Cause Effect Thesis Statement T3 02

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STT Họ và tên Mã số sinh viên Lớp

1 Huỳnh Thị Yến Nhi 21DH485083 Viet_T3_02

2 Trương Tú Vy Trương Tú Vy Viet_T3_02

3 Đặng Thị Kim Quyên 21DH484646 Viet_T3_02

4 Trần Thu Hà 21DH122897 Viet_T3_02

5 Phạm Thị Thanh Tuyền 21DH485308 Viet_T3_02

6 Đỗ Khả Di 21DH120238 Viet_T3_02

7 Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Ngân 21DH121054 Viet_T3_02

8 Trần Ngọc Phương Anh 21DH484509 Viet_T3_02

9 Nguyễn Đình Quốc 21DH485149 Viet_T3_02

10 Võ Thị Cúc Sen 21DH122971 Viet_T3_02

11 Nguyễn Kim Yến 21DH484473 Viet_T3_02

12 Phan Thị Thy Thơ 21DH484167 Viet_T3_02

13 Trương Tú Vy 21DH123593 Viet_T3_02

14 Huỳnh Nguyễn Ngọc Hân21DH122949 Viet_T3_02

15 Đặng Thị Phượng Anh 21DH484760 Viet_T3_02

16 Lê Thị Kim Duyên 21DH120286 Viet_T3_02

17 Nguyễn Huỳnh Cẩm Nguy21DH483910 Viet_T3_02

18 Huỳnh Thị Yến Nhi 21DH485083 Viet_T3_02

19 Trương Thị Phương Than21DH121564 Viet_T3_02

20 Nguyễn Hồng Hiếu 21DH485406 Viet_T3_02

21 NGUYỄN THỊ TRIỀU C 21DH123066 Viet_T3_02

22 Lê Huỳnh Gia Uyên 21DH483072 Viet_T3_02

23 Nguyễn Lương Trà My 21DH120945 Viet_T3_02

24 Lê Thị Cẩm Tú 21DH122076 Viet_T3_02

25 Nguyễn Hà Vy 21DH123444 Viet_T3_02

26 Đinh Nguyễn Tú Mai 21DH123198 Viet_T3_02

27 Lê võ thanh trúc 21DH122009 Viet_T3_02

28 Võ Lâm Đài Phương 21DH484046 Viet_T3_02

29 Lê Thị Thu Huyền 21DH484914 Viet_T3_02

30 Lê Thị Ánh Nguyệt 21DH123526 Viet_T3_02

31 Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Ly 21DH481260 Viet_T3_02

Bài làm nộp tại đây
Cause & Effect
1. Internet addiction is the result of parents'
discrimination against youth
2. Her academic results went down due to her
internet addiction
3. One consequence of stress in college students is
4. Obesity is the result of not following science
5. Violent tablets and games are released to children
who are not aware enough; as a result, those children
will become emotionless.

1. Obesity due to lack of exercise and improper

2. The effect of obesity was to reduce the body's
immune system, bone and joint disease
3. Obesity results from Obesity inactivity and regular
1. Psychological patients is increased due to the
dramatic improvement of IT.
2. More and more thievish crimes is carried out,
which is the result of losing job.
3. One consequence of violent video games is
youngsters flatting in daily activities.
4. Youngsters tend to be have anxiety, depression and
loss of satisfaction as a result of unemployment.
5. Many youngsters spend all day on violent video
games and movies, therefore, they act like characters
in game.
1. Difficulty adapting to new environment resulted
from the living far away from family
2.Learning results are not as expected because of the
learning environment changes and many new
3. The effect of a bad relationship with roomate was
make us uncomfortable and happy
4. Feeling tired and poor academic performance as a
result of the unscientific living habits, staying up late,
unhealthy eating.
5. Young children involving in sports;as a result, they
can improve their health and more tall
6. Sports results in helpness relieve stress and fatigue
after a day of studying.
7. Involving sports have an effect on helpness
children develop skills and a healthy lifestyle
8. The reason for sharpen the ability to face
difficulties is allow young children involve sports
9. Children's brains stay healthy and sharp, thereby
we need encourage young children involved sports

1.Emotion change results from stress in college

2. Students had negative thoughts because of stress in
college students.
3.The effect of stress in college students was the lack
of good time management for the college students.
4.College students can’t get enough sleep as a result
of stress in college students.
5.Children addicted the video games and movies;as a
result, they demonstrate aggressive behavior,
inattentiveness, and other issues in school ages.
6. People have violent video games and movies result
in people perform lower academic.
7. The cause of bad emotion was the violent video
games and movie.
8. The cause of violent video game and movies was
the increase aggressive thoughts for people.
9. The affection of violent video games and movie
thereby lacking of attraction.
Causes 2
1. The overweight result from eating unhealthy.
2. The body does not work flexible due to its do not
4. The obesity as a result of eating too much starch.
Effects 3
1. The body of the child is practiced; as the result, the
children are very healthy.
2. Healthy children; result in sports workout.
3. Children's health affect they playing sports.
4. Parents teach their children play sports; reason for
they want children have a good healthy.

1. The obesity is result from an unbalanced diet.
2. Obesity is increasing in the body because of
3. One consequence of psychological of internet
addiction was stress in study
4. Academic stress as a result of many students have
been addicted to the internet.
1. Many people loss job in covid 19; as a result, their
mental health is affected.
2. Covid 19 has made many people lose their jobs
resulted in their mental health is affected.
3. Covid 19 has made many people lose their jobs
affect their mental health.
4. Another cause of mental health affects was the loss

1. Office workers often suffer from obesity due to the

habit of ordering fast food to the office
2. People with obesity due to they often eat a lot of
sugar in food and drinks
3. Many students dropout of school as cosequence of
internet addiction
4. Many children are addicted to action movies ,as a
result, children tend to be more aggressive and
sensitive to people.
1.Nowadays, young people’s internet addiction is
increasing rapidly because of their need to express
2. The people are obese because of health

3. The consequence of stress in college students' lives

is that they have a lot of research to do and do not
have time to relax.

4. Young people tend to have anxiety, depression,

and loss of satisfaction as a consequence of
School violence is currently one of the causes of
stress in college students

Topic: the causes of stress in college students.

1. Stress in college students result from knowledge is
too much.
2.Students feel pressure due to unsuitable majors.
3. The effect of finance was leads to pressure on
4.Students pressured as a result of studying away
from home.
Topic: the psychological effects of violent video
games and movies
1. Children play violent games ; thus, children to
think and act violently.
2. The cause of sensibility and irritability are
watching violent video games and movies.
Psychological causes of current internet addiction are
the result of parents pampering their children, not
having time to take care of them

The psychological causes of internet addiction are

due to the influence of family that does not care about

One consequence of that parents have unknowingly

left to their children is apathy, busy work and no time
to take care of their children, which is the
psychological cause of internet addiction.

1. Internet addiction is the result of parents'

discrimination against youth
2. Her academic results went down due to her
internet addiction
3. One consequence of stress in college students is
4. Obesity is the result of not following science
5. Violent tablets and games are released to children
who are not aware enough; as a result, those children
will become emotionless.
6. Losing a job has a terrible affect on mental

1. Nearly all teenagers are internet addicts who have

many problems with mental health resulting from the
2. The indicators of people's obesity in America are
increasing because of fast food.
3. The consequence of obesited was that people did
not care much about their health.
4. As a result of their sick mental health, teenagers
tend to use the internet more than adults.
- effect
1. Student usually use violent behavior; as a result,
the psychological effects of violent video games and
1. Obesity is the result of unheathy eating habits.
2. In my view this is mainly because of the food
habits and modern lifestyle they follow.
3. The possible effects of this problem include
physical health problems and loss of productivity.
4. People are obese as a result of their unhealthy
eating and lack of exercise.
- As a result, many families turn to food storerooms
or state assitance programs just so that they can eat.

1. Obesity is the result of overeating but not
2. College students often stressed because of lacking
3. Psychological violence is one of the consequence
of internet addiction.
4. More and more people are obese as a result of
being lazy to exercise.
1. Participating in sports with young children is really
good; therefore, we need to encourage children to
participate in sports.
2. During the covid pandemic that caused thousands
of people to lose their jobs, so it made everyone
3. Young children participating in sports activities
affect good for their health
4. The reasons for school violence is happening is
watching too many movies and playing violent

1. People today are more obese than in the past result

from drinking too many soft drinks
2. Young people today have an increased risk of
obesity because of lack of exercise
3. The effect of stress in college students is living
away from home.
4. College knowledge is too dificult as a result of
stress in college student
1. Eating greasy , hign calorie foods in a day results
from a higher calorie intake than calories burned.
2. After a full meal , sitting down and being inactive
due to the accumulation of exess fat.
3. The consequence of eating too much and moving
too little was obesity.
4. Specifically childhood obesity today is increasing
as a result of parents not being selective about food
and not giving the right diet for their growth.
5. Video games make me feel addicted to it ; therefor,
when I can't play games I feel uncomfortable inside.
6. I've been influenced by them to think that result in
think things in life like in movies and games.
7. I became addicted to them effect drop out of
school to stay at home to play games.
8. The cause of autism is due to addiction to games,
not being in contact with people around.
9. Violent movies have affected my psyche, thereby
me becoming grumpy, a thug.

A.The causes of obesity

1. People's obesity results from an imbalance
between energy intake and energy expenditure.
2. People became obese because of an imbalance
between energy intake and energy expenditure.
3. One consequence of an imbalance between energy
intake and energy expenditure was obesity in people.
4. Obesity can be life-threatening as a result of an
imbalance between energy intake and energy
B.The psychological effect of violent video games
and movies
1. Anti-social psychology is a result of a child's
exposure to video games and violent movies.
Cause 3
1. College students' stress is the result of not being
able to adapt to the new living environment.
2. They are uncomfortable because of part-time jobs
or short-term jobs during their studies
3. The effects of poor student financial management
were tedious.
4. The boredom and loss of interest of students as a
result of the huge amount of knowledge to be

Efect 3
1. Participation in sports; as a result, children reduce
stress and improve mental health.
2. Physical activity results in the least expensive and
longest-lasting ways to protect your health.
3. Physical activity will directly have an effect on the
learning attitude and concentration in the classroom
of the children.
4. The cause of cognitive development and academic
achievement is regular sports activity.

1. Peer pressure result from many parents have high

expectations for their children
2. Due to insulin; obesity is brought on by an
improper diet that encourages the accumulation of
body fat
3. The consequence of unhealthy lifestyle were
diabetes, respiratory disease
4. Children tend to be socially withdrawn as a
consequence of internet addiction
5. Many households impetus their kids to eat; as a
result; a lot of kids put on too much weight
1. Spending to much time on the social network to
result from Internet addiction
2. Eating too much fast food is the result of obesity
3. People who are obease as a result of too many
4. A lack of good time management is the effect of
stress in college students
5. Young people have negative attitudes and
beliefs;as a result; watch too much violent video
games and movie
6. Children can grow faster as a result of involvement
in sport on young children
7. The development of aggressive and violent
behavior of children to affect watch too much violent
video games and movie
8. The cause of healthy growth of bones, muscles,
ligaments and tendons are involvement in sport on
young children
9. reduced risk of obesity to cause involvement in
sport on young children.

1. The college isn't exactly cheap and it is getting

more expensive year after year result from students
are under financial pressure
2. Parents' expectations of parents due to pressure on
3. The effect of academic stress was the college
student stress and pressure
4. The student’s life creates stress as a result of the
family and the worries about finding a job after
1. Children eat obesity result from a lot of sweets.
2. He got weight gain because of laziness.
3. She had turned 10 kilograms effect of she ate too
much animal fat.
4. As a result of her eating lots of fast food, Lona
jumped her signature out of control.
5. Losing your job will ruin your spirit; therefore, try
to get up.
6. Disease result in unemployment and increased
domestic violence.
7. You have long-term insomnia when job losses
affect kidney and heart disease.
8. The cause of my heart condition worsened, I
resigned from my job.

1. The stress in college students results from

overloaded assignments.
2. Students’ pressure due to financial issues.
3. The effect of tension on undergraduates is the
concern about finding a job after graduation.
4. As a consequence of dealing with homesickness,
the pressure on students keeps rising exponentially.
5. Children have a connection with sports early;
hence, they become more flexible in society.
6. The involvement in sports for young children
results in supporting physical development in early
7. Young children playing sports soon affect the
improvement of mental health.
1. Defensiveness and anxiety are tge result of internet
2. College students are getting more and more
stressed due to a lot of homework’s deadlines.
3. The consequence of internet addition was
insomnia, vision problems and gain or loss weight.
5. Encouraging children to play sports from a young
age, as a result, it will help them grow taller in the
7. The reason for children become more disobedient
is watching and playing violent video games and
movies that aren't age-appropriate.

1. His difficulty in walking results from a childhood

2. Some students have found school life so hard that
it can’t accommodate them because of the kind of
stress they face
4. Scientists think it is unlikely that any species will
actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil
5. the test shows that there is significant difference
between causes of academic stress and the
consequences of stress

1) Consequently, in order to avoid these effects,

parents need to control what kind of conTent
2) Playing games or watching violent movies resulted
in violent states with family, friends.
3) Playing video games or watching violent movies
effect on our lives a lot, it will make us lose our jobs,
families, friends and also affect our health.
4) The cause of the problem of playing games and
watching violent movies is due to the attraction of the
game and the lack of attention from the parents
Cause (2)
(1) Obesity is generally result from overeating
(2) Many people are overweight because of genetics
(3) One consequence of obesity is the lack of exercise
(4) In some cases, weight gain as a result of some
underlying medical conditions
Effect (3)
(1) Involvement in sports on young children;
therefore, children can develop physical skills

The cause of obesity : cause 2

- Obesity to be the result of inactivity .
- He became obese because of ate to many
carbohydrates .
- The consequences of buying unhealthy foods was
risk an increased of obesity .
- Obesity as a result of antibiotic use.
The psychological effects of violent video game and
movies: effect 2
- I play games too much so as a result my eyes are
nearsighted .
- Watching violent movies often to cause start when
sleeping .
-I play a lot of games to affect my memory.
-The reason of the mind is not focused is because of
playing games a lot

The causes of obesity

1. Obesity result from improper eating and lack of
2. Obesity is almost common due to improper eating
and lack of exercise.
3. The effect of improper eating and lack of exercise.
3. Many people get obese as a result of they improper
eating and lack of exercise.
The psychological effects of violent video games and
1. Nowadays, many children are drawn to violent
video games and movies; as a result, many children
engage in aggressive behavior for their age.
2. Violent video games and movies result in children
engaging in aggressive behavior for their age.
3. Violent video games and movies have an effect on
children engaging in aggressive behavior for their

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