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Be _ yummy SUMMIT POWER LIMITED ANNUAL TRAINING PLAN (SGUP & AAPL) Document No. SEARO Revision No: 00 fective Date: 02 Apr 12 Pages of Procurement, Inventory & Training Note: Management may make change in the plan based on oper Plan Perio: From: 01" suly, 20x70: 20" tune, 2020 st. | course Finish | woof ti ot | venue No code itle Start Date date The Following Trainings will be Arranged Centrally by Head Office 3. | wear | Bese Mechanical traning fortfo [65 | 9 | epee | s0e19| 30 | sqm, Plant) cays 40. | yen | Basle Mechanical Training (orn | 65 | 10 | s2ama0 | soim20| 20 | coy Plant) days aa geag | Baste tlecticalTraningiforwro [5s [9 | ruuaa | aguas | 20 | cep Plant) days 22 | gon | Pasletlectrialtraining foriro [55 | 19 | emarao | szer20| 30 | scum Plant} days Power Plant Electrification Course by 2 Whenever Ht 20 a3. | ecoe wel 05 days Avalable sou 44. | gear | Wainngon important Technical sues | 4. | a5 | aaoeas | roca] 20 | sein, of CEngines fel Trang for internal Now ; 45. | arog | Retfeshmentrrainngsorinternal [54 |e | onnovi9 [oenovas] 35 | coun, Auditors Training on Corporate Environmental ha MT-18- and Social Management System iday 7 Pea eae EZe son 20 7 ‘SGUPL (esMs) HFO transfer & handling procedure; ‘Whenever 47 | ow.o3 | caleulation, related safeties & tdy |? | avaiable 7 10 | sewer environmental issue GM oT) Saco SENDA aX SUMMIT POWER LIMITED ae — fess ba OFC TT VUMMIT aaa The Following Trainings will be Arranged by Plant Management in the designated month for that training. You are requested not to do the trainings together. After completion of the trainings please send the records to training department. st. | course Baten No. oF Title Durati start Date Venue No Code eee No date Participant a Telning on Emergency Response sepas |. ailplant’s | all soa Procedure. oot Staff Plants Casval Staff Training: Use of Hand and cmaivenen lan 43 | cr-01 | special Tools, Cleaning Technique. Yeday aoe umieneal eats Heavy Lifting and Lifting Technique e a 50. Training in QCC & Behavior Oct-19 - All Plant's All 45 a we Modification ade Staff Plants iov- - M a IM-12 | Training in IIMS ~ Procedure lday Lackaes on all Engineers | Plants 52. | geqg | Taming on Aspect, impact HRA, pee eee allprant’s | ai stat Plants airants | 53. | croz_ | security Guard Training day eared Z Security pars statt 54. cro3 ‘Casual Staff Training: Basics of IC day Jan-20 . Engine Hall | All Engines and Pant’s Equipment Casual tafts | plants 5 Training on MS Forms and t's use iazo cam [at maa da (Operation & Maintenance} 7 Engineers | Plants 56. Tralning on Social Responsbities and Feb-20 airptant | al iw: * | compliances day stalts Plants raining on Safe ; : 57. | gegg | Teivin on Safety Awareness and PPE | 4.7 reb.20 | Allan's | All statt Plants 58. Environmental Protection, Safety Feb-20 All Casual All eure Awareness & Use of PPE aay Staffs Plants 59 Training on IMS Forms and i's use Mar-20 om [al 14 ” (Social, Procurement, ISA, RMP) ay. Engineers, Plants 5 1 e 7 60. | crnog | Taine on important armsfthe | "apr-20 oam [at Equipment Engineers | Plans 5 | geoy_ | Taiingon Emronmental awareness, [| un-20 iptant’s | All ‘Waste Management and Oil spillage staff Plants Training on Kaizen & 55 a aiperetel EEA hit et 1day aent H Staff- Plants | Plans GM MD Procurement, Inventory & Training &. SUMMIT POWER LIMITED. rae a (fective Date: OF Aor 12 yummer age of ANNUAL TRAINING PLAN {Common Training for HO & Plant Staffs and & External Training) rom: O1st July, 2019 To: 30th June, 2020, St] course patch [stan | Finth | No.of E Duration venue No Code ie ae No Participant eteral Tang! = ‘Training on Health, Safety & Head | sr “ LL 5F-03 | Environment for Head Office Staff day : a Office Financial Automation (ERP) Training © 1 Ac-11 | for Procurment, Inverntory & Training | o2day | ard | vec19 . 30 HO sparen TS, 10 90012015, 12001-2015, z 65. twos | OHAS 180:2007 ew version) by | aeays | atm | Wherever | 2 | on ev Ts, $0 001-2035, 14001-2015, 66, | IM-09 | OHAS 1800:2007 {New Version}—by | 4days | 7th -do- - 20 DHK ov © | BeOS | Teaming on Protection rely ee or | one ce. | aos | Waiting on VAT, Tax & Custom Seed rere apa acter aren Formalities ‘Training on industrial Effi “ 63, | omos | Training on industrial Effiuent 2days | 3" -do- : 08 bik Treatment Plant Training Course on HSE for High Hazard sre a ie Industries ao ard do- 20 SGUPL ing Cron HE org rn | seo | Fans rwmmnrecort| eae] am | do | - | 20 | mu 72. ‘SF-08 ae eee 2 days ‘Sth -do- - 20 NGPP i Trang on Bi Aco & Py ac-08 | Cash Management for Security & day | 1st -do- - 15 RUPP ‘Admin Officers Training on Business Communication 7a | mraz . one zl oe [Engishh onday | 3rd do. 1s o, 75. | spar. | First Aid, - by RED CROSS Here east tor eee i allplant’s |All th Staff Plants GM iD Procurement, Inventory & Training f= Menagement may make change i the plan dased on operational necessity Seem ERE on SUMMIT POWER LIMITED a acs Se OG vummit Pape dota st | course patch | start | finish | Wo. of Title venue No Code beetsttel No Date date Participant 76. coz | MS Office (Excel) o1 2nd -do- 20 HO 77. ‘cog | MS Office (Excel) 1 3rd -do- 20 RUPP 78. Accoz | MS Office (Excel) o1 4th do - 20 ASPP Tndusial water treatment & Baler 79. | OM-04 | and Cooling water conditioning, i i -do- ft ae a Boiler License Certification nse aoa ttt eeeoee : 15 | aK a NEBOSH Training ~ fo | <0 7 2 | nk ‘82. Energy Efficiency & Carbon Reduction - o1 -do- - 02 HK Nate. Management may change in traning plan based on operational necessity. Any addtional training may be conducted upon availability of the course and getting recommendation from the concerned department subject to management approval. These additional treinings' records will be included planned training. ‘OM: Operation & Maintenance, ME: Mechanical, EE: Electrical VIS, ISO & Auditor Trainin, SF Safety, AC: Accounting & Commercial, MT; Management, CT: Casual Taling, WS: Workshop of Seminar, MS: Miscellaneous. Prepared by: Approved by: acl Designation: General Manager Procurement, inventory & Tra Pate: 30 July 2019 bate: GO July 2019 GM MD Procurement, Inventory & Training i 1 ‘on operational necessiy 8)

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