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Thought Record Sheet – 7 column

Situation / Feelings Unhelpful Thoughts / Facts that support Facts that provide Alternative, more Outcome
Trigger Emotions – Images the unhelpful evidence against the realistic and balanced Re-rate emotion
(Rate 0 – 100%) thought unhelpful thought perspective
Body sensations

What am I feeling
STOPP! Take a breath…. now? (0-100%)

What would someone else What could I do

say about this situation? differently? What
What went through my mind? What’s the bigger picture?
What disturbed me? What did would be more
Is there another way of effective?
What emotion did I those houghts/images/memories seeing it?
feel at that time? mean to me, or say about me or What advice would I give
the situation? What facts do I have that Do what works! Act
What else? someone else?
What am I responding to? the unhelpful thought/s wisely.
How intense was it? Is my reaction in
What ‘button’ is this pressing for are NOT totally true? What will be most
What are the facts? proportion to the actual
me? What would be the worst Is it possible that this is helpful for me or the
What happened? What did I notice in What facts do I have that event?
thing about that, or that could opinion, rather than fact? situation?
Where? When? my body? the unhelpful thought/s Is this really as important
happen? What have others said What will the
Who with? How? Where did I feel it? are totally true? as it seems?
about this? consequences be? Carol Vivyan 2010, adapted from Padesky 1995. Permission to use for therapy purposes

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