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This project is entitled as Health Center Patient Record Management System which
has developed in PHP as front and MySQL server as back end.

The system is consists of two types of users, the admin, and the user. The admins can create,
update, delete the user. It can also analyze the total population of each individual patient and
can view each patient's details. The user side is divided into 8 Departments (Fecalysis,
Maternity, Dental, Hematology, Xray, Rehabilitation, Sputum, Urinalysis). When the user
login, users automatically login to their assigned department. Users gather the data of patients
and printed out the result.

Front end : PHP

Backend : My SQL


 Admin Panel

 Manage Users

 Manage Admin Users

 Manage Patients

 Manage Patients Complaints

 Statistical Reports (Admin Side)

 Printable List (User Side)

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