replace all damaged cables.
source by
using 5.4.3. Conduct gas check by 4 in 1 gas monitor
Fire & explosion. before start work.
rotate Eye and hand 5.4.4. Fire Extinguisher shall be placed at the Workers
injuries working location.
(Fire and
explosion). 5.4.5. Fire watchman must be on standby with
fire extinguisher.
5.4.6. Ensure no impact to critical instrument
equipment nearby welding point.
5.5.1. Use fire Blanket to cover all around area
drilling and bottom area to prevent falling
Person injury.
5.5. Falling 5.5.2. Fire watchman must be on standby with Supervisor
Property damage. C 3 3C C 1 1C
sparks fire extinguisher. Workers
Fire explosion
5.5.3. A fire watch must be remained at site at
least 30 minutes after the hot work is
5.6.1. Use fire Blanket to cover hot surface.
Fire, burn & body Supervisor
5.6. Hot surface C 2 2C 5.6.2. Keep away from hot surface. C 1 1C
injury Workers
5.6.3. Wear heat resistance hand glove
5.7. Slips, trips Bodily injury B 2 2B 5.7.1. Ensure the access and egress are not B 1 1B Supervisor
& Falls, obstructed. Workers
5.7.2. All unwanted material must be removed
from site.
object 5.7.3. Maintain comfortable body position
5.7.4. Ensure all hand tool are secured by
lanyard when working at height.

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5.7.5. Wearing safety harness and apply 100 %
tie off while working on a yellow tag
5.7.6. Working area are barricaded with signage
6.1.1. Ensure the access and egress are not
6.1. Slips, trips Supervisor
Bodily injury B 3 3B 6.1.2. All unwanted material must be removed B 1 1C
& Falls Workers
from site.
6.1.3. Maintain comfortable body position
6. House keeping
6.2.1. Excess material to be returned to NSRP
6.2. Blocked
access Supervisor
Bodily injury B 3 3B 6.2.2. Ensure area is kept neat & tidy. B 1 1B
(trips, slip & Workers
6.2.3. Maintain Good House Keeping at work

Remark: “L” = Likely hood, “S” = Severity, “R” = Risk

Normally Work/Job shall be allowed to start if the Risk after applying control measures equal or smaller/less than “Moderate” as per “04-HSE-HS-PD-022; Hazard
Identification, Risk Management and Control Procedure”

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Name Signature Date Position Company

Prepared by Work Execution PIC PEC

Reviewed by Work Execution Manager / PEC


Reviewed by NSRP Responsible NSRP

Discipline Manager / His delegate SUPERVISOR

Approved by Asset Owner / His delegate SSV NSRP

Reviewed by NSRP Health and Safety

(High Risk Activity)
Reviewed and Approved by NSRP HSSE
(High Risk Activity)

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Document No.: MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-004/F-004 Title: Job Safety Analysis Form
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Title & Description of Work Cutting, welding for repair leakage at flange and alignment for piping warm up line at 023-P-605B

Work Executed by  PEC Preparation Date

Work Location / Area AF00 / 023 Applied for PTW No.
Equipment / Material & Tools to be used Hand tools, grinder, cutting machine, welding machine, generator, DB box, boom truck, forklift, fire extinguisher, argon cylinder
(A) Identify Potential Hazards for job
Hazard Prompt List (Review the job steps and identify if any of the following hazards are applicable) Potential Hazard Exposure Mechanisms

x Electricity x Weather □ Excavations/Earthworks x Struck – by, against boom truck & forklift.
x Hot/Cold surface □ Insect/Animal Bites x Fire/ explosion □ Contact with
x Rotating Equipment □ Lighting □ Pyrophoric material □ Contacted by
Collision of vehicles,
□ x Driving Hazards □ Harm to Flora/Fauna □ Caught – in, on, under, between, against
x Muscular Stress x Falling Objects □ Pyrophoric deposit □ Exposure – temperature, chemicals, noise, dust
□ Mental Stress x Noise □ Inert atmosphere x Slip, Trip or Fall – from heights, same level
□ Repetitive Work □ Radiation x Spills/Leaks □ Complete Manual Handling Risk Assessment attached
x Heights □ Hydrocarbon/Gas Release □ Other Mobile/Stationary/Equipment x Overexertion/Excessive force – lifting, pushing, pulling,
□ Underground facility □ Open edge x Pressure (Stored Energy) □ Escape of Material – oil spill, gas release, light spill
□ Vibration x Tools/Equipment Failure x Fumes/Vapor/Dust □ Human Factors
□ Depths □ Human Factors □ Catalyst □  Overload of lifting equipment
□ Confined Spaces □ Off Road □ Toxic gas  □  Suspended load
□ Asbestos □ Chemicals □ Trip process □ Crane/ boom truck collapse
(B) Personal Protective Equipment
x Eye/Face protection x Hearing protection x Respiratory protection x Weather conditions
x Head protection □ Safety/Rescue line □ Safety harness • hot/dry
• wet
x Foot protection x Hand protection x Gas detector • windy
• cold
□ Body protection x Spill prevention and clean up □ Light shields
□ Other □   □  

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Title & Description of Work Cutting, grinding, welding in atmosphere

Work Executed by PEC Preparation Date

Work Location / Area All Applied for PTW No.

Equipment / Material &

Hand tools, grinder, cutting machine, welding machine, generator, DP box, boom truck, forklift, fire extinguisher, argon cylinder,
Tools to be used

Process fluid information Fluid: Pressure: Temperature: Toxicity: Other:

1. Isolation and deviation

2. Grinding and welding.
3. Fire hazard
4. Electric shock
Discussed Point
5. Pinch pint
6. Manual handing
7. Slip. trip & fall
8. Adjacent activities

Participants Signature Date Position Company

(Work Execution PIC, Relevant NSRP discipline, Asset Owner and HSSE)

Document No.: MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-004/F-004 Title: Job Safety Analysis Form

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Discussions / Feedbacks (Be specific on what is the output of SWMS/JSA meting and update required in SWMS/JSA)

Recorded by: Name: Title: Company

Document No.: MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-004/F-004 Title: Job Safety Analysis Form

Date: … March, 2021 Rev. No.: 04 Page 16 of 02

Description of Work Cutting, grinding and welding in atmosphere

Work To be Executed by PEC

Work Location / Area

Work order No /PTW


Date and Time of visit

Participants Signature Date Position Company

Document No.: MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-004/F-004 Title: Job Safety Analysis Form

Date: … March, 2021 Rev. No.: 04 Page 17 of 02
Joint site visit finding: (Record – Identified hazards- control measures, certificates, documents required)

Recorded by : Name : Title: Company :


Document No.: MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-004/F-004 Title: Job Safety Analysis Form

Date: … March, 2021 Rev. No.: 04 Page 18 of 02
Title & Description of Work: Cutting, grinding and welding in atmosphere

Work Executed by PEC Preparation Date

Work Location / Area Applied for PTW No.

1.0 Scope 1.1 Cutting, welding for repair leakage at flange and alignment for piping warm up line at 023-P-605B
 MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-003 Rev 09 PTW Procedure
 MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-012 Rev 03 Lock Out Tag Out Procedure.
 MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-004 Rev 03 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS).
2.0 References 2.1
 MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-048 Rev 02 Hot work Procedure
 MD-04-HSE-ES-PL-007 Waste Management Plan.
 MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-059 Rev. No.00 Manual Handling Procedure
3.0 Responsibilities 3.1
Periodic check to ensure Contractor personal attended fully training and qualified for these jobs.
To ensure all related HSSE document are at place for implement work safety.
Supervise the site work activity and ensure Contractor are conduct work safety follow HSSE procedure.
 NSRP Supervisor.
Develop this SWMS and JSA and review periodically to update the requirement to follow procedure.
To ensure Contractor check the site condition carefully and apply control measure to minimize risk.
 PTW Requester.
To prepare and understand the SWMS and JSA documents
To prepare tool, equipment, material and check actual conditions on the site
To prepare PTW documents
 PTW Issuer.
To review SWMS and JSA and ensure Contractor apply adequate countermeasure to control all associated
To apply and control the PTW system "SIMOPS" to control work safety.

Document No.: MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-004/F-004 Title: Job Safety Analysis Form

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To perform and verified Isolation before approval PTW.
To check with Contractor at actual site carefully to ensure safety condition before revalidated PTW
To cooperate with Maintenance and Contractor and HSE during carry out job.
 Task Supervisor.
To understand the SWMS and JSA documents
To check tool, equipment and material are enough before work
To verified Isolation before work
To check actual conditions on the site before daily revalidation for PTW
Safety task analysis risk talk meeting before start work
To monitoring Worker crew working safe follow SWMS and JSA during work
 Worker Crew.
To understand the SWMS and JSA documents
To understand to the work requested
Mandatory PPE are enough
To participation the safety task analysis risk talk meeting before start work
To working safe following MS and JSA

Hand tools, grinder, cutting machine, welding machine, generator, DB box, boom truck, forklift, fire extinguisher,
4.0 Equipment / Tools 4.1
argon cylinder

5.0 Materials 5.1 Guide, shim plate, pipe, cutting/ grinding disc welding rod,

Resources (Manpower
6.0 6.1 PEC Supervisor, Workers,
& others)

Work steps:
7.0 Work Steps 7.1
1. Mobilization tools/equipment, remove insulation and set up fire blanket
2. Use plant power / generator to perform jobs
3. Cutting and prepare surface by grinding machine
4. Fit up and weld for piping, guide, shim plate.

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5. Housekeeping work area after completed the jobs

 Manual Handling.
 Pinch points.
 Fire Hazard
 Electric shock
8.0 Safety 8.1
 SWMS and JSA shall be discussed in START meeting.
 Access ways must be cleared from obstructions and marked clearly where possible.
 Heavy loads by manual one person not excess of 40 kg
 Body parts should not be in line of fine.

Hold Point and

 Before start grinding, drilling and welding must confirm by NSRP Maintenance PIC, HSSE and PTW
9.0 9.1
Supervision required approver.

PTW, JSA, SWMS, PLOT PLAN, P&ID, Hot work check list, Hot work certificated, Cold work certificated,
10 Attachment 10.1
Isolation certificated

Document No.: MD-04-HSE-HS-PD-004/F-004 Title: Job Safety Analysis Form

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